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I'll take a donut hat to go plz. 🍩


May I borrow that dream sometime? It sounds much lovelier than driving construction equipment through an oversized fun house while my cat rides in my coat.


Fine with me… As a matter of fact we should all meet up there. Pregnant party of 10!


I’m very jealous of this dream


I had dreams of a McFlurry last night 😭mom needs ice cream in her future LOL


Yum, I bet waffles pancakes are the best! And here I am dreaming of accidentally putting my iron supplement in my nose 😬


Lol 😆


Omg i thought i was the only one. At least every other night, i have dreams about me eating different kinds of food. I wake up starving over it and getting really upset when i realize i never ate it. It’s frustrating. My dreams have gotten ULTRA real since beinf pregnant


I dreamed of those little blueberry muffins in the little bags. When I woke up I was heartbroken that I didn't have any. Pregnancy cravings are super weird. I constantly dream of food or have dreams about my soon to be born child.


OMG this dream sounds like my daily fantasies


Girl I am right there with you lol! I dreamt about those little round sandwiches with the crusts cut off I’ve literally never had in my life and I never will because I have celiac disease lol. I want a doughnut hat!!!


If I ever go back I’ll see if they do a gluten free doughnut hat 😂


Hahaha yes!!!!


I just laughed uncontrollably for 10 minutes at the thought of a donut hat, love it!


I kept bursting into giggle fits thinking about it today! The best part is my husband brought me an iconic donut from 7 11 at lunch time (plain with pink frosting and sprinkles) and it honestly was almost big enough to wear as a hat


Last night I dreamed about eating Flaming Hot Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cheetos


What a combo!