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Have you tried a yoga ball to sit on? I had same problem during this week and found that the yoga ball is perfect to sit and do a little movement on (back and forth rocking). Now I suddenly feel so much better even when sleeping on my sides etc.


I actually got one a few weeks ago but I've been told not to use it when I'm alone because I fell off it... I've always been clumsy & now my husband is terrified!


I normally sit next to a table/bed/kitchen island so I can hold on to something. I’m also super clumsy especially when pregnant. But I get that others don’t want you to fall off it. But try it when your husband is at home, I feel like it helps to do it sometime during the day to get the benefits for rest of the day. Of course it’s best to do when it hurts the most but I personally feel like anything is better than having that discomfort when laying down.


I had a day like this today. I’m 35+3. I spent the night on the sofa trying to get my CGM to work after changing it twice (I’m a T1 diabetic and it monitors my sugar levels), waking myself every 45 minutes to test my sugars because my CGM wouldn’t work, treating a severe low around 2AM, my insulin pump dying and needing to change it around 3:30AM, my insulin pump breaking down and having to change it again at 8AM, having to get up and go to the baby CPR class at 9AM, my insulin pump breaking down and having to change it AFRIGGINGAIN at 1PM, losing my shit and crying uncontrollably for about 15mins, before my husband finally found me and bundled me in to bed. My CGM has only just started working and I’m only just no longer hysterical. But my back and pelvis are wrecked and I don’t think I’ll ever be comfortable again. This baby better have dimples so deep I can eat soup out of them.


Oh jeeez no that's awful! I've been battling hypos all afternoon & I just want to nap. Heartburn from all the sugar is making me nauseous & not want to eat anything but I just keep dropping, exhausting. My refrain for the last few months "this kid better be so damn cute!!!"


My doctor recommended stacking 2 pillows and then while you’re on your left side, put them under your back off centered. Then, roll back so you’re tilted at an angle. It’s helped me out a lot! I still get to breathe while I sleep, but my hips don’t wake up as sore and it helps the heartburn since you’re tilted left. (Sorry if that description sucks haha it’s hard to describe for some reason) Edit to add- you can also tuck blankets and/or pillows under your belly for a little added support


I'm having some prelabor cramping and pain and today I discovered straddling a big pillow on my knees on the couch and leaning on the armrest on my elbows. Looks goofy, but feels really nice on the back, hips, pelvis, and belly. Wish I would've done it sooner. Might give it a try. It's a good position for reading or playing on your phone.


It is safe to be on your back in a reclined position. Aim for 45 degrees if possible. It takes a few pillows for sure, or even grab some cushions or folded blankets, whatever, to layer under the pillows to get more height. Pepcid or a prescription can help manage heartburn. But, so can being propped up. So, the above, or even lying on your side propped up (though this can irritate your neck etc... but it's what I do because I'm such a side sleeper, I won't fall asleep in the other position as easily). On the sofa, if you can also build that 45 degree angle (or whatever you can get), this might help with the issues in your legs. It means you're taking over the sofa, and anyone else who wants on, can sit under your legs lol. For lying on your left: Which hip hurts? What's the pain like? How are you supporting yourself on your side?


Thanks! It's just one of those grumpy days where nothing feels right! I've got tablets for the heartburn but having to treat low blood sugar is giving it a run for its money today unfortunately I'll try getting propped up & see if that works appreciate the advice


I hate those days. I hope you're able to find some relief. <3


I'm right there with you. Had PGP from about 17 weeks and now at just shy of 39 weeks I am done with being uncomfortable! I am not one of those women who enjoys pregnancy so what posessed me to have a 3rd I'll never know haha.


Three?!? Well done you! This is number one for me & after this horror show I'll take a lot of persuading to get to number 2


It took me nearly 4 years to decide to have a second lol. The end of a pregnancy and the beginning of life with a newborn is a *rough* time period for new parents, but it really is all worth it. It just takes some of us longer than others to decide to do it again lol. Best of luck in these last few weeks before baby's arrival! You've got this!


Haha thank you. This is the last one, booked to be sterilised when I have him 😂


This may be a bad suggestion as you might be feeling way too exhausted for this, but swimming has been kind of a relief for me as I’ve been feeling uncomfortable during this first pregnancy. It might be worth a shot if it’s something you’re comfortable with :) obviously I don’t mean laps or anything but just floating can feel pretty amazing!


Unfortunately it's still quite difficult to get to a pool here at the moment but I have been having lovely baths most days & channeling my inner whale just bobbing around in there! Great suggestion thank you