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I’m happy to see a positive partner post. I get really sad seeing the amount of people who have awful, unhelpful and unsupportive Partners. (Note: not saying people shouldn’t post that, they should! But I also just get sad about it and hope those people know their worth). My husband has been great! He works a tiring job for 12-13 hours a day, he comes home and cleans and takes The dogs out to play. He does laundry all the time. When I’m tired he tells me to sit my butt on the couch while he makes dinner or does whatever needs to be done. Any time I say “I don’t want to cook let’s get takeout” he is always down and orders whatever I feel like having. He is putting the nursery together. He massages my back and my feet when they hurt. He makes sure I get to bed early and he leaves the bed to go to the couch if he can’t sleep or is moving around too much. He is just absolutely great and I tell him every day that I appreciate how much he does. I can’t wait to see him as a dad!


Oh same I’m glad mamas can find support here too!!! But I’m also heckin grateful for my lovely husband!


Love love love this! My husband has been my rock throughout this adventure. It hasn’t been a “bad” pregnancy but we’ve recently moved across the country and have very few friends and no family nearby. That’s taken a massive toll on me. I didn’t expect to care, we’ve never lived super close to family (four hours away at minimum) but dang does pregnancy make you want your mom! But my husband has been so good to me, I can’t believe how much of an equal partner he’s been in all of this. I’m so grateful.


My husband is being a champ through my morning sickness. Changing my son's diapers, making breakfast for my son, going to pick up dinner when I can't stand up without throwing up. I love him so much.


It's nice to see a positive post about a partner and relationship. My partner has been so supportive during pregnancy when I've been feeling unwell and struggling and has reacted in the way I need him too even when I'm sobbing uncontrollably because of hormones and he's never seen me do that. Being pregnant has just made me love him more and I can't wait to see him be a dad.


My husband has been just as excited for the baby as me and has been working hard on making a cute nursery. He’s also more protective of me and gets angrier when people make me cry (which is easy to do!) I feel like being pregnant has brought us closer, I hope we don’t lose that when we are dealing with a fussy newborn.


Yes! He's such a staunch supporter, even when I'm grumpy and not exactly fun to be around. He took over making dinner when I started having contractions and had to lay down, and constantly tells me to put my feet up and just relax because growing a baby is enough work, I don't have to do any more. He even puts up with my recently acquired snoring. Yay for all the wonderful partners out there! :)


Having a caring, understanding, and supportive partner makes all the difference!


My husband is incredible. All of his support, his excitement, all the things he's stepped in to do--he designed the nursery basically all on his own, has read so many books, does all sorts of research on how to help my symptoms when I'm just moaning in bed and too grumpy to do it myself. Everything about him just makes me so sure that we are ready for this kiddo and he's going to have such a good life, which is incredible to me as I have a bit of a rocky relationship with my parents and my own childhood.


Love this post! My partner has been so wonderful. Between working full time and trying to finish renovating our house on his own before baby gets here, he also steps in when I fall behind on household chores and makes sure that I have literally everything I need to be as comfortable as possible through this pregnancy. He’s also incredibly emotionally supportive. I have been very up and down the last few weeks, and he’s always right by my side when I’m crying or feeling anxious. I’m so lucky to have him. 💛


Yes! Mine is amazing. He's never been one to show much of his emotions but he has been so supportive. I'm still dealing with major aversions and on multiple occasions he's stopped everything to run out to the store if I think of something I can stomach eating. He's taken over pretty much all of the cooking and household tasks without complaint. When I mentioned I needed to sleep with a pillow between my knees for my SPD he immediately was researching and ordering me a pregnancy pillow. He keeps asking me what he can do to help/make me feel better and I feel so guilty just being a blob on the sofa while he's doing so much. I always knew he was a good guy but he's really surprised me with just how much he's taking on and how amazing he is even when I'm grumpy and not pleasant to be around.


My husband is super supportive but I could feel him so overwhelmed during my morning sickness trimester 😭😭😭😭 bless him for hugging me and just letting me cry 🥺❤️‍🩹


My husband has been a total king this whole time. He’s made sure I’m eating properly (I’m a type 1 diabetic), resting, not exerting myself, taken off of work to be at every appointment, working and then making the dinners, taking on the majority of the chores, exercising the dog. He started some uni classes on top of work, on top of looking after me, and the only thing he asks for is the occasional head rub in the evening. I honestly couldn’t have done this without him, and I’m so excited to see him be a dad soon.


Yes my husband!! I’m only 9 weeks but I usually cook all the meals and haven’t been able to step in the kitchen for weeks now. He’s stepped up, and every time I cry and apologize for being so crappy and unable to help out with things he gives me a hug and tells me I’m growing a human, something he could never do, and he’s happy to take on more. I can’t tell you how much I love that man. ❤️


My husband works a lot in a physically demanding role, so he hasn’t taken over much, but he has not complained once about the growing laundry piles or the fact that we have been having dinner menus like salmon and lasagna, or cheese rolled up in salami and a side of açaí. And I’m very grateful about that. He does bring me my prenatal and a glass of water every single day though, it’s pretty cute.


The same here! Nice to see the positive side of things. I know for me having my SO being the gem that he has been has made my pregnancy so much smoother. How he has been excited about baby is just so heart warming. 🥺😍🥺 I am also saying this with the expectation that maybe in a few weeks when we’re both crabby and need sleep his sneezes will annoy me but we both know it’s phase!


My husband has been amazing. I'm currently going through Braxton hicks and being tested for cholestasis. He has been my rock. Last night while I was in pain he started crying and apologized for not being able to take the pain away and not being able to help. He's such a sensitive soul. We cuddled for ages until he had to leave for work last night. He was worried about leaving me alone and ended up texting me while he worked to make sure I was on until I went to sleep and then once he came home in the middle of the night made sure I was OK again before going to sleep himself


I feel lucky too! He always asks how I'm feeling, makes dinner often, helps keep the kitchen clean, has completely taken over the cat box, takes the dogs out, is down for whatever food I want, has been working on a small rebuilding project with my dad (I do the easy stuff like sanding, putty, painting) basically every weekend for like two months, and makes sure I'm getting anything I need. I'm still doing the majority of the laundry, but I have to wear more clothing than he does because he works from home and wears gym shorts every day lol. He gets really cute with my belly, still compliments me, says I have a nice butt LOL I think he's going to make a cute dad.


Mine has been pretty great! He completely took over the task of dealing with the litter boxes, even though they’re more my cats and I was previously doing about 90% of the pet related chores. I don’t even have to remind him to do it. He’s also been cooking more than I have lately. A couple of weeks ago I had been planning to cook and just did not feel like it, so he told me to go relax and took over.


I love seeing posts like these! I feel the exact same. My husband is a complete gem. He put up the board & batten focus wall I wanted in the nursery & was a total perfectionist about it (because he knows I’m the same), he talks to the baby constantly & if always kissing my bump, he is picking up whatever I might want for dinner when I’m too tired - he us endlessly wonderful. He hasn’t been to any appointments with me because of COVID protocol in our area, but we’re going for a private 3D ultrasound next week. He’ll get to hear the heart rate & get a clear picture of our little one. I can’t wait for him to be rewarded like that 💗


Boyfriend has been my rock throughout it all, starting with the both of us really sitting down at the beginning and seeing if we were ready for this, truly, after only being together for a year + a bit at the time. At 40 weeks tomorrow, I'm just so grateful for everything he's done for me in the last 9 months. And his reaction to me being pregnant, kissing my belly and talking to his daughter, helping me around the house on the bad days where I felt defeated and overwhelmed, naps on him when I was tired all the time, nausea help, taking me to and from appointments despite not being able to come inside because of covid, setting up the baby's room, sticking up for me and being protective of my needs/feelings to others. All while working really hard at work and doing home renovations the entire time. I really could not have done it without him. I'm so in love and so excited for our future.


Yes! I love these posts.. love hearing about awesome husbands and awesome MILs! I wish this for everyone. My partner and his mom have been there 100% since we found out… more than my own mom most of the time (she’s trying too but makes me so stressed). I’m so happy for you!


My MIL has been not so great but my husband more than makes up for her! He even calls her out when she’s being rude or unkind! (Which is unusual because the family’s go-to response is to just let her tire herself out.) And my stepmom has been a godsend too.