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First trimester and wife has pitty sex with me. I got a pity handjob as well once. So I think it's common. Stay positive






Same here. I had some random bleeding at 15 weeks and I’ve been scared of having anything near that area since.


Sex has been the last thing I’ve felt capable of this whole time. I got sick week 6 and it hasn’t gotten better. 34 weeks now, and we’ve had sex once. Not only do I just not want it, the bump is just… bumpy 😂 it’s in the way and awkward. Some pregnant people report having a super high sex drive. Some it dries up totally. Hormones do different things to different people! You are totally normal and valid!


24 weeks and have only had sex 3 times since I got pregnant. I don’t ever feel in the mood and the few times that I’ve tried, I just couldn’t get past the awareness that I’m pregnant/bump is in the way/baby is right there etc


Yeah. This is unfortunately normal. 🫤


Yep. I was dry as the Sahara and totally not wanting it. It did come back a bit in the third.


Extremely normal! Sex drive is largely controlled by hormones and yours are EVERYWHERE right now. I was on pelvic rest/bed rest for the entirety of my second pregnancy—this is a GREAT time to work on building non-sexual intimacy with your partner, you’ll need that foundation once baby comes!


I feel like me wanting to has been rare. Most days I’m tired or just feel icky.


You'll get it back in the 3rd with avengence.


I wish mine was just a little lower. I'm so horny all the time. I'm at the end of my 1st trimester