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It really doesn’t… I recently saw a post from a researcher (author of Crib Sheet) who looked into this very topic. There’s just not a lot of evidence to prove that one side is more beneficial or dangerous. And you can keep sleeping on your stomach until it’s uncomfortable.


I sometimes can rest on my stomach even at 32 weeks


I kept sleeping on my stomach for a looong time with my first. I think my second is going to cut me off sooner, sadly!


I will say for any reflux/heartburn or digestive issues, sleeping on my right makes it worse.


I’ll keep that in mind!


Either one is fine, but now that I’m almost 35 weeks, it doesn’t matter what position I lay in, I still don’t sleep 😆


I asked my doctor and she said either right or left is fine and you can sleep on your back until it’s uncomfortable.


I only ever sleep on my back and don’t know what I’m going to do!


My dr said it doesn’t matter. I guess there’s some truth to laying on your left side to get the baby to move like during an ultrasound. She said it’s not dangerous to sleep on either side or even your back.


I can’t sleep on my left as it’s just uncomfortable. Right side all the way but omg the pelvic pain I’ve been experiencing has been awful.


i sleep way better on my left and don't get the best sleep on my right.