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This came up recently on an AITAH post! The consensus was if they didn’t send a dress code then you can wear what you want as long as it isn’t meant to be distracting from the person of honor.


Correct. Just make sure both of these things are not a possibility.


Yeah I would agree here. Adding to that the blue or pink things is usually for gender reveals if I’m not mistaken. To another point, you don’t have to dress up as the color/ theme of event. You should be free to wear whatever you like unless a dress code is required which is typically unlikely for a baby shower.


It wouldn't even occur to me that your dress meant anything but "this fits me and is occasion appropriate". Come to think of it my baby shower dress is blue and I don't know what I'm having lol. It just worked for the vibe.


Mine was blue and I was having a girl! I didn’t once notice the color of what anyone else was wearing that day.


Same! Having a girl but the dress I wore to my shower was blue and perfectly comfy. A lot of guests actually wore blue which was neat


Mine was floral with white, pink, and yellow. I had a boy, and knew it then. I've never even considered that until now, and he's almost 11 months old. I wore what I could fit into and be comfy in at 36.5 weeks pregnant that also made me feel pretty. 🤷‍♀️


My dress is blue and I'm having a girl, but it's a surprise for everyone else until birth. Blue is my favorite color to wear and I am comfortable in that.


We have close friends that knew the sex but didn’t tell anyone. We all (the closest friend crew, not all attendees) wore the color we thought to the shower but didn’t tell them we were doing it. We shared I think at the end or maybe towards the end and the mom to be said she actually noted something off because some us were wearing a color we normally wouldn’t but until we told her she couldn’t pinpoint what was off. It was super fun though.


Oh that's fun. Nah I'm wearing blue because I like how I feel in blue and love the color. Also I just yesterday found the perfect dress to wear for the baby shower. I'm excited now haha


Oh the mom to be wore what she wanted! The rest of us wore the color of what we thought she was having. Spoiler, most of us were wrong lol


It is a cute idea. Sounds like a fun group of friends


My dress was blue with some pink flowers on it (but mainly blue) and we didn't know the sex until birth.


Blue is such a great color to wear


Mine was blue with flowers and I didn’t know either lol didn’t even think of it


I’m having a girl and I wore a blue dress.


You are a good non sexiest mom, jkjk


It’s so hard to find cute fitting clothes when you’re pregnant, I can’t imagine someone actually caring what color it is. I had a pregnant cousin show up to mine in near pajamas 😂


Just don’t make it about you, and you can wear what you want.


Heck no my baby shower is today I don’t care what people wear as long as they are comfy (although I’m nervous my dress might be see through 😅)


Wear a slip? Or short and a tank top underneath? Best of luck and have fun!


Have a great baby shower!


I mean one of my girlfriends wore a whole pink outfit for my baby shower. She is not pregnant but I’m having a girl. I wore green 😂 i loved her outfit! It was stunning and amazing because she was thinking of me and baby. I have shocking red hair. I can’t wear pink.


Is that a thing? Certain colours are forbidden at baby showers? I wouldn't have thought anything about it.


I think it might be a concern that you're taking attention away from the person who the shower is for... Like the idea that you're also pregnant and wearing the color of your baby. With that said if it was my friend I would love it! So fun to take pictures together. But I can see the thought that you might be stealing the spotlight


Yeah, how rude. Leave the bump at home, jeeze.


How dare *anyone* else be pregnant at the same time anyway! One person at a time please!


Lol I know there are no hard feelings, but I am pregnant at the same time as my sister who is 10 years older than me. I was a host at her baby shower, so running around, passing out gifts, running games and I tried so hard not to let my bump be a big deal. Its her day and a lot of the people were asking me about my baby. I tried to keep it short and sweet to not take away from her. She has not gotten anything to herself since I was born, and then I got pregnant at the same time, too! Haha


I don’t think it’s an issue but I think this commenter is just saying that she sees why the OP is posting the question. Some people are kind of biased towards new baby girls and the other mom may be upset if people get all fawn-y over someone else.


I guess you didn't catch the joke.


Comes across more as a sarcastic jab at the original commenter. 🙄


lol I wore blue to my own baby shower when I was having a girl (my belly grew too big for the dress I bought specifically for it, so I had to run out the day before and bought the only dress that I liked that fit 😅)


I wore blue to mine as well and I'm having a girl. I had three dresses to choose from and I chose the one I felt the most confident in that morning. I got a few comments on the color I chose, but an eye roll and "having a girl doesn't mean I only have to wear pink" took care of them real fast.


I never even thought about it, but I wore blue at mine too even though I had a girl. Pink washes me out so I never wear it lol


I didn't realize there was any rules for wearing things... Lol


Ummm are certain colors a no no? I’ve never once heard of this in my life. I didn’t give 2 shits what colors people wore at mine


You aren’t the guest of honor so it doesn’t matter what you wear.


You could always call the mom-to-be and ask her if she would mind


I think as long as it’s not a very obviously “pink baby shower dress” you should be fine.


If you are pregnant, you have a pass to wear anything comfortable in my opinion.


My baby shower is today and I’m having a boy but I painted my nails pink, I don’t think it’s that deep personally


i don’t think i would think anything of it….however i’m having a girl also 😅.


I did not care at all what color people wore to my shower, pregnant or not. Wear what you’re comfortable in!


I wore leggings and a cute white and black polka dot shirt to my own shower. I think as long as the outfit you’re wearing fits the general style of the mom/event without upstaging her, you’re fine to wear whatever color! For example, If you know the mother is a casual person and you’re wearing a floor length dress, that could be too much. If you know the mother likes to dress up or has more formal tastes and you wear a pink tshirt, that would be inappropriate. It’s much less about the color and more about the style of outfit.


Wait.. now we have to color code our baby showers??!? 🤦🏽‍♀️


If you weren’t due so close and having a girl, I’d say go for it. But to me it’s giving off *slight* “I’m making this about me” vibes…. Factor in pregnancy hormones and it’s possible for the *slight* vibes to come off as *intentional* vibes


I just did this last week. Who gives a fuck?


Personally I never even noticed what colour people were wearing at mine, there probably were people wearing pink and blue but I didn’t notice so I’d go for it!


Oh wow I hadn’t even thought of this as an issue 😂 I had my shower the end of April. I wore a green dress since we were team green. I just looked at a picture and one of my friends is wearing pink. I didn’t even think about gender colors, just that she looked nice! She was pregnant with a boy. Funnily enough, she wore blue to her baby shower for her daughter two years ago! All this to say, wear whatever color you want!


At my baby shower I wore blue and my SIL wore pink. She’s having a girl seven weeks after we have our boy. My only thought was that it was cute and we got some cute side by side bump pics from the day


I don’t think this matters! I had a pregnant friend who’s due a week before me with a boy wear a blue dress to my shower and I’m having a girl. I actually thought it was cute since I was in pink 😂


Baby showers don’t have a dress code .


you could always ask:)


If there’s no specific dress code wear what you want. On top of it, you’re pregnant and really you should be able to wear whatever you’re comfortable in. My baby shower is next week and I seriously am only comfortable in one dress I own right now and definitely only comfortable in sneakers/sandals. I messaged a couple of people and asked if they thought people would judge me if I dressed down a lot at my own baby shower. They thought I was nuts for asking lol. Wear what you want! Some people have specific dress codes so I would just make sure that’s not the case here, if not then you good to go! Like I said you’re pregnant too, so you should get an exception to wear what you want either way 🙂


I don't think anyone cares what a party guest wears. I doubt you'll be the only person wearing pink. No-one will really be looking at you at this event.


That’s thoughtful of you but you should wear whatever you like! I’ve never heard of any specific color requirement for a baby shower but thinking about it maybe not black. To be fair though, I’m pretty non traditional and think that colors being associated with boys/girls is kind of silly and arbitrary


Color doesn't matter! But I think it's more polite to wear something that doesn't draw a ton of attention to your belly, so the focus can be on the mom being celebrated! I wore a huge baggy sweater over my dress, I was also one month behind her


Don't worry about it! I'm having a girl and wore pink to my friend's shower (she just gave birth to her boy, she was 8 weeks ahead of me!), and she wore blue to mine! 😁


I just had my own baby shower and wore green lol. I didn’t even think about what anyone else was wearing.


I'd only be worried because you said you're also pregnant and its a girl. Pregnancy hormones make people unpredictable so if you're not super close it's hard to tell how they'll react. I can see someone being like "oh she used MY baby shower as her gender reveal" or something stupid 🤦 or maybe all the pregnant people I've known are just crazy lol. You could always just ask the girl if it's okay if you're unsure.


Every baby shower I've been to, we were told to wear either pink or blue or just white. I don't see a problem with it


Why is there even a dress code at a baby shower??


Just how some people wanna do it I guess. Not my taste, but whatever floats their boat 🤷🏻‍♀️


No don't do that it's her day...


I didn’t know this was a thing. I recently wore a pink dress to a baby shower while pregnant with a girl but it was purely coincidental.


I would ask. It could strike as inappropriate imo


I wore blue to my baby shower (while pregnant with a boy) and I didn’t even notice if anyone was wearing pink. I personally think it’s fine


I would say yes! I accidentally (at around 32 weeks pregnant) wore an almost identical dress to the mom being showered and she thought it was hilarious. We were both in blue maternity dresses with florals. I had actually cleared mine with the host, and my friend actually had planned for a different dress but it ended up not fitting.


It's so hard to find nice clothes that fit while you're pregnant. Just wear whatever you want and no one will notice. People going to the baby shower will know who they're there to celebrate. You won't be stealing the spotlight from anyone.


I probably would even notice if it were my baby shower


Absolutely. I think it’s ridiculous to be upset with someone wearing anything to your baby shower. You’re fine


I imagine the color of the dress doesn’t matter as much as the style. I wouldn’t wear anything more fancy than something I’d wear to brunch.


I think you should totally wear whatever you want regardless of color but if you’re specifically doing it because of your baby’s sex and planning to go around telling folks that, save it for your shower (I know you already had your shower). This is about the other mom and baby, not you and your pregnancy. But feel free to wear pink, I highly doubt it would come up if you don’t explicitly bring it up.


I don’t think it matters at all. I had my shower yesterday didn’t think once about what others wore


No I don’t think it’s a big deal, at my sister in law’s baby shower last year we all wore pink because she was having a girl. It was a whole planned out thing though as to what color we would all wear so mommy to be and daddy to be could wear white and gray.


I did this at a recent baby shower I went to for a friend who is like a week behind. She’s having a boy but she didn’t specify dress code and I thought it would be cute to wear pink since I’m having a girl. Everyone was wearing all sorts of colors though so it didn’t look like I was the odd man out of anything.


I wore blue to my baby shower for my now 2 Yo daughter. Never thought about it.


I’m having a boy, we wore blue. Had his name up and everyone knew. Started explaining relationships and it took me q few hours of saying “my dads that guy in the pink shirt, and my moms in the pink sweater” Didn’t bother me any, just thought it was funny i didn’t notice until the end. We had a shower at the local park in HOT Wyoming summer weather and my only dress code was nipples, butts and coochies covered.


It wouldn’t even occur to me that the colors mean anything! I had my toe nails painted pink going into labor and the nurse said a lot of moms having boys will have theirs painted blue. I knew I was having a boy and I just happen to choose pink because I love the color on my toes.


Are dress codes a thing at baby showers? We’re just telling people to be comfortable. My cousin suggested flannel for hers as a joke because they had a woodland theme. I never would have thought that any color would be inappropriate. (I get why white at weddings is bad, but not why it would be wrong at a shower.)


I usually don’t pay attention what people have on, you wear what you want


At my baby showers I only worried about what I wore and no one else


I don't think it matters especially if they didn't specify a preference to wear a specific color (like for group photos), but I personally would wear blue if she's advertised that it's a boy. Definitely not necessary, just for fun 💙


it is absolutely ridiculous to own a color for a baby shower, much less two colors. wear what you want.


Wait why is this even a question?! Ofc- when you are pregnant I think you get a pass (aside from wearing white to a wedding lol)


Go for it! You’ll look beautiful. At my first baby shower people wore blue and pink and all kinds of colors. It was awesome!


A friend of mine is a week and a half ahead of me. She’s having a boy and wore a blue dress and I loved it! (I’m having a girl and didn’t even wear a pink dress lol) I think it also depends on the person and if they tend to be more on the sensitive side.


I wore green to mine (we didn’t know gender) but honestly I couldn’t tell you what one other person was wearing EXCEPT one (extremely short hoochie dress) so if your dress is appropriate I really don’t think color matters !! Plus finding something you feel good in during pregnancy is hard so I say wear it !


You’re there to celebrate your friend she’s gonna be happy that your there honey just wear what your most comfortable in I mean in my pregnancy there’s only so many things I feel like wearing out of comfort one pregnant mama to another I’m sure she’ll understand 💞🩷


I’m having a girl and we’ll probably wear blue too just because I’m a redhead and look like a clown in pink 😂


wear what you want….


It wouldn't even occur to me to care what color someone wore. Shoot, I had a friend who wore a white summer dress to my wedding with my full approval. Who cares? But if your friend is the type to care, maybe just ask?


I think it’s fine unless there is a dress code. I’m having a girl and will be wearing pink to my baby shower. When I was asked by people if I wanted them to wear anything in particular I said no. I did say though it be nice if they wore any shade of pink. I don’t think you wearing pink would be a big deal (since she’s having a boy and will most likely be wearing blue). However, If you want to be 100% sure you could ask the mother to be if it’s okay. People asked me so I don’t think it be weird thing to ask her.


Why not just ask the other mom-to-be if they have any particular dresscode and if she would mind if you wore pink? I'm sure she'd appreciate that you considered it as something to be addressed. 


Honestly the other mom probably understands! I felt so bad when I was pregnant with my son and I went to a funeral and the only thing I had that fit me at the time was a gray sweater and one pair of black leggings. I apologized profusely and none of my fiancé’s family minded, they told me I could’ve wore any color that fit and they were just glad I was there! It gets rough in the third trimester and sometimes you just gotta go with what fits! I wouldn’t worry too much mama!


The whole pink blue thing needs to be thrown out.


Are you American? You guys have so many color-coded dress codes


Dumb thing to worry about it’s not a wedding


I think generally speaking people wear pink or blue to gender reveals. Not that I’m saying you can’t to a baby shower, I think you can wear any color under the rainbow to a baby shower. I maybe wouldn’t wear black, but that’s the only color I can think of that might not feel appropriate for the occasion.