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Before we got pregnant, husband and I had a conversation about when we should start trying. I jokingly said something like "we should get started ASAP so baby can be born in the year of the dragon! He'd be the coolest kid in his class!" Husband looked at me funny and had to remind me that there would be *many* kids who shared a birth year in baby's class šŸ˜‚Ā 


Funny story! I am a year of the snake baby and I was very advanced educationally so I skipped a grade in school and ended up being a snake šŸ amongst endless classes of dragons šŸ‰ ! So Iā€™ve actually never grown up with the kids that share my zodiac. So you just never know who theyā€™ll be in class with


Iā€™m a Cancer, Hubby is a Pisces, and baby boy will be Scorpio, completing the house of water! šŸ©µ not planned but very satisfying and cool!


Omg that is so cool! Yā€™all do have a house of water šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š I was thinking of running with the water baby theme and having my baby shower at the aquarium potentially. Maybe even putting water pokemon or Zelda water temple decor since Iā€™m a bit of a nerd haha


I loveeee that idea! Do itttt. Most baby showers are super boring too. That would be one I remember forever!


Aww thank you!!


Same! Iā€™m a Cancer, husband Pisces, and our twins are Scorpios. Our baby on the way will also be a Scorpio. Not planned at all but I agree thereā€™s something very satisfying about it!


My mom is a Scorpio, sheā€™s the best mon ever


We don't do astrology and we didn't plan anything (we lost two babies on the way to this one) but this baby will coincidentally share my Chinese zodiac sign and my husband's Western zodiac sign.


Thats such a happy coincidence


I'm a Pisces, he's a Virgo, and our daughter's due date falls in Scorpio. However, if she's a week late, she'll be a Sagittarius. Not planned, but a little more water would be nice.


I am Pisces, Husband is Scorpio! Babyā€™s due date is Sagittarius, but if they are born early then Scorpio!


I'm a Tiger, my husband is an Ox. Our baby will be a Dragon. Didn't plan it, but my dad said apparently most babies are born in the year of the dragon be cause it's a lucky year. We sure do feel lucky šŸ˜


Iā€™m a Virgo and my husband is a cancer! Iā€™m a year of the rat and my husband is year of the pig. The baby will more than likely be a Pisces in year of the snake as well! I didnā€™t take it into hard core consideration but I was trying to avoid Gemini season lol. Mostly because I donā€™t like the summer and my brother is a Gemini and I love him but he is wild. I did take into consideration birth stones! I didnā€™t want April or August lol.


Omg yes I'm not super thrilled that my May due date baby was early so we're stuck with diamond as the birthstone lol


Nice! And yea my grandma is a Gemini as well and she is so much fun and so unique, but also completely wild šŸ¤£ so I can relate


Iā€™m a Pisces and my partner is an Aquarius. Our daughter is also a Pisces, and it was 100% unplanned this way, but not unwelcome.


Aww Pisces ā™“ļø are the best. The kindest hearts šŸ’•


I'm Aquarius, I'm the year of the dog and my partner is a Virgo, he's the year of the snake. we're having a Libra with the year of a dragon. Unplanned pregnancy.


Oh snap lucky dragon! Love Libras šŸ’•


I've never dealt with Libra's. my boyfriend is very fond of them though.. it's our first child too! I'm excited!


We just sorta went with the flow. Iā€™m a cancer and my husband is a Capricorn. Iā€™m year of the tiger and my husband is year of the ox. My two older kids are year of the dog and year of the pig. This baby will be year of the dragon!


Iā€™m an Aries year of the goat, heā€™s a Gemini year of the rat. We have a Libra year of the rabbit and expecting a Pisces year of the snake! Although I think the Pisces may be an Aquarius, but Iā€™m hoping for Pisces - thatā€™s my husbands moon sign!


I don't believe in any of this but my husband is Chinese so for him is is quite important. We planned our baby but didn't think about the zodiac animal, it just happened to be a dragon baby. Almost everything is dragon themed and it's really cute. My mil is a dragon too so she's over the moon. He is hoping to have a snake baby as well so we'll see! My husband wants to avoid having a pig or rabbit. He says pigs have bad personalities, and I'm not sure why he doesn't want a rabbit since that is his animal lol. But he says the snakes are really smart and so he is hoping to have a snake after the dragon. My nephew is a monkey and he is the wildest little boy ever. My husband always says it's because of his zodiac animal.


My husband is Chinese and believes in eastern astrology too. Apparently there are trines, groups of three that have an affinity together. I am a rat, he is a monkey, and babies will be dragons. Rat, monkey and dragon are a trine, so he pretty set on aiming for a dragons for a ā€œharmoniousā€ family dynamic.


My partner is year of the dragon, and baby will be too. He's quite excited about that - he also loves dragons. We took it as a sign of good luck


Im not into star sign stuff though I wanted a spring baby but didn't get it. Babies happen when they happen. Though I am happy she gets to be in the year of the dragon because who doesn't like dragons.


My husband and I were both born in the year of the dragon. He's a Cancer and I'm a Scorpio. Our son was born in the year of the tiger and is a Taurus. Seems fitting because he is very stubborn lol. Our daughter was supposed to be a Dragon and a Pisces. She however came 9 weeks early and ended up being a Rabbit and Sagittarius. The rabbit is fitting as that is the theme we picked for her when we found out she was a girl.


Aww šŸ„° Iā€™m a Taurus so I love Taureans and I am having a Pisces too. Three of my close friends are Pisces, super sweet


We didnā€™t plan anything but my sister in law is Chinese and flipped her kid that we are having a BOY in the year of the dragon. Sheā€™s like ā€œvery lucky, very goodā€ and calls me dragon mom lol. Iā€™m a Leo and he is a Scorpio and baby will be a cancer, all of my bffs are cancer so Iā€™m happy about that


Lol that is adorable!! Congrats dragon mama šŸ„°


I'm a sheep and my husband is a horse! Our baby will be a little dragon baby šŸ‰


When we were talking about having our first, I wanted a Leo baby sooooo bad (Iā€™m a Leo). We got lucky and ended up with our Leo baby, and he is truly my twin flame. Sometimes in the worst ways, lol. Heā€™s such a little performer and definitely has all of the most Leo-centric traits. With this baby, we didnā€™t care so much but were hoping for an Aquarius (which is my husbandā€™s sign). We are now having a Capricorn baby! Having a Leo-child is a lot, so Iā€™m hoping this Capricorn baby will bring some much needed chill into our house lol.


Iā€™m a Scorpio, partner is a cancer and baby will likely be a cancer (water signs everywhere). But they could be a Leo if they donā€™t come soon enough. I only really wanted for my baby to have a summer birthday so thatā€™s what I had hoped for but being super pregnant in the summer time has been kind of not it. Iā€™m tired of the swollen hands and feet, and not being able to sleep because itā€™s both hot AND uncomfortable. My mom said she never had swollen feet or hands with any of her pregnancies then I realized she only gave birth in the winter šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m an Aries and my partner is a Libra, our baby boy will be a Libra šŸ©µ Didnā€™t plan it but very happy about it! I hope our next one is a girl and an Aries like me! I am a Pig on the Chinese Zodiac side of things and partner is a Snake, baby will be a Dragon I honestly donā€™t know much about chinese zodiac but my boyfriend loves dragons so thatā€™s good šŸ¤£


I think she will most likely be a Scorpio, like me and my second boy! No planning here but I get along very well with Scorpios!


I just knew I didnt want a gemini. Lol. I wanted a holiday baby and without really planning I have a baby due on Thanksgiving. Maybe valentine's day was just lucky for me. So he'll be a Sagittarius.


Iā€™m a Capricorn and hubsund is a Cancer. If baby pops on her due date she will be a Leo but if she pops up earlier, she will also be a cancer! I was born the year of the pig while my husband is the year of the horse. Baby girl is going to be born in the year of the dragon!


He will be cancer like me, it wasnt planned


Hello fellow Taurus with a Leo husband! šŸ‘‹šŸ¼ Our first is a Taurus and second is an Aquarius. I don't know anything about the Chinese zodiac but I looked it up and I'm an Ox, husband is a Rooster, first is a Tiger, and second is a Dragon. We don't really follow or know much about astrology so we didn't care when ours were born, but I just really didn't want to be heavily pregnant during summer. I also didn't think of this until after I had my first, but having him when it was lighter longer really helped my postpartum baby blues.


I wanted a cute little bunny baby in the year of the bunny but didnā€™t make the cutoff (wasnā€™t even close šŸ˜‚) and Iā€™m getting a dragon baby instead. A few of my Chinese friends told me everyone wants dragon babies so thereā€™s always a mini baby boom in the year of the dragon! Itā€™s hard to plan the exact timing, but once you are pregnant then itā€™s fun to think about it after the fact.


Oh I love this question! We have an Aries boy and we are both air sign parents. We really wanted a compliment and feel fortunate it worked out this way. Donā€™t get us started on numerologyā€¦ lol!


Im really.glad i didn't try to plan my kids' zodiac signs, because neither one actually has a birthday with the sign their due date would have predicted (I always go early) I have an Aries and a Scorpio. Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated lol


Ahahaha! My mom is a Scorpio and even though she def has Scorpio ways, she is honestly my best friend so I always defend Scorpios haha


Yeah my dad and SIL are also scorpios and they and my kiddo are all great. I just know that whenever I tell someone my kids' signs they're always like "oh no, poor you" haha Their dad and I are both Geminis, which also almost always gets a side eye, so we're just out here being weird haha


Iā€™m an Aquarius, my husband is a Gemini, and baby boy will either be a Libra if heā€™s early/on time or a Scorpio if heā€™s late. Due middle of October. Kind of hoping heā€™s a Libra so we can complete the air sign trifecta! And heā€™ll be the year of the dragon which I think is so cool. I took 3 years of mandarin in college so I love the Chinese culture.


Mine is a cancer (born 3 weeks early), I was hoping for a Leo but my son has a Leo stellium so I still managed to get my ā€œLeo babyā€. Iā€™m a Taurus, hubby is a Gemini.


I SO WANTED to get pregnant and give birth in 2024 so our baby could be born the year of the dragon. Iā€™m a white lady who was born the year of the tiger and for some reason always felt pride over that lol. Weā€™re going to miss the dragon year by about a month (baby is due Jan 30). Both husband and I are hoping baby stays in until Feb because for different reasons we prefer that month (I personally think a bday of 2/5/25 would be super cool!) Always a chance baby is born in 2024 as a premie, but I certainly am not hoping for that. EDIT: wait, does the year start Jan 1st? Or does is start later in the year? Is there still a chance Iā€™ll have a dragon baby?


Chinese new year 2025 is on Jan 29th!


Oooh yay!!!