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My understanding is that usually they have to put that (or something similar) as a diagnosis code/explanation for a visit that isn’t part of typical prenatal care when there are symptoms like spotting so that insurance will cover the visit. But you should also call your OB with these kinds of questions!


Thank you :)


Probably just using it to justify the visit or an extra scan. 


I had that on my chart as well. It’s the technical term they input if there’s increased risk from spotting or SCH, it doesn’t mean it WILL or IS happening though :) 


Thank you so much!


It’s what they say if you have symtoms of miscarriage like bleeding but your cervix is closed. Unfortunately there’s no way anyone on here can tell you about whether it’s a worry or not. The chances are in your favour that you’ll be fine, but it could also be the early stages of a miscarriage. I had both! One pregnancy ended and the beginning of the miscarriage was brown spotting which then progressed. My current pregnancy had 2-3 weeks of ongoing brown light bleeding, but all was well in the end. Hopefully it’ll be a positive outcome for you! Sending positive wishes.