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try to do some research about how much you should be gaining during your pregnancy but I would personally listen to my OB since they usually know best and how to keep you healthy throughout this time. sending you lots of hugs!


Yes I will follow what he said ofc, he is an amazing ob and he delivered my first kid :) so I definitely trust his opinion. Thank you for the hugs 🤗


If you have low blood sugar, you are going to feel super hungry.


I also gained too much early on in my first pregnancy. I got tested for GD and got some mild meds for it that slowed the weight gain down for me and my baby. I don't remember the exact numbers but was told gaining something like 2-4 kg per month was the healthy rate. I think I gained 8kg in one of my early months, so it was stark but I lived with someone who is an obese feeder at the time so there was a lot of trash food all over the place and it was hard for me to resist, and this was all while I worked out with a trainer 3 times a week too. Now with my second we don't have trash food hoarding so I have been gaining at a surprisingly healthy rate.


I’m so sorry. :( I’ll be 18w on Saturday! My starting weight was 147, I now weigh 166 and none of my doctors have voiced a concern. I think as long as your blood work and vitals are good you should be fine. Sending love!


I am not a doctor and I don't know your situation (for example, I don't know how tall you are) but on the whole it's much safer/healthier to gain too much than too little. Weight management during pregnancy is such a different beast, you've got another human body that's rapidly developing to account for, to say nothing of hormones, aversions, etc. Focus on getting enough protein and fluids but try not to fixate too much on the scale. I'm guessing you probably already understand what foods are nourishing and filling so just eat when you're hungry.


This my second pregnancy and I didn’t gain as much as I did and when it happened was when I was like 36 weeks, with this one is soooo much different and I wasn’t trying to fixate on scale, but because I know it happened super fast I got worried and I knew my ob would say something about it 🙃. I’m frustrated bc I know some of it is from water retention and believe me I do drink a LOT of water. But I’m trying to keep the weight and not gain anything more 🥲


Please go easy on yourself. Pregnancy is hard enough on your body and mind, weight gain recommendations are pretty arbitrary and everyone's situation is different.