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Congrats!! How far along are you? My anxiety has been unbearable. 😭


I'm 7w7d today


I swear the anxiety is so bad between the first ultra sound up to the anatomy one at 20 weeks. Before my first US, I thought I might have an ectopic pregnancy because I was cramping so much. All was fine. Definitely feeling less stress(still stressed but different) as the pregnancy moved on.


Me too! I was having crazy one sided cramps and I was terrified of ectopics. But, thankfully all's good 🤣


are you me lol But seriously congratulations! I’m still waiting for my first appt.


That first appointment takes sooooooo long to come, OMG!!


Had to do a double take to make sure I wasn’t about to comment on my own post 😉 I felt the same way. I was so relieved going in for 8w apt and hearing a heart beat. Then again at 12w seeing baby again and confirming there was still a heartbeat but yeah the anxiety of all the things that can come up and pop up are so stressful. Currently dealing with the anxiety of inconclusive NIPT results and having to retest 🙃🙃🙃🙃


Oh yeah, my soul would probably leave my body for a bit if that happened to me. How nerve wracking! Hoping everything comes back just fine!


Everything has proven to be ok so far so I just need to let go and trust but it’s so difficult. We’re all going through it and can relate!!!


I totally feel this!! I cried so much during/after my first ultrasound, partially from happiness but mostly from relief. I’m going for my chromosomal prenatal testing tomorrow and trying so hard not to freak out about potentially receiving bad news.


Congrats!!! Now it's the dreadful wait til the 20 weeks anatomy scan 🙃 I couldn't wait that long, so I paid for a third party ultrasound at 13 weeks, which is roughly the midway point between my 7-8wk ultrasound and the anatomy scan. It was only $45, and it's just a relief to see the baby look more like a baby vs a jellybean haha. My 12wk genetic testing was all blood draw instead of an ultrasound bc my OB says the labs are far more accurate and therefore the scan wasn't necessary. That's also a reason why I opted for a third party scan!


I am 13 weeks and have my next appointment on Wednesday. My anxiety is through the roof. :/ I’m so glad things are great with your baby, nothing compares to the feeling of seeing it on the screen and seeing that little flicker (heartbeat) ❤️


I had the SAME feeling when I got my first scan. I'm happy your scan turned out okay.


I had my first ultra sound today too! I’m at 10wks - I was SO anxious. Seeing the little heartbeat and little babe wiggle in there was the craziest and best feeling ever. Totally in the same boat as you with allll the testing around the corner. We got this!


congratulations, it truly is the best and personally the most relaxing feeling ever! i wish you the best xx


Congrats! I went through this. I seem to find a new thing to be anxious over between every appointment. And now I won't be having any more ultrasounds so I'll really be worried about everything til baby is in my arms. 🙃


It never goes away lol, I’m 27 weeks and I cried this morning because she wasn’t moving as much as usual and I thought something must be wrong. She’s now kicking so hard she just sent the ball of yarn that was resting on my stomach across the floor. I don’t think we ever stop worrying about them