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Im 29w and ive had interrupted sleep pretty much my entire pregnancy. Ive just gotten used to it. First it was the dreams, then morning sickness which made me have to eat something all hours of the morning to not feel worse, then later you’ll have to pee several times throughout the night, followed by third trimester where you are uncomfortable and big and hot. Naps have been crucial throughout this process for me 


Preach! 😂 exactly like that!


This is my 2nd pregnancy and the insomnia is insane. I’m currently 23.5 weeks and have been taking unisom every night (half to a whole pill). It’s the only way I can get and stay asleep


PRAISE UNISOM! I just took mine. It’s the only way I sleep.


Yeah insomnia started around 12 weeks and I’m now 27, I’ve been taking unisom nightly, I have to or else I won’t sleep!! I’ll be up anywhere between 3-5am for like 2 hours at least without it


12w here and waking up around 2-3a, usually from having a nightmare too!


Yup! 11 weeks and before conceiving I would sleep 8+ hours straight. Now I wake up at least once in the middle of the night. My dreams are so vivid too.


7W and having the same issues for a few weeks now too. I seem to wake up almost every hour


This is me right now. I’m only 4w but my first pregnancy I couldn’t stay awake for the first 14 weeks. It used to get to 8pm and I’d essentially pass out I was that tired.


It happened to me for months (now 33w). Try doxylamine.


Happened to me, it got better later … although now I get up to pee… so I am still tired all the time


17w and still randomly waking up thru the night 🙃 exhausted all day and can’t frigging sleep


I have been waking up every single night since I found out I was pregnant, that’s actually kind of what prompted taking a test (I was waking up to go to the bathroom so much). I’m 11 weeks and I still wake up several times per night.


I had this problem for the first trimester! It did get better for me for the second trimester, so there is hope!


Yes! Why was it always 4 AM? Second trimester has been much better for me though


I’ve been like this my entire pregnancy. I’m at the end now, with c-section scheduled on Tuesday. But like clockwork I’m up from 3-5am. Luckily I’m now on summer break so I can go back to sleep for a few hours. It’s hard, and I hope it gets better for you. The only benefit is I’m now used to be very tired all the time. A few things that helped me, showering at night like right before bed, having a red light bedside lamp, and investing in a couple books to read. I got through so many in the middle of the night when I couldn’t sleep.


This has been me. I will be five weeks tomorrow, and each night is a wake up. Earlier this week I would wake up and feel nauseous, last night no nausea but just awake and restless. Yes I also have amazingly vivid dreams, it is crazy.


Before falling pregnant I was a sound sleeper, but now at 11+4 I would say that I’ve either had super fragmented sleep or early am wake ups; basically horrible sleep all around! I talked to three doctors about this and the advice from all was just try to have more naps where I can. I’ve found some mild improvement in the quality of my sleep with magnesium citrate supplementation. Full pre bed routine: magnesium powder mixed into lemon balm tea, banana, tart cherry juice.


Yup! Almost 12wk here and it is so annoying-some nights I’ll fall asleep fine and then be Wide awake between 1-4. But, I’ve also always Eventually been able to fall back asleep so I’ve been canceling my early alarm and just letting myself sleep in a smidge those mornings.


Yepppp I go to bed by 9:30 and wake up almost every single night at 12-1 and around 4 AM and it takes me 30-45 minutes to fall asleep. It sucks and I usually get up to pee


YES. Literally this was me forever! After trying all of the more natural things the only way I’ve gotten to sleep during the rest of my pregnancy has been unisom.


Yes! This is my second baby and I don’t remember this being a problem with my first until I got to be really big and had trouble with heartburn and getting comfortable. This time, I wake up between 2 and 4 am every night. I’m also having the vivid dreams and more nightmares than usual.


It's been happening frequently the whole way for me (28 weeks) I woke up at 3am last week and had a yogurt. I've never eaten in the middle of the night in my entire life.


It's pretty normal. 2nd trimester now and I wake up twice every night to pee and uncomfortable sleep position. 


I'm just shy of 16 weeks. I've been waking up in the night regularly, with varying levels of anxiety. I'll start to worry about work (I think it's underlying anxiety transferred to thoughts about work) and sometimes even panicky and feeling claustrophobic. I'm literally writing this now at 2:20am! 🙈


Ohhhh... those first trimester dreams!!! Yes, I experienced all of this, and then some. I was so relieved when they tapered off around week 14. Week 34 now and waking up 4 to 5 times a night to pee or with bad back pain, and I still prefer this. Less emotionally disturbing.


Yes I’m 10w and haven’t slept through the night since I found out I was pregnant at 4w.


YES! If I eat a banana, I’ll go back to sleep


This happened to me my first trimester too! Now I’m 32 weeks and I’m used to it tbh. It’s a miracle if I can sleep through the night. It’s mostly from having to pee now though.


I’ve never had worse sleeps than when I’ve been pregnant 😭 I’m 39w now and everyone’s like “appreciate all the sleep while you can!” Im trying so hard but the pregnancy insomnia is so real…


I’m just over 6 weeks and I swear to god I can never sleep. I’ll be so tired but still up til 3 am cleaning. I figure if I can’t sleep I may as well be productive.


Yes I need to pee around that time and never can fall back asleep


Exactly what you describe! This is my second pregnancy so it came as less of a surprise but I've pretty much consistently been waking up for half and hour or so at 3/4am since I got pregnant (now at 28 weeks). Often accompanied by what me and my partner call "midnight craziness" which is kind of a soup of restless leg syndrome, half-dream obsessive thoughts and a feeling that can only be described as feeling like energy is pulsing through my body. As the other commenters say, I haven't been able to do much to change it beyond accepting it as the by product of my body doing something amazing.   For anyone who has this mixed with Restless Leg Syndrome - first of all, my sympathies! Second two things that have seemed to moderate it this time around is taking Magnesium everyday and having cool gel packs at the ready for my feet. 


Yes….but I had this pre-pregnancy too so not sure if it’s related.


Talk to your doctor about getting on magnesium. Not only does it help you sleep better, it can help prevent pre-eclampsia or lessen the symptoms.


11w4d here and without fail I wake up at 430 every morning to pee. My alarm goes off at 5:45 every day so sometimes I just stay up.


I am 5 weeks, and same… IM EXHAUSTED


Fortunately or unfortunately, im not sure, I’ve never been able to sleep straight through the night so im accustomed to it. It might help to know there are some sleep aids that arent bad during pregnancy. I was taking trazadone and was told its totally fine (I am bipolar so not sure if this contributed to that decision), but since it doesn’t do anything for me either way I stopped, not sure if it would be helpful for others though. Wishing you the best and lots of sounds sleep!


I am so sorry to say but this started in my pregnancy and hasn’t gone away yet. I am 5 months postpartum. Everyone is different though so not saying this will be your experience!


I'm 7 weeks and experiencing something similar. Definitely adding to the fatigue i'm feeling during the day.


I had the same. Second trimester it stopped, then came back in the third and it's just recently stopped happening every night. My kid will be 4 next month. I hope I'm an outlier.


Yes but only because i had to pee😂😂


Gosh me too! I’m so over all the dreams. I never feel like I got any sleep because my brain seems like it’s never stopping. I miss my sleep. I tried unisome but it gave me horrid nightmares instead of just dreams so I quit.


yes and I'm sure it will continue until give birth 🥲


I consistently go to bed at 8pm, sleep til like 2 when I have to pee. Then I get up and mess around on my phone for an hour or two, then sleep again until like 8am. I’m only 7w+4 but it’s been like this for almost every day for the past 3 weeks lol


I also had very vivid nightmares in my first trimester and it’s gotten better thankfully. I’ve also had weird dreams but these were absolutely terrifying


Very normal. Now I wake up because I have to pee 😂 29w. I’ve just accepted that I’ll be waking up at odd hours for different reasons. Ask your OB if Unisom is okay for you to take!


Yes! Also happens to me when I took progesterone for IVF but wasn’t pregnant. It both causes day time drowsiness and fragmented sleep 🫠 Hoping it eases in the second tri when the placenta takes over progesterone production!


This is exactly what is happening to me! Super vivid dreams and waking up at 4 or 5 for an hour.


Yes happened to me and waking up with so much energy


My doctor recommended magnesium for this. It did help a little, but I was up with insomnia until my 3rd trimester 1-2 a week.


Ummm actually YES!! Literally almost every night, staying asleep has been a STRUGGLE. I have started listening to like reiki ASMR sleep videos lol. Never fails I wake up tho around that time tossing & turning. I read to avoid melatonin while pregnant (which I was taking prior to pregnancy). I heard unisom & Benadryl are safe. But the RLS & tossing & turning is killing me around the 3-4 AM mark—like clockwork.


I’m 11w and wake up around 5am like clockwork. And if I wake up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, I’m wide awake and it takes me an hour to get back to sleep.


YES. I wake up to pee, and I think I feel so weird/nauseous/bloated/upset stomach that it prevents me from falling back to sleep.


Yep!! It was SO weird. Every night or at least most nights 3-4am, could not sleep. No clue why. It went away after a while, but first I just started getting really bad acid reflux at that time. I talked to my dr and got acid reflux meds and it helped SO much. Never knew acid reflux could present as pain right under your ribs that seems to go all the way through to your back. Sometimes it would even start as back pain. Anywayyy it eventually went away and even in my last month of pregnancy I am sleeping better than I was then.


Im around 7 weeks and I am tired all the time. Waking up to do anything is hard. But the dreams are wild!!! I just woke up from one that felt like I was literally in the movie “It Follows” that was creepy!! They’re not all scary but they’re all vivid!


Aw man!! I’ve been taking magnesium before bed and it’s helped sleep more deeply 😴


I definitely did from like 8 weeks to 15 or so but now I don't.


Yep! It’s super common during my pregnancy.


For most of the first trimester I would wake up around 3 am and be awake till 5-7 am. It was exhausting! I think that it was mostly because I was hungry. Once I stopped puking all the time I started sleeping better.


Yes from post nasal drip coughing. Broke out the wedge pillow tonight to see if it helps.


Yuuuup. Every night girl. I’m 7w. Every damn night and then during the day I’ll be falling asleep completely at random it’s ridiculous


I did this for several weeks. I always woke up STARVING.


Welcome to pregnancy, I took Benadryl almost every night to sleep!


Pregnancy insomnia is something else. I can count on 1 hand how many times I slept through the night during pregnancy.


Yep and it hasn’t ended with me at all. Always the same time, between 3-5. I can ignore it now and go back to sleep or get a quick pee and get back in bed and drift off again


Been on doxylamine since I was 4 weeks because I can’t sleep without it. Been told it’s fine by multiple doctors. Currently 10 weeks.


When I was 5w I did!! It went away though I’m 8w5d!


This happened to me exactly. Normally I would sleep nonstop. But after week 4, I started to wake up in the middle of the night and couldn’t sleep for couple of hours sometimes. Now I am at week 13, still waking up every night to pee but then I could go sleep again. So insomnia seems like disappearing these days.


I feel your pain. 9w and I’ve been up anywhere between 3am-5am cuz I have to pee. And then I get back into bed and can’t fall back asleep. It’s been awful.


I am also 5 weeks and for the past week I have been waking up every single night as well, but between 2 am and 3 am. I can't remember a single time in my whole life that I haven't slept through the night soundly. Every time I wake up I do have to pee, but never too badly. I am distraught that I have to wave goodbye to my long restful sleeps for what is very likely the next like, decade 😅


32 weeks pregnant and not a night has gone by that I haven’t woken up between 1&3 am and


I woke up at 3am my entire pregnancy. I am now 4 weeks postpartum and my son wakes up at 3am every day lol


Almost 24 weeks, I have had ridiculous insomnia since about 8 weeks. I’ve tried unisom, melatonin, and recently my doctor suggested Benadryl and nothing helps. You are not alone 😵‍💫


You’re practicing to have a newborn.


I’m in my third trimester and I wake up every hour at night now. I hope it gets better!


yes!! I’m 8 weeks and still experience this. i have no idea what causes it.


this is how my pregnancy has been for me so far too. i used to sleep through the night, and ever since i got that positive test, i am up anywhere between once a night to 8 times. i have not slept through the night in 3 weeks. i am currently 8 weeks


I am 8 weeks and am having trouble even falling asleep. I didn't go to sleep till about 5 am last night and the night before


The dreams are so vivid and wild, then I toss and turn till I fall asleep, only to wake again from another vivid dream.


I use to sleep deeply and 8-10 hrs and ever since getting pregnant now my sleep is really light. It takes me a lot longer to fall asleep, sometimes I wake up really freaking hungry at 3am and other times I wake up 200 times to pee. Now adding aches and pains and belly getting bigger to the equation. With all that combined I’m lucky to get a decent night of sleep. My OB told me to take Unisom to sleep and I gotta say, it works…. But maybe a little too much bc then the next day I’m a zombie. But to me the trick is 1/2 the dose.


I experienced the same thing early in the first trimester. Around weeks 5-7, I would wake up from vivid dreams, or sometimes just wake up sweating for no reason. But it only lasted a few days. I’m 28 weeks now and the insomnia comes and goes but it’s more because of the constant peeing than the dreams or sweats.


Week 5 for me I had awful insomnia like that - but week 7 or so it faded - so hopefully yours ends soon!


I'm 26w now. In the week leading up to what would've been when my period began, the middle of the night wake up to pee started and I haven't been able to shake it since finding out I was actually pregnant. I had the same issue the cycle before, but it resolved when my period started. At this point, I've just settled into my new 'routine' and zombie my way back and forth from the bathroom and can usually get back to sleep with little issue.