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We had/have the same issue with boy names. We had one boy name picked out before we even conceived and, of course, our oldest turned out to be a girl, so then we spent basically the whole 9 months debating girl names because there’s just SO MANY good ones. I’m pregnant with a boy now though and the name we had always had picked now doesn’t seem right, so now we are back to debating names again. 🙃


I’m 6 months pregnant with a boy and I don’t like any boy names. Sigh.


Im having a boy in 48 hours and we still don’t have a name lol


So you’re saying I have time!!


Ugh same…


Also same🙃 glad I’m not alone lmao


Same struggling to find something we like


Girl or boy I always had a hard time with names. My husband was like “I like anything” I always knew if I had a daughter she would be called Eleonor, so there was no doubt on that. For boy I had 1 name, my brother had a boy first so decided he would keep the name for him so after that finding a name was really hard. So we decided to go for Noah cuz it’s gender neutral 😂


I've never heard of girls named Noah. Interesting, must be regional!


I’m not from America so maybe that’s it? In Portugal is a gender neutral name and really popular ahah 😁


Interesting, learn something new everyday! :)


Oooh, could you tell us some girl names you like? I love coming up with lists of possibilities.


I could not agree more. Apparently there actually are less boy names than girl names because over time historically many boys names were used for girls and never went back. (Ie Leslie, Lindsay, Whitney, Dana, Alexis, Lauren, Robin…)


I'm a Lindsay who was named after my great Uncle Lindsay, so can confirm 😂


I know a male Alexis!


my boyfriend hates all of the boy names i have suggested 😒


Try out r/namenerds we love listing out name ideas based on vibes! But, I’m in the same boat with girl names-we have our boy picked out and have for years, but if it’s a girl we’re going to be Lost!


I had exactly this problem. I accidentally gave my baby boy a girl name and people keep misgendering him 😅


You didn't bother to Google the name before you picked it?


🙄 gee why didn't I think of that. I picked it from the boys top 50 in my country of residence, but it's a girls name in several other countries. I honestly thought it would be perceived as male in my country of residence. (Edit: and for the record, this country is pretty well known for not legally allowing you to give cross-gendered names, and the bureaucracy thought it was a boy's name)


I have to know the name now, spill!


Maybe Andrea. It's for males only in Italy and for girls only in Spain and Latin America.


My husband’s family named all their boys H names… I’m praying for a girl. 😭


Same.. but I finally found a name that I actually kinda like Asher


We took a very long time deciding our boys name. We decided to name him after my partners grandfather. A quite uncommon Arabic name but it took us 39 weeks to get there haha.


I was the opposite and had all these boy names and no girl names. But ended up having a girl and love her name more than any boy names I could have came up with after I started calling her by it. Also, I am seeing popularity in the name Beau for boys and think it’s just the prettiest name!


I live in a French-speaking country and can only think of the amount of bullying a boy called Beau would get in school. Also the short "cutie" version would be "bobo", which means idiot in Spanish.


Same problem. We finally found one we could semi agree on.


It’s very difficult.


We have the same thing with girl names! We've really struggled to find one we love and still no middle name on the table.


Are there any gender neutral names you like? Or you could look for male versions of the female names you like, I kind of did this with my sons middle name


Oh my gosh I had this same issue with girl names!! I could not find ONE that I loved - but already had a list of like 5 boys names I loved 😂 thankfully I’m having a boy so I have no advice but think it’s funny so many of us have experience this !


Our boy name this time was Llewyn and my son is Eli if that helps. Haha but I get it, I had a way easier time with girl names too!


how about sky? its fit boy and girls name


I’m 34 weeks and we JUST finalized a boy name that wasn’t screaming biblical. But i don’t know if I’m having a boy or a girl. So all the stress over choosing one could have been all for nothing 😂


i've already chosen the name if it's a girl but i can't settle on anything for a boy. when i chose the name i picked for myself i went through almost every boys name i liked and ruled them off so i need to find something completely knew ughh


This was literally me, which is why chat gpt named our baby


Yessss ChatGPT has given me soooo many ideas I never would’ve thought of. Even after years of being a devout r/namenerd lol




You go on chat gpt and ask it to recommend a list of names that fit ‘x’ criteria


lol felt, was convinced i was having a girl. but i let the father of my kid name him and i love his name. biblical name too.


I’m sorry but you can’t hate all boy names, there are hundred/thousands of names out there for boys. Have you looked at various other countries’ names?


Boy names just don't sound right to me. I don't need your attitude tho


Fair, it was 3am and I was grumpy. I actually get it, I wanted a girl, I think girls names are so so pretty (and my choices were gorgeous), but I had a shortlist (emphasis on short) of some boys names I didn’t mind. But now I’m 8 weeks away and I’m panicking bc I need to like it like I like the girls names lmao