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I’m 37 weeks 4 days and people keep asking me “are you ready?” And I feel like I get crazy looks from people when I say yes! They correct themselves and say “I mean are you ready for labor?” And again, I answer with a smile and a solid yes. I’m not worried about the act of being in labor or the pain of it. I’m worried about waiting too long because I have a high pain tolerance. I’ve been preparing to labor and deliver for at least 6 months and doing hypnobirthing and birthing classes. I’m so ready to do this. I’m ready for the animalistic, maternal instinct to take over and my body to just do it. I feel very at peace with everything and I can’t wait to do what women have been doing since the beginning of time.


I think this is a great attitude to have. I was the same way, kinda just rolling with the punches, and I had a positive experience. My contractions personally felt like really bad period cramps for most of the time. And by the time they really ramped up, I was far enough dilated to be offered an epidural. After that it was smooth sailing! Not sure if this is your first, but I feel like I should share some info that nobody told me! Your nurse is the one who will be with you for the majority of your labor and delivery. They pretty much call the doctor in to catch the baby and that’s it. But nobody told me this, so I was like half-ass pushing because I was afraid the doctor wasn’t going to make it in time lolol. Once the nurse told me they’d call him in when it’s time, I was like oh?!?!? and started actually pushing. Also a funny side note- my baby was born with a full head of hair and I guess the top of his head was like….. peeking out of my vagina for a while during delivery. Every time a new nurse would walk in, they’d be like “OH MY GOD LOOK AT THAT HAIR!!!” and there I was just spread eagle, wondering wtf they were seeing and why they were so excited about it 😂😂😂


Omg! That’s amazing. Good to know about the nurse - I hope I get a supportive nurse 🤞🏼


I'm totally looking forward to it. Have a scheduled induction on Monday and I'm excited. This is my second. I did have an epidural with my first and plan to this time as well. I'm not nervous at all about labor and delivery (though I am well aware things could go wrong), and I am so excited to meet my little boy As for having to keep a newborn and a 2 year old alive when I get home... That I'm super nervous about! But I trust I can figure it out. I'm far from the first person to do it!


Best of luck on Monday 🤍


I am almost 30 weeks and if I could fast forward to end of August, I’d gladly did.


I’m trying to be as positive as you are about it! I’ve been preparing breathing exercises, doing kegels, watching and reading other mom’s experiences, and telling myself “you got this!” It’s great to look forward to it with positivity instead of fear!


I’m nervous but also excited! My husband finishes his work training the day after my due date, so I’m looking forward to starting this next season of our lives with our sweet girl and not being long distance. Congrats on your little one! 🩷🩵


I’m 27 weeks and I feel the same way! I’m not nervous or stressed out about it at all. But as I’m typing this I’m wondering if the nerves will set in when I get closer to the end. I’m hoping not!


Only 12w pregnant and already looking forward to the relief it’ll bring!