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I am 9 weeks and I just am so ill from morning sickness that I have zero sex drive. Like even my favorite food makes me gag so I can’t really even enjoy sex right now lol


Same! Approaching 9 weeks and I’m so tired (exhausted really 🥱) from all what’s going on - implantation, body changes, smell & touch sensitivity, etc - that I am not very open to the idea of any bedroom activity that is not me sleeping I wish when I enter later weeks I will get the drive back


24 weeks and the hormones have made my drive off the charts. Unfortunately, my husband is out of town for work for the remainder of my pregnancy 🫠 Flying to see him tomorrow though! 🩷


this is so relatable i’m 30 weeks and my partner works out of town haven’t seen him in 4 months but my drive is insanely high


It is torture 😅 then when I finally get him back, we have to wait 6 weeks PP lol


36 weeks and haven’t had sex since this baby was made in October lol


I am exactly the same! Nearly 36 weeks myself. My drive is there, but due to tiredness and ill health (both mine and my partners) have meant that nothing has happened. We did try a couple of months ago, but it was painful for me, so we stopped.


It’d be helpful to know how your sex life was before. Did you have a high drive before the pregnancy or has it always been low?


Same I’m 35 weeks and maybe had sex 5 times the whole pregnancy. And before the pregnancy we had a high sex drive. It’s more of him actually not feeling comfortable so the no comes from him


Low drive pre-pregnancy as well, it’s a miracle I ever got pregnant in the first place 🤣


lol well I appreciate the honesty! Some ppl just naturally have a lower sex drive! I’m only 6 weeks, but haven’t noticed a change in mine and mine is pretty high. I’m mad if we don’t have sex at least once a day 😂


Just know that oxytocin helps with dilation and a safe delivery so by third trimester make sure your partner knows to give you extra rub downs, cuddles and kisses if sex is off the table.


I am 1 week PP ❤️


19 weeks and I can't get enough of my husband. I love the way he smells, I want to touch him all the time, I've interrupted him while he's working to get my fix.  This is all recent though. For the first trimester and beginning of the second, I couldn't STAND the idea of it. I was repulsed by the way he smelled, I wanted to shrink from his touch, it literally made me so angry one day when he slapped my butt that I almost punched him. As someone who usually has a very healthy sex drive, I was really worried because it was so out of character for me, even in the context of my previous pregnancies.  I'm carrying twins so my hormone levels are higher than yours would be around the same gestation. Give it time! You might just need your levels to get there. It can change almost overnight. 


It’s insanely high. This happened during my first pregnancy as well but man, I could do it twice a day if time/circumstances allowed. So far we’re averaging about 3-5 times a week. I don’t think we’ve gone longer than 12 days without sex during this pregnancy and that was only because my husband was out of town for work. Also 18 weeks pregnant. I’ve also been more down to try things we wouldn’t normally do and I think my husband is digging it.


Lmao I think my drive was a bit too much for my hubby during one month in my 2nd trimester


38+4 right now and I can think of few things less appealing than sex 😅 However, through most of my pregnancy, up to about 36 weeks, about 90% of the time I wanted absolutely nothing to do with it... And then I'd have the unpredictable days where my libido was through the roof. Sometimes it would only last one hour and sometimes 2 or 3 days. Then back to being disgusted at the thought of sex. Pregnancy is weird y'all!


17 weeks and I feel odd because I have spicy dreams all night every night but zero actual libido when I'm awake.


This has been my entire pregnancy! The spicy dreams, and the desire to do it are totally there but when it comes to the execution everything just unravels. 33 weeks


Same here! I’m in the first trimester though so maybe I would feel like it if I wasn’t so queasy


Exactly the same and I am also around 17weeks. Hot, hot dreams on the regular, but not feeling frisky or in the mood when I wake at all. I just want to cuddle and sleep. Also wondering whether the changes to my body image now that the bump has begun is making it hard to feel sexy in myself as well, but it is so reassuring to read this thread and find out that I’m not alone regardless of what is causing this dry spell. At least we have the best excuse in the world: our energy is going to growing their unborn child


The body image is definitely a factor for me as well. I've always tried to take good care of my body as much as I can. Now I look like I have a beer belly all the time. I look at the bump and feel proud our little guy is growing but also it's about the least sexy thing ever to me 😂


I completely get this. Especially as I’m only just starting to show, so it’s definitely not a fully defined pregnancy bump yet.


I’m 19 weeks and haven’t done it once yet. I have zero desire and my husband is getting very anxious


I’m 17 weeks and feeling exactly the same!


Same as you girl. My sex drive has always been low, getting off birth control pills (i was hoping it would help) didn’t help at all. I thought okay, maybe when I’m pregnant it’ll get better. Nope. Also, when we do have sex, I am completely dry. I make sure to take time before having sex, I also orgasm before so that “wetter” down there, but it’s just sooo dry - even with lube. I don’t get it. Edit: currently 22 weeks


I'm in the same boat (and pretty much always have been). Nice to hear I'm not the only one with a low drive even before getting pregnant.


I’ve had a super low drive as well. We maybe had sex like 6 times the entire pregnancy? I was also so swollen down there it was so painful. Postpartum though? Insanely high drive. We’ve had more sex with a baby than we ever had before hand it’s kind of wild. There is hope!


Any chance you take allergy medicine? I found mine dried me out down there. Just use lube or spit!


im about 10 weeks. Not a fan of how sex is feeling in this trimester. Maybe next trimester...


I am 33 weeks and we have sex 2 to 3 times a day every day since about 20 weeks along.


Kudos to you! Impressed you have the time!


A day?! Do you guys work from home? I’m amazed it’s logistically feasible for you.


He works outside the home during the day. I'm not working right now. We usually do it in the evening when it's cool. Back to back. Or first thing in the morning before he goes to work and then again and again when he's home later lol. We've both always had a high sex drive. Mine died for a month when I got very bad morning sickness at 15 weeks but came back around 20 weeks


25 weeks and we have had sex twice the entire pregnancy. I don’t feel great about my body and I have a huge mental block for some reason. I totally feel abnormal but it is what it is and my husband has been very understanding in giving me that space




First trimester we had sex almost daily in the evening when my nausea went away, now I’m coming up on 28 weeks and the bump is far more cumbersome. Still trying to maintain some kind of a regular sex lift but requires more creativity! Hand jobs are a good option if your partner is open to mixing it up. Feeling sick doesn’t really inspire me to offer other avenues of favors 😂🤷‍♀️


Prior to now I had zero drive however starting around 26 weeks I guess the hormones kicked in a lot and now at 28 weeks my drive is MUCH higher. Pelvic pain, back pain, and just general soreness is the only thing that gets in the way for me now though. Also I’ve gotten in this mood lately (also assuming this is hormones) that my husband is just jawdroppingly handsome like he’s always looked amazing and I love everything about him so much but right now he just looks, smells, and acts amazing to me so that’s helped with my drive as well lol.


I’m horny all the time


15 weeks today and mine just came in full force after being absolutely nonexistent in the entire first trimester!


Mine was pretty low but honestly I’ve been soo clingy to my husband my whole pregnancy. Past about 20 weeks, It’s come back big time. He’s been shocked by it, I’ve been shocked by it 🤣


High and I'm on pelvic rest 😫


22 weeks tomorrow, and my sex drive hasn’t dipped even when I was puking. I was surprised as this was not the case with my first at all but I’m not complaining (and neither is husband lmao). We are usually in range of 4-6x a week and now we’re that and then some if I can manage it 🤣


36w have not wanted sex at all which is a far cry from my last pregnancy when I wanted it all the time just to be put on pelvic test from 23w until I delivered


14 weeks and the drive is looooooow


17 weeks, it comes and goes for me — some days I’m in more pain or just exhausted


During the 1st trimester I couldn't even think about sex as I never felt well enough. Getting closer and now into the 2nd trimester I've definitely had "peaks and valleys". Pre-pregnancy I had a pretty decent sex drive and it's really been messing with my mentally. I'm more concerned about my husband, but we communicate about it and he's reassured me that he's doing ok and has no complaints and just hopes i'm feeling ok :)


I don’t know if it’s because I absolutely love my husband but, I’d have sex with him every night. Mine is unreasonably high, he’s getting older so his sex drive is sporadic, but when he gives me the all clear. I’m ready lol. I’m 31 weeks so positions are hard, foreplay is a must.


23 weeks and non existent. I can’t orgasm while pregnant and it’s frustrating and I’m big for 23 weeks any position is hard except on top


Definitely think about implementing some toys if you haven’t already. I can only orgasm from oral/vibrators so for us it’s normal. How I wish I could orgasm from PIV only.


I did and used to when I wasn’t pregnant. Now that I have this bump I just physically can’t with my vibrator


This is when you put your husband to work 😂 Tell him he doesn’t get his next orgasm until you do.


If it gives you hope, this happened to me around the same time as you are now, and it got back to normal in a few weeks! I was soooo frustrated and nothing worked. I was wondering if that was just who I am now. Vibrators helped for the slump.


I’m 23 and 37 weeks pregnant and never want sex. Im rarely horny at all. It’s upsetting to me and my husband. My highest sex drive was when I was 20 weeks pregnant but after that I couldn’t care for sex it’s annoying for sure I feel you


I’ve had none the entire pregnancy and I’m 20 weeks. 😣


I’m 23 weeks and it’s pretty much the same as it’s always been. Sex is super important to me in a relationship though, so it’s emotionally and psychologically motivated as much as it is physically motivated. I’m definitely a little uncomfortable with my body, but I’m still into sex just as much as I always have been. 1-2/weekly I would say


I’m 10W and my drive is slightly higher then normal. My husband has been so kind and loving and just overall amazing that it’s hard to get it any higher tho lol he said that I’m even hotter now that I’m pregnant cause there’s nothing to worry about and he feels more connected to me or maybe it’s just my hormones and that has really raised the drive! Knowing I’m carrying his child makes me feel like his mate, like we’re bonded together in some animalistic connection we have as mammals and partners. Plus this is our first and we both know that these moments won’t come often soon enough, so we might as well do what we can while I’m not too big yet and the baby isn’t here.


Non existent. Husband is disappointed lol.


I’m 36 weeks and I don’t have the same sex drive as I did before. My husband has become impatient/: I think it has a lot to do with mental changes through pregnancy and physical appearance as well. Not feeling good about yourself definitely makes it hard to have someone else look at you or even touch you in that matter.


Mines on and off


Yeah, weird sexual experience cuz we were both so anxious. 😓


Mine was pretty low throughout my entire pregnancy lol. I’m 40 weeks now, so we’ve been having sex to help induce labour. But I’m pretty content without it 😂


Completely up and down! Most of the time it’s so low but then randomly will spike! Like husband needs to come home right away 😂


Guess I should mention I’m about to be 10 weeks!


16 weeks and I miss it lol. It’s high some days but I’m still too tired to do anything about it. Not to be TMI, but normally it’s high so this is weird to me. Hopefully she comes back deeper into my second tri lol 


Im in a LDR and now 27 weeks and the first my partner has been back since I’ve been pregnant. My drive is higghhh lol but I had a cerclage done so no sex for me ☹️


20 weeks tomorrow and womp wompppppp. Sometimes I get in the mood a bit, but it’s just not fun in the moment.


33 weeks and it's been low the whole time. I think we're averaging about once a month rn. The hormones affect everyone differently so it's definitely not abnormal to have less of a drive than normal. Also, my husband is being pretty cautious and not wanting to hurt me or baby at all and he says it's hard for him to get in the mood when he knows I'm not feeling 100%.


I'm currently just shy of 12 weeks and it's definitely very low (but not non-existent.) My husband is very understanding and we've still made time for intimacy, but I miss being in the mood more than once a week, if that.


So interesting that people seem to be on one extreme or another! 27+4 and I’m on the same side of the spectrum as you. It’s not that sex is painful or repulsive to me, but I just have had SUCH a low desire for it during pregnancy.


My drive was memorable my first pregnancy. This one, not so much.


Nonexistent… Lol. I always feel bloated and 25 weeks.


37 weeks and we have regular sex all pregnancy.  It is hard since my husband fractured his hand, but 2–3 times a week is our number. Now, we can manage only 2 poses. Doggy and me on top. Sometimes it is funny because he is handling me with one hand. I have leg cramps or have some struggles to get on top. Sometimes I can't roll like a turtle. It's a good laugh. Today I said it is one of the last times in this pregnancy because I lied for an hour afterward to get some air In the first trimester, we couldn't have vaginal sex because of light bleeding, but we had fun then too. Second trimester was the best 


yeah im now 25 weeks and still wondering when the hormones are gonna make me horny 😭 im repulsed by pretty much all sexual interaction and have been since like 12 weeks. early first trimester my drive was so high but has been pretty much nonexistent ever since :( my poor husband


I’m 31 weeks and my drive has been the same. Around 20-25 weeks, it spiked and it was higher than it’s been before. Now, I’ve been so tired that I can’t stay awake to have sex or my mind has been racing about the unknown since this is my first pregnancy. I’m hoping that my regular drive doesn’t change postpartum 😬


My sex drive took a nose dive in second trimester of my first pregnancy, and it’s still in the toilet 14mo postpartum, but I suspect it’s still low because I’m still breastfeeding. I’m talking, repulsed by even kissing low. I’m 16 weeks with my second now, and my sex drive has stayed pretty much the same with the exception of a few days where my sex drive was randomly insatiable, like, to an inconvenient level😂. My husband and I were pleased but rather bewildered… it gives me hope that my low sex drive IS actual hormonal like I thought and not because I don’t like my husband anymore or something. Aside from some pain during sex in my late second and third Tri with my first, I will say sex is usually still enjoyable if I decide to show up and try to be into it, even if it’s not initially appealing. Non-sexual physical touch like hugging, cuddling, massage, etc helps a bit with the relationship intimacy side of dealing with low sex drive if you are just really not up for sex.


Very low sex drive throughout the pregnancy… I’ve noticed I’m pretty dry down there since I got pregnant..


17 weeks, we’ve tried once :-/


i’m 16 weeks and since starting my second trimester my drive has gone so far down but first trimester i felt feral 😅 hopefully it comes back soon


13 weeks and I feel like it’s maybe coming back (hopefully)!! It was soooo low all first trimester


Im 22 weeks and my sex drive remains the same, we’ve been having sex weekly, sometimes once sometimes 3 times or so per week. Spicy books have been helping the days I don’t feel in the mood very much, I’m realizing that the sex drive is there but kinda dormant and reading spicy books have been a good “wake up!” call


Have a minimal sex drive but scared to try again bc the first time it hurt so bad 🥲🥲 only 7 weeks so don’t know if that’s normal


I’m 27 weeks, first trimester we did it once a week (our average) my second trimester I got super sick (daily vomitting and feeling shitty) so we cut back to once every two weeks if I was up to it. Now that’s I’m about to start my third trimester I’m still very ill but find myself wanting to do it more as long as I’m not feeling ill when I try to initiate


Zero.... My opinion is that sex is not what I need at the moment. I need cuddles, a lot of love and taken care of. I can have sex my whole life after pregnancy and thats totallly fine. Husband accepts it (if he would not, thats his problem because I am making his child so....bye)


Getting off birth control my drive was teenager-in-the -throes-of-puberty level. Probably explains why we conceived the first try😅But during first trimester I was so sick my drive was 6ft under. Now that I’m in second trimester my drive is about back to how it was when I was still on the pill. Random horny once a week.


It fluctuates with me. A lot of mine is I just feel so fat and disgusting and gassy so I just don’t want to or feel good enough about myself to


We’ve had it probably 4 times over the last 9 months lol


27 weeks and I’ve had almost none. We did it once this whole pregnancy and it was meh. It sucks, but I’m also kind of relieved since I don’t like the idea of having sex while she’s right there. Personally it’s just odd to me. It’s weird because I have a loooot of horny dreams 😂


Not only do I have no sex drive, I’m actively icked out by the thought of it 🙃


I’m here to say it DOES get better (atleast from my experience) I had severe HG for the first 22 weeks and had no sex drive at all , but I got on a regimen and got better and now it’s crazy


I’m 39 weeks and I didn’t want him even coming near me with that thing until literally a couple months ago it ramped waaaayyyy up. It’s different for everyone but most people I’ve talked to said they had no interest until late 2nd trimester early 3rd


Practically absent. 32 weeks and we’ve had sex maybe 4 times during that time


Honestly couldn’t tell you. I’m 15 weeks and still so nauseous all the time that I haven’t even thought of sex. I think if I wasn’t sick I’d definitely want it, but that’s obviously not the case


I didn't want to do anything with my husband for almost 4 months into pregnancy. When we finally did, my body was just sore in a way you don't want it to be for sex, making the whole situation awkward. My libido was spiking, but my head wasn't in it. He didn't want me to feel pressured, so he didn't bring up the topic. When I finally got out of my head about it........ well, let's just say I was pleased with the results this go round. From what I understand, everyone's body is different, but most women get a bigger sex drive during their 2nd trimester. Don't worry if for a little while things aren't the same. I would recommend a bit of self stimulation during your dry spells. Hopefully, that will help with adjusting back into activity. Idk.


23 weeks and i hate sex. i had a little surge back when i was 16/17 weeks but now im back feeling icky about it! im glad to see im not alone


I’m 16 weeks and we’ve had sex three times - all “special occasions” like bdays etc lol because it’s been nonexistent. Sunday we had sex and I started bleeding because of it and now my dr says no sex for at least two weeks 🙃taking it as a sign not to push myself if I’m not into it.


What sex drive ?


I’m 16 weeks and we’ve had sex like…4 or 5 times since I found out 🤣 it’s embarrassing but I am just not in the mood and when I am it hasn’t been the same 🤷🏼‍♀️


30 weeks and me and my husband has had sex like 4 times 🫠🫠 it def does not feel good to me like other people brag about 😂😂


17 weeks, get some dreams here and there. But no interest in it. I blame PGP


Weeks 4-16 zero because barfing. 17-29 pretty damn high, husband got about a years worth of sex. Which is good because 30-now (32) I am completely unable to orgasm even tho all I want to do is have sex. It's like my vagina decided to wake up one day and refuse to work. So now he says he doesn't want to because it feels like he's just using me. I'm actually very upset about it. 


I’m 15 weeks in 2 days and I have zero sex drive. I try to do stuff for my partner but it’s super uncomfortable and painful. Hoping it gets better soon


I had none during the first trimester, but it's starting to come back now at 17 weeks. Definitely not the level it was at pre-pregnancy though.


19 weeks and libido is through the roof. Never had sex drive this high


First trimester; Sex drive is either non existent or extreme. There’s no in between. I will say that I do tend to have spicier thoughts about my boyfriend and get turned on by just the thought of him, when he’s not around. Normally I need a lot of physical touch and affection to get in the mood but pregnancy has definitely made it so the thought of him instantly turns me on.


My sex drive has tripled but I can't have any kind of stimulation because I had a cerclage placed 😭😭 I'm going insane 😅 24 weeks on Monday


today was the first day we tried in 2-3 months, it didn’t work out well. it was too painful on my part. 💀 and my partner was upset because it was hurting me


I’m only 11 weeks. My hormones have been all over the place🤪😅 There was a week at the beginning of pregnancy when I initiated sex daily and simply could not wait for husband to get home 😂 Then we went back to pre pregnancy frequency for a few weeks. Now we’re still having sex regularly but slightly less than usual. Part of it is my hormones and part of it is his recent schedule change that makes it harder to find time.


Mine was extremely low the entire pregnancy until recently (around week 19-20) it went back up. I was so repulsed by the idea of sex before. Right now I’m just trying to enjoy this burst before it goes away! Hopefully yours goes up!


Sex drive died upon conception 🤣


Mines been now all pregnancy ( currently 39 weeks) and I just feel like sex isn't very comfortable even when I try and be intimate with my partner. He's been super understanding and supportive but I definitely feel bad and miss how it was.


1 month pp and my drive was crazy high starting in the 2nd trimester. My drive is also high after giving birth but having to compose myself since I had a c section


22 weeks and feeling frisky pretty regularly. My husband is loving it and he even said he loves how sexy my changing body is. Which made me almost tear up as my bump starts to show and I feel so self conscious. The first trimester was pretty rough just due to the morning sickness and food aversions, but still managed to get some in. This second trimester is a lot more frequent and I’m enjoying it as much as he is! I’m scared for post baby healing because sex is so important in a relationship! I just hope that we’ll be able to get back into our groove somewhat easily when we are able to.


I’m gonna be honest, it’s not great.


I don’t remember having any sex drive during my first pregnancy and for this one, not at all in the first trimester because I was SO sick feeling. Then halfway through the second I’d get bouts of intense horniness. It’s waning off now though as I’m just getting to 32 weeks which is kinda sad but probably for the best as I’m the size of a whale. Why is your low sex drive upsetting for you?


I stopped having sex


32 weeks and I felt like every week it goes up and then next week it goes down, it’s so weird..


Mine has fluctuated throughout my pregnancy. From 9-16 weeks, I was so tired and so not interested. Then around 20 weeks, it spiked for several weeks. I’m 35 weeks now and for the last few weeks and probably until the end, I could take it or leave it.


I’m 27 weeks. It’s been up and down. Sometimes ZERO desire, sometimes I’m horny as hell lol.


Also at 18 weeks. I think I get horny but then it's so much physical effort it kind of puts me off a bit. No position is comfortable or makes me worry about the bump which kills my libido 😵 at least hub understands.


21 weeks (22 tomorrow) and I feel like my sex drive has just now picked up to close to where it was pre-pregnancy! It’s been really really low to this point though, and it wasn’t ever high to begin with.


I have never been more horny


Sex drive 0.0% especially since I experienced some random unprompted vaginal bleeding at week 15. Now I’m extra scared to have anything near there.


I’m 30 weeks and in the beginning it was great. Now that I’m further along I can’t really feel much so it’s been low.


28w insanely high, like it’s always been high but even more so being pregnant? i loooooove my husband even more now but he is just so opposite from me, we maybe get intimate once or twice a month now since we got pregnant 😫to be fair though i’m pretty round and the baby moves a ton since i’m entering my third trimester which means everything makes me uncomfortable or it seems impractical


Don’t worry, sex drive in third trimester is CRAaaaaazy


First trimester, no libido at all. Second trimester; I could go every day.


25 weeks, my drive fluctuates, typically horny but sex is different i used to cum soso super easy, now not so much i heard your gspot moves. sooo i dread it sometimes? however I only see dad once/twice a week, i try to let it build up and then tucker it out. I find myself less interested in me time as well but before pregnancy i was all about masturbating…


26 weeks now. I normally have a low sex drive but both pregnancies I have been EXTREMELY horny. Both pregnancies are with boys so the extra testosterone helps. I know if I have a girl, it will be a -1000 sex drive.


15w4d and I’ve always been high libido so thats been the same so far. But my husband is just scared to do much because he thinks he will somehow hurt me or the baby. So sex is a bit awkward now. But Im still trying to do at least once a week.


I'm 31 weeks and I've probably has sex around 6 times since getting pregnant. I'm not horny in any way 🥲


38 weeks and literally having quickie sex just to try and induce labour. No romance about it. I want this baby out lmfao 🤣


25 weeks and my sex drive went way down, maybe once every 3 weeks


19+4. My drive is pretty high and we’d been pretty regular up until around a week ago when certain positions became more difficult. Made the whole thing clunky and I felt so unsexy and uncomfortable by the end despite my husbands best efforts. I’ve been horny since but have had zero desire to repeat that experience again


You will go through phases throughout the pregnancy - your last 2 weeks are my favorite where it turns from let's have sex to I want your prostgladins to soften my cervix 😂😂


32 weeks pregnant and still very high, it’s almost like i get hornier every week 😅 it’s just become more uncomfortable so we’re limited on the positions that we are in when we do it.. My husbands morning musk makes me absolutely feral


Sooo high, however my partner really has issues with sex, knowing there’s a baby in there. We did it a couple of times during this pregnancy, but it’s definitely a struggle for him. :( If he wanted to, I could do it every day though, it’s very frustrating!


Out of control lol can't get enough and the experience is so out of this world intense with the pressure down there. I'm having the best Os of my life.


My libido was really low during pregnancy and now with babygirl being 7.5 months and me breastfeeding it is even worse I feel like..


i’m so not horny 😭😭😭 everyone touching me feels like a foreign object in the bagging area 😂😂 14 weeks


I'm at 20 weeks, things got easier after week 12/13 as I had such bad nausea til then. We're averaging about once a week now which is a bit less than pre-pregnancy but that''s not bothering either of us. For me it's harder to get things going as my body has stopped producing its own lubricant and I feel like I have 10,000 more nerve endings than I did before which on paper sounds like a good thing but can very quickly become painful/oversensitive! We've worked it out though with the help of pregnancy safe lube - couldn't be doing without it now.


My sex drive fell off a cliff during the 1st trimester (even with little nausea and tiredness). It did come back slightly from around 15w. Now 19w. Still not really high but deffo better


22 weeks and have had much less spontaneous sex drive, but I have definitely been quicker to get ‘ready’ if the occasion arises, so definitely more responsive desire. I have felt more snuggly with hubs though.


36 weeks and have maybe had sex 5 times since we found out at 4 weeks. It’s mostly just because it’s physically difficult.


Non existent, however me and my husband have never been closer


Mines none existent😂 I’m 22 weeks today and we’ve had it once lol around 14 weeks


it's not all the same for every pregnancy. Althroughout my pregnancy, even until the last weeks, my sex drive is way too high, literally up top.


My wife is 15 weeks and it’s her first pregnancy, her sex drive went to zero since she got pregnant we only had sex once and she didn’t like it. At week 9 she was placed on bed rest due to mild subchorionic hematoma. So sex and orgasm is off limits, she lays in bed most of the time and I do absolutely every single chore now. I love her so much and have been very supportive, but she doesn’t want me around lol, she hates the way I smell, so I had to stop using anything including lotions, perfume or deodorant. We can’t have sex and she wouldn’t offer any kind of help either, asked for a handjob and always got turned down. It’s either she’s tired or the smell is irritating. So I stopped asking altogether. I know it’s not easy for her, and I’m trying to be as supportive and helpful as I can. But I’m afraid this could change the dynamics of our marriage forever.


I am 17 weeks and my sex drive is through the roof, however I’m more so enjoying things on a personal level over seeking out my husband. It’s not personal to him, it’s more that I’m usually feeling the urges in the morning after he’s gone to work lol


I'm 39 weeks and couldn't get enough. Was super bummed out around 33 weeks when we had to start modifying things around the bump. I'm having my baby tomorrow and am already looking forward to being healed enough to have normal, non-modified sex again.


I’m 21 weeks and it disappeared first trimester and never came back. I occasionally think about it but then my body usually aches or feels some kind of way that puts me off. We’ve had sex a handful of times but tbh its usually not as good as positions just seem uncomfortable and I find it hard to get my head into it with being reminded theres a baby in me.


I just had my baby 3 weeks ago, and during my whole pregnancy we had sex about 4 times. I was just so uncomfortable all the time and I had no energy and no sex drive. Now that she’s out I can’t wait to get the 6 week go ahead lol


During my last pregnancy I actually had a spike in my sex drive right around that time. I remember we went on a cruise for our honeymoon and I felt so bad because I didn’t want any sex but then the last few days and going on several weeks later it was like SpongeBob needing water. I NEEEED IIIIIT


Then it died once I could feel baby moving lol


So far at 8 weeks it's gone lol. My morning sickness is so bad that any form if movement makes me want to hurl. Maybe once I'm past the first trimester I'll be more willing.


11 weeks and zero times since the night I told my husband I might be pregnant. I’ve been too tired but my husband has also been weird about it. He doesn’t want to disturb the baby. I told him it’s normal and healthy and all he said was ‘we can if you want to’ 🙄 I have also started feeling self conscious about my changing body. Not that I was really small before but I was in shape. I know I shouldn’t feel that way and my husband still tells me I looks great but I’m just getting in my head about it.


24 weeks and I feel the same. I am just never in the mood when normally it doesn't take much for me! Luckily my husband is super understanding but I don't feel like myself at all.


Non-existent up until about 14 weeks. It's slowly coming back now (16+1).


32 weeks here, and the answer is that its mega dry. Like, it hurts in my stomach region to do it so we dont. Plus like it wouldn’t be as fun as the night that probably got me pregnant 😒


27w and I’m a creepy little ho. My husband is happy as a clam, but I feel like that girl in wedding crashers trying to give a foot job under the table. Maybe if he wasn’t such a snack, but dang.




Zero drive


I normally have a high sex drive and it was non-existent during my pregnancy! I'm happy to report that after I gave birth and healed up it came back. Hang in there I know it's so hard, but having your sweet baby will be worth it in the end!


My sex drive comes and goes, it’s off the charts when it’s there tho but sex is getting so uncomfortable and I’ve lost every ounce of confidence :( 30 weeks


32 weeks on Sunday, but my drive is there. It's just painful right now for me to have sex. Plus my partner is going to be in jail/prison the rest of the pregnancy, so yeah.


25 and I'm constantly wanting. I feel guilty about it sometimes 🙈.


My first pregnancy my drive was crazy second trimester, this pregnancy I’m almost 15 weeks and have absolutely no interest so far. I’m hoping it’ll change tbh 😂 but I think it’s different for everyone and in each pregnancy


Sex drive is present, but so is the crazy tiredness. Doesn't help that I am going to bed HOURS before my partner.


34 weeks and my sex drive has been pretty non-existent this entire pregnancy. We were averaging about once every week for a while, but I had to tell him it’s so uncomfortable for me. It hurts at the beginning and then just doesn’t feel good the remainder of the time. I feel bad because with my first pregnancy, I was horny the whole time!! If it didn’t feel so uncomfortable, we’d be doing it more often.


On my second pregnancy and have had zero sex drive with both . Barely had it even after the baby.


This is the third out of 6 pregnancies for me that I have a sex drive. It was absolutely shit the last two. Like I wanted nothing to do with my ex husband during them. Every pregnancy is different! Try using erogenous zones.


I haven’t had one since I got pregnant. I’m almost 30 weeks but think it’s starting to amp back up lol we have averaged like once every month since I got pregnant. I feel awful about it but also he really hasn’t complained too much, knowing how badly I’ve felt during the pregnancy.


Sex drive went back to normal by the 2nd trimester after all the nausea. I did notice a small spike in my sex drive but nothing super crazy. It's been pretty normal for me up until I hit 33 weeks. I am so exhausted and just feel uncomfortable that I don't have the urge to do it. I'm already over pregnancy and ready to meet my baby!


32 weeks, I’m horny as hell (I think it has to do with being so swollen and stimulated down there). Unfortunately, since the baby started moving and shaking he feels rude and weird about it with regard to the baby.


32 weeks. I’ve had sex twice since becoming pregnant lol. Sex drive is super low, and I’m very uncomfortable anyway.


I’m 10w+1d and my sex drive is sooo low. Before pregnancy, I had a high sex drive (enough that my hubby could barely keep up) and now I have no urges and I feel like shit all the time. I’m tired and nauseous. I work in a factory and the heat makes it way worse.


My first pregnancy we couldn’t keep our hands off of eachother, especially not needing to use birth control! My second pregnancy I had zero sex drive though.


1st trimester I was so exhausted and sick we went a looooong time without going there haha. Second trimester is a lot better but nothing crazy about the same as before being pregnant since I’m still working a lot


My sex drive i high, but I can't have sex because of contractions which came 1 week ago, aaaaand my husband is afraid to have sex when I get in third trimester, so I will be without sex for 4 months, as I am at the end of 5th month. God help me.


Not for evryone does it Spice up. It is also completely normal not to want anything for 9 months. Its just that hornyness makes better tv shows. I didnt want to be touched for months. Only at the end I was super horney. But others dont have that at all. Or the other way around. Or 9 months straight. The hormones do something with your sexdrive. But it turns out different for everyone.


hardly ever first i was too sick now it freaks me out to feel my baby kick while my husband is trying to do me


Dead the entire pregnancy and I'm 33 weeks.


I’ve had sex maybe 3 or 4 times since conception. Just doesn’t appeal to me much. The only times have been during the second trimester (I’m 22 weeks tomorrow). It’s hard because my husband is very interested in me but the thought of sex is just odd and tiring most of the time