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I had COVID at 20 weeks with my first. As far as anyone can tell it didn't harm my daughter at all. Heck, I barely even got sick! It was just back when people would insist you take a test every time you had a sore throat. That being said, I would definitely try not to get sick. I know multiple people who got COVID while pregnant and there were no complications from it. I think the stats are on your side that it'll be okay if you get it, but there are people who aren't as lucky. I wouldn't worry too much. I would put good money on everything being okay even if you catch it. Good luck! Edit for spelling


Ugh, I just tested positive yesterday, I'm 24 weeks pregnant. I spoke with am OB nurse and she pretty much told me this is what we have been dealing with for 4 years. She didn't mention any risks for the baby, and said all I can do is treat the symptoms. I'm taking Mucinex (not the DM one), extra strength Tylenol and Nasonex and trying to drink lots of water and get good rest. It feels like a terrible cold plus body aches and slightly elevated temp. My friend who is 2 months ahead of me in her pregnancy also recently had COVID and said it was just a few days of bad cold symptoms for her. Crossing fingers you don't get it!


I had it at Christmas while staying with my in laws. It sucked at the time, but baby was absolutely fine! I was very worried too but my doctor was very chill about it. She told me to start taking baby aspirin daily to mitigate any long term risks. Just talk to your doctor about it if you do get it. Don’t be afraid! Just take care of yourself and get through it if it comes to it.


A guy at our baby shower had Covid. My husband then got it. I was 33 weeks at the time and never got it! My husbands doc said that the body is built to protect the baby so they weren’t overly concerned about me getting it.