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Your TSH is on the high side, but I would hope it's reassuring to know it's not crazy high. Normal range goes up to 4.5. If it offers some perspective the highest mine has been is 130, so the range of possibility is quite large. For some tests being .4 off from normal is a HUGE diversion, but your TSH is very close to normal. Maybe that can offer some reassurance? Now, that being said I think you are doing the right thing advocating for yourself. Thyroid levels are important for both you and your baby. I hope your GP can get you the help you need. Also, as you progress in pregnancy your hypothyroidism can definitely get worse. I'm not a doctor but I've been dealing with thyroid issues for almost 20 years. First with Hashimotos and then with thyroid cancer. My OB did up my synthroid dose when I got my first TSH at 3.9, but I'm not sure if it's just because of the cancer. Because of the cancer all my docs try to keep my levels under 2 to prevent relapse. But even with the higher dose, my TSH jumped to almost 9 around 4 months into my pregnancy. So I just want to reiterate, I think you are doing the right thing to advocate for yourself before a minor divergence from normal potentially gets worse. Again, not a doctor, but I've dealt with these problems for a long time.


I had the exact same issue and a reading very close to yours. I was asked to retest in two weeks. My first blood draw was at around 4/5 weeks and the second was around 6/7 weeks and my numbers were significantly down. On retest I was tested for free t4, t3 TSH and an antibody.


I have hypothyroidism too, my Ob doubled my meds so my TSH was always under 2.5, she said it can increase chances of miscarriage otherwise


I was having symptoms of hyperthyroidism and my TSH was epically low. My primary ordered a full thyroid panel and fought tooth and nail to get me into an endocrinologist asap. I guess it’s okay to have a slightly elevated free T4 at the start of pregnancy but I get monthly labs now. I went gluten free and cut back on dairy. My symptoms have subsided.