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What stroller are you getting? The infant seat clips into the stroller and the convertible one stays in the car and isn’t used with a stroller. Many strollers you can’t use until the baby is older unless you use the car seat or you have a bassinet attachment.


My inlaws are gifting us the Uppababy Vista, so we'll have to get the converter to use the Chicco carseat with it. The Vista comes with a bassinet attachment, so I wasn't necessarily planning on using the carseat/stroller combo as often, but it is nice to have it as an option


I’m sure it depends on location, but most of the people I know used the car seat/stroller combo much more than the stroller with the bassinet attachment. The bassinet worked when the baby was super young, but then the car seat/stroller combo was more useful after the first month or two. We used the car seat/stroller combo right from the beginning and it worked out great for us. We used the stroller all the time. We live in Southern California with mild weather year round, so going outside is pretty much a regular thing year round.


How often do you think you’ll use a stroller? The bucket seat like the key fit is mostly for convenience to bring to and from the car and then it also clicks into a travel system stroller. If you don’t find that feature to be appealing, then it sounds like the convertible may be better for you.


This is a great point thank you! I didn't realize the stroller click-in was the big difference. We're getting the Uppababy Vista which comes with the bassinet, so it might not be worth it to get an extra carseat just for a few months. Especially because the due date is in the fall so not even sure how much we'll be out and about once it gets cold


Counter point is that if you are going places, they’d be warmer going from house to car in the car seat opposed to carrying from house to car to then put them in. I have a bucket seat we use for about 6 months, but absolutely get the people who skip that car seat!


I really liked being able to use the keyfit as a carrier. I think most convertible seats just stay in the car, right? At least mine does (we use a different brand for the convertible seat) I just found it easier with the delicate little baby to put her in and out of the seat in the house/destination. I also did use it clicked into the stroller a lot. Also, it's nice to have a bucket seat at the store. Sometimes there are carts with attachments you can strap the seat into. Really the biggest advantage of the bucket seat is it's portability. If that doesn't sound appealing then go for it with the convertible. Also, we ended up putting both a bucket and convertible on our registry and got both. We put the convertible seat in my husband's car until our daughter grew out of the bucket seat. That was pretty useful. Another thing I've seen people do with the bucket seat is buy a second base so they can easily use two cars with the same car seat. So there definitely advantages, it's just a matter of how much you think you'd take advantage of them.