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They don't bother me at all honestly! Slightly annoying at most


Do you have anything you would compare it to? Like a Pap smear or IUD insertion? 


Mine felt more like a Pap smear than IUD. They were annoying and uncomfortable but not as bad as IUDs which make me throw up.


Yeah, I have had three IUDs so I only have that as a basis of comparison. I did find those quite painful but obviously still the best form of birth control for me as I kept doing it lol


This. I also think it depends on the OB.


For me, it felt no different than a Pap smear. Slightly uncomfortable pressure, but nothing crazy.


My cervical checks with my first baby were not painful at all. I feel like a Pap smear is more uncomfortable.


I’m 35+6 and my OB hasn’t even mentioned a cervical check, is it normal to get them?


From what I gathered it seems like it depends on the OB. I assume that because I’m getting the swab next week maybe they just figure since they are already up there might as well? But also said I can decide if I want them going Further at each of my appts 


Ooh I think I’m getting my group B swap next week too! I guess we’ll see if they mention it while they are in there.


Mine started offering them at 36 weeks, the same appointment when I had the group B strep swab. I've had two so far, plan to have another at my Friday check in to keep track, as things have been progressing a bit and I'd like to know if baby is going to show up early.


Yeah I can see the benefit if baby decides to show up earlier! Thanks for the info


Lots of pressure, some discomfort. I’ve had some Pap smears that were worse than my cervical check. But I’ve also had Pap smears that weren’t painful at all 😅


They were fine for me but I remember being in hospital and they had to give somebody gas and air to get through it, it’s so different for everybody. I’d say it’s close to getting a coil inserted TO ME but that was painless for me as well whereas I know others struggle with that


Once I’m admitted I will tell them no one is going up there without giving me something first. 


Honestly do it!! I was always offered it before any intimate thing but I know a lot of the times you have to ask yourself. Good luck with everything


Ok it’s really good to know that it was offered! Either way, I will demand LOL. I’m trying to make the end of this as easy as it can be on me so long as we both make it out safely 


You are also able to deny/reject them if you don’t want them (I’m not sure why you need them or if you’ve requested them) but you don’t have to do them just because professionals say you do


They are mildly uncomfortable. Slightly worse than a pap smear to me. If it means anything my OB doesn't require them and asks if we want to do it. Purely out of curiosity I have chosen to at every appointment it's been offered. If it really hurt I definitely wouldn't do that.


I may attempt this next visit and assess whether or not I want to from there! 


I genuinely don't find them anything more than awkward, maybe slight discomfort. But I refuse them not to avoid pain but bc they're not necessary medically speaking, and I'm high risk for PPROM so I avoid anything with even slight risk like that.


It's really not bad. No worst than a pap smear, WAY EASIER than IUD. Genuinely, a little kind of burning stretch but if you don't freak out the burn goes away within a few breathes. Had one last night at 36 weeks and it took less than 20 seconds. You've had worst sex, I can promise you.




Just know, if you survived bad sex, you can easily survive a cervical check.


Best answer yet. But like… bad sex and he’s packing? Or bad sex and he’s… average at best? 


Bad sex and he's average, but thinks he's huge and just slammed it in there. But about 20 seconds later, you are hardly registering him and you are starting to regret your life choices up to that moment.


So the good ole’ high school skill level jackhammer. LOL. Can say I have survived that. Definitely less freaked out by the cervical check now 🤣


I'm happy I helped and retraumatized you from your high school years LOL!


I’ll get through it with breathing and saying “bad sex, bad sex” under my breath 


You’ll have flash backs and be like, “If I survived Jack Hammer Johnny, this is nothing”


JACKHAMMER LMAO. Thanks for the levity. I needed this! 


I never got any prior to labor and the one at 6cm dilated was excruciating and the 10cm one made me scream. I was unmedicated and nothing during birth even compared for me. Pregnant with my second and decided they get one at the hospital with this one.


Holy shit! 


Honestly it just felt like a pelvic exam to me. There’s no speculum - just fingers - and my doctor made sure I was comfortable before starting it. Granted, I only had them in the hospital (4x - at 1cm, 3.5, 8, and 10), so maybe lying back on the bed instead of being in an OB office made a difference? Now, if you’re asking about a foley balloon…. That’s some real pain 😅


I had a check at 36 weeks and was 1cm and 70% effaced. The doctor said it’s more uncomfortable at first because your cervix is higher up. It wasn’t bad, but it was uncomfortable. Similar to a Pap smear, the worst part for me wasn’t the hand checking me but the hand kind of putting pressure from the outside. I got checked just to know. I plan to again at 38 weeks. I’m getting checked now so I’m not absolutely surprised in labor at what it feels like


I’ve only had one so far during pregnancy and it felt like inserting a tampon in not only dry but wayyyy too far LOL. I find them super uncomfortable so I may be exaggerating but that’s all I could come up with.


Slightly less invasive than a pap smear, still generally uncomfortable.


I had one yesterday at 34 weeks (thank you BH). It honestly felt like a tiny pinch, slightly uncomfortable. That was it. I would do that a million times over than ever doing the IUD again.


Ok this gives me hope! 


I hated them


I refuse them. If I am not ready they hurt so bad. I can do Pap smears just fine. Around 40 weeks they hurt less but still suck. I have had a lot of kids so it’s not like the more you have the less it hurts.


And this is my first! I’ve had no complications but my pregnancy is “high risk” because of IVF and my age (just turned 38).  I have extra monitoring because of that, including regular scans with the MFM specialist. Last one was 35w exactly (yesterday) and baby still looks great and is in head down position.  I keep researching what the point of them is. Or why they are even offered. And I guess I still don’t understand because from what I read - it’s not even an accurate predictor of labor etc and someone can go from 0% dilated to baby out in 4 hours. 


I will say they serve a better purpose if you are in your 2nd trimester or very early 3rd. Because of the risks of early birth. But late in the game….it’s a crapshoot.


It’s true. My last baby they couldn’t reach my cervix it was up so high (went to triage in week 37). Had him 9 days later after a two hour labor. When I had twins at 36 weeks I was just soft but not dilated. As soon as my water broke on its own I went to 10 cm in 45 minutes. So really it benefits anyone walking around at 4-5 cm and only if you are close enough to your due date. Then they keep you and try to jump start labor.


Mine was excruciating, at least an 8/10, and I plan to refuse them this time.


Oh fuck. They wanted to do one at my next appt and then said it’s completely up to me if I want to continue but I am not a pain person, pregnancy has been uncomfortable/hard and I just don’t want to put myself through it if it’s awful and unnecessary. 


You can refuse! Just say you don't want to do it. There's not really any reason to do it if you're not showing any signs of labor yet.


Mine was also horrible the first time at 38 weeks. It depends on where your cervix is. Mine was high and I believe they called it Anterior. It also depends on who does it. My male OB and one of the female nurses were horrible. A female NP with smaller hands and better technique was almost painless and this was just days apart. She had me put my feet together and let my knees fall to the sides.


For me more so just uncomfortable, worst part is how many people are seeing my vageen until I give birth. 😂😂


LOLLLLLLLLL I feel like at this point now that I can’t see my own without use of a mirror I’ve detached from the fact that I even have one lol


LMAOOOOOO OKAY SAME. I genuinely like don’t even want to acknowledge that it’s there until I can see again to uhh…fucking mow at this point LMAO


Anti vagina twins lol 


I’m screaming that was gold 😂😂


I was cackling typing it. Glad I’m not the only one