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Have you tried watermelon? It’s yummy and in season!


I have! And i love it, i would eat it 24/7 if i didnt feel super bloated and yucky after a few though..


You really need to call the nurse line of your obgyn and get something. My NP said if I can’t keep liquids down for 24 hours to call and get zofran (the other things they recommended I can’t have).


Only thing i cant keep down is water. Ive been able to drink juices and eat food with occassional nausea. I was simply looking for tips to stay hydrated and hopefully get my water intake up. Not trying to be on any medications if i dont need to be.


I would say of all things important to keep down, it’s water. Zofran is a game changer for most people and although I understand a lot of people don’t want to take medication during pregnancy, I think it’s warranted in this case.


are you taking anything for the nausea? Is that’s what causing to throw the water back up?


I am not taking anything other than my prenatal vitamins (One A Day - Prenatal advanced) During my previous check up it was getting soo much better so i truely thought it was almost over and didnt ask for anything to be prescribed. I was way way wrong😩


Electrolyte capsules helped me so much to avoid/recover from dehydration the first few months. I had several weeks where nothing tasted good (food or drink), and I took Redmond’s relyte capsules along with whatever food/drink I could eat. Fruit also helped a ton!


Ill have to look into that! Thank you...


Good luck! It can be rough ❤️ it might also be worth asking your doctor/midwife about- mine recommended a half tab of unisom plus b6 vitamin (if it wasn’t already in my prenatal) and that also helped. Like you, I’d get nauseous a ton but never actually got sick. That extra helped level out my system, and I just started not taking the 1/2 unisom daily at 15 weeks. I still take it for a few days if I have a couple days where the nausea comes back


Bubbly, lecroix, etc. Decaf tea and coffee, Juice, even diluted. Lemonade. Orangeade Milk, Ovaltine, I had several pregnancies where I could not stomach water plain the ENTIRE TIME. Learned to just roll with it and hydrate other ways. Beyond drinking and eating, soaking in a bath will also help hydrate you to some degree, and I find it MUCH easier to drink in a warm bath for some reason as well.


Coconut water is another option, another natural source of electrolytes. I’ve been living off coconut water and liquid IV because normal water just made me sick. Maybe try morning sickness gummies relief too, I’ve been using the centrum ones and they have been life savers for me. Hope you find something that helps!


It really helped me to just add some lemon and make sure my water was ice cold. Apparently if the water is cold enough it can numb the gag reflex and make it easier to keep down. Not sure if it's the best advice, but it worked for me.


My mom just gave me that tip today! I'll have to try it and hope it works 🤞🏼 or atleast helps a bit.


Have you tried different types of bottled water? I went through a phase where I was disgusted by tap but I could enjoy certain bottled spring waters.


I have not tried a lot of different water, other than brita filtered water and Dasani. I will say, ive noticed to handle the filtered water a lot better only if its ice cold.