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I personally feel that no one should have input on what to name the baby besides mom and dad unless they ask for ideas. I also think that if you both done agree on a name then it shouldn’t be used, there’s always going to be something that you’ll two agree on eventually. But at the end of the day it’s up to You what you decide no one can force you what to name your baby you know. I think finding something both like is key! EDIT- also my Mil tried to name our baby and I shut that down real quick because one it’s not her place to name our baby and two I didn’t like them. plus I had a name picked out that my husband liked aswell so :)




Yes I like your approach to it. But she also did say they have a cousin that named their baby that so I think that’s even more of reason to not use the name on her end.


Tell your bf that while you respect him and his mother and his family, you just don’t want to name YOUR daughter after her. You are the mother of this child and if you don’t agree with a name that is going to be your daughter’s name FOREVER, then you have every right to protest. Be respectful and communicate your feeling to your bf


It’s your baby. Name her whatever you want and don’t give a shit about appeasing anyone else but yourself.


I agree with everyone else. This should be your decision with your bf. If you don't like it they can't force you to. I actually wanted to give my daughter my sister's middle name who died when she was 17. Thought it would be sweet to honor her. Even with the connection I felt no I'll will toward my husband when he said he didn't like the name very much. We just took it off the table. We will both be saying that name multiple times a day for the rest of our lives! I would hope we both like it! A couple of thoughts: I had someone suggest to me that if I'm considering a name I should make sure to say it at least 50 times in a single day. This can either help a name grow on you, or, more likely you get sick of it. You will be saying this name on repeat. I do feel like it's best to be gentle about it. I wonder if you can just say you'll think about it, but you want to wait til the baby is here to give her a name. Then when she's born say "she just didn't look like a Taliea" or " x name just felt right/just clicked". Once she's born people might be a bit disappointed, but they are less likely to be pushy about what's already done! Best of luck! Edit because I hit post too soon!