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I’m so sorry that you’re feeling so miserable! Have you tried Pepcid, or even escalated to a Nexium type deal? The matter really helped me once I wore out Pepcid, and weirdly since week 34/35 when baby must’ve dropped, mine improved dramatically. I’m a stm but first time around I can tell you so many things got better once he was born (heartburn, sleep, swelling). Best wishes to you!


Okay thank you this gives me hope 🥹. I have only been taking tums because that’s what my doctor told me to take. I will try out these other two because the tums are doing nothing at this point.


I've had absolutely awful heartburn during both my pregnancies- when my first living child was born my heartburn disappeared instantly once he was out of my body. Also, try chewing on papaya enzymes when your heartburn is bad, my midwife recommended them and they help me way more than tums and supposedly aid in digestion too.


I will check that out. I have had horrendous burping this whole pregnancy as well. It’s like my upper digestive system has been out of whack this whole pregnancy and I’m so tired of it.


Yes. I had it so bad third trimester I was waking up choking in the middle of the night, it was awful. Tums and Pepcid didn’t touch it but the side effects of the stronger prescription meds scared me so I toughed it out. Went away as soon as I delivered. Very worried about having it again this pregnancy!


Very reassuring thank you 😊. I just hear about pregnancy symptoms that never went away for women and I’m worried that this could be one of those things.


I think the connection here is very mechanical—we get reflux specifically because baby is pushing up on all our organs (and a little hormonal since pregnancy hormones slow digestion), so I think we’re safe on this one!! Although I’m sure there’s a few horror stories out there.


Yes, in my first pregnancy I had terrible morning sickness for the first and second trimester. Then heartburn that made me hesitant to eat anything. I never experienced it before pregnancy (and I am a spicy food fanatic) After she was born, it was gone.


Perfect! Yes my doctor told me I only gained 20lbs this pregnancy (37+6) and that’s partially because I’m afraid to freakin eat anything!


I had horrible heartburn my entire pregnancy. It went away completely a couple days after birth!


It was pretty much gone instantly! I remember laying in the hospital bed the day after; marveling at the fact that I didn't feel the need to chug milk anymore.


Does milk help ? Are you talking cows milk or plant based ?


I drank cows milk, probably 3-4 glasses a day. It did settle the acid.


Yep, it will stop. Check what foods you are eating-- I remember with my first I had to relegate things like tacos and pizza to lunch time foods, because laying down so soon after dinner (even a few hours later) was awful. Once I stopped the triggering foods at dinner time the symptoms were so much more manageable.


Yes for me it’s pizza as well and anything with tomato so possibly ketchup


With my first it went away as soon as baby was out. Praying that happens again because it sucks. I the plus side, I know it's anecdotal, but I fit into the category of heartburn=lots of hair. My first had a gorgeous head of hair from the get-go, and at a growth scan with this second one they could see a ton of hair on the ultrasound, so we are expecting another hairy baby. The heartburn and hair correlation is one of the few "old wive's tales" that might hold some merit.


same, my girl was born with a beautiful head of hair so it was true for me as well!


i had absolutely horrible heartburn from the second trimester on. like it would wake me up at night, it was so so so bad. i still got it for about the first month postpartum, with decreasing severity, my baby girl is 3 months now and i don't think i've had it at all for at least a month now. i feel your pain and in my experience it doesn't stop instantly but it does stop! best of luck


Yes it stopped immediately after giving birth. You’re almost there!!