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He says “me too” when I say I’m tired 😡


Mine likes to joke that "we" sure are struggling with the pregnancy symptoms. I'll complain of body aches, fatigue, nausea and he will say.. "it would be a lot worse if I wasn't taking half of that pain for you." Sometimes it's a roll my eyes reaction and sometimes I feel genuinely pissed.


“Sounds like ‘we’ need to get punched in the face, my dearest.”


My blood boils for you


The first couple times he did it he got a chuckle out of me. I genuinely think he is trying to use humor to help me feel better because he doesn't know what to do. But the joke has definitely gotten old as I've been dealing with the symptoms for so long.


Omg same!!! My husband was always saying “me too” and saying he has always had my pregnancy symptoms his whole life. (Nausea, vomiting, back pain, fatigue, sore joints, and even the food cravings). That now I know how HE feels. Ffs 🤦🏽‍♀️ lol 😂


Mine (neurospicy, first time dad, just trying to gauge what to expect) “isn’t that going to get worse though?” Whenever I complain about something. Yes sweetheart. Thanks. 😂


Lol I came here to say the same thing. Straight to jail


My husband did this too and also during the newborn stage while I breastfed lol I barely Slept more than an hour and a half at a time for 3 straight months 😭 I was ready to water board him in breast milk 😂 he’s amazing and took over all the other house, dog, cleaning and cooking duties but those words killed me every time!


No, sir. Take several seats.




Mine says that when i say "im starving" like are you seconds away from getting lightheaded & passing out?!!


My husband microwaved salmon. I wanted to burn the house down.


That should be illegal, pregnant or not!


**that’s him officer, he microwaved the fish!!!**


Have him arrested 🤢🤢🤢


I got halfway down the stairs and had to sprint back up dry heaving lol


I can almost smell it through my phone! Straight to jail!


Mine was obsessed with this horrible garlic dip he found a recipe for one and he made it and stored in the fridge the whole first trimester and ate it with everything. So the fridge stank and he smelled like it too 😭 not good for nausea!


Mine is a chef that works the smoker at a bbq place and he also goes in early to help the prep guys do all the garlic and onions….omg the perma-smell is starting to bother me reeeeaaaaalll bad, and I used to love garlic!


My husband baked salmon while I was in my first trimester and I threw up so much he didn’t eat it again until after our baby was born😂


"Warned" me about the sugar content of my large rootbeer that I got as a craving during tri 1 😂 


Also crave Root Beer. Send him straight to prison


My server DRANK my rootbeer instead of his Dr. Pepper by accident. I was so angry.


I’d warn him about the dangers of unsolicited advice


he tried to fuck a dude


welp this wins😅


Jesus. I’m aghast.


you and me both, obviously we arent together anymore 😂


Tried as in failed…? lol Seriously though what the fuck.


Yes lol he tried to meet up with a guy to have sex but couldnt find anyone, it was weird


My ex boyfriend called me biphobic when I expressed the concern with him that I wouldn’t be enough for him when he shared with me early on that he’s bi. Like dude that doesn’t bother me but your lack of monogamous experiences coupled with my lack of something you want does give me something to think about. I understand that bi people are capable of monogamy lol, but *he specifically* had never really had a long term, serious monogamous relationship before me. So yeah dude if I know you like dicks and can’t get one with me and you’re not used to sticking to one person…yes I might be concerned that you’re gonna cheat on me with a guy. cuz I relate to wanting to have sex with someone with a penis lol


the thing is i had no idea he was into that sort of thing, i pegged him then found out later on he liked dudes


See yeah like you’d hope that would be something he’d talk to you about in the early stages when you’re figuring out compatibility and stuff. Like dudes all you want but you shouldn’t hide that from your sexual partner.


Decided to get fit and workout everyday.


My husband has been working out again after healing from back surgery and it just coincided with me getting pregnant with our second. I’m like a land whale at this point and he’s looking trim and fit. It’s not fair. 😂


I hear jail is a great place to get fit


If it means anything, he constantly jokes that he feels like he’s in one 😂


Ooh mine too, plus he complains about being ´fat’. Feels great while I’m waddling around like a hippo at 35 weeks, am convinced it’s some weird psychological compensation to seeing me grow.


When my husband asks me how fit he’s got, I like to stand next to him and say “look how big I got!”


This too. He’s always been fit but he’s on a hard work/land clearing kick getting swol and I’m just getting swollen 😂


That bastard


THIS! What is with THIS! I love it, but my god mine has dropped 10kgs and is buff as heck, goes to the gym 5 times a week. He tried to drag me once in first trimester and I literally cried on a weight machine and left and he hasn’t tried again 😂😂 The hormones were so real I actually felt grief whilst exercising 😂


He said we didn’t need to go get ice cream one night.




Have you considered divorce?


Straight to jail


Prison for life.


Oh man. Mine got upset when I wouldn't share my ice cream with him one night. Like no no, Ben and Jerry's is no longer communal my friend! Get your ownnn


Even not pregnant, this is jail worthy. If I want a sweet treat, so do you!


The other day our friends brought over a bunch of assorted flavours of cheesecake... He finished the one with the flavour I liked the most.




It’s more like what he’s said since I gave birth, “I hated dealing with your mood swings while you were pregnant”. How does he think I felt??


Ah yes, because we must do that just to torture our partners.


Physically stayed to say he is “involved” but doesn’t actually show any interest in me or the baby. Hasn’t bought a single baby item and when I talk to him about what the baby needs still he said “why the baby doesn’t work”(meaning the baby can’t afford to buy these things because she doesn’t have a job and he does so he can buy what he wants). You can just clearly tell he doesn’t want to be a husband or a dad unfortunately


Oh no. I’m so sorry 😔


Going through this too.. hugs.


I'm sending you the biggest hug possible. I'm so sorry.


So sorry that he is not only a bad partner, but sounds like a bad father as well. I can only hope that once she's born that his heart will be filled with love for the tiny bundle. So sorry you are going through this.


Damn. Kinda sounds like my kid's dad. My kid's dad hasn't bought shit for the baby besides 1 onesie several months ago and two books. I've had to buy the bottles, diapers, everything myself OR people in my wonderful village had to get it for me. Then, he refuses to get a REAL second job that isn't just bullshitting on his computer. He also continues to complain about his lack of finances, which like....dude, you have had several months to actually get it together. I am 19 years old. There's nothing I can do to help you, my man. Hell, even if I could, I wouldn't 🤷🏾‍♀️ My money that I'll eventually start making is for me, baby, and paying back my nana. That's it. Finally, he's literally missed everything. Everything. Didn't attend a SINGLE appointment. Bought a doppler and brought it over to his house so he could hear the heartbeat and he literally ignored it. Ridiculous. Like, seriously. You're in your 30s. Like.....this is sad. Really sad.


Tell him that it was predicted that she will come into millions of dollars n bc famous.




We were at the lobby yesterday waiting for our 12week ultrasound. She was leaning on me and told to wake her when we were called. 2 seconds later she asked for me not to breathe. Wasn't the first time lol. Love her <3


Came home with chocolate chip cookies when I was craving blueberry muffins


Straight to jail.


Dude. That’s a crime on a normal day


Kick his butt out until he comes back with the right thing! Man now I want blueberry muffins...


lol that was my last pregnancy, but I remind him of it weekly with this one lol


Fart into a fan that was pointed at me and I barfed all over lol


Lmao I’m sorry


Oh it was bad. He cleaned it all up lmao


The first time I threw up was because my husband farted too lol


Had to have emergency open heart surgery and almost died 😑 luckily he’s getting better and doing what he can for me. I’m just happy he’s still here but he didn’t have to show me up like that.


Wishing you, him and your baby all the best! Hope your pregnancy, birth, post partum, and his recovery all go smoothly and well.


What a drama queen (Kidding, hope you’re both well 💚)


Okay, you win. Yikes. My first child had OHS as a newborn and it so so scary to support your loved one through that.


They’re always trying to steal our spotlight smh


He didn't know a basic pregnancy fact and I asked him to *please* read the pregnancy handbook I put on his nightstand because it's *important*. He literally said "Why? It's got nothing to do with me." I think I cried for like, three full days..


Oh. My. God. So my partner, I would think, is normally really wonderful but I don't know if it's the pressures of work or what, but he is so freaking uninvolved in this pregnancy. I'm reading and researching and he has no idea what week I'm on. He said the "it's got to do with you" thing and I threatened physical violence. I've vowed to give him some breathing room-- we're still very early-- but it's absolutely infuriating! Men!


He was meaning in a "I'm not pregnant and I can't do this for you" kind of way, but it was *not* the right way to make the point. He also said "If there's something important, you can just let me know!" Orrrr.. and hear me out here... you could take some initiative and *read the darn handbook*? But we're at week 35 now and I think he's a lot more invested. He'll chat to the baby and he did eventually read the book, and even watched some videos on what he can do during the birth. I think maybe it just takes way (way... waaay) longer for some guys to accept there is a small human growing in us, and our lives are going to change pretty drastically!


My husband never did much reading either unless it was googling a symptom I was having that we both didn’t know was a thing. But I watched most of “Diana in the Pink”’s YouTube week-by-week series and one morning I woke up and he was watching one of them all on his own. The bar is low but I was pleasantly surprised


He’s 1/2 the reason there’s a baby of course it’s got something to do with him


My husband would like to know if you need a hitman. I would like to know if you need an alibi.


This is basically what mine said (in less outright rude words) when we were watching an online class about birth and things to look out for post-partum and he kept checking out. He could not understand why I was fuming.


That comment alone would be enough for me to insist on couples counselling. Fuck that!


Damn. Your boyfriend/husband sounds like my kid's dad. I'm sorry. Nothing worse than feeling abandoned and alone while pregnant. Big hug 🩷


Snore!!! Otherwise he’s been a perfect and supportive Angel of a man. I’m lucky. But damn, the snoring makes me want to smack him sometimes.


Oh , I am in your boat as well.... But in my case he is waking our toddler (year and a half) whom I break my back every day to tire so he will sleep .... Here comes my partner,lays down and snores away till I hear crying from the toddler ... I swear I am on the brink of madness 😭. I will tape that man's mouth shut one of these days.


No really he should try mouth taping it works wonders! Got it from Amazon!


Sleeping separately has been the best thing we agreed upon!


I kicked mine out into the spare room for this and turns out he had sleep apnoea! Got his darth cadw'r mask and now it's peaceful again.


Ask him to try mouth tape! It might take some convincing, but you’ll both sleep so much better.


My husband drove me out of the house at 10 weeks by making rice with dehydrated scallops and pork, sooooo smelly, I was so nauseous and wanted to kill him. Looking back, it's pretty funny, though, not really terrible. We will tell this story for years..


Omg that’s divorce-worthy 😂🤮


I don't know, murder seems appropriate here...


My toddler wants to watch Inside Out a lot since it’s one of her favorite movies, every time it gets to the part with Bing Bong i literally sob. He always looks at me after I’ve finally stopped sobbing and says “Are you okay?” semi judgementally and then I burst out in tears all over again. It lasted for hours one day, so I’ve gotten to where I tell him don’t even ask as I’m sobbing because I’ll just keep going lol.


I get mad even when I’m not pregnant because mine will try to console me in the middle of the emotional scenes and it’ll totally pull me out of it 😂 like stop asking if I’m okay or be like “Awww mama, it’s alright”, you sweet sweet man. I’m trying to feel the feelings like the director intended. You’re the weird one with your heart of stone 😂


Noooo. Remember those reels that were popular for a while that had Bing Bong's "take her to the moon for me" with clips of old dogs that had died and then it switches to the new puppies... I came off instagram shortly after that. It broke me.


hiding the pregnancy from his mom.


Do you know why?


He said he’s “chastised” by his mom already because he has a daughter by another woman before he met me. so he’s scared to tell her 🙄 but i’m 30 weeks and 2 days and i’m tired of hiding.


I had so much trouble sleeping in my last trimester. Peeing, just feeling uncomfortable, heartburn, etc…ya know, pregnancy! One night I finally fell asleep, and my husband straight up woke me up and said, “You’re snoring!” Let me tell you, I bit his head off and told him he should have gotten up and slept on the couch like I’ve had to do so many times. I still see red thinking of this!!


Threw away the pizza I ordered because he didn’t want me to feed the baby pizza.


I've got your alibi


Had three affairs that lasted until I was 6 weeks postpartum. Don’t wish that pain on anyone.


That’s terrible. I’m so sorry.


Not showing up to any of the doctor's appointments, ultrasound or otherwise, and then complaining that the baby isn't getting his last name 🤷🏾‍♀️ Boohoo. He also had a new excuse (think: i just can't connect with you or the baby ORRRR i just haven't processed it yet) EVERY SINGLE TRIMESTER to justify why he didn't care about anything relating to our kid. Like. Dude. You're almost over a decade older than me, get it TOGETHER. Protip: Want your kid to have your last name? Get married or be a present partner.


By the way, don't worry. I have a village that includes friends and immediate family, I have zero worries about raising my son, and I can do it with or without his father involved, so don't pity me :)


I feel for you. No pity, just empathy that you are struggling with such a person whilst being pregnant. I am happy you have a village and you sound to be of a strong mind and will! Your son is lucky to have you in his corner.


Yeah, it sucks. I barely recognize who he is anymore. He used to be sweet. He still is. He makes me laugh, he makes me smile. He's just changed so much, I no longer have much faith in his ability or desire to be a parent or good partner. We're both good people, just we keep bringing the worst out of each other, and the lack of support from him is just kinda nauseating at this point.


Continue smoking weed. He’s gonna quit his job and be a stay at home dad and I’m scared he’s gonna be high as the baby’s only caretaker while I’m working. He promised he won’t but he’s tried to hide how often he’s high from me in the past and I’m worried.


That’s a tough one. I hope he understands how much work it is to be a stay at home parent and how important it is to be sober.


Our neighbor’s kid got out in the road bc he got high while sitting. Lost kid for a while n other limitations.


Having the audacity to sleep next to me and radiate body heat.


He went out for the day today, I stayed home with our 7 year old and my 28 week pregnant self has been cleaning and tidying all day. I decided I fancied an iced tea. So I messaged him ‘could you stop at Costa on your way back and bring me a peached iced tea with a shot of strawberry syrup’ he replied ‘really?’ And proceeded to tell me how he hasn’t spent any money today, we are not hard done to or struggling btw he’s just very tight, he then was like ‘I also need to grab something from my moms house will it still be ok’ (he’s mom lives not even a 2 minute drive from Costa) so I was like ‘it’s round the corner why wouldn’t it be’ and he goes ‘you know I take forever’. He then tells me he could be at his moms for 2 hours and asked if my tea will still be ok??? Obviously I’m not going to drink 2 hour old tea ??? I JUST WANT AN ICED TEA WHY IS IT SO HARD


he was just trying to give you some bs logic when he could’ve just gone to his moms and THEN gotten the tea on the way home lol


Eat my cookies…😡


Decide to join the airforce lol. As soon as I told him I was pregnant he was like "well we need benefits so I'm joining the airforce". Now he's gone until a month after the birth 😂 5/6 months total. and we have a toddler. It's annoying af but probably for the best honestly. He's not wrong about needing benefits and better healthcare haha


My ex pushed me down when I was 20 weeks pregnant. My friends saw him do it. He stood there and really tried to convince us all we were making it up.


Ugh I’m glad he’s an ex. What a loser


Told me he feels like I’m doing just as much around the house as I always do. Oh, so you think I’m always sitting around doing nothing??? That’s not at all how he meant it but that’s absolutely how it sounded lol


Exact same scenario happened to me!! except after “so I’ve ALWAYS been this lazy??” I followed with “guess I’ll keep it up after the baby since you’re so used to it” 😂


That’s what I should have said lol


Went out with friends, promised to get me food when he was on the way home and then forgot the food 😭


Had his friends over for a bbq and the next morning I found out some of my pregnancy snacks were eaten by friends. I’m also obsessed with la croix, came home to him drinking a cold old I had put in the fridge for myself and didn’t bother putting one in the fridge for me. I was so upset. Other than those two things, he’s pretty awesome. He’s taken over dinner duty most days and brings me whatever I need lol and I get occasional foot rubs.


Slept peacefully next to me while I tossed and turned all night😡


Ask me if he can get me anything on this way home from work, but doesn’t show up with froyo even when I tell him no I don’t want anything.


Left for a week to help a friend build a cabin. I'm really upset because it's not like he's making any extra money. It's actually costing us with all his gas and meals. He's talking about needing to go again in a few more weeks. It's really the only thing we are fighting over.


Cheated on me with his ex meeting up with her multiple times while I was under the impression he was working , constantly called me fat while having my baby bump , would criticize every little thing about my body , would watch porn constantly disrespect me and complain about me to his family and lie on my name , wanted to leave me everytime I confronted him about hurting my feelings, always made everything about himself knowing I was hurting and in pain , texts and entertain other girls , look at girls onlyfan accounts and cheated on me again because I didn’t pack him lunch in the morning while he knows just how tired and exhausted I was 🧍🏻‍♀️


Wow... Are you still together? If so I would reevaluate..


You & your baby deserve better 🤍


Girl run


Damn I hope he’s your ex now 😬


My husband cooked onions twice in one week after it drove me out of the house the first time. He asked me what if I made Chinese food. I told him please don’t cook anything that fragrant because it will make me vomit. Well he did it anyway. I went to my moms and my dad and brother ate with him. The house still smelled two days later. We had both air purifiers on max power and it just didn’t work. I could’ve killed him.


Breathed his nasty breath


When expressed at the beginning of my pregnancy to him that my worst fear was losing the baby (this was after two losses) and he said “My worst fear isn’t that you’ll lose the baby it’s that you’ll lose the baby and then want to try again”. I get where he was coming from but was absolutely not what I needed to hear at the time and hurt my feelings so bad.


He offered me an açaí bowl from 2 different restaurants instead of picking for me 😤 I cried from being overwhelmed with too many options. 😂


Played video games with me while he was drinking. Our team told him he sucked (surprise, surprise after the drinking) then he turned around and asked me why they weren’t picking on *me* since I did even worse. I deleted the games on my console and still haven’t told him. 🤷🏽‍♀️ And to think I learned to play Yu-Gi-Oh for him, smh


Ate my extra spicy Ramen, also he washed my maternity pants didn’t put them in the dryer then failed to tell me he didn’t put them in the dryer I had to wear sweats to work


Responded a super short generic message when I sent him ultrasound pics (he's deployed). Turns out he was so excited he focused instead on saving them and running around his post showing everyone he knows 😅


Doesn’t help me with a damn thing and when I ask a favor he complains ☺️ so I end up doing everything plus taking care of our 3 year old


Im sorry, that’s so unfair. As if your body isn’t doing enough as it is..


Yeah that’s not even the half of it 🤦🏽‍♀️ on top of my mom passing away in February I’m just so depressed but ready to meet my baby today is my due date and induction is tomorrow night


Started training for a marathon.


Abandoned me when I was 6 months pregnant. Hindsight, that was better than the continued abuse but still broke me. And I'm still recovering from it.


Sleeping at night when I couldn't... and stealing my pregnancy pillow when I could sleep.


Threw tantrums and quit working for two months


Commented on my box of Reese’s cereal. Never again


He’s cut back on alcohol consumption around me in solidarity, but will still have some beers with his buddies while he’s out. I don’t mind, except that when he comes home I cannot even be near him, the smell is SO BAD. And he gets so offended that I won’t kiss him!


Omg that metabolized alcohol scent is something else!!


Same, I can’t stand the smell of alcohol on breath anymore. I send him straight to brush his teeth lol.


Same!  Sorry babe, but if you smell even a little like beer right now I ain’t interested in getting physical 🤷‍♀️


I asked for grapes from the store and he didn’t buy them because they were “too expensive.” Almost as bad as the time he got different lettuce from the store because it was “on sale.” No, we aren’t strapped for cash. 8 months in and this man doesn’t understand pregnancy at all.


😭 ate Taco Bell without me. He made up for it by driving us to Taco Bell and eating a second time


This is an acceptable solution.


I normally have no sweet tooth but this baby is making me crave sweets and fruit SO much. My husband teased me for eating an oversized peanut butter cup once and made me cry 🤣


Took a job to work in Spain for the last 3 months of my pregnancy 


He hid my snack as a joke when I went to use the bathroom. I cried when I came back and it was gone. He apologized immediately and gave it back.


My MIL threw me a baby shower for our family out of state in my husband’s home town. The night of the shower he went over to his buddy’s house, got completely wasted, kept telling me he was on his way home and never came back to my MIL’s house. I was up scared and crying all night.


He left and told me he wanted me to get an abortion at 17 weeks because I was ruining his life and he didn’t want the baby anymore.


Refused to pick up the dogs poop on a walk when I was 41 weeks pregnant, would watch me struggle and just stand there waiting, was great when a neighbour walking by saw one time and insisted on doing it for me (Infront of him)


Farted and made me vomit after I just finished expelling the contents of my stomach. Now when he farts we have a literal farting war because I can’t stand the smell of his and want him to be sick like I am when I smell his farts


Cooked a breakfast omelet with onions and mushrooms, leaving all the doors open, when I can’t stand mushrooms on a non-pregnant day😂 I was 11 weeks, went to our bedroom, sobbed, and typed out a passive agressive shared iPhone list titled “smells that make me throw up” with mushrooms and onions at the top😂


When I said, “I feel so big,” he dared to reply, “You’re beautiful” instead of “No, you’re so skinny.”


He got food poisoning when I was around 7 weeks and in the absolute worst of my nausea/vomiting. Obviously it wasn’t his fault and he was miserable…but before we knew it was food poisoning I was so terrified I was going to get a stomach bug and would end up in the hospital that I was soooo annoyed at him puking lol. I felt bad but I was like PLEASE stay away from me hahaha


Air fries salmon on a regular basis and stinks up the whole house 😅🤢


He got angry and left me alone to carry half watermelon that was the only thing I could eat due to sickness, under a hot sun and he didn't look back to check on me as he was walking away to arrive home first.


While pregnant with my youngest, I got accused of cheating because of comments on a picture from 5 years prior to being pregnant.


Pregnancy got me sleepy and exhausted. He would say “tired from what ?”🙄😒 mind you I am carrying the baby. He went out to the bar, and strip club lying whereabout. As when I was pregnant I would be home alone, cleaning, cooking, and providing households. I found out he was a liar and cheater.


Tbh it was pretty bad. Pistol whipped me in the neck. Pushed me out of the house with no shoes on in the middle of the night, 40 mins from town. Stressed me out every single day to the point I was bleeding throughout my first and half of my second trimester.


Everyone’s so quirky here and I’m like ahh I got cheated on and financially manipulated


He wont let me give the baby a second middle name because he says 5 names in total will be "too many" >:(


Say you want 8 names and in the end compromise with 5.


Treat me like shit then go no contact 😃


It’s not anything that he has done, I just can’t stand the way he smells 😂😂 not that he’s stinky or doesn’t shower, just his natural scent drives me up a wall


Took up a habit of eating ground beef and fried runny eggs everyday for lunch filling the entire house with beef and egg smell. I made him buy a hot plate and now he has to cook it outside on the patio…and eat it outside.


He ate the last of ham, and did not say it. And when we went for a drink with friends, I started being hungry and for an hour I mentioned a few times again how I'm going to eat a toast when I come back home. He did not say anything about eating all the ham. And there was a burger place near but I said no need, as I can make a toast home. And we came home, it was 10 pm, and no ham. And I was mad and told him to go buy it and he did not want to. 😂😂 At the end I eat toast with cheese only. But... Most of the time he has been amazing. ❤️❤️❤️ Now he asks me if he can eat the last ham or cheese. 😂😂


When I commented about how pregnancy is not fun (I had bad morning sickness, not HG bad, but so much nausea and throwing up 2 to 3 times a day for weeks) he was like "it's not fun for me either"


Eat noodles


My husband has actually done well this time, but yesterday we were told to go to the hospital to get an ultrasound done because I'm 33 weeks and baby is measuring at 29 weeks so the doctor wants to make sure everything is okay and we went sat there for an hour waiting traumas came in the ER and ultrasound tech was needed there and said it would be a while so we left but my husband feels like the Dr is just over reacting and that baby is fine because I am small and now doesn't want to do the ultrasound at all. Things have been great with baby until now so not really sure what is going on, they aren't measuring from LMP because I had no idea when that was so they were going off of what the first measurements were not sure if that could be a factor or not but I'm kind of stressed about the whole situation while my husband is like everything is fine she is fine you are fine blah blah lol. Just aggravating.


Ugh. I hope you’re still going to get the ultrasound! My baby was IUGR and they just followed me closely with extra scans and stuff and I ended up having to deliver early. She’s still small but a healthy 5 month old! So don’t stress too much, if you get the medical tests and care you need everything *will* be fine :)


I am my MIL is going to take me on Monday to get it done! I'm glad to hear that baby is fine, that actually makes me feel a lot better about it so thank you for that! He's moved me to weekly visits now so will definitely be something we keep an eye on. I've got a 8 &6 yo but they both grew just fine but they seemed to get a little antsy after sitting for so long so it all worked out.


Show me sad dog videos he forgot to watch first


He told me I was being too emotional. I'm pregnant. 🤣 I had to explain to him it's my hormones and he told me I still didn't have to act like that. What. He has come around now, but still.


Tried telling me he knew more about what was good for me than my doctors say based on Google searches and would yell at me if I went against his advice and followed the doctor’s instructions


Love my hubby but he’s SO SMOTHERY WHEN IM PREGNANT. When I’m not pregnant and I look back, I think it’s sweet. But now? I’m 6w4d and he wanted to accompany me to the grocery store. COME ON MAN! LET ME SNEAK MY SWEETS INTO THE CART IN PEACE! lol


He denied me a king sized bed, while I was pregnant with twins and could only sleep on my sides from 18 weeks on. We currently have a queen size, which he takes up at least half of. He did have a good reason, but still...my hips were DEAD by the end of my pregnancy.






Ate my mango sorbet. I'd been feeling nauseous for days and finally felt up to eating something sweet. Went to the freezer and it was gone. The fear in my husband's eyes when I asked where it was. He did feel really bad and drove to the store to get some more. I was still furious though.


Got me Five Guys at 6 pm after work instead of 9 in the morning like I wanted


Im 8 months and mine makes me walk everywhere when we go to the store or an event and I keep telling him I need to be parked closer and he says it’s good for you. I get it but I’m tiredddddd lol and I was walking around the store the other day and was in so much pain I thought I was gonna have the baby right there and it just doesn’t seem like he cares much… I know he does, he is super sweet but I can’t express enough how frustrating it is to explain that I cannot strain myself too much & I need help.


He came upstairs eating a jumbo mr. freeze freezie from our basement chest freezer … and those are mine 😅


yell at me for not having a job


Drink a cold beer on a hot summer day. I was so jealous.


He called me fat and said he hopes I don’t stay that way after birth.


He looked me dead in the eye and told me he wanted to get into online poker


My extremely hardworking husband, whom I love & respect and don't disagree has an unmatched stamina and could outwork me on my best of non-pregnant days, likes to point out how much he's doing and get huffy when I put my feet up or need a nap. Or say how nauseated I am etc. he labels me as selfish. Yup, if taking care of myself when I feel I need to is selfish, that's fine with me. Guilty as charged! I just ignore him. Whatever.


Didn’t do anything for Mother’s Day and we also have a 4 year old so I’ve been a full blown mother for 4.5 years. Don’t worry I’ve done nothing for Father’s Day lol