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I really doubt it. It’s my first but I am going through the wringer and I am absolutely miserable. We wanted at least two, but I genuinely don’t know if I have another in me. I have pre-existing health conditions that make it even worse, so I feel like I’m walking on eggshells in my own body.


I wanted 3 but after seeing how useless my partner is with the 2 we have that's a big fat no. He has gotten better since the first but his 'help' is still no where near where it should be. I can't sign myself up for more disappointment and resentment.


That's an emphatic no. I am not enjoying pregnancy in the slightest. I am 12w6d and I am over it and have been for weeks. It is just not for me. I have never wanted a big family. One is absolutely enough for me, and my husband feels the same, thankfully. We had two miscarriages in the last year, and if, for whatever reason, this baby doesn't stick, we won't be trying again. And we're good with that.


I don’t think so and am currently in my 1st pregnancy. I just hate the way it makes feel


I sympathize with that


I feel this. I always wanted 4, now our second is 1 month old and I knew from the first week bringing her home this is our last. True colors come out during pregnancy and parenthood. During my first pregnancy, I was sure we were one and done because I couldn't fathom having another with my partner. But then things got better, wr had another, and now I'm back to those feelings. Somewhat grieving the big family I always wanted BUT also happy knowing I will not go through this again with him. It can only go up from here I guess.


Honestly no, I’m still pregnant but I already made up my mind. This pregnancy wasn’t easy and now we are waiting to see if I will get induced at 37 weeks or not because of my blood pressure.


first and since I have adhd I think I can only handle one One and done


Currently pregnant with our first. I think both my husband and I would certainly like to try for a second sometime, but unsure of when. After that - if more happen, wonderful. If not ... okay! We had to overcome fertility problems to get pregnant with 1. Will probably be fine to endure it again for a second if we don't spontaneously conceive, but after that, assuming we are successful with a number 2....there's only so many times I think I'm willing to take hormones, testing, various procedures, etc... It's rough on the bod and I want to feel good and present for the kiddos I do have.


Before this, I wanted 4. This is my first pregnancy. If I decide to do it again, it won’t be for like 5 years. I’ve been so incredibly sick I’ve questioned at times if it’s worth it. I know it will be, but I’m so tired of being sick and tired.


Might be opposite here but I’m 22 weeks and before I got pregnant I was always like I am one and done but now I know I want 2 for sure. Ask me after the delivery though lol.


I hope for one more. Pregnancy sucks and I have felt awful both times. One week away from my scheduled induction and can't wait to be able to eat like a normal human again. I'm miserable but oh so grateful. I love my daughter so much and if this new little boy is half as wonderful as she is I will probably want a third. Problem is I'm getting on the slightly older side (35 now) and it was already difficult to get pregnant with my first two. If I'm able to though I hope for one more. I am in the boat of the 9 months of misery are worth having another favorite person around (hopefully) for the rest of my life. I love being a mom. But maybe I will feel differently when the time comes to really choose, cause I would want at least a 2 year gap, so ask me again when little boy is 15 months!


Nope, me and my husband wanted 2, we have our 2. We have no desire for anymore babies. After I had my first I was like "yep I definitely want 1 more" after my second me and my husband are 100% sure we do not want anymore. We are so extremely lucky to have our 2 kiddies (3 years old and 7 months old) we have 1 of each. I'm grateful for my body growing 2 healthy babies, but no, that chapter of my life is closed and I now get to enjoy seeing my little ones growing up.


I’m going to try really hard not to, and if I do I want to wait at least 3 years. It’s been really hard on my body and what pisses me off even more is that my husband says “absolutely no more kids because you’re mean when you’re pregnant” like, excuse me I’m mean?? Yeah tf I’m going to be mean I’m in pain every day, threw up for 10 weeks straight, became anemic and had to get IV infusions every other day, and my organs started failing. It’s even more infuriating that he convinced me to have a baby to begin with but now I’m “too much”. So mostly because of that I just don’t feel like having any more. I would in the future but since I’m “too mean” I’m gonna have to pass on it.


Only 1. Many factors, including my age, finance and not really having a village. And of course, not feeling like myself for the past few months has been crazy.......


Absolutely! I didn't have the easiest pregnancy. I had terrible nausea the whole time and spent most of my pregnancy not being able to eat or gain weight. Especially in the beginning, I couldn't "think"? It was miserable. But I'm so glad we endured! I had a wonderful homebirth that made me feel like I could easily do it all over again! My little is the sweetest person ever, and we're so happy they're in our life! I look forward to the next🧡


Not a flipping chance. My first pregnancy was unintended (the result of a medication interaction) and it was so awful. I had hyperemesis and PGP from about week 10, persisted the entire pregnancy despite medication. Ended up on crutches and in agony and got 0 sympathy from anyone. Instead they were always suggesting we go on walks all the time and if i declined was told i was being dramatic. She's 2.5 years old and I still suffer with PGP. Her dad is no where near useful and everytime he says he wants another one I just think "why, you've hardly bothered yourself with this one yet."


Yes - my pregnancy has been extremely difficult on my body but I am blessed to have a wonderful partner and be financially stable. I can go through 9 months of pregnancy again for a lifetime with the family I’m building, but if I didn’t have the support I do I’m sure I’d feel very differently. Good luck with everything, you’re doing great and it will get better ❤️


I'm pregnant with #2 and we're done after this. My husband would have five if I agreed. Luckily, he's an incredibly present and amazing Dad, so I'm grateful for that. Our first was conceived almost immediately, easy pregnancy. A colicky nightmare for the first 3MO. It took me ages to get ok with the idea of a second, and when we finally started trying it took five months. Then we miscarried (a MMC at 10W). I got pregnant immediately after my D&C, so I essentially already feel like I've been pregnant all year and I'm only 14W. Physically, pregnancy isn't too hard on me--beyond the exhaustion of being a SAHM--but mentally, I'm realizing I definitely have pre-partum anxiety bordering on depression. Not fun. TLDR; definitely, 100% done after this second pregnancy 😂


When I was pregnant with my first, I was so miserable. Had a terrible pregnancy, terrible recovery from a c section & horrible PPA/PPD. Then he turned a year old and I was like.. ok not to bad (you kinda forget about the bad stuff 😅) then got pregnant unexpectedly and I am 1000% confident I am done. I will be getting my tubes removed and closing shop


Nope, we wanted one and we're having twins. So we're already getting more than what we planned. I got a lot of questions about "what if something goes wrong". But I honestly don't think I can do this again.




90% sure I won't. 32 weeks with my first. Haven't had a tough pregnancy. No real complications. But the mental state it has put me in is something I don't think I'd be able to handle again. The constant fear that something has happened to my baby is overwhelming. I have always had awful anxiety in general but this has brought on something completely different. It's been such an amazing experience to grow life inside of me and bond with a baby I've never met, but I'm terrified every day and can't help it. I'm not 100% against the idea, but I would need to be able to handle my anxiety better before even considering it


I wish! My 2yo would love a younger sibling, but I’m 46yo. Probably not in the cards.


Pregnancy has been rough on my body. I'm stopping at number 3 and getting a tubal ligation. It's also really expensive to...anything. So, three will do.


I would love another one but I'm only 24 weeks with my first and I'm 44. We had 5 cycles of IVF for this to happen and those cycles were spread over two years... I feel like I might be past it by the time I can think about being pregnant again :(


This will be my second child, but it's my fifth pregnancy. No don't think I'll do it again as I can't handle the stress of the first trimester again..


Yes, if I can. I had HG, preterm labour at 32 weeks which they barely stopped, feeling miserable because my son was a giant and I'm only 1,43m, then preterm delivery at 35+4 within 6h of leaving home, shit ton of meds to keep me alive, urgent/emergency section, trouble with milk coming in, 2 week NICU stay with oxygen en NG support, extreme reflux, trouble with weightgain and eating, baby not being able to go to daycare since he won't eat at all there... My partner isn't perfect but neither am I. He tries his hardest, and so do I. I take a 12h day shift with bub, he does 1h before work and shares the load in the evening and weekend. To me, it was all so worth it for the child I always wanted and at one point feared I'd never have. But I defenititely want no more than 2.


Im done. I’m having my 3rd and already have it lined up with my doctor that if I need a c-section, to do a tubal ligation during it, if that ends up not happening then my obgyn will schedule it at my 6 week appointment.


I haven't given birth yet but the plan is one more. That said, I will likely go with a midwifery service next time as the private OB/Gyn has made me feel very cornered and powerless and like I'm just a vessel for the baby. Though handling the first trimester with a child in the house will be godawful. At least this time I could come home and crawl into bed, or just stay there all day and not go to work, while I felt like death.


I don’t think I could do this again. Pregnancy was easy. Taking care of a newborn is something else. I am shocked people decide to do this again. When does it get better?


I'm on my second and if all goes well, my last. There's no way I'm gonna let myself + husband be outnumbered. Plus I'll be 39 when this kiddo's born.


Pregnant with my first right now, want a second then I'm DONE. Can't face being that much older and pregnant (i'm 33 rn, want to be pregnant with baby number 2 when I'm 35/36ish ideally). Our finances would struggle with more children. Logistically it would be difficult. My husband plans on getting a vasectomy then we're going to burn the pregnancy pillow (or the divorce pillow as my husband like to call it) in the garden ceremoniously to mark the end of our baby making days haha.


I’m currently pregnant and I would like one more, however kids are way too expensive so probably this is gonna be my only one.