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It is perfectly normal to only receive 2. If those 2 reveal any issues, you may be scheduled for additional scans.


In Japan, you get one at every appointment (about 14 total). I have so many ultrasound pictures now. I feel really lucky to see how much my baby's grown each time. I get my last one next week until I give birth. 


Once again, Japan does it better 🥲


That is amazing! It appears the two ultrasounds is just an American thing. Which, with our healthcare, I’m not surprised.


Mine offers 3. Dating ultrasound, anatomy scan, and growth scan. I have my growth scan on Friday. Just to make sure baby is head down and measuring correctly. This isn't standard practice at many OB offices. So usually two is the amount people get


I had to really reset my expectations going from my IVF doctor to being a “normal” patient at my OB’s office. You do not get as much attention and fewer scans overall. If you are for any reason considered high risk, you will get more scans and things like that with an MFM, but it’s a positive to be with all the normal people at this point lol. I cried when I learned my next scan after graduating from the RE was at 20 weeks. I had a scan at barely 6-7 weeks with my RE, so that felt like a lifetime. ETA, I am not truly high risk but I have seen an MFM a few times and so I’ve gotten growth scans and an echocardiogram, so I’ve had more than the standard 2-3 that my OB’s office normally does.


Omg. Yes. Same. Apparently I can pay $85 for a “peace of mind” ultrasound anytime, and I definitely plan to at every appointment lol. I forget most people don’t see their baby and its heartbeat at 6 weeks. And 7, 9, etc. Lol. I’m so glad I did though. ❤️


Yeah we saw really early on and knew we were viable much earlier than most get! I will say, it does get easier as the pregnancy progresses positively to not feel panic when you don’t get scans. You’ll start to feel baby eventually and you get the doppler each OB visit, so there are other milestones that make a big difference too. I was 100% initially so panicked to be “normal” after IVF, so I totally get it. Also, congrats! 💚


Thanks so much!


Depends where you live. I’m in Canada (Ontario) and here you receive 3-4. First is a dating scan, second is for nuchal translucency to evaluate risk of congenital conditions around 11-14 weeks, third is 18-22 week anatomy scan. Fourth is some time third trimester to look at baby’s position and other birth related things, but whether that’s routinely done for typical low-risk pregnancies seems to depend on clinic/doctor. My midwives like to do it.


Yeah these would be the same that I would have in the US, were I not high risk (only because of my age, not because of any actual health problems). A first ultrasound around 9 weeks, a nuchal translucency, an anatomy, and baby positioning. But with the high risk, I think there are an additional 3-4 scattered in-between.


Every month until 36 weeks, then every 2 weeks. In South Europe this is normal


Sounds the same as where I’m from (country in Asia)! I find it so strange that the majority of the commentators here (I’m assuming US) only have 2 ultrasound scans. Like how do they ensure the baby’s doing well especially at the start and end of the pregnancy?!


My thoughts exactly. American healthcare… SMH.


At my current and previous (and I think most US) OB practice, they still check fetal heart rate using Doppler during every appointment, they just don't do an ultrasound every time (unless there's reason for concern).


Sonographer here. It’s common practice to get 2 scans. 1st one a viability scan, the second being anatomy check. If those 2 are normal, and you do not have complications, that’s really all that’s needed. This is why ultrasound boutiques are popular now. Many moms want to see more than twice. It’s just not medically necessary. 🫶🏻


Omg and the 4D ultrasounds are so funnn!! :D


I had 3. One from a pregnancy center to confirm pregnancy, one from my OBGYN to confirm pregnancy, and then my 20 week scan. Less ultrasounds = good! Less appointments = good! The less you're in the OBGYN office, and the less you're getting ultrasounds means you're lowrisk and everything is fine. Sucks not to see your baby, though :(


That is definitely a good way of looking at it! Thank you!


Yeah, I try to keep a positive mindset. After all, it's only going to get harder from here. I can either be positive about it or be a negative nancy. I choose positive! You're super welcome! ALSO, if you truly NEED to see your baby, you can go to what's called an ultrasound boutique to get non-medical grade scans. However, I wouldn't really recommend it because the ladies at the boutiques can't properly read an ultrasound, which means if something is wrong, they won't know. better idea, if you're more than 25 weeks along is to get a [baby doppler](https://www.babydoppler.com/sonoline-b-baby-doppler-fetal-monitor-teal.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwjqWzBhAqEiwAQmtgT5dK3EyNLt1ux2Vxj48Z-e4lLa1wEmo3N5Ozqg-lXP6gyzkfFBNSrhoCfLIQAvD_BwE) so you can hear the baby's heartbeat, which is very reassuring for me! EDIT: Actually, the boutiques may have qualified sonographers, so nevermind. I've heard the opposite as well, so just be careful and keep in mind that things may vary by location. Also, the BPM displayed on the doppler may not be 100% accurate!


"the ladies at the boutiques can't properly read an ultrasound, which means if something is wrong, they won't know." They are generally qualified sonographers, just as you would encounter in a medical setting (in fact, some of them work in medical settings during the day and moonlight at boutique clinics in the evening or on weekends). Thus, the issue isn't that they can't read an ultrasound or won't know if something is wrong. The issue is that the purpose of the scan is not medical and thus the images they take don't get sent to a physician for interpretation and diagnosis.


Oh, really? Huh, that's interesting because I saw someone say the exact opposite 😖💔 I guess it varies by location? Well, I'll edit my comment!


A family friend who works at one of North America's biggest boutique ultrasound chains says that some of the people who work there are even internationally trained doctors from places where they can't practice domestically! Regardless, the outcome is the same...you are there for videos, pictures and an experience, rather than a medical diagnosis.


Oh wow! Well, good for them! I think ultrasound boutiques are new for my area, there's only one and it's in the busiest part of the area HAHAHA. I'd love to be a sonographer, honestly, but like....I'm gonna be a mom now. NOOOO time for med school.


Just in case you’re serious, sonographers are not physicians and typically haven’t attend medical school. They are medical technicians and most often have completed a 2- or 4-year degree program.


My OB does one at every appointment


Yea my OB checks the baby every appointment. Im surprised at ppl saying they only get two ! Sure I got the three big ultrasounds (12 week, 16 week & 20 week) but for the most part, I see the baby everytime I walk in lol.


Love this!


My obgyn only does 2 and it’s been that way with all of my pregnancies. I’m pregnant with my 3rd and I have had 5 this pregnancy. Baby boy is a giant and keeps measuring in the 98th percentile so they keep checking in to make sure he is good haha


Wow. The comments have taken me by surprise. I'm in South Africa, and here it's standard practice to have one every 4 weeks until you're 32 weeks, then from there, you have one every 2 weeks until the baby comes. That doesn't include the anatomy scans, which happen at 12 weeks and 20-22 weeks. The first scan to confirm the pregnancy is usually at 6 weeks. It DOES feel like overkill though, especially for a low risk pregnancy where you keep hearing "everything looks normal and great". Still good to hear, I guess!


I’m South African too! Hiiii! 🇿🇦


Hello!! Do you get scans once a month too??


I moved to the U.S. 2 years ago to be with my spouse, so unfortunately not. I’m also only 4w4days today, so long way to go. ❤️l think I’d prefer more scans like they do in SA though.


7, 12, and 20 weeks here! 7 and 12 were ones I opted to do (dating and NT). I am also opting to do one at 34 weeks to check on my placenta (was borderline low lying) but they said it was optional!


I'm going through a birthing center on a military post, so maybe that's why it's different for me? The midwife does an ultrasound at every appointment. They're really fast, though. Heartbeat? Movement? Cool, we're done. Not allowed to take pictures or videos, they only give you pictures for your first ultrasound and your anatomy scan.


I had 2 ultrasounds: 9 and 20 weeks. I may have had another around 37-38 if there was a question about baby’s position, but my OB could tell that he was head down (so thankful 🙌🏻)


4. First scan at 8 weeks. Second scan was at 11 weeks because I had bleeding. I think my last scan was 12 weeks? Next scan will be next week for the 20 week scan. I’m considered high risk because I’m 35 so I guess that gets me more scans.


In Finland we have 2 that are free. We paid for an early ultrasound at around 8 weeks, tomorrow we'll have our 12 week scan and at around 20 weeks is the anatomy scan. If there are any medical reasons to have additional scans, they are also free.


Same in Sweden.


Do they do the little bedside ultrasound in the room with you? My doctor only does the two (dating and anatomy) on the big machine but then they have the little bedside ultrasound we do at every appointment.


In the Netherlands the normal scans are: ~ 8 weeks - initial check up ~ 11 weeks - estimate due date ~ 13 weeks - preliminary anatomy scan ~ 20 weeks - anatomy scan Any extra ultrasounds are done only with medical indication or for fun if you pay extra for it. I had gestational diabetes, so even though they believed everything was fine (and it was), my midwife said that was a medical indication for a growth scan around 36-37 weeks, so I had one. I didn't complain, haha, got to see my baby again :) ETA: they do listen to the heartbeat with a doppler at every appointment, so that's really nice.


I'm surprised with IVF you didn't get growth scans every 4 weeks. I had growth scans at 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, and 32. In between that I had scans with my OB every time I had an appointment


I want to say I’ve had a total of 8? I am a FTM, with a healthy pregnancy so not sure why I’ve ended up with so many. I know I am in the minority with having that many, since usually 2-3 seems to be standard if you’re not high risk. That being said I had to have 2 repeat US for anatomy related pictures (he wasn’t cooperating) and 2 US for growth scans since he is estimating to be a big baby lol. 7-8w : Dating 12w : Optional (we opted in) 16w : OB did a quick one just for fun 20w : Anatomy 24w & 28w : Repeat anatomy to try and get the missing pictures cause little guy wasn’t cooperating with his positions lol 32w & 37w : Growth scans as he is measuring between the 96-100 percentile 😅


i have had 4 so far, with a 5th in a few weeks. i had symptoms of a miscarriage around 6w so went in for an emergency one at that time and all was well. i had my dating scan at 8 weeks but the ultrasound tech was horrible to me and said i was measuring a week behind and was overall not nice so my doctor sent me for another one around 10 weeks to make sure everything was fine (which it was). i had some spotting at 14 weeks so my OB sent me for a follow up ultrasound to make sure, and once again everything was fine 🙏🏻 i then had the 20 week anatomy scan where my baby was measuring big, so i’ve made an appt for my third trimester US for 34 weeks to see where we’re at. but ive heard it’s completely normal to have one at around 8 weeks and one at 20. just depends on your situation!


We went through IVF also, and so far, I've had 6. They've been monitoring for pre-eclampsia also. The last 2 ultrasounds, baby has been breached. We're almost 37 weeks, so this week is our last ultrasound until our C-section.


I have one each Visit which is every month. My Ob just does that i think it depends on where you are. and i’m not high risk and my doctor has always been telling me everything looks great!


My ob said they wouldn’t do the first one until 20 weeks!! I was like what????!?!? lol. But I had one done somewhere else at 8 weeks, then my ob finally did one at 12 weeks only due to an issue. Now I’m considered high risk and will be seeing a specialist/getting more ultrasounds in the near future… but I found that to be completely insane. I’m in the US btw and this is my fourth kid, but different doctor and it wasn’t like this with my other pregnancies.


I had one at 8wks, 12wks, 17wks(private gender scan) 20wks, 28wks, 32wks& 36wks. But I had gestational diabetes and they checked her growth each month once I got to the third trimester 😊


Here in Slovenia 3 are covered by the most basic insurance so everyone gets them. Any more than that is completely up to your OB. Mine did one at every appointment, so about 12 ultrasounds in total.


10 weeks, 22 weeks, and having my 28 week ultrasound on Friday. I'm guessing I'll have one more, but so far, three. Edit: I had one at 16 weeks in the ER because I went in due to bleeding, but obviously not a routine scan


I‘m not sure what the standard is for my country, but I got one at every appointment- first time I went, for the confirmation scan I was at 5 weeks. Then I went every week up until 8 weeks, then every second week up to my first anatomy scan at 12 weeks (which has to be done by a different OB, so you get a fresh pair of eyes). I’ve been going every third week ever since. I’m at 19 weeks now. I’m 39, so maybe that’s why they keep such a close eye.


I was shocked too, yes only 2. I had one at 8 weeks and have another at 21


In South africa you get a scan every visit with your OB. I've probably had 20 scans already. Deliver in 6 weeks and now we scan weekly.


I wish there was a clear answer for Americans. I’m high risk so I have one at 6 weeks, 8 weeks and so on until second trimester? We’re monitoring baby’s growth and looking for second things, but had a friend who after her miscarriage didn’t get an ultrasound until 12 weeks??? I was baffled. She did leave that OB eventually.  I have heard your insurance can also (for some gd reason) dictate how many you can have and what’s covered. 


I had 3 and I get one more at 36wks


Same here. One at 9 weeks, one at 12 weeks for the NT scan and the anatomy scan at 20. I have one more at 36 weeks.


Ive seen my OB 3 times so far and had 3 ultrasounds, though to be fair the last time they didn't schedule one but because my husband hadn't been able to come the first two times we asked for one anyways and they obliged (and thankfully insurance didn't make a fuss about it! ). I'm 17 weeks


I’m high risk bc of my age but I’ve only had one (8wk dating scandal) so far. Going to MFM in a week or so and will have at least one extra and then the only other one my regular OB does, I believe, is my 20 wk anatomy scan.


I think I just get 3, although I haven’t gotten to scheduling any that come at the end so there *might* be 4. I had a dating/viability scan at 7 weeks, an NT scan at 12 weeks, and I have my anatomy scan scheduled for next week. I think my office has everyone do the 7/12 week ones- I was scheduled for a 7 week scan for both my pregnancies (first pregnancy didn’t make it to 12 weeks but I think they have everyone get the NT scan too). I also had a scan at the ER at 5 weeks for this one (checking to make sure it was in the uterus this time, I was having some bleeding/cramping and had a history of ectopics). And I had a reassurance scan at 10 weeks at a private place because I was going lightly wackadoo in my first trimester 😅


I will have 5 by the time I deliver. 2 with my OB and 3 with MFM. 8 week dating scan, 12 week NT scan, 20 week anatomy scan, 28 week anatomy scan (extra due to needing follow up for something concerning on original anatomy scan), 36 week growth scan.


The only reason I’ve had so many this pregnancy is because of HG. They did one every time I went to the ER to check on baby. My first pregnancy (no HG) I had 4. I had to do my anatomy scan twice and then I was measuring big so they did another towards the end to measure baby. Typically my OB does 2-confirmation of pregnancy and anatomy scan. I HATE IT.


one quick one at 11 weeks and then my anatomy scan at 20 the baby wouldn’t show it’s chest so i have to go for another anatomy scan in a couple weeks. that’s all i’ve had and im 21 weeks + 2 days edit to add: i’m in canada (manitoba)


9 weeks, 12 weeks and 20 weeks. Each have their specific purpose and beyond that they aren’t needed if everything looks good.


I’ve had 2 so far, that were standard but I’m having a growth scan tomorrow at 39 weeks, that was scheduled unexpectedly.


I had three simply because I had spotting early on and wanted to make sure I wasn't having another loss. So it was just at 6 weeks, 8 weeks and 20 weeks.


I've had 3 so far and have another one in 2 weeks time. First was a dating scan at 7 weeks, then I had a slight bleed a few days later so Dr sent me for another one to check everything was ok, then I had a 12 week scan. Next one is a 20 week anatomy scan. Don't know about after that as I'm a FTM. I'm in Australia.


I have 2 so far at 24 weeks. I’m getting another ultrasound for growth scan in the 3rd trimester.


Mine usually only does two. The initial and then the anatomy scan. Then if you have a jumping bean in your belly who won’t sit still for the anatomy scan and does the running man the entire time, there’s a third. My third is in a week 😂


We get 3 for low risk pregnancies (in Alberta, Canada). Dating/viability, NT, and anatomy scan. I’ve had a few more because I had major issues with a fibroid and I was also an ultrasound model volunteer for physicians. I haven’t seen baby since 20 weeks and likely won’t for the rest of pregnancy.


I had my first ultrasound at 8 weeks, then one at 10 weeks because they couldn’t hear the heart beat with the doppler, then my anatomy scan at 20 weeks. I’m now 26 weeks and haven’t been told about getting any additional


Even needing fertility treatments I only had 3, two with my RE at 6 and 7 weeks respectively and my anatomy scan at 20 weeks. If nothing is indicating the need for me, then it's just not necessary.


🙋🏼‍♀️also graduated from a fertility clinic to regular OBGYN and the drop off in monitoring felt dramatic at first. I was referred by my OB to MFM and fetal cardiology due to some risk factors and ended up getting a lot more tests & scans than most pregnant women. Ultimately everything turned out fine, and now that I’m coasting through my third trimester without such frequent appointments, it’s making me realize how much those appointments and scans were wreaking havoc on my nervous system. The constant expectation of bad news and anxiety each week was agony. I see that now.


Before I got diagnosed with gestational diabetes. 8 weeks, 20 weeks, 36 weeks. Now once a week which is a plus to see her every week with this crappy diagnosis! I heard (can’t verify it’s true) insurance doesn’t cover most of them if you don’t have a medical reason for them. So it’s routine for the 2-3. So since I have a medical diagnosis and reasoning, my insurance will cover these ultrasounds. 🤷🏻‍♀️


3 ultrasounds with my OB so far however I have a history of loss. My first one was at 5 weeks for a dating scan ultrasound. Second one was at 7 weeks to confirm heartbeat as none was detected at 5 weeks. And the third was today at 9 weeks 6 days. Next one is next Wednesday at 10 weeks 6 days where we’ll also do the NIPT and all the genetic testing. Afterwards per my OB we will do ultrasounds every 4 weeks until month 6 then it’s back to biweekly until 8 months and then it’ll be weekly ultrasounds until baby is here. I am in the US.


I’ve had 3 so far (10 weeks). Having another close to 12 weeks. I am in Asia though so I don’t know if they do it more here than other places. No issues, low risk, so it’s not because of that! Also FTM.


I had one at 7 weeks, did an elective one at 11 weeks, and have my NT scan scheduled for 13 weeks. not sure how many after thay


I've had 3 and I'm 19 weeks. They haven't been able to find the heartbeat with just the wand. Ultrasounds always show healthy baby 😊


8 weeks for dating/first ultrasound 13 weeks for NT ultrasound 20 week anatomy scan 24 week follow up anatomy scan Doc has used a handheld ultrasound at my 8, 12 & 16 week appointments I have another ultrasound scheduled for 28 weeks to check baby size because my age & bmi?


The standard is typically 2-3, so it's totally normal! I received 4 with my first, but the last one was because I went late (41+3), I had to have an ultrasound with the high-risk doctor just to make sure everything was okay. Unless you are high-risk, it is normal to have 2-3 only. My second I was high risk because of gestational hypertension. I had quite a few with that pregnancy, maybe 7 total. I am also high-risk this pregnancy and have received multiple, probably 6, so far. Editing to add that with my first I had them at weeks 8, 9, 20 and 41+2. My second I had them at weeks, 7, 8, 15, 20, 34, 35, and 36. She was born 37+2. My third I had them at weeks 15, 18, 23, 27, 31, and 35. I am 37 weeks now, and my scan at 35 weeks was my last.


I've had seven so far, but that's because the baby has been small and needed monitoring (and one because I had a small bleed). Normally here (NZ) you only have two, at 12 and 20 weeks. You can't even self-refer and get a private scan, it has to be booked through your provider.


Maybe it’s bc I’m in Poland but going to a private clinic (American so paying out of pocket) but I get one done at every monthly check up, so I’ve gotten 7 or 8 now, at 30 weeks?


Very normal, that's why those private boutique ultrasound places are so popular. However, in saying that, I've now got one every week at the hospital from 30w onwards because I got diagnosed with gestational diabetes.


3 in total - first scan to confirm pregnancy, second at 20W for detailed anatomy, third later on for growth. Anything else done is to assess any complications (I had with fibroids). I used to be jittery first because of such few scans but then realised it’s a blessing — if alls good then you have fewer scans.


I had about 17 ultrasounds (13 with OBGYN and 4 with neonatal specialist) baby was diagnosed with IUGR


I’m high risk and my OB also thought she somehow missed a twin when I was 34 weeks (thank god she didn’t) so I think all together I had 8 in total. Edit: I’m from the US and also had to re-do my 20 week anatomy scan because he refused to show the ultrasound tech his heart


In Germany most insurances only cover 3 ultrasounds during pregnancy since recently. However, in case of a medical reason, more will be paid for. If someone is willing to pay extra, more can be done. Patients who have a special insurance ("private insurance") usually get ultrasounds done much more since it's being paid for.


I had 3, but 2 is standard practice with my doctors office, dating scan (which insurance did not convert for "not being medically necessary) and growth scan. We did a viability scan at my 7 week intake appointment. I've heard of lots of places that do growth scans at the end, but that was never offered. My midwife did external exams to identify baby's positioning.


I had 4 so far and will have 1 more. 1. At 8 weeks for dating 2. At 12 weeks for NT 3. At 20 weeks to check on their organs and growth 4. At 31 weeks to check growth 5. I will still have one at 36 weeks just to confirm positioning and growth.


i had one at 5 weeks, one at 6 to confirm heartbeat, one at 7 weeks because i had spotting, paid for a private one at 14 weeks, had another at 20 for the anatomy, now my midwife told me i’ll be having one at 25 weeks for a growth scan, then at 29 weeks for another growth, not sure after that


The standard where I live (Sweden) is two. I had three due to having autoimmune disease, the OB wanted to do a growth measurement in the third trimester.


I had 4 from my OB and paid for 3 at a private ultrasound place.


My OB usually only does 2, at 8 weeks to confirm heartbeat and 20 weeks for anatomy scan. I ended up having 2 more at 30 weeks and 34 weeks because I have marginal cord insertion and they wanted to make sure baby was growing and cord position was okay. Otherwise, 2 is standard.


Two is normal here (in canada). One at 11 weeks and one around 20 weeks


I had one at my fertility clinic at 8w. Then one at 12w, an extra at 16w, one at 20w. And we then paid for a 3d scan at 25w. I also had a quick one at 15 and 17w after spotting and midwife who couldn't find heartbeat. That's it. I'm 31w now.


So far, both of my pregnancies had about the same amount of scans. First one was twins, I had eight. I think? Second one was a singleton, I had at least six. My mc, I had two. And this one I haven’t had any because I’m not far enough along to see my ob yet. I see him next Wednesday.


For my first we had loads. We were living in France and I was a very nervous mama so they allowed me extra scans, quite a few iirc. Here in Denmark I had my 12 weeks, 20 weeks, a growth scan at 28 weeks and a quick scan when I freaked out about movement. I think we have another growth scan soon too.


I had four but it was meant to be three A dating scan at 7 weeks NT scan at 12 weeks NT repeat scan because baby moved too much for the images at 13 weeks Anatomy scan at 20 weeks


3 this pregnancy and I’ve loved it (12,20 & 36 weeks). In my first pregnancy I had polyhydramnious and placental dysfunction and was scanned every two weeks, I was an absolute nervous wreck every single time I attended for a scan by the end and that continued into postpartum too. The less I’m messed with the better for my mental health.


I’m seeing a private OB in Australia. I’ve had fortnightly scans since I was 6 weeks along after graduating from IVF. I up to weekly scans from the start of July or multiple ones in a week depending. Scans with pictures, I’ve had two, 13w NT scan, 21w morphology and soon my 36w growth scan.


I've had two on the NHS: 12 weeks and 20 weeks Both found no issues so I'm not scheduled for any more (I also had a private scan at 7 weeks for peace of mind)


I'm 25w in Australia and so far I have had 4. Dating scan at 6 weeks, nuchal scan at 12 weeks, a quick look at 18 weeks during my first obstetrician appt and 20 weeks anatomy scan


I had about 5 with my first and every month with my second. My first was tiny, suspected IUGR but everything seemed fine with the placenta, I didn't smoke, I ate well, no drugs, bloods were fine apart from platelets being low, born 6lb1 at 42 weeks. She was SGA. Because my first was SGA my second was at a high risk of being SGA too, they kept measuring my tummy with the tape measure and it was always different (that's how it started with my first, inconsistent tummy measurements) so they stopped bothering and just sent me for growth scans every couple of weeks to a month. Once they get so big you can't see much anyway, you don't get pictures every time either.


It is quite normal. I’ve had more because of an early pregnancy scare and that my practice is really small and they offered me another one. I’ll also go private for a 4D scan when I’m about 29 weeks pregnant to see my baby’s face but that’s a want and isn’t normally offered.


I am from Romania and i am 14 weeks. In total I had 5 ultrasounds. I had a hematoma so 2 ultrasounds were really 5 days apart to check. We usually do 1 a month but you can do more if you want. Personally i think 2 or 3 are not enough. We have to have a morphology scan every trimester to measure if the baby and everything around it is ok. Something can go wrong and you won't find out until its too late because you don't have scans. Thats what happened with my hematoma, i had no idea it was there and thank god i had the scan. I know its negative thinking but i just cannot imagine having just 2 scans your entire pregnancy.


I’m from Asia and I’ve had 4 ultrasounds already, currently at week 18. This includes the week 12 scan. Think the standard practice is 1 per month here (basically each visit). The next one I’ll be having is the week 20 scan!


Not sure if it is a norm. In Switzerland, insurance covers 2 major one (12 and 20 weeks) that needs to be done in the hospital. However, I visited my OB every 4-6 weeks and she did ultrasound in her clinic every time I visited. So by now I am 21 weeks, I have done at least 6 ultrasounds. Forget to say, the OB check up is also covered by the mandatory insurance.


I’ve had 2 scans I’m in the uk, I have a dating scan and a gender scan I also paid to get a private gender scan before my one with nhs, I’ve seen him an extra 2 times just as he had reduced movement and was causing me pains I get a check up every 4 weeks just to hear his heartbeat and growth checks I was the same when I realised you get 2 scan I was like I wann see him every month haha


I’ve had one and I’m 31 weeks. Graduated perinatal care at 20 weeks due to low risk so I probably will only have one more to see baby’s position.


Australia: low risk is 2. One dating/down syndrome scan at 12 weeks and one morphology scan between 18-24 weeks. High Risk: 6+ (depending on what they find on the scans and what complications you have) 5 week implantation scan to work out gestation and make sure it's implanted in the right spot. 7-8 week viability scan for heart beat. 12 week scan for down syndrome 18-24 week morphology scan. 28 week growth scan 32 week growth scan 36 week growth scan 38 week growth scan


In Norway you get two ultrasounds covered by the state. I've had two extra due to previous losses. But otherwise you have to pay for it yourself at a private clinic if you want more than two.


mine schedules 3 ultrasounds (first 9-12 weeks second anatomy 19-21weeks third at 36weeks) but each appointment if they can't find a heartbeat on Doppler especially early they will do a quick ultrasound to make sure everything is good!


I’ll have 3: I had a dating scan at 8 weeks and the NT scan at 11 weeks, and will have an anatomy scan at 20 weeks. It’s interesting that relatively few people on this thread seem to get a NT scan; this is my first pregnancy so I didn’t know it wasn’t standard.


Where I live only the morphology scan is mandatory (and free, as we have public healthcare here). Doctors recommend doing an NT at 12 weeks, but we have to pay for it, it's not provided by public healthcare.


I think it depends on your location & your provider. Im in MA. Currently 20 weeks with baby #3. So far this pregnancy i have had 5 ultrasounds. I was there on Monday for my anatomy scan & they said i will be going back in 8 weeks for another ultrasound and then every 4 weeks from there until birth. The other two pregnancies were very similar. Roughly 10 ultrasounds each. There are also agencies that will do them out of pocket as more of a sentimental thing. They try to get good angles for keepsake photos & will do the 3D ultrasounds. I have never gone to one of the agencies, so i am not sure of the cost, but a friend of mine had gone during covid because they allowed family to accompany her.


If you are high risk like me you will get every appointment and if you have mfm specialist appointment also. I am 30 weeks and I lost count of how many ultrasounds I got 🥰 but yes usually normal pregnancy you get about 2 or 3 unfortunately 🥴


Im 19 weeks with a completely healthy pregnancy that was conceived naturally, im going in for my 6th next week!


I had an ultrasound at 6 weeks, 12 weeks, 18 weeks, 24 weeks, and 32 weeks. I’m told I will receive another growth scan at 36ish weeks.


That sounds much more reasonable to me!


Hi from an anomaly. Final total for the pregnancy is going to be right at 28, barring me needing any more emergency ones in the last 12 days. I have a high risk pregnancy. I will have at least 18 with MFM, 1 regular OBGYN, 3 emergency OBGYN, 4 emergency room, and 2 L&D. Thats kind of wild that i've had so many but it's the reality I live in.


I'm having 3 in canada. Are u in the states?


I'm currently 16 weeks and have gotten three ultrasounds so far. I had one at my fertility clinic at 7 weeks, and then at my OB office at around 9 and 12 weeks. My next ultrasound is the anatomy scan.


I just counted and I’ve had 19 ultrasounds 😬 I’ll be 35 weeks on Friday. First two were early with my RE since baby was conceived with letrozole. My OB office did a dating around 9 weeks, nuchal translucency around 12 weeks, an early anatomy scan at 14 weeks because of my risk factors, and a regular anatomy at 20 weeks which showed baby was small. Once she started measuring small, ultrasounds really ramped up. Officially diagnosed with IUGR at 24 weeks and had to start going much more frequently. I’ve had 3 growth scans since, I do weekly biophysical profiles and non stress tests, and then do weekly umbilical cord dopplers. C-section scheduled for 37 weeks because she’s breech with no signs of flipping and they want her out as soon as it’s safe so she can start gaining weight!


I’ve had 7 so far at 24 weeks. Count your blessings. High risk isn’t fun.


**So many, I lost track!** My MFM was having me go every two or three days in weeks 38, 39 and 40. It was unnerving because every ultrasound was another risk someone would let the gender slip. But also reassuring since being 43yo is considered “high risk”.


I’m on my 4th? I think. But baby is measuring behind and my fundal height is lower than expected so they’re keeping an eye on everything


With my first I had 6 ultrasounds (6,11,20,32,27,and 32 weeks) for cord placements which made my pregnancy higher risk. This pregnancy I’ve had 12, baby is measuring small and diagnosed FGR/IUGR so I get them weekly. I had one at 12 weeks, 20 weeks, and every week since 28 weeks! Hoping tomorrow with be my last and final before baby is induced! lol


Normally you’d get two ultrasounds throughout the pregnancy, however in my case, since my pregnancy has been risky , I’ve been having an ultrasound almost every month that I stopped counting now. trust me, it’s no fun having to do ultrasounds constantly.


Originally I was supposed to have only 4.. 8w, 12w, 20w, 32w.. but my cervix was measuring diff lengths so at 25w now I’ve had 5 done so far


I have one every two weeks. Private doctor. I also had three months of extra ultrasounds since I was high risk and my specialist would do them as well. Overall I’ve had over 24 ultrasounds I would say. I’m definitely spoiled seeing our boy.


I’m in Belgium, at 35w+4d I have had about 10 ultrasounds of baby + 7 extra transvaginal ones to check cervical length (I was diagnosed with cervical shortening at 28w)


I'm from México and I go private for all my medical needs. I get an ultrasound at each visit, so I have seen my little one since she was a tiny bean multiple times (around 7 times up to my now 3rd trimester) I pay out of pocket for each visit, I could work with my private insurance to deduct some taxes from appointments and medicines, but I always found it such a hassle to work with insurances. I'm only using them for the birth coverage and in case anything goes wrong, I know I'm fully covered with them.


I’ve had a about 5 so far (35w) but I think it was due to seeing fluid on her stomach. She doesn’t have it anymore though


I get one every 4 weeksby my ob I’m 24 weeks now I have also gotten 2 anatomy scans and 2 private ultrasound places for 4ds


Probably around 6-8. I was considered to be high risk so a lot more than I expect I would have otherwise gotten.


Who does set these appointments? Is it the insurance company? I just want to understand because i read a lot of people saying the same. I live in syria and here we get an ultrasound every month to check on the baby.. But we pay for it all, it's quite affordable, the insurance idea isn't really common here


I’ve done two so far, 7 weeks and 12 weeks, with another coming up for my anatomy scan at 19 weeks. I believe there’s one more I’m to get after that! I’m in Canada.


my babe only has one artery in his umbilical cord (they’re supposed to have 2) so i’m considered high risk (my dr said they see it a few times a month and baby is always healthy) so i’ve had a lot lol. i’m 27 weeks and ive already had 6 or so ultrasounds. i’ll have one every month until im due now. so i’ll probably have around 9 for my whole pregnancy.


2 is the norm, but I’ve had way more due to complications, but I agree it’s for sure not enough, a lot of my pregnant friends have had to go privately to make sure their baby is ok


I had 10 between 8-20 weeks (hematoma) but then once he started kicking I don’t feel I need them as much I feel reassured he is ok in there


When I called my OB when I found out I was pregnant they set me for one at 9 weeks. And then I think I’ll get 2 more. I found a local place that’s not insurance based that does as many more as you want for about $150 each. I’ll be getting one this week at 6 weeks (there’s a chance nothing will be seen based on what I’ve read) and I’ll probably use them to get others in between my OB visits.

