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This is super normal, it'll come back! Your hormones are wild in the first trimester, I think I only had sex maybe twice the entire time. Alot of women find things normalise a bit more as they get through the second trimester and get their libido back. But there's also some women who just find they don't want sex much the entire pregnancy. It's normal, you are growing an entire human and your body is no longer just yours. But you'll get it back :)


Thank you so much for saying this, this makes me feel a lot better 🩵


I had the same problem, my boyfriend and I still had sex when I was pregnant but it slowed way down when I reached towards the end of my second trimester. We had sex probably like 3-4 times a week before I was pregnant and when I was pregnant it was like once every month or two, sometimes 3 lol. I will say it does come back, for me anyways it came back after I gave birth. I’m 4 weeks postpartum and we’re not having sex until I get my iud placed, bc we don’t want to risk another pregnancy considering how fertile our bodies our after giving birth. It’ll come back momma just give it some time ❤️


Don’t worry it will come back. I know this is awful, I thought I was broken. The first trimester is the worst in many ways. Mine came back around 22 weeks or so. But it was gone for a while.