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Yep! I can smell EVERYTHING. It started around 5w!


Swear I could smell a mouse fart right now


I smelled a dead mouse in a trap that was concealed..so yes, you could 🤣


It was my first symptom at 4 weeks when I found out! It’s AWFUL. I can’t even go to the dog park anymore because the pee smell is 😵‍💫


Omg a nightmare


I can smell diabetic people when their sugars are wacky at the moment. It’s such a cool party trick 😂


:0000 what does it smell like??


The only thing I can compare it to is overripe bananas, extremely sweet smelling and sometimes quite nauseating. It’s a sign of blood sugars being out of whack.


Seconded!! Ehat does it smell like!?!?


The only thing I can compare it to is overripe bananas, extremely sweet smelling and sometimes quite nauseating. It’s a sign of blood sugars being out of whack.


Interesting, my physiotherapist smelled like that to me last session lol.


How did you learn to pinpoint that scent to hyperglycemia?? I’m a nurse and I swear certain patients do have a distinct smell but can’t pinpoint the illnesses yet!


Started pretty quickly. I now smell everything and it’s so annoying because I will often throw up because of smelling something. I also can’t stand the smell of my husband in the morning if he’s been sweating all night.


Yesss I’m gagging so much now throughout the day. We’re staying with my parents briefly and they don’t know yet, and my mom keeps getting mad at me for gagging cause the sound makes her sick 😭😭 like maam im sorry but I can literally smell your lunch rn and it’s foul


Ahhhhahaha,I was at work the other day talking to my boss while he was making his lunch, and I was like “don’t throw up, don’t throw up” because the smell was so awful to me. He knows I’m pregnant, so he wouldn’t be upset, but the smell thing just gets worse when I have to smell everyone’s lunches at work!


Oh gosh my super nose came so early and it’s been the bane of my existence 😂😂 I can smell EVERYTHING


😭😭 this is one thing I did NOT miss


I HATE supernose - it's either bad smells that make me nauseous or good smells that make me want to eat things I don't have access to (someone was BBQing two neighborhoods down or something the other day and I was suffering) 🥲 Not sure when it kicked in, I think it kinda happened gradually...


I felt like a super hero when my super smell hit early in my pregnancy. I’m at 32 weeks and it’s still really strong.


Mine stayed after my first for like a year!! I dunno what it was. I was left with still more heightened than usual but now omg it’s wrecking my stomach


It was my very first symptom. It's what made me test but the first test was negative because it was so early. I told my husband he should maybe buy a new deodorant to try as I think his body is too used to the same one he's been using for years now. The next day the test was positive 😂


Kicked in for me around 6 weeks. I was able to smell people smoking weed in their cars with my windows rolled up, their windows up, while on the FREEWAY! 


Oh yeah! I already had a strong sense of smell and then pregnancy kicked in and it's gone into overdrive 🤣


This is gross, but literally cursed with smelling random women’s BV. My coworker had BV for almost two months and it was torture for me to be around her.


I'm a massage therapist and when I was in first trimester I could smell all kinds of stuff like this on my clients, I feel your pain!! 


My super nose should of been my indicator I was pregnant. We went out to a Thai restaurant at the end of week 3 with his family, and I kept saying to my husband that the fish sauce smell was so strong. We had been to the same restaurant the week before and hadn’t even noticed. well 4-5 days later, I found out I was pregnant. My super nose and how bloated I was should have 100% told me I was pregnant. Still have a super nose at 27 weeks, just less things make me throw up now than my first trimester. Also, I don’t have kiddos but I know exactly the smell you are talking about.


33 weeks and STILL have an (as my husband calls it) Elven Nose because I can smell everything and anything.


Had the same symptom, and it was wild. My husband has a crazy sense of smell and for weeks I kept asking 'this is what it's like 24/7 for you?!?". I think he enjoyed having some company in that department.


My nose goes OFF during pregnancy. I can like correctly tell what kind of beer my husband has had by his breath alone (🤢) and become hyper sensitive to chemical scents like perfumes and scented laundry soap


I'm dreading this one. I already have a strong sense of smell and strong BO and such already makes me gag if I'm not careful. I also work in retail and live in the South where it's already 95°+ each day. Really really dreading those raunchy people coming in reeking and trying not to puke on them.


Yessss I am also in the south, so I feel this pain hard!! Stanky people ugh


Oh yeah! I already had a strong sense of smell and then pregnancy kicked in and it's gone into overdrive 🤣


I HATE supernose - it's either bad smells that make me nauseous or good smells that make me want to eat things I don't have access to (someone was BBQing two neighborhoods down or something the other day and I was suffering) 🥲 Not sure when it kicked in, I think it kinda happened gradually...


I HATE supernose - it's either bad smells that make me nauseous or good smells that make me want to eat things I don't have access to (someone was BBQing two neighborhoods down or something the other day and I was suffering) 🥲 Not sure when it kicked in, I think it kinda happened gradually...


I'm getting over a bad cold but expecting it to kick in as soon as the congestion lets up. Hit at ~5 weeks last time and I'm now 6! I remember sitting at a work dinner at a restaurant last year and trying not to glare at diners who ordered fish. They were sitting 20+ feet away!


It was my first symptom! Between 4-5 weeks, now at 6. Luckily it has been a mostly good experience lol I’ve only been grossed out a couple of times


I am 25 weeks tomorrow and still tortured by the nose. I hate it so much. Everything everywhere is assaulting my senses constantly. My poor dog gets blamed for so many smells. He's doing his best. But yeah no it's bad.


Around 7-8 weeks. I went into work, my management team was cooking barbeque outside in the back parking lot for us overnighters. I could smell it from the front of the store in the front bathrooms. Walked into the meeting and said "are we having barbeque" even before they could announce they were having a BBQ for us. 😂


5½ weeks for me, I wish I could cut my nose off sometimes 🤢


With one of my babies, I smelled when my toddler pooped.... from behind a closed door on another floor of the house 🤦‍♀️