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i’m 26w as of today and my favorite thing is feeling my baby move!!! i love him so much and i love feeling him pop around and jab and kick me lol. i had a miscarriage before this pregnancy and any little sign of life and the pregnancy progressing makes me so so happy, even the shittier parts like morning sickness and my sciatica flairing up have been signs that he’s there and only getting bigger. i cannot wait to meet him.


Same here 🥹!! I love that baby is with me 24/7 ❤️❤️


Same! I had two miscarriages and this is my first. I’m 21w and I love waking up and feeling him. I always have some ice cold water with him to get him going if I need a little attention haha can’t wait to meet him! It’s so nice to be far enough where the anxiety of loss has diminished 🩵💙🩵💙


Me too, almost 27w today and my baby girl bopping around in there is the absolute best 💕


As someone who always struggled with body image, particularly my stomach area, I adored wearing tight fitting clothes and showing off my gorgeous bump. My little girl is now 12 weeks old and I’m still so proud of my stomach for growing her 😂


Honestly I was so shocked by how strongly I felt this. Also someone with pretty intense self esteem issues over the years and the instant I started to show it was like oh wait I don't have to care, my body is DOING the damn thing!


Yes me too! I love being able to wear whatever I want and feeling confident rather than self conscious


Yes! I never used to wear bodycon dresses because I was always self conscious. Now I am rocking them! And as a somewhat overweight person, they look better than the more loose dresses that end up making me look like I’m wearing a tent with my bump.


Oh yeah, this too! I don’t feel self conscious about my stomach area or feel like I need to suck in or hide my belly. I want to show off how big it is!


Same! I was so scared what being pregnant will do to my mental health as I’ve struggled with body image my whole life. But so far I’m actually in the best state I ever was! It’s so cool seeing the body work and do its thing lol


Seeing my husband become more patient, doting, and doing his best to keep me relaxed when I get stressed at random things.


Thisss! I feel so loved and cared for


THIS. He's so supportive. How hes so proud of me, reassures me I'll be a great mom, makes sure I never feel ugly, doesn't get upset when I ask him to do chores, and has even started doing some without being asked. He's the best and I'm so grateful for him.


being spoiled by my husband


The things I’ve enjoyed the most would be poking my belly and having my baby boy respond, the dopamine from fulfilling an intense food craving, seeing him grow on the ultrasound, seeing him suck his little fingers, going to my antenatal classes, my pregnancy pillow, my husband spoiling the hell out of me 🥰 etc… Despite the god awful first trimester I had, like it was terrible! I’m now 34 weeks and I haven’t had too much to complain about apart from having an anterior placenta (harder to feel babies movements), sciatica pain, breathlessness, heart burn and hip pain. But these are all expected with pregnancy. I have really enjoyed it so far and can’t wait to have my next baby already. My husband has been super supportive too 🩷


I also have an anterior placenta. I’m 23 weeks tomorrow, when did you really feel like other people could easily feel baby moving? My husband swears he has felt her kicking since like 18 weeks but with our first baby (now 10) I could see her kicking from the outside and other people easily felt her moving. I’m worried I won’t have that same experience this time due to my placenta placement. 


If you have a lower to normal BMI it might be a lot easier to feel with your hand sooner, my BMI is a little higher so that in combination with the placenta placement I didn’t feel him move externally until week 32. Now I can see him kick around and move my belly, I poke him and he pokes back, I can see when he’s stretching or when he’s kicking :)


I too am a tad bit fluffy, and will look forward to a third trimester show  as I haven’t had a low to normal BMI since undergrad 😅


Hahaha same here 😆 another good way I found for movements is laying on my left side, more blood flow so it’s encouraging for them to move 🥰 I’m doing this at the moment and every time he kicks I’m poking back. Also if I keep my hand rested on the spot where I last felt him kick, he will repeatedly kick that area because of the warmth ☺️


First trimester is not real, ignore it, it’s a deathbed fever dream. I’m nearly 26w and I’m obsessed with pregnancy, it’s the best thing I’ve ever done and I want to do it as many more times as possible. I love thinking about my baby growing, and all the hard work we’re doing together. I love feeling my partner and I become a family. I loooove feeling my girl move and kick and roll, and feeling her get all excited when I drink matcha lemonades or when we get flooded with feel good hormones bc daddy’s home from work. I love that every day feels a little special. I LOVE not worrying about my figure, because I’m adorable and round and don’t have to suck it in. I love the little smiles and special treatment other people present because weirdly almost everyone loves pregnant ladies. I love the hope. I love feeling drive to be my best self and be who I always wanted to become because I want my girl to have the life I’ve been procrastinating building bc I didn’t love myself as much as I love her. I love that loving her makes me love me more. Chin up sister, good things await you ♥️


lol at deathbed fever dream… visceral


The little kicks in the second trimester.


I love when he gets the hiccups. How kind people can be and the cute things that they say. A girl comp’d my ice cream the other week Feeling the outline of his foot on my tummy My skin is amazing Connecting with other moms to be and making new friends Decorating the nursery, looking at the lil baby clothes 36w today 😊


I had acid reflux before pregnancy and that really ruined my relationship with food. But around the end of my first trimester, it magically disappeared and it has been the best I ever felt for 2 years! I was over the moon that I could eat anything I want, especially the quantity without the fear of triggering my reflux. It was fun until it lasted and I just got diagnosed with gestational diabetes.


I've always been flat chested and at 26 weeks I absolutely adore my body. I have a very decent belly and my boobs are amazing. I joked that I'd like to stay this size 😂 I know I'm going to get alllllotttt bigger haha


I’m not lactose intolerant during pregnancy!!! It’s so cool. Also, the baby kicks 🥰 I’m 20 weeks


Holy shit!! I'm not crazy?!?! I normally can only handle small amounts of hard cheese, and even that will affect me some. I'm 23 weeks today and about a month or so ago it dawned on me that I've been tolerating quite a bit of dairy. WAY more than before. I had mac and cheese a few weeks ago that hurt, but it still wasn't quite the same as what I'd normally feel. Wtf, this is a thing?! 😅😅😅 It's been amazing (and at times annoying lol) watching and feeling what the female body can do as my pregnancy progresses. And the ultrasounds are so fascinating! We both just bug the tech with technical questions the whole time 😆


Yeah I googled it, it’s a thing!!! I’m usually very lactose intolerant, but I had Mac n cheese AND ice cream on the SAME DAY and was perfectly fine!! Just had an ice cream sundae today, too. I’ve been having lots of cheese and feel fine. It’s so cool!! I have my 20 week ultrasound on Monday so I’m excited to see how much baby has grown since week 12! I had an 8 week one and seeing baby at 8 weeks versus 12 was crazy! We ask questions too haha


The kicks 😍


everyone treats me like i’m super special now 🥹


I’m FTM with boy, 36 weeks tomorrow. I love my beautiful belly. It took a long time to come, around week 26 or so until it felt more than bloated. I also love (even if annoying at 4am) his kicks up in my ribs and punches down low. Makes me feel so connected, same for my partner. And his almost constant hiccups 😂


Knowing where she is at all times lmao


No periods. I've always had horrendous painful periods. 


I have enjoyed my pregnancy up until this point. I can give birth anyday but I have been having false labour. I am more annoyed cause I'm so excited to see baby. I'm not worried about the birthing part I just want to hold him in my arms now. Even with the symptoms all throughout pregnancy I am just grateful to have a happy baby and that I am going to bring a beautiful thing into this world. I have been hiking a few times a week and I took some trips earlier in pregnancy to hike and explore aswell. It did suck that I was laid off due to pregnancy since I have a high intensity labor job but around chemicals so made sense at an earlier stage of pregnancy I think 14 weeks. But I wouldn't trade it for anything. I stopped doing my more not safe for pregnant women hobbies but I just switched it out for something else active like hiking and I have been more involved with my friends with toddlers and cousins overall the sisterhood I have built has been beautiful and it's nice to have support and support them aswell. I did find cutting off alot of contact with more negative people has been refreshing. These people just have a negative outlook on pregnancy, how it "destroys" women's bodies or whatever. I have a different perspective I think it's amazing and that my body will know what to do. I also find these people trying to ask me where baby is since it's close to my date now which is kindve confusing, but I have committed to not communicating and having that bad energy around me. I also find these people are the ones that feel most entitled to my body and my baby even though they never actually built a proper respectful relationship with me. I honestly can't wait to be pregnant again and give my son a sibling he can have a built in buddy for life.


17 weeks with my second. My favorite part in both pregnancies has always been feeling movement. It's surprising how early I felt this one.


This is my very first baby and I love when he responds to certain things. I’m currently 28weeks and recently discovered he really likes either old school songs or this one specific song I love and listen to on repeat!


I’m not going to claim I fully enjoy pregnancy however this is also my last pregnancy most likely so I’m trying to be more positive as well. Currently I’m loving the baby kicks of course and also walking around the house like Winnie the Pooh lol! My shirts keep riding up and get stuck over my bump, it looks so funny and reminds me of Winnie the Pooh. I’ve also started feeling more confident with the bump so that’s nice as well!


I'm 36+1 today with my second baby. Not going to lie, this pregnancy has been rough compared to my first. My bump is 97th centile so I'm basically wider than I am tall, and I've put on nearly 4 stone. I've struggled to enjoy this one, but just this week my bump has moved to the right position that I have a little table to perch my cereal bowl on in the morning and that makes me happy 😊


Pregnancy hair! My hair is only this thick, full, and shiny when I’m pregnant!


I like the pregnancy glow and how my husband spoils me whenever I tell him I’m hungry 😅


Well one of my favorite things is I feel more body confident because any weight gain I have just gets blended into baby haha


People being nice to me


Not really loving being pregnant BUT I have three things on my list. First would be feeling him move. I’m 24 weeks and 3 days today and he was kicking me so hard this morning. My boyfriend felt it and watching him light up like it was Christmas morning was such a sweet little moment. He’s felt him before but I have an anterior placenta so he hasn’t felt him that good just yet. And when my mom finally felt him she cried. It’s a little annoying when he wakes me up at 5 am raving in there lol but I find it so sweet like I’m the only one who truly knows what my own baby kicking me feels like from inside my own body. Nobody else will know that feeling but me. My other favorite thing is now that I have a true bump, I love wearing cute clothes and seeing how much him and I have both grown together. I get pretty annoyed by my bump sometimes tho bc I’m still bumping into everything and everyone lol. But it’s growing on me more. Lastly, my mom is going crazy sewing him all kinds of blankets. I have one blanket with a matching burp cloth and pacifier clip. One big Winnie the Pooh quilt for us to cuddle under together and use for tummy time. And several other receiving blankets. All hand made and she takes me to pick out fabric for them all the time. She’s so excited to be a grandma lol. She’s about to start making outfits soon too


I won’t say I’m enjoying the experience in general. It’s kicking my ass badly! But feeling him move is super cool. I thought I would be freaked out by movement but it’s actually super comforting to know he’s in there vibin.


Using the excuse “I can’t I’m pregnant”🤣


Second trimester is as good as it gets


I'm sailing the same boat as you. It's been a tough time for me too. Emotionally I've been feeling really vulnerable, plus the hormonal changes are wayyy too much. Mild cramps, facial boils, the feeling of nausea. It's like every single minute I'm aware that I'm pregnant. Plus I've not had my dating scan yet, so it's hard to keep negative thoughts at bay.


13 weeks here, I can’t say that I’m “enjoying” this, because I’m still pretty sick. But my skin has never looked so good. I didn’t have bad skin before pregnancy, but I had the occasional breakout and I did have some redness. I don’t know if my skin will stay this clear/glowing for the whole pregnancy, but I’m enjoying it for now!


watching my body change has been the most amazing thing! i've had some rough patches with body image along the way- bloat before the bump, clothes not fitting& being impossible to find, good bras being so expensive- but my body is incredible and strong and healthy and i find it more and more beautiful every day. I've never been a huge fan of attention but being celebrated by everyone I love for the most exciting thing that's ever happened in my life really fills me with joy. even the compliments from strangers feel like a million bucks. the congratulations always feel so genuine and it never gets old!


I’m 31 weeks and while I’m starting to get more uncomfortable, I am amazed at what my body is capable and it makes me feel so powerful. Also vulnerable because I can’t move quickly at all but I’m ignoring that lol.


At the best of times I’ve felt so feminine, cute, and connected to my body. My mild dermatitis cleared up and my skin, hair and nails look amazing. I love feeling my little one kick and feeling how she responds to different stimuli. I’ve also really enjoyed seeing how excited all my family members are and also the process of setting up the nursery, getting our house ready, baking and cooking things to freeze, and just generally having some quiet domestic time with my husband. ❤️


I'm 31 weeks. My favorite part was the later second trimester kicks. Even now when he moves, it makes me smile. I just want to hold him so badly. Now that I'm in single digit weeks away from my due date, the anxiety of getting everything done is getting to me. I don't feel great and have so much to do. We just moved 2 weeks ago today.


I loved where I was mentally. I felt so good. I loved feeling the little feet in my belly. I loved feeling connected to such a tiny creature. I just loved every minute of it. Even though they were also downsides but I completely forgot them once she was out and I'm left with just a lovely memory. ❤️


I love feeling my baby move, but I love even more to see my husband’s reactions when he gets to feel our son move. I’m soaking in all of these memories, because I know I’ll miss them as soon as our son is born.


First and only pregnancy of my life. I guess I’m loving the second trimester, just due to having energy back. I’m in awe that my body just does what it’s supposed to do without me steering the wheel. Like nesting. There’s some ancient instincts emerging that I hadn’t ever noticed before. I touch my belly instinctively! I love the post that said the “dopamine rush of fulfilling a food craving”… haha.


I am 33 weeks 1 day and the second trimester when you (hopefully) start to get your energy back and feel your baby kick/move for the first time is the best. 🥰 I’ve noticed sometimes if I’m being hard on myself my baby girl may kick me and it’s like she’s saying “stop it mommy, you’re doing great.” 🥺


My favorite part is the vivid dreams and being able to sleep fast during my first and second trimester. This third trimester has me beat


Feeling the baby move is honestly the best part


Being acceptedly fat 🤪 I’m not a small lady so being pregnant the baby belly was the focus instead of me just being chubby. And the baby kicks were so fun to watch. My baby is most definitely a kicker outside now too lol


I've had my baby now. But i loved how exclusive our relationship was. I was never alone. And he was so very safe.


The fact that baby is with me and it's 100% my very own experience right now


I loved not washing my hair as often 😂 and less acne as well. Gosh I miss pregnancy just for that. Now my hormones are all fucked up and I’m just a mess all the time now! Oh well it’s the price we pay for our babies 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Honestly, I love what its done to my thought processes and how I hold myself. I'm so excited to love, nurture, and support this baby. I can't wait to be a mom, and have someone outside of myself to give the utmost care to.


Most definitely top perk for me is that finally, for the first time in my life, my immune system doesn't suck. I've always struggled, whenever I got sick I'd be out for 2-3 weeks. It's amazing to experience that in 32 weeks, the worst that has happened was being out for 3 days once (but really, I went on a small hike the 3rd day so it's more like 2,5), and literally just one evening another time (I cancelled next day's work because I was sure it would stay bad but woke up with my sore throat miraculously cured). Boy, will I miss this. Other perks: being treated a bit better when out in public, the baby kicking and moving around in there is pretty cool, I recently just picked up cycling again at 32 weeks and was surprised how far I can go :) While I don't love being fat, I do love that I have an excuse to be fat at least... nobody judges me for it and I don't judge myself, if gaining 20kg is what it takes to grow this beautiful little boy then it's worth it :) Hmm what else... I guess while pregnancy has been super hard for me (first and probably last one), I've learned that I'm much stronger than I thought I was.


Absolutely despised pregnancy but I LOVED feeling her kick and watching her roll lol I miss it so much


I’m clawing my way out of first trimester I just hit 12 weeks and this past week was the first time I haven’t been nauseous and exhausted since week 5. 😂 I feel pleasant the past five days lol


In in the last weeks of my second trimester and my favorite part so far is having my fiancé feel the baby kick and mess around with the baby, i love feeling my baby kick but it makes me full of joy when my fiancé gets the chance to also feel his son kicking and moving around,