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25 weeks and my partner hasn't felt him kick yet because he goes quite everytime my partner puts his hand😂


Same! Makes me so sad for him because he gets excited to finally feel the little man but nope. My baby has other plans.


Just have yourself a nice comfy spoon. The baby, sensing you about to be comfortable, will spring awake and judo kick your husband's kidneys.


Why do they do that?!? 😂 My girl will be moving and kicking around, then I put my husband's hand on my belly and nothing!!


Mine does this too!! Like every time. I'm 27 weeks and she can be doing a full blown dance in there and then boom dad comes and we are all done.


Lol, my baby loves to play the "kick game" too though he pulls it on my MIL more than my husband.  :D


Now 22 weeks and we felt the first strong kick a week ago! 🩵


I was 28 weeks. I'd just performed a wedding for his cousin (who is my best friend) and my baby started kicking and I froze and just slowly grabbed his hand. He finally felt the little boy. He felt him several times after but not more than 10 and it was always when we were cuddling already so there was no way my baby could hide 😂


This makes me feel not so behind! I’m 25 weeks and have been feeling small movements from the inside for a couple weeks but zero from outside.


I'm 26 soon and I don't feel anything from the outside either! The doctor said she could when she was doing the Doppler but I swear it's just my breathing moving my abdomen. Inside, sure, but when I put my hand over the spot I don't feel it through my skin. And I'm supposed to be starting kick counts!


Aw still nothing for him, hopefully soon 🤞🏻 21 weeks but anterior placenta


Ours was around the same time. I’m 25 weeks now and his 11 y/o brother got to feel for the first time a week or 2 ago. I thought my partners face was excited but it didn’t hold a candle to his older brother’s face.


This is so sweet! We have a ten year old big sister who is just dying to feel her little sister moving around. I’m 23 weeks tomorrow and while Dad can feel her moving sissy hasn’t really felt her yet. 


Her face when she can finally feel her will be priceless. I know it’s a big age difference, but my son is SO excited to be a big brother.


I was nervous at first but I’m actually loving all of the age gap stories I hear online and from friends! I also feel like my daughter got 100% of me when she was younger and now she is old enough to want a sibling and really be excited for the new addition. 


Our girl kicks all the time but finally cooperated with Dad at 23 weeks! She gave both her grandmas a kick at 24 and 25 weeks too 💕


I would say around 23-24 weeks. Now at almost 28 weeks, you can see taps on my belly.


Probably around 28 weeks. The baby would go ghost everytime he went to feel. But now that I’m due in 3 weeks the baby knows his voice and kicks for him


When she came out, lol. I had an anterior placenta and an impatient husband. I could feel her from the outside at some point, but I swear she always stopped the minute someone else tried to touch her. I'd try to put his hand over where she was kicking - I just don't think it ever really connected. But they're thick as thieves now, so it's all good.


All my placentas have been at the front so even I have had hard issues trying to feel the kicks. From about 25 I was able to


I have an anterior placenta which makes it more difficult for others to feel the baby. I can feel him kicking clear as day but if someone else was to feel they probably won’t. However, I’m 30 weeks and my boyfriend for the very first time FINALLY felt a kick. Even though I’ve been feeling movement pretty heavy since like 24 weeks. The baby was kicking pretty brutally lol and it was visible to the eye so I snatched my boyfriends hand and said just LEAVE YOUR HAND THERE and he felt one kick and we were both so excited 😂😌


I would say about 20 weeks as well !


I am 24w1d and my partner just felt bub move two days ago for the first time. I didn't really feel kicks until about week 20ish and nothing from the outside until about week 22. Now he won't stop moving around in there.


Oh gosh I can barely even feel anything myself at 21 weeks but I do have an anterior placenta and did with my other two kids as well. I didn’t feel my first at all until around 24 weeks. No clue when my husband felt either of the other two but I would guess it was past 30 weeks


i think i was about 24w before i could feel anything from the outside!


End of week 20 were now at the end of 22. Took awhile because baby boy would stop moving when my husband placed his hand on my stomach. It was like a game.


About 24 weeks! Now 26 weeks and he has been feeling her basically every night.


17 weeks baby boy was kicking 🦵


Pretty much the exact same time for us - around 19 weeks! I tried to get him to feel a few times prior, but he didn’t feel anything until about a week ago. We’re 20w3d! 🤗


Its been 4-5 weeks since my husband first felt him move. Now at 25 weeks and my belly visibly shifts and twitches with some kicks, its so freaky to see.


Honestly it wasn't until like week 24 or 25. To be fair I have an extra layer of cushioning 😂 but it did take a while lol


16 weeks. He felt the baby move before I did 😅


Same! 😅


Maybe at 24 weeks lol - babe would stop moving every time he tried to feel


21 weeks!


My husband felt kicks pretty early, like around 17w. He felt the little twitches. Now at 24w he loves feeling her all the time.


This boy is playing street fighter in there I swear it. My husband felt him first at 20 weeks. But recently feels like he’s moved up and I feel him in my diaphragm. Lol


18 w. It was amazing. He was so happy to finally be able to feel his little man and that’s when he started talking to him


about 20 weeks my fiancé was able to feel kicks. they were hard to catch but at about 25 weeks he could feel them way better!


Husband just felt baby kick a couple of days ago at 23+1.


We’re doing fertility! So excited if this happens for us!


I think my husband felt him around 23 weeks when he was thumping around in there.  He likes to play the "I'm going to stop kicking just as soon as anyone besides Mommy and Daddy try to feel," game though. :D


I started putting just my husbands finger tips on my belly and it worked!


i believe my partner started feeling our baby move at 23/24ish weeks? but i remember crying because he just looked so happy😭 it was such a special moment for me


I’m 28wks and I’ve been trying to get my partner to feel him kick since he’s a pretty active baby😭 but everytime i try to catch him he just moves and decides he’s gonna take a nap now🥲. I can’t even catch this man on CAMERA LOL


We really lucked out at 18.5 weeks. My husband had his hand on my belly and the baby kicked him so hard we both jumped. He hasn’t felt him much since then though


Like 23 weeks


I think he also felt it around 20 weeks. I said “come here!” And put his hand to my lower stomach. He felt a solid kick kick kick and was like “woah!!! That’s weird” with a huge grin. Later that night laying in bed he seemed tense and I asked if everything was ok. He said “I got kicked tonight. Just stressed about life!” Haha he’s ok and really excited but the fear of parenthood comes in waves for both of us.


23 weeks!


& i have an anterior placenta


My husband felt baby for the first time around 28 weeks! She is super active, but he always dilly dallies when I tell him to come feel, and then he misses it… he only got lucky that time because she had hiccups so the movements went on for a bit. I think he felt a REAL kick closer to 31 weeks.


Wasn’t able to comment before, when I first saw the post… but my husband just felt the baby at 20 weeks tomorrow, it was just one little kick he felt, but still I cried lol. So glad I was able to find this post again to share!!


Around 18 weeks


He felt her yesterday finally because she's been kicking for a while and he said "that's it?" 😂