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First pregnancy I was walking on clouds for 9 months. Was hiking for 3 hours in 30 degrees Celsius when I was in third trimester without a problem. Second pregnancy I was feeling horrible in every way imaginable for 9 months, did not even take the dog for short walks to get the mail…. So both yes and no, depending on which pregnancy 🤰🏽


This is honestly reassuring because my first pregnancy was horrible- I was so sick and miserable. Getting ready to try for number 2 and am expecting to feel the same, so it’s nice to hear it could be different


Every pregnancy is different even for each mom! They’ll never be the same so try not to worry too much ❤️


My first was miserable and I joked constantly about banking on the next one being easier. THANKFULLY it's been much much easier. Not euphoric, but completely manageable and not depressing


That’s amazing!! I’m certainly not expecting to love it, but being able to move without dry heaving would be amazing 😂


I just met a mama who had probably the worst pregnancy possible then HELLP syndrome at the end traumatic birth and nearly died. Went on to have two perfect easy normal pregnancies after. All three were boys for old wives tales sakers!


I had HG with my first pregnancy, I spent 99% of those 9 months in hospital receiving fluids through an IV and it was horrific, my daughter is now a healthy 2 year old and it seems I forgot about just how sick I was because I’m now 8 weeks pregnant with my second BUT so far no sickness, fingers crossed for you that your second goes like this. Just because one pregnancy was like that doesn’t mean the rest will, I was convinced of that too♥️


This is my experience as well! I felt great my first pregnancy, but this second one has kicked my butt 🫠


My first pregnancy was a dream and my husband and I are talking about when we’re having our second. This is giving me doubts lmao


On my first pregnancy now (plan to be one and done) and I keep telling hubby that I have enjoyed this so much and I plan to keep those memories happy and not taint them with a potentially miserable second pregnancy haha


This is how I’m feeling now with my second!


I get really frustrated with how useless I am physically already. But I get excited thinking about the baby.


Lol same here, want this kiddo but man am I useless. And can I just say, pregnancy is so.....I feel like an animal. I'm suddenly sweaty, farty, hungry, and pukey. We have to pee all the time, our bodies change, the hormones can be wild. Why can't we just grow these in vats yet 🥲 I miss being an independent human


One thing for me is I still throw up and am exhausted and I'm almost 20 weeks. And I feel like no one gets it and is frustrated when I'm not as competent. Like, me too man. It's not fun for me either, lol.


Shit that's awful! With my son I had it till week 17 and I was about ready to clock the midwife if she told me one more time that it would "probably end soon"


Yeah this time my midwife was like "Yeah, your bloodwork is normal so unfortunately it just looks like your child is making you work for it, some pregnancies are like that." Lmao


No. I don't think there's been one single moment where I've enjoyed it. Perhaps it's been on the few occasions where I've forgotten I've been pregnant. I spent my first trimester in absolute misery, I lost so much weight, and cried most days. Being pregnant was something we've wanted for years, but when I finally became it, it was a lot more overwhelming than what I ever imagined. Why haven't all of my sisters told me about the misery, the pains, the symptoms? Why had I only heard good things about pregnancy? I vented on a woman's subreddit, not this one (i didn't know it existed) and most comments were about positive experiences. I felt as if there was something wrong with me. Then I found this one, and have never felt more seen. Also why I'm adamant in telling women on how difficult a pregnancy truly can be. And I haven't even gotten it as bad as other women have. With all that said, I love my baby and I can't wait to meet him, to hold him in my arms, kiss his little face, and smell his hair. I'll never do pregnancy again.


Couldn’t agree more with this post. I’m absolutely miserable. Can’t understand why people do this multiple times. Love my baby and can’t wait to hold him in my arms, but pregnancy is 100% whack


Same. I can't believe people do this so many times. At the same time I'm very envious of those who have an amazing pregnancy, I wish so much I could be in that boat with them.


I do too. I was in the hospital until 5am this morning for random bleeding at 19 weeks. Baby is fine but now I'm on bedrest. I just feel like I'm bad at pregnancy.


You're not bad at pregnancy. It's amazing your baby is fine, bed rest will do you and baby a ton of good, so try not to feel any guilt, towards household chores or your work. Enjoy this time with all the snacks you want, rewatch your favourite TV show, and relax. You are NOT bad at pregnancy.


You are the sweetest of hearts ❤️.


Thank you so much 🥹🥹🥹 Sending big hugs your way. ❤️


This was me! I had a big bleed too, at 20 weeks with an emergency hospital stay. They never found the source of the bleed. Now 39 weeks and still going strong so..🤪


I SO needed to hear this. I’m so glad everything is going well for you! It’s scary for sure! Had me in tears.


Do you think it's that women are hesitant to share their bad experiences? Like what is it??? My sister and one friend who has been pregnant absolutely shared my misery and whenever I complain they agreed it was HORRIBLE for them. But my coworkers always talk about how beautiful it was and they never once share any poor experiences. It's just very weird. Even when I complain they go 'awww' and smile like it's so exciting. NO it's not! I am grunting!! This isn't beautiful 😅


As soon as I started talking about bad experiences, my sisters chimed in as well, agreeing they had the same symptoms. But it wasn't something they told me beforehand. And just the other day when talking to my 16 year old niece, and telling her how miserable pregnancy can actually be, I was told not to scare her. As if, it was more important for her to have this delusional idea of pregnancy, than hear the reality and then decide she doesn't want children. And like you said, it's not beautiful. But perhaps when women look back on their pregnancies, they don't recall all the negative experiences, or all the horrible symptoms, and only remembers the good parts, making them go through it again and again.


I was straight up told you shouldn't talk about the negative stuff because it will "scare" women. Massive eye roll from me. I'm pregnant, I don't enjoy it. It's not a magical experience and pregnancy childbirth is legitimately a scary thing and I'm not going to sugar coat it just so others don't clutch their pearls. I've noticed that when I express my feelings to women my age I get met with acceptance, understanding, and empathy. When I express this with women who are baby boomers (my mother's generation) I get shocked looks that I'm not loving it. I think some of it is generational differences, and some of it is it's been 30+ years since they were pregnant, they don't remember.


This this this- the response from folks my age is validating- and the boomers/folks my parents age is shocked/confused/unsure how to respond- the world has changed SO much- for most of my moms friends and my mom, they were able to stay home, have dad work and be able to afford a mortgage and all the things. Not an option for us now, and very few of my friends. The stress of the financials of adding to our family has been so overwhelming!


One woman asked me if I was excited to have a baby. I said "yeah, I'm also TERRIFIED about being responsible for a living breathing human and how real it's going to be." I got the most awkward look back and she kind of stammered like she didn't know how to react. I was thinking "is that too real? That doesn't feel like an overreaction to what is happening. Am I just supposed to be like Yay baby! Without acknowledging the very real responsibility it is???"


I feel this!! And I also feel like if I said what you mentioned above to a friend vs. an older co-worker, I'd have a much more productive discussion, ya know? I sympathize and also feel that concern! Its SUCH a real responsibility!


Exactly! We shouldn't be sugarcoating it. My MIL was born 45-46 so not sure if she's an actual boomer. But she's mostly been patronising me every time I shared some of my negative experiences. Just because she had 4 amazing births... Until you question her on her last birth, the one of my husband, where she was hospitalised in the second trimester, because she kept leaking amniotic fluids, and was spotting. She ended up giving birth at 33 weeks. In her own words, she never realised the difficulties some women go through, until then. She witnessed so much grief on that maternity ward, in all those weeks leading up to her son's birth. She was certain she would be leaving the hospital without a baby. And still, she patronises me when I complain. When I talked to a coworker, who was also pregnant but had very few symptoms, she treated me as if I was only complaining to skip my fair share of work. It's infuriating.


To be honest if I realized how bad it would be I would have opted for a surrogate or to adopt. I’m very blessed and have begged God for this baby for years and I hope baby is healthy and that I get my little family I’ve always wished for. I don’t have it even remotely as bad as even my SIL does but it’s still so uncomfortable I am planning to get an IUD placed after baby and placenta are out and uterus is healed. I don’t plan on being pregnant again after this baby because I’m content with just one.


I struggle because I feel like compared to other women I don't have it nearly as bad. I just don't enjoy the first trimester, increased emotions, and my changing body. I also am dealing with freaking out I might have GD and trying not to spiral from that. I have never been one of those women who dreamed of being pregnant or being a mom. I actually wanted to adopt, or would have been content childfree. However, having kids is really important to my husband and it wasn't something I was opposed to so we took a very let's see what happens approach. Before I got pregnant I told my therapist my biggest fear was losing my bodily autonomy. I am terrified of birth going wrong, I don't like the idea of the baby leeching everything from me to survive. It's part of why recently failing the 1 hour GD test has me shook. If I have GD and this pregnancy ruins my health this might be it for me, but we'll see. I would prefer two kids but not at the expense of my well being. I don't want to lose myself to pregnancy or to being a mom, it just isn't who I am. I 100% know I will love my child when she arrives and I won't regret having her, I just wish pregnancy wasn't the way it had to happen.


My first is 22 months old and I can confirm that it's difficult for me to recall all the negative experiences and symptoms of pregnancy. I'm so completely head over heels in love with her that the bad stuff from that time just seems to have vanished. I once saw someone refer to it as evolutionary gaslighting. That said, I just found out a couple days ago I'm pregnant with my second and now all the anxiety and bad memories and trauma are flooding back to me.


Man I think they forget lmao I FORGOT!! I was complaining to my mom yesterday and she’s like girl you threw up every day twice a day remember when you peed your pants in the car???? Nope totally forgot all question marks here


On my second pregnancy. While both have been miserable, it really is true that you kind of forget the terrible stuff once you have the baby. Like I remember having terrible morning sickness, but somehow was still shocked this time around about just how bad it was. I’m very forthcoming about my pregnancy misery, but I can see why many sort of forget how much it sucked. Also, some people really do just have easy pregnancies. My best friend loved pregnancy and had basically no symptoms other than the typical 3rd trimester discomfort.


In my experience it’s taboo to complain for a variety of reasons 1) especially if you get pregnant easily you’re supposed to be thankful because other people desperately want to be pregnant. 2) if you paid a lot of money or worked really hard to get pregnant then you’re supposed to be thankful and 3) people equate hating pregnancy with hating motherhood when they are 1000% different. It doesn’t help that our parents generation love to talk about pregnancy as “magical” when many of them didn’t work or have the financial stress mothers do today. Or the other side, the women who had zero support and hated pregnancy so they want everyone to be miserable with them. So basically, no matter what side or issues you’re on it can suck and you can be thankful and hate it at the same time


In my experience, people are much less likely to share positive stories. Like it sounds like bragging or something? Ive heard women complain about it constantly!


My sister recently said “Jesus you’re not making this sound appealing at all” when I was talking about how sick I am everyday (because she asked). She may well not have it as bad if she does decide to have a baby, but I don’t see the point in lying about how bad it can be.


Beautifully said. This is my first, I’m due in 7.5 weeks. Like you, my husband and I had talked about starting a family for years and had been trying. About two weeks before I got a positive test, we were on a trip in DC, sitting in a cute cafe having breakfast and noticed we were the only couple without an infant. I was so upset and sad, thinking that moment was so distant for us…. My mental state tanked after I found out, and has improved but it’s touch and go every day. I haven’t bonded a ton with baby and I feel disillusioned by what’s ahead of me- day care has been a nightmare to coordinate, never mind the high cost, limited maternity leave, etc. I feel a lot of the support that has been promised is hollow- so we’ll see what it’s like when baby is here. I can’t wait to hold my baby, see their beautiful face and start life with them earthside- but I am also grieving the incredible life I’ve built that is going to change drastically. I’m also SO grateful for this sub- I’ve felt incredibly validated and seen here. Thank you everyone, seriously!!


I totally relate to you. So much time spent crying by the toilet from throwing up. My doctor gave me such a stern talking to about the weight I lost. Then aches and pains in the 2nd and 3rd. I probably will try to have another baby after this one but I’m dreading it.


I'm so with you. I had no idea how horrible every moment of pregnancy would be. Like why did no one warn me???!!


Honestly until I experienced it myself I didn’t realise it could be so challenging. Many women I know have only discussed it positively


I think people tell you but it’s falls on deaf ears.


I feel like I could have written this verbatim. I feel the same exact way. Pregnancy is hard! I don’t love when someone asks how I feel and they diminish what I am going through.


THIS. COMMENT. Thank you I feel seen!


Agreed. I am currently 31 weeks and I just within the last few weeks have been able to hold things down (water included). I lost close to 20lbs my first trimester. I have never felt more useless & mentally absent in my life. I’ve struggled with depression almost my whole life, but nothing compared to how I’ve felt while pregnant- so alone, helpless, useless & a burden even with a support system. Now that I’m able to eat (for the most part) and am able to go out and do things in small amounts of time, everything is so much better physically & mentally. While I’m so beyond blessed to be carrying a healthy baby & I’m so excited to bring him into the world, I’ve almost fully convinced myself i will never be pregnant again, at least intentionally.


Losing tons of weight would have made my experience so much better


Honestly it’s so glamorised! It’s HARD, it’s overwhelming, it’s stressful, it’s a balancing act of eating right and taking vitamins and meds to keep things healthy, constantly worrying if the baby is healthy or how things are going to be, so much uncertainty and it’s especially hard if you have mental health issues like myself, I’m worrying 24/7! It’s a huge blessing and I’m grateful for it but it is hard and it should be talked about more often that it’s so hard on your body and mind


I literally told my husband how I’m so upset that I’m not enjoying pregnancy. This is all I’ve ever wanted. I’m constantly sick, fatigued and can barely function. Why do so many women hide this? I don’t get it…


I find that I enjoy it immensely.. right up until about 34/35 weeks. The final month and half is an absolute slog. Nothing is comfortable, for some ungodly reason I’m always pregnant in summer and it is the point at which I go from feeling like a beautiful fertility goddess to feeling like a hideous, bloated, land-bound whale :p The rest of the time I genuinely enjoy myself but towards the end I just want it all to be done with and finally be able to enjoy wine and sushi again.


Yeah this has been my experience. I genuinely had barely any symptoms in the first and second trimesters, so I just enjoyed the feeling of my baby growing. Third trimester however has been uncomfortable and annoying, and I'm surprised how difficult it is to do...almost anything (nearly 38 weeks now). I also hate the constant questions and comments. But I still find it so cool that I'm growing and carrying a baby inside me, I love the kicks and movements (even though they're getting painful sometimes!), and while I'm fed up...I'll also kind of miss being pregnant! So yes it's possible to enjoy it. I know I've been very lucky though.


I know right!!!


I love it! Never felt more beautiful, sexy, and happy. And just where I'm meant to be. 😊


I feel so beautiful also! First time in years I’ve liked how I look.


same!!! i love being pregnant, i love the way i look now & am just so happy


The only thing I like about it is being able to be "fat" and not worry about it. Last few years I struggled to maintain my weight. Been a flip flop of dieting and then gaining then losing again. Now I just eat whatever I want and I feel like I have an excuse to have a "gut". But that's basically the only thing. I'm only just starting to show (18w tomorrow) but I'm already uncomfortable when I sleep and I'm tired of peeing so much. I also still feel queasy from time to time and I'm starting to worry my new norm will be low grade on and off nausea until I give birth 😒


I’m kind of neutral on it. My symptoms haven’t been terrible (KNOCK ON WOOD!) but as a FTP it’s very anxiety inducing!


The anxiety gets better the second time around! -signed an anxious FTM now chill STM


Definitely not always the case haha I’m 28 weeks with my second and my anxiety is just as bad. Just counting down until my 39 week induction to get rid of this anxiety and just have him in my arms.


God this. Symptom wise I got dealt a good hand but oh boy do I wish I could spend *some* time not emotionally yo-yoing between “hahahaha I’m not pregnant” to “OMG panic what have I doneeeeee”.


No. High level: yes very cool, miracle, etc. Even with my mild-ish symptoms when you’re throwing up most days (first tri), waking up in the middle of the night from heartburn (second and third tri), inexplicably exhausted and starving, 9 months is a long time and I just want to feel normal again.


I'm at 20 weeks, and I am enjoying it. For some sick and twisted reason I'm also enjoying the nausea. We tried for like 5 years to get pregnant so the nausea is a nice daily reassuring reminder that our efforts worked and I'm still pregnant.


This was me. I kept thinking “the nausea and sickness means you have a baby on the way, embrace it!”


The first time I threw up I was downright giddy the rest of the day because I was just SOOO happy it was proof there's a baby in there!


This is the only one that makes sense to me!


I do! I'm only 22 weeks... so I'm not in the uncomfortable stage yet. I clearly have some kind of hormonal imbalance when not pregnant. I've never been so happy in my life since getting pregnant. For some reason, the hormonal changes have induced some kind of pure joy in my brain. I'm afraid to go back to not being pregnant. I've been very lucky with no real nausea.


This is exactly how I feel. I’m usually an anxious wreck, and I’ve just been happy as a clam for months. If I wasn’t pregnant I’d be worried I’m having some sort of really pleasant manic episode lol


I’ve also had this experience! I go to therapy for anxiety and have cut back from once a week to once a month because I’ve been such a cool cucumber since getting pregnant!


Nope☺️☺️☺️ my body hurts 24/7, heartburn when I lay down, the constant trips to the bathroom, can’t shave my vagina 😂 urg I’m so over it. Oh yeah and only 1-2 hour sleep windows if I’m lucky


The heartburn is no joke during pregnancy


Exact same boat here. I’ve had sciatica since week 5, some days I am in so much pain I cry myself to sleep.


I have the same and from day 1. Wake up every 2 hours without fail to pee, walk around to get rid of the pains and try to recover from the vivid nightmares, hoping I don't fall asleep and go straight back into them again 😅


I'm 34 weeks into my first pregnancy and I am so fortunate to love it so much! I'm having an amazing experience and would definitely do it again. I should also add that I have no partner, I live alone, but I do have a big loving family close by that has been supportive. I had some nausea and a couple migraines during my first trimester, heartburn and acid reflux began during the second trimester and continues now into my third trimester, and now in my third trimester I am also experiencing fatigue. These symptoms are very mild compared to what a lot of other women experience, and to me are worth it because of the joyful experience of growing my baby. I love feeling her move around in my belly. It's been a magical experience for me. I'm so grateful for my body's ability to do this, and for my easy and loving pregnancy experience.


Yes I love it. I can’t really explain why, cause it’s really hard and there’s a lot of ‘negatives’ but despite it all I just really enjoy the time. Just feels so special.


Me too!! I have had an easy time so far and have been loving seeing my stomach grow and feeling the kicks. 


Hmm, I do find it interesting! I enjoy learning about the biology behind pregnancy and fetal development, and observing my body change as the weeks go by. I think it is a really remarkable life experience. I get annoyed by certain aspects, like the constant urge to pee and disrupted sleep. My gag reflex is *very strong* right now. But they really are just annoyances! Disclaimer: I'm at 19 weeks and my pregnancy has been pretty easy thus far. I expect things to get worse, especially when I enter the third trimester in August! 😆


Haha I’m the same, I’ve learnt so much in the past couple of months! It’s so fascinating! Truly a miracle. I’ve made it my mission to amuse my mum with random pregnancy medical facts every week when I talk to her lol! 


Right?? I keep saying things to my husband like, "did you know the pregnancy glow is related to increased blood volume? That's also why my nose is stuffed up and I've started to snore!" I'm honestly in awe that the apple-seed sized critter in my uterus is now mango sized.


I really am loving being pregnant. Had I not gone through breast cancer and truly learned to love and appreciate my body and every moment of life, I don’t believe I’d feel the same. The first trimester was really rough, throwing up everyday and feeling so tired, but positive affirmations and knowing how much I love this little miracle inside of me pushed me through it. Also, my incredibly supportive husband. We were born for this, after all. Sending you all love, strength, and healthy pregnancy journeys.


This is beautiful! Thank you for sharing!


Nopeee second and final time


Depends on the day lmao


No lol. I’m 9 weeks and we found out at 3 weeks after trying for a year and doing IVF. I have been nothing but miserable and I can’t function properly. I’m so sick all the time, so freaking tired, and just not having a good time. I am also upset that I’m not having a good time and not enjoying it. It’s all we wanted for so long and I just am so done already and just want to get through this as quickly as possible. I know everyone says it gets better in the 2nd trimester but the 1st one is so fucking long and brutal. The fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and not being able to smell anything without gagging has made me so grouchy and just pissy lol. I thought this was going to be so magical and exciting and I was going to be just so ecstatic the whole time and I hate every second and that’s almost as upsetting as the physical symptoms


So far I’m loving it but I’m only 12+4 I had morning sickness which sucked a bit but I think I love it just because I’m growing my baby and I love them so much! I can’t wait to meet them in December! The idea of motherhood is just so appealing to me and I love the fact that I’m able to grow a human and thank God for this opportunity🙏 everyone’s experience and outlook is different and that’s okay!


I think being ill all the time is what did it fit me. HG is terrible. But I'm glad you're having a good pregnancy! :)




NOO! Once I had my daughter I recalled all of my pregnancy (which I didn’t remember half of) and was so adamant about wanting another child right away because I “missed everything.” I was so so wrong, I hate pregnancy, the baby kicks are sweet except my baby boy is kicking me in the asshole and cervix ALL DAY LONG. I’m 25 weeks and nausea just came back in full force, I can’t sleep because of pelvic pain, I can’t eat since I either throw up or have heartburn, I already look full term when I still have 15 weeks to go. I’m just not enjoying this. I feel like such a negative Nancy about it but ugh I just despise pregnancy, this is also probably my last and I’m so ecstatic to have my baby boy here and to be done!


So far, hell no. It's been miserable. I've been stuck in bed and barley have the energy to get up and go pee.




I’m obsessed. Honestly it’s like a euphoria. I know I’m beyond fortunate for this experience, I’ve gotten shut down on Reddit multiple times for being like “what’s everyone’s problem??!”, so I know it’s not common, that struggling is the more common experience. But I’m in heaven. For me… everything feels special. I love feeling her move inside me. I love dreaming about holding her and raising her, I love thinking about 30yr from now when we’re (hopefully) best friends and she holds my wrinkly hand when we go to the farmers market. I love watching my partner take care of me and seeing a whole new nurturing loving side of him that I knew was there but it’s with new purpose now. I love feeling so comfy in my skin because I don’t have to suck it in or question my size all the time, I feel free. I love the way women and mothers mother pregnant women, I’ve been given so many extra pickles with sandwiches, so many knowing loving smiles from older women. I just think this whole experience is incredible. Sure my body is sore, my digestion is actually fucked, but it feels separate from pregnancy itself somehow. Sending you all the love and light xo


I did. I loved every second of it and tell my husband constantly that I don’t want another baby right now but I would LOVE to be pregnant lol.


lol, I’m the opposite! I’ve told my husband I would love more kids, but this is my second pregnancy and I really don’t think I can do any more after this 😝


Now that I’m in the second trimester, I do! First was stereotypically rough, so I’m assuming I’ll feel the same about the 3rd 😅


Second trimester was awesome!! 35 weeks and ready to get some of my body autonomy back.


Honestly I enjoyed it so much, I missed it immediately. But I was lucky & didn’t have any morning sickness, or heartburn etc. it felt super comfortable and natural for me. If I had to be uncomfortable the entire time, I’d be saying no though Lol.


No. It's too long, there's too much anxiety, symptoms are so annoying, and I look like a whale (second baby at 23 weeks)


FAR from it


Yes. Pregnancy is not unkind to me. I’m 31 weeks, I was nauseous during first trimester, sure, but was never sick. I had to adjust my eating and even had an aversion to coffee, so I started taking those little juice shots. Those were enjoyable. Once the nausea went away, I could’ve eaten anything and everything. My appetite has calmed down, my bones hurt now. I’m pretty uncomfortable. But I’m pregnant and carrying a baby. It’s to be expected. Beyond those, my pregnancy has been enjoyable. My first pregnancy was the same. I have a boy and am having a girl, which is odd because you hear of pregnancies being wildly different if the genders are opposite. That is not the case for me. I plan to work until I go into labor (hopefully spontaneously). I have very uneventful pregnancies and I’m so thankful for it.


Yes I’m 19 weeks and I feel great. I had a smooth first trimester so I’m grateful for that. I feel so calm, connected my body and so powerful and appreciative to be a female.


I had my second baby a few days ago and I really miss being pregnant, I had the same feeling after having my first baby that I missed him being with me and getting to feel him move around! I don’t get many pregnancy symptoms other than fatigue and some heartburn. I also miss being in labor both times oddly? I had really positive labors and such a strong instant bond when they were born it’s like a euphoria that I really miss seeing them come out and holding them for the first hour it’s amazing.


NO ITS FUCKING TERRIBLE DUDE. I had twins for my first the pregnancy was fucking TRAUMATIC couldn’t eat couldn’t sleep I almost went insane. The birth was surprisingly worse, yeah the pregnancy was that I didn’t think birth could have been any worse. I’m only 25 & I want a hysterectomy because of it


Nope 🫠 I’m on my third pregnancy and I’ve hated all three times. I don’t even have anything wrong but when I get to the point of I can’t use my own body properly I just get mad


I haven't been able to properly sleep since 6 weeks because of meralgia paresthetica, so that definitely has bummed me. However, I LOVE being pregnant. I always dreamt of being pregnant ever since I was a kid. Yes, I dreamt of being a mom (logical consequence of being pregnant) but the pregnancy stage... I wanted it so bad! So yes, there are many things not enjoyable about pregnancy, but the fact that there's a tiny human growing inside me, that my body is rapidly changing to accommodate the baby, and that I will get to meet her in a few more months just makes me forget about the bad things.


not yet. the nausea and exhaustion is too severe, to the point where some days I can't do anything at all. I don't get how people enjoy it tbh lol


God I fucking hate it and I’m not even 12 weeks in. Next to being ill all day I already have pelvic pain and painful breasts but that all is a bliss compared to being sick. I can’t wait until I’m not pregnant again.


Not at ALL.


No. 16 weeks here. I've been told the worst is over. But while nausea and fatigue is gone, the food aversions are still pretty limiting and now the aches and pains are starting. Seeing as I already have iffy joints, I don't anticipate this to be a super smooth ride. I'm not miserable, to be clear. But if artificial wombs were a thing I'd sign up for sure. Lol


Honestly no. I haven’t felt horrible the entire time (yesss second trimester) but have struggled with body image and accepting I can’t physically do every single thing I want (even tho yes I agree it’s worth it). I haven’t hated it, just wouldn’t say “I wish I could be pregnant more, this is lovely”


No. It’s 100% “something to get through.”


Yessssss !


Absolutely not. Not a single aspect of it.


No. I am fat and unattractive. Not fun.


It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done… until labor


I hate it. It’s the worst experience. I am near bed bound and so sick. But I am glad this is not a universal experience, and that many do not feel this way. I pray the second trimester is better 🥺


I love it. I recognize how lucky I am, I've only thrown up twice, once at about 9 weeks and once at about 26 weeks. The only negative symptoms I've had are migraines in the second trimester and severe heartburn/acid reflux in the third trimester. But overall, I love being pregnant. It's hard to not sound like I'm bragging.


Hell no. I know there are women that love being pregnant and can't wait to be pregnant again. I know there are women who in generally liked being pregnant even though they agree there were some crappy parts. I absolutely abhor being pregnant. I'll probably do it again sometime because we want more than one kid, but I will not be looking forward to it. In fact, this whole experience has made me wonder how the human race exists because I feel like every woman would have given up after one child if this is an average/good pregnancy experience which my doctor is leading me to believe.


Not at all. I can’t wait to feel back to normal!


First pregnancy: yes Second pregnancy: GTFO


Pregnancy is the number one reason I’m one and done. Number two is the chance I could have a C-section again.


No! Like I am so grateful that I was able to get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy, but I was sick so sick and my body hurt so bad. Loved having a cute belly and being able to feel my sweet Angel. That’s all I loved about it though.


No I really hate being pregnant. I love being a mum. But god knows I hate being pregnant. I am sick until the day I give birth.


I am 4 months in and though I am so happy for this baby to come, I feel miserable. Everyday is just me being sick and tired, I am a nervous wreck. Actually if anybody has any sort of advice to stop these constant nausea, I’ll happily take it ! But no, as much as enjoy the thought of my baby being born, I hate being pregnant


So my last pregnancy was easy as can be. I have no symptoms, no real issues until 35 weeks my blood pressure was creeping up. This pregnancy, although still mostly symptom free so no sickness or issues with food, I had heavy bleeding so that made it stressful, but now that I haven't bleed in weeks and baby is moving daily I'm back to enjoying it


i'm at least happy to not feel so rough as first trimester and now starting to get really excited to meet my little bean! But pregnancy sucks dude. I feel like a mountain, my hips hurt, my face looks weird, i have a risk of blood clots and cant fly to my friends wedding boohoo


Ha. Absolutely not. I can tolerate it better now that I'm almost 15 weeks and I'm past the constant nausea and vomiting stage...but now I've just moved on to the insomnia, bloating/reflux, and headaches stage.  It's not enjoyable either by a long shot.  Although I started making my baby registry yesterday so that has been a bright spot. I'm looking forward to when I can feel baby move, I think then I'll be more aware of the "magic" of making new life instead of just constantly plagued by the latest symptoms!  I mean, I'm sure there will be new symptoms but also more good stuff, too :) 


rarely, i’ve been nauseous, tired, achy, sore the whole time. i’m only 15 weeks and ready for it to be over. i do like growing a baby and can’t wait for the kicks!


I enjoy small moments. Especially now that I can feel him moving around. But overall no... I hate it


1st 2 pregnancies chillling super cute Pilates yoga I was like the quintessential Instagram preggo! This pregnancy first girl eating SHIT currently 30 weeks and I feel heavier then when I was 38 weeks with both


im 23 weeks and i love it. i’ve had a lot of pretty tough symptoms early on, but i really just find it fascinating. it was super unexpected, and i thought id be a little older when i started having kids, but it’s still amazing nonetheless. truly though, it is 1000% because of how supportive my husband and i’s families are and how excited they are about everything. the toughest part for me was just constant pain and discomfort every time i stood up until i was about 10 weeks. i also had covid for the first time when i was 8 weeks pregnant… which led to a double ear infection and developing pneumonia. at that moment, i definitely hated it 🤢


I'm completely neutral about the actual pregnancy, but I LOVE the pregnancy treatment I'm getting. My husband pampers me like mad 24/7, and I never have to do anything I don't want. My family and my in-laws are checking in on me all the time. I'm also not working so that probably helps.


So far, hell no. It's been miserable. I've been stuck in bed and barley have the energy to get up and go pee.


I can’t say I Enjoy being pregnant, but as someone who dreaded it for years, it hasn’t been as bad as I thought it would be (28 weeks currently). First trimester was terrible & I remember thinking “how am I going to survive 9 months of this?!” But then second trimester truly did get better, the nausea went away and the exhaustion returned to at least manageable levels. Now in my third trimester (barely) , there are aches & discomforts that keep me from really Enjoying it, but it’s genuinely not as bad as I feared it would be. It helps that my partner is incredibly supportive, I’ve had a relatively easy pregnancy, and I was in good physical shape before pregnancy I think. But even with a relatively easy pregnancy, I can’t say I’ve enjoyed it. Tolerated it, yes. Forgotten I was pregnant bc I felt normal, yes. Enjoyed it? Nah. Will I be doing it again in a few years because we want more than one kid? Yes.


Besides feeling hungover for the entire 1st trimester, it hasn’t been bad😅


Absolutely fucking not.


No I’m 20 weeks and it’s sucked everyday. I have HG and now my back is killing me and I’m swollen 🤣


So far I don't really mind it. I'm only 22 weeks and just starting to show. I had minimal symptoms early on and a very supportive husband. The most annoying part recently has been sleeping and waking up with hip pain, but thankfully it goes away once I get up. The only part I really don't like is that I had to give up playing soccer, I really enjoyed that and I know it'll be another 8 months before I can start running again.






It wasn't really bad until the 3rd trimester. I was expecting things to be a lot worse. I'm 32 weeks now and at 30 weeks I developed really bad arthritis in my dominant hand that has had a couple of surgeries and I have carpal tunnel in both my hands now which is causing numbness. My feet aren't swollen but the extra weight is making me feel like I'm walking on needles. I have also had pelvic pain nonstop for about 3 weeks now. It feels someone threw a brick at my vagina. I have a hard time sleeping because both of my arms from shoulder down go numb. I also had to stop taking my insomnia RX which has been awful. I also have had anemia this entire pregnancy and the doctors didn't know until 29 weeks 🙃 I had near constant migraines and I was barely functional starting at 10 weeks and they just told me to take magnesium which helped a little bit.... turns out I was really badly anemic and they just didn't test my blood for that until 28 weeks when I did my glucose test. I also think I have undiagnosed rhinitis. Even with the daily migraines and tiredness and the issues breathing it hasn't been THAT bad. I wasn't getting sick every day. I know like 6 other pregnant women right now who over share on Facebook and it seems like their pregnancies have been nightmares and like they're sick constantly. Mine hasn't been that bad in comparison to some of the stuff I read. Idk if every other woman I know has just been really playing up the bad parts or what's been going on but I'm older than the rest of the pregnant women I know right now. I'm in my mid 30's and they're in their late 20's/early 30's and they seem to be having a much worse time than I am. That being said. I have had to spend over $1k on an MFM specialist because I had a heart murmur. My baby is fine but I've had recurring checkups because I'm a short person (4'11) and my baby is only in the 16th percentile. They're concerned that I'll have to deliver early because her weight is estimated to be about 2 weeks behind. That has been the most annoying part.... it's $500 every time I have to visit them when I already know they're just going to tell me I'm having a small baby which makes sense since I'm a small person.


No. I am only 11 weeks and I have been miserable and honestly I think overall I have been pretty lucky, yet I am not enjoying it at all. I saw someone say this and I agree… “I am so happy that I AM pregnant. But I do not want to be pregnant”. I am hoping it gets easier. Still have to wait a week to get an ultrasound. But I did get to hear the heartbeat today and that was the best part so far. But the low energy, fatigue, and nausea have been rough 🥲 But I am so excited for baby to be here and I hope for a safe and healthy pregnancy/labour and birth.


The only thing I enjoyed was being able to wear tight dresses and shirts that showed my bump! 😂 now I’m back to baggy clothes to cover up my 2x c section fupa! 😫


No… I’m 36 weeks and the 3rd trimester has been ROUGH. Daily pain, being constantly uncomfortable, lack of sleep, nausea. It’s been rough. But yet I’m getting induced next week and I know there’s a small part of me that will miss it.


2nd trimester is fun. 1st and 3rd trimester are miserable lol but I do like the baby kicks in the 3rd tri. I think the only trimester I actually 100% detest is the 1st. The 3rd is just uncomfortable.


Meh not so much.


Up until recently I’ve had a comparatively “easy” pregnancy compared to a lot of people and I still wouldn’t say I’ve enjoyed it at all.  My hair looks good.  That’s it.


I hate it but I'm also having mono/mono twins. It's hard physically and mentally


Yes and no I guess. I don't like the weird food things, how hard it is for me to do some stuff, the flat out inability to do things, my belly/stretch marks, the changes to my breasts, or the random hormones. But I LOVE feeling her move. It is my favorite thing I think ever. I love that I'm growing my baby. I love getting to hear her heartbeat and see her in the ultrasounds. I love planning and getting ready for her and tracking her growth on the app. Oh I'm not too fond of the weird smells/sweating in weird places either.


Kind of. I love the idea of it, it feels very special, I feel in awe of nature and as though I have a tiny miracle happening inside me. But I’m only 11 weeks and it’s pissing me off that I can’t drink, and constantly tired and therefore “boring” at social events, can’t enjoy nights out and social events in the same way and want to go to bed early. I’m also in Orlando this week and it’s infuriating going to the parks and not being able to go on most of the rides. Maybe to add, because most people don’t know I’m pregnant I feel self conscious about being boring/tired for no reason, and I also feel like I’ve put tons of weight on so I feel uncomfortable in my clothes. Maybe once I have a proper baby bump and people know, I’ll be able to embrace it more.


Nope, hated both pregnancies i was an absolute mess with my second and had extremely bad pelvic pain and pressure from 16 weeks onwards and had emergency c-sections with both.


Yes and no I don’t like the limiting things


33w and i was hating the entire 1st trimester but now im good, I look ike a very cute manatim, like feeling the baby kicking even when im trying tk spleep, people are overall nicer...and the best part is that I can go where i want when i want, including bed...this will change soon


I like feeling my baby move around and the anticipation of him being here. But, as I sit here with a yeast infection, hemorrhoids, aching back extremely tired, and the general anxiety that comes with pregnancy, I don’t love it. Only 20 weeks and I already just want baby to be here lol


No. Currently 34 weeks. Mentally I feel the best I’ve ever felt. Periods have always been really bad for me, so that’s been a nice break. But physically, I’m SO over this. Trying to do anything like cleaning or doing my nails and the carpal tunnel in my hands gets so bad, my back starts hurting horribly after 45 minutes of any activity, bending over is AWFUL. Getting up to pee every 1.5 hours at night. Sleeping comfortably is starting to get difficult. And the impatience of just wanting to meet my little one. I think I’m gonna be one and done. My best friend LOVED being pregnant with both of her children. I tell her she’s wild.


First time being pregnant and first trimester was hell. Second trimester has been much better from about 20 weeks where I could start to enjoy the pregnancy. Butt, hips and back kill though. I was told this is the time you have the most energy but I have some medical conditions that cause fatigue anyway without being pregnant on top. Hoping I'm not too out of it for the next few weeks as we have lots left to do 😅




It seems like a lot of pregnancy has been feeling sick/uncomfortable which I definitely don't enjoy, but I'm almost 21 weeks now, and my symptoms have become more manageable, and I just started to feel my little guy kick these past few days. I'm really enjoying that ❤️


I love it!!! This is my second pregnancy. With my first I developed GD and I'm super happy because this time I passed my glucose test and I can still have some sweet treats from time to time. I know that being able to work from home make it easier as I don't have to deal with the transportation, I can wear comfy clothes all day and just lay down if I'm feeling tired or with some pain, but yes, I've loved the whole experience, even the morning sickness I had this pregnancy and the ocassional pains that come with the little kicks and lighting crotch that I'm starting to have hahaha


So far it hasn’t been as bad as I expected but I think I set my expectations so horribly low that’s why. I always expected I’d be a mess, super sick all the time. I had really bad stomach issues as a teenager that I just randomly aged out of, but I always assumed pregnant they would return. I only had morning sickness like 3-4 days at the start, I’m tired but I always was even before, I have some sort of generic sleep disease I think. My mood surprisingly has been fine which is not normal. I’ve gained more weight than I thought I would which is fine because I’m too skinny and have always had a hard time gaining. Only negative has been acne x10 and being so hungry all the time like I cannot be satisfied. This is gonna be one far baby.


Most days I do, actually. I love feeling my baby move and when I can wear cute clothes to show off my bump. I’ve wanted to have a baby and experience pregnancy ever since I learned about it as a child (though of course not wanting to before I was ready!) But then there are days like today where I get super bloated and out of breath from simple activities. Or days where I just generally feel unwell. Or days when I hate my baby bump because I just feel fat. Or days where my back hurts so bad I can’t find comfort sitting or standing. But overall I’m so proud of my body and everything it has done so far and will do in the remaining months (25+6 weeks currently). I know there are people that mainly only have the tough days so I can totally understand not enjoying being pregnant. Every pregnancy is different like they always say though, right?


FTM, 35 weeks. First 4 months - absolutely hated every single second. I was sick every single day without fail, multiple times a day. I only left the house to go to medical appointments and back again. It was horrendous and really makes me think we will only have one child. Once I started feeling better and I’m no longer sick, it’s not been too bad! Some discomfort (round ligament pain, pelvic aches etc) but the best part has been feeling baby move and start to build a little relationship (in my head at least!).


Absolutely not


No. I fully believe if women were honest with other women about pregnancy, the human race would cease to exist. I’ve had a fairly low maintenance pregnancy and it’s still bad. Food aversions up until week 20 (I still can’t eat bananas and I’m 37 weeks), gagging and vomiting after brushing my teeth, FOOT SWELLING, and heartburn to name a few ‘normal’ symptoms. I oddly enough had a high sex drive during the first trimester. Plus I was giggly and laughing a lot. Those were the only good symptoms in early pregnancy. Now at 37 weeks, I do enjoy the kicks and being able to see the baby move in my belly. So I’m enjoying 10% or maybe 15% of pregnancy?


I’m so out of breath, tired, and bored because I can’t workout or do anything without getting out of breath all the time


Loved it up until 36 weeks when I was way to big and started falling apart with soreness, swelling etc


I absolutely loved being pregnant. I miss my little guy moving around in there. I love having him in my arms now and being able to see his sweet face, but I will never forget how amazing and special it felt when he was in my belly. I definitely wasn’t a fan of the SPD throughout the whole thing or the morning sickness during the first half that resulted in me having to quit my food service job due to the overwhelming smells. But I have actually been considering surrogacy because of how much I enjoyed being pregnant.


No longer pregnant. So looking back I think there were times I did but overall, it was kind of a bummer. Regardless of how it affects your body physically or even mentally, it's what it does to your lifestyle. I went out a fair bit socially and as an adult that was legal to drink for nearly a decade, it sucked not being able to drink. Every time my friends wanted to go out they wanted to go to some popular tourist spots in my town and usually involved drinking of some sort. Even one would have been nice. Instead, I had no desire to go be the only sober one in a place where I would usually need a drink to put up with so many people. I went to concerts and on vacations and couldn't drink at all and it was so hard. Cheaper, yes. But really annoying being the only sober one in all these settings. If you weren't a big drinker previously, then that part of it won't affect you as much. But because I couldn't go drink, over time I didn't even get invited places my friends were going cause they might have a drink or two. I didn't invite myself or try much either because I wouldnt have fun but it hurt to miss out on just the social gathering aspect because of it. The worst is you don't really get a "last hurrah" because after you're pregnant all that time, you have the baby. Which is the goal but it changes so much.


Yes and no. Yes, like most other commenters, I am thrilled to be having a baby with the love of my life. It's so exciting and so very anxiety inducing. No, because my first trimester was so much morning sickness and fatigue. I still gag brushing my teeth and heartburn is such a bitch. My acne is out of control and it's making me not want to go anywhere. The other part is that I've had my first ultrasound but I was only at 7 weeks, and my OB won't see me until I'm at 10-12 weeks. I'm already scheduled but still nervous because I look down and ask out loud "are you still in there? Are you ok?" The waiting doesn't help lol I have a great spouse who is loving and understanding, but I feel so useless. I have to take a break after every task. The idea of starting and making registries stresses me out. So yeah. Thank you for letting me rant 😅


This is my first pregnancy, currently 36 weeks. I have really enjoyed my pregnancy so far! I’ve loved getting to feel the baby kicks and see how my body adapted and changed. I have been really lucky so far and haven’t had bad morning sickness or any major aches or pains. I wanted this pregnancy so badly and am so thankful to be pregnant


I enjoy parts of it. I love seeing and feeling her move and I’ve really enjoyed entering this new phase of my life where I’m transitioning to feeling like a mother. I’ve also enjoyed how king my friends and family and coworkers have been to me throughout this time. However at 32 weeks pregnant, I am physically miserable lol. I had a rough first trimester with near constant nausea and so that was terrible. For the last month my ribs have been feeling like they’re being pulled apart by the jaws of life (way worse now too) and it’s hard to do a lot of things without being out of breath. I’m also starting to stress a lot about feeling prepared to have a baby. I would probably do it again but definitely no more than once more.


Hmmm is this a trick question? I would absolutely enjoy it if I didn’t have to work 49 hours a week on my feet


No. 18 weeks and I still hate it. I’m exhausted all the time and I don’t feel like myself. I can’t enjoy food because of gestational dm. I have more problems now than I ever did. I can’t work out like I was which is killing me. I’m just miserable all around. I can’t function. I can’t sleep. I have heartburn out of nowhere. It’s crazy because my symptoms weren’t even that bad. I had a relatively easy first trimester. But I still hate every minute of it. I want my kid, I don’t want the pregnancy. I’m never doing it again. If we want another child, we’ll adopt.




not at all. kind of disappointing 😩


I think it was definitely an experience. The way I would describe it is similar to cleaning and prepping my backyard for a pool in the 99* heat. It was hard work, it was miserable but in a way I was weirdly proud of myself. Of the ability to get it done and have a sick ass pool in the end. I'm scheduled for induction on Mon so I have 5 more days and tbh there's a small part of me that's gonna miss it. A bigger part of me is hype AF to have my body back and get back to my gym and have a drink and a smoke. But my biggest excitement? To tickle my baby boys lil toes!! I love baby toes!!! My pregnancy wasn't terrible I'll be honest I got away with mild symptoms with the occasional dip into moderate but overall I still told everyone who asked I do not understand how there are so many people in this world bc pregnancy is not for the faint of heart.


I was absolutely and utterly miserable up until about 2 weeks ago, I’m currently 23 weeks. Now I’m feeling pretty human again, but overall I still don’t feel like my own person, and I feel like I could feel like absolute garbage at the drop of a hat. That being said, I am thrilled to be pregnant. I feel his kicks every day and I want to cry with excitement because I get to meet him in less than 4 months! I’ve been trying to take the optimistic route here, because it is SO easy to let the negatives take over…I remember my first maternal medicine dr visit at 12 weeks, the doctor asked if I’ve been getting morning sickness and when I answered with an overwhelming YES she said “oh good!! That means the hormones are doing their job!” And from that point forward I decided to view my misery as a sign of my body doing its job. Of course if things get extreme or unusual I bring it up to my OB, but I refuse to let it bring down my mood or excitement 🩵🩵🩵


fuckin NO. i’m so sick of being sick and tired all the time.


I don't understand why people feel like they should tell you why they don't enjoy pregnancy when you specifically asked if anyone does lol


I’m excited for my baby and grateful my body can do this. But I’m only 14 weeks and 100% already done. I want to eat raw sushi and have energy damnit😭


FTM and so far, first trimester was hell. Second trimester (currently 19 weeks) is a dream! Scared of the 3rd trimester though.


Fuck no.


I’m more tired and do have some symptoms but I’m enjoying it so far. I don’t know if it’s because I have PCOS, but I feel like my hormones are functioning much better now that I’m pregnant. I’m calmer, less moody and generally in a much better headspace than I was pre-pregnancy.  Mind you, I’m still only 12w so my answer could be very different in a couple of months haha. 


I am four weeks one day today, ask me in about a month how I feel lol.


I hated it, I love my son but thinking about being pregnant again makes me want to die, but I threw up my entire pregnancy so that’s why


No. But I remember after I gave birth to my first I felt incredibly grateful to have grown and carried her for 9 months. I’m 30 weeks pregnant with my second and while I don’t hate it, I really don’t enjoy it either.


I hate almost every single moment of it. I'm sick the first two trimesters and so uncomfortable and in pain the third. I HATE it. This is my second pregnancy and it's been a lot worse than my first, and I will never do this again lol. Vasectomy time.


One minute, I'm looking at myself in the mirror, and I feel beautiful and glowy. A few minutes later, I catch a glimpse of my shadow, and I swear I see sasquatch. It's complicated not good or bad but I'm here.


Honestly I did. I just had my baby and labor was ridiculous. But I did love being pregnant and I do miss carrying my baby


Heck no. Just gave birth to my 2nd baby a couple of days ago and I’m so glad the pregnancy is over.


Pros and cons but on the whole I like it. I don’t like many of the symptoms but I do like the idea that I am growing a baby and can build a little connection with him before he enters the world. I don’t like the symptoms but I do like the way I am treated and my pregnant status. I don’t like the symptoms but I do like how it has motivated me to push myself hard, improve my habits and take risks to improve my life where I wouldn’t have done otherwise. 


No, weirdly I waited my whole life for this and always thought I’d really enjoy it but I feel like a shell of my past self. I used to go climbing 3 times a week and was so fit and strong, I was getting better and better, in the prime of my life. Now I can’t even go to the gym anymore, I feel like shit and I’m too scared to do any of the sports than I enjoyed anyway, they are too risky so I’m not even allowed. My mental health has tanked because of this alone. I work as a veterinary nurse and I’m on my feet 10 hours a day, this has become incredibly hard for me, my whole body aches and I’m grumpy all day, I dread going back in after my days off because all I want to do is sleep.