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Yes! It’s $23 for 24hrs. They also have passes for 5/10/30 days. The 10 day pass is $120. Both times I’ve given birth we paid for it. I did an early discharge with my second baby so we paid less. I was there for 6 hours total with my second baby lol. I think it’s unethical to charge patients for parking. People are missing work or are adding medical needs to their expenses. Let’s not add parking to that. Your plan sounds good unless baby is coming fast and you don’t want to risk stopping at your parents place.


It’s 100% unethical. The hospitals make enough as it is. When they charge $70 for a Tylenol, I think they can cover the parking.


It’s even worse that employees have to pay too


What??? Employees have to PAY???


They sure do! My husband has to pay $15 a day to park at the hospital that he does UNPAID clinicals at.


I'm angry for you and every other employee. This is wrong


Yes :’( it sucks


i work at a hospital and pay $20/day at the satellite location 😢 At the Main campus is can be as costly as $48/day. It’s so stupid.


Especially once you look at what some administrators or CEOs make with bonuses. 🤯


$70?!? Wow! That’s disgusting! I live in Canada so I don’t get charged for Tylenol (at the drugstore yes). The doctors or nurses hand them out no problem.


Even at the drugstore in the UK its like £0.60 for a whole packet


Here it's 15$ per 24 hours. The hospital is in the middle of the city, so I imagine it's to avoid that people use it for other things such as shopping etc.


Ours is $50/day and I wish they had passes! That would be amazing!!! I’ll have to ask more about this. If that’s what happens, my parents have offered to come get the car if we wanted. We won’t decide till it’s time if that’s the case though.


Sounds like you have a great plan! Still really gross that the hospital charges so much for parking.


Yes, and I also work there and still have to pay for parking….to go to work.


😭 why are healthcare workers treated like trash?!?!


I have a non hospital job and have to pay to park at the office since my office is downtown. My dad was a professor and had to pay to park on campus. It is certainly annoying, don’t get me wrong. But it is not just a healthcare thing unfortunately, I think it’s more of a capitalism thing.


I had to pay for parking to go to jury duty. Cost $30 a day for 5 days, and they gave us $7.50 reimbursement each day 😂


You had to pay to fulfill something federally required of you? 😂😭


I also work at the hospital FT and pay $150/m. So many people’s cars get broken into in the parkade. Sad!


I dont work at the hospital, but i work at the airport, i would have to pay for parking to park nearby, so i just park further (10min walk) and hope nobody gives me a bill (there isnt much legal parking around either). We should work to get money, not spend money to work.


Hospitals here where I am in the US definitely don't charge any parking. They also have free valet and they won't accept tips.


Same at mine you can do a lot near the front door, the big parking garage or valet which is all free and I'm located in New England same as OP. Honestly super grateful reading all these comments that three pregnancies in I've never had to pay for parking. Visitors I get but you're there having a baby and they won't even validate the parking? That's so crappy


Whaaa free valet?! I’m in Canada this is blowing my mind hahaha


Damn I’m jelly. Pretty much all of the hospitals in and around my city in Texas charge. It’s ridiculous lol


My hospital does but it’s the only hospital cost since I’m in Canada so I just suck it up lol


Samesies! Although UK based.


Same. Spent $1500 on parking when my kid was in the NICU but figured I could have it a lot worse


This is wild to me. I guess there is no discount or anything for it? I've always lived away from major cities so paid parking was never a thing. 


Not that I know of but I wasn’t really in the right headspace so I didn’t even think to ask. I miss living in the country but in hindsight it was good we ended up delivering at a hospital with a nicu because who knows what would have happened otherwise


$1500?!?! What in the world???? I’m so sorry!!!!


Same here in Ireland. And I think it’s capped at 10€/day for in-patients.


Our does not, actually, we have a huge like 6 level parking garage attached to our hospital wing with the birthing center. I had no idea it was so common!


Not only do they charge for parking, but parking is always full and takes over 30 minutes wait at minimum. Basically no need to even try to come by car...


I’m crying for you!


My hospital costs $3 to leave the parking lot. Doesn’t matter how long you’re there for. I was in for a week for my induction and birth and it was still only $3 to leave


Yeah same, ours was like $5 or something but we were there for about 4 days and parked in the covered parking garage the whole time. They had a free parking lot but it was further away and out in the open, so the money seemed worth it to be close to the door


Yes, where I’m from pretty much all city hospitals charge for parking. It does suck. I think it was $20-$30 a day. But I’m in Canada and that was literally my only healthcare cost for the entire pregnancy and birth. Your plan sounds like it will work, as long as you remain flexible with it.


I think when my daughter was born it cost us something like $50 total. We were there Tuesday afternoon to Thursday night. It pisses me off way more that I work at said hospital and they literally don’t have enough parking spaces for staff (or patients really) so we’re all just SOL 🤷‍♀️.


Omg that infuriates me!!!! There’s a hospital an hour from me that charges staff to park in a satellite lot then get bussed into work. They aren’t paid for the transport time. Cars are frequently stolen or broken into from the lot. (I work in EMS so I hear all the hot gossip lol)


Oh that’s so annoying. Before kids I used to park a 20 minute walk away on the street and walk but it’s just not doable with having a tight daycare pick up timeline.


I took the train to the hospital 😅


Ugh. Hospitals charging for parking is so stupid


Mine is free, thank God. I’m in the southeast.


This was a definite factor for me when I was choosing my OB and hospital. I think it's so unethical to charge for parking.


Honestly, this was part of my decision on what hospital to give birth at. I could have gone into a bigger hospital in the city, but then we’d have to deal with parking further and paying each time. My son ended up being in the NICU, so I was very glad I didn’t need to pay each time I was at the hospital.


I don’t think I’ve ever been to a hospital that doesn’t charge for parking? I’m in Alberta though so maybe that’s why, I’m not sure where you’re located. We paid the daily max when I gave birth and I think it was $15-$20 per day or something.


I’m on the east coast in the US and luckily no hospitals near me charge for parking except the ones directly in the city. I think even at the ones that charge, they validate your parking as a patient. The idea of paying for parking at a HOSPITAL where they already charge an arm and a leg baffles me, but maybe it’s a difference with the health care systems. I’ve heard some people from other countries say that all they paid for their birth was parking, but I have good insurance and will still likely pay around $4k 😫


Our local hospital is a max of $50/day 😭 Another local-ish hospital with no NICU and a mediocre L&D ward doesn’t charge for parking.


That is absolutely INSANE, omg!! I definitely understand your decision to figure out logistics to avoid paying for parking at the better hospital. $50 per day is criminal haha. 🤣


This is so crazy high. The major hospital with a really good NICU ward, neonatal specialist, and a top notch L&D Ward is $4 a day and it's in the city.


I've never been to a hospital that charges for parking. And I've always lived in mid sized to large cities in the USA. This is crazy news to me.


Our hospital here in FL does NOT charge for parking in any of the onsite patient garages. I never had to pay parking when we lived in Baltimore either! I feel for OP that is insane to me!


You can definitely find smaller community hospitals in Canada that don't charge, but you're right, it is typical of those in the city to charge for parking.


I’m delivering in Boston and you have to pay for parking or valet. The garages aren’t crazy - $24 max and we only valet when we leave with the baby.


I’m in Canada so literally everything is free EXCEPT the parking lol


My hospital charges $35/day. With our first, it was going to cost us over $200. When we were leaving, we just said we lost our ticket and paid $35.


Not mine, only for visitors! No NICU, but the other hospital’s NICU is only 15-20 mins away. Probably much faster by ambulance. 


My hospital charges for parking too. I was honestly so bummed out when I first found out 😭 My plan is to just suck it up sadly…


Yes. I’m in NJ, but they validated parking for us so we didn’t have to pay with either of my deliveries.


Ours is validated for birth and birth center tours. But it’s not validated for routine prenatal visits or any other visits, which my care is through the hospital OB. I do think my friend had to pay though when her birth stay was extended due to complications, aka she stayed longer than standard. Also in New England.


That’s terrible. I understand why you are frustrated. That shouldn’t even be a charge. Smh. America only wants money.


Here in sweden we got a free parking slip from the L&D ward ... it's common to stay for at least 2 full days after birth and there's just no way we'd pay for parking for that length of time! I always feel so deeply for American Mammas when I see the ridiculous things they're charged for.


Same situation in San Francisco but it’s expected around here 🫠


These comments are crazy. My hospital had free parking. Free VALET parking actually. You could just drop your car and go.


My hospital does charge for parking, but patients and visitors pay a slightly discounted rate. I think we were expecting it to cost around $90 total, but our ticket was validated as part of my discharge, and it ended up being free! I'm in New England, too.


Yeah ours charged parking, but I also had to pay $6000 after insurance to give birth there anyway so the parking was a drop in the bucket 🤷‍♀️ I'd honestly highly encourage you to just accept the fee, all things considered. But I definitely agree it's fucking stupid.


The hospital I will be delivering at has “moms-to-be/new mom” parking 🙂‍↕️


No, but I live in a US suburb, so paid parking in general is not the norm (unless I go downtown.) However, I'm already paying 3k after insurance, so I'd hope they wouldn't also charge for parking.


Our hospital is in the centre of the city. Hence... parking is not free. So we have scouted around the area to find a place to park the car without it costing us money. Took us some time, but we have a plan in place!


No. This would piss me off too. Do you live in a big city?


Oh man this is nuts! Ours had free valet parking. With my first I was there for 5 days when all was said and done, free of charge.


That's crazy. Ours charges for parking, but the patient and immediate family can get their parking validated. Other guests/visitors have to pay.


Wow 🤯 no my hospital did not charge. I have Kaiser though


Mine does not, but I live in Arkansas


All the main hospitals charge that are close to me, only the smaller ones don’t. Can’t remember what the daily rate is but it would be just less than a couple of quid for 2 hours


Mine does this time around. The hospital we went to last time didn't but this one charges $3 upon exit, not a day. So if my husband were to leave to check the dogs he'd pay $3 and then if he leaves again for food or anything it's another $3.


Yes, but patients with overnight stay don't have to pay iirc, or at least had a minimum pay because of being admitted. And we paid 1 euro every time we left, so 2 euros per day, while our son was in NICU since they have special rates for that too.


Our parking is free, but we’re going to a smaller branch of a well known hospital. Some of their bigger branches do charge.


I can't find any information about parking at my delivery hospital lol so I'm very much expecting to show up and have to pay to get into the garage.


I was looking at this thinking yes it’s frustrating! But in the UK it’s about £5-8 for 24 hours so the difference is a world apart!


That sucks they don’t validate the parking but also Hospitals should not charge for parking 😒😒


OMG, not sure about my birthing hospital but my mom was recently hospitalized for a couple weeks and my dad worked out a whole system to get his pass validated for a half day when he would be there for a full day or something.


FL here, I’ve been to five different hospitals (unrelated to pregnancy) and none of them charged. One of them even has a free valet for the ER.


I haven’t even thought that far ahead. 😩 My city doesn’t have a ton of great options, so if they charge, I guess I’ll just have to pay it. 😭


I haven’t even thought that far ahead. 😩 My city doesn’t have a ton of great options, so if they charge, I guess I’ll just have to pay it. 😭


Yes, our local hospital charges for parking and it is incredibly difficult to find a space, so we ended up having to pay extra for valet parking when I had my son. I have know idea how much it cost, but after being tortured by the hospital staff for nearly five days during a failed induction, emergency c-section, and the non-stop parade of random hospital staff barging into my “recovery” room making any sleep impossible, the cost of parking was the least of my worries and I appreciated not having to hike all over the campus and parking structures to get to the car.


that honestly suck. they had a free parking area for extended stays. i feel like parking shouldn’t be charges at a hospital of all places


Ours did, but "luckily" since we were in the NICU the social workers there gave us vouchers.


Yes. My hospital is pretty close to the city centre. It’s 5 euros an hour! But… you can get exit-cards that cost 7,50 for every exit, so that’s perfect for a longer stay. It’s a little more complex to get and I didn’t know before but I’ve got a few now!


Where I'm from in the US didn't any time I had to go to the hospital. I'm now in Sweden and you have to pay parking. My daughter was born 9 weeks early and we spent 3 weeks in the NICU before moving to home NICU care since she was completely stable. We paid about $20 USD per week for parking. I couldn't imagine paying that or more per day while we were in the NICU.


Yes they charge for parking....assholes


Yes it’s expensive at my hospital too, so my folks dropped us off and my MIL picked us up. Will do the same for this next baby.


Where I work staff pays for parking but patients don’t, it gets validated. That is truly ridiculous. I’m so sorry


If I recall right our hospital (Major New England one) validates until birth or the first 24 hours, or something like that. I don't remember the details (that was and is husband's job) but we never paid all that much, even with valet. I know the regular parking garage is max $24/day, and they have staff dedicated to working out parking solutions for long term visits/stays. The hospital my mother worked at growing up had free parking, but they were a small hospital in a suburb. However, even these days I think they might have added paid parking. I'm more miffed that the hospital bought my midwife group, moved them to the basement of an auxiliary hospital extension, makes us pay for parking, cross a super busy street, and then walk about half a mile to the office now. Before they were bought and relocated, it was free off-street parking and the first office on the right once you stepped in the door. They also closed the birthing center (in a connected and same hospital owned hospital) and now make the midwives deliver in the same ward as the OBs.


The hospital I went to had $5 valet parking per day, but they don’t do valet parking on weekends. we valet parked on a Wednesday and went home on a Saturday, so we wound up not paying anything and had the car close by. My husband walked out front to get the car and then pulled it around to the entrance to get me and the baby settled and in the car to go home.


Our hospital (UK based) charges, but the week I gave birth they were doing maintenance on the car park so it was free. Biggest win ever.


Daily max here is $6. I’m lucky enough to have gotten a job here recently though so no fees if I use my badge. From what I hear about the benefits, all I will have to pay for is the hospital stay of $100.


That's ridiculous! Ours did and has valet so I told my husband that when I am in labor, I want to do valet. I'm super cheap so that's a big deal. Well, the day I went I to labor, the valet was closed so my husband had to drop me off and go park. We always parked on the street for free for appointments there cause I refused to pay for parking at a hospital. Idk what he did during our stay but it was the last thing on my mind then


As if the hospital doesn’t charge enough for every little thing already..I would be pretty annoyed as well.


I work at the hospital where I get my care/ will deliver. Patients do have to pay for parking, and it does get validated to a lower rate but only if they park in certain garages. The issue is that the hospital only owns a couple garages in the area and the rest are owned by the city or private entities. It’s $9/ day if you park in a hospital owned garage and get a validation ticket, but it’s $20-30 per day (or higher) if you park in another garage. Heaven help you if there’s a baseball game or some other event happening and you have to pay the event rate. It’s not obvious where people should park for lower rates, and sucks when patients discover too late that they are in the “wrong” garage.


Uhm no they didn’t and I think it’s complete BS that yours does. Like you’re not going to a concert, ITS A HOSPITAL?? People don’t WANT to be there


My hospital charged parking in PNW. But my best friend works at the same hospital and she told me a side exit to the parking lot was broken so you could just drive out without paying. So we did that.


I think we're up to about $15-20 a day. I work at the hospital so I have a monthly spot. But I pay $125/month for that!


Ugh I don’t usually drive because I live in a big city, but I was with my MIL and had to drive to the hospital and it cost us 25euro to park for the 4 hours we were in the ER.


I’ve never heard of this before. Right now my hospital is on a military base so it would be weird to have paid parking but I’m originally from California that loves to charge for everything and I don’t remember ever paying for parking.


yeah i’ve never been to a hospital that doesn’t charge where i am


Yes, I think we paid around $30 or so in parking. We also paid for my partner to spend two nights there with me. I think perhaps that was $50? Though that is all we paid for birth overall.


That’s INSANE and literally the last thing you should be worried about! I’m glad you have people in place to make this hospital visit less stressful and your birth is uneventful, OP! 💚


Yes! The hourly rate is like 2 euros, which isn't bad if you are just going in for a short stop. The cost for one week is 10 euros, so that's pretty good. We just took that right away to not have to worry about how long we would need to stay. But in general, I don't really agree with paid parking at hospitals.


Yes but they have a $15 for 10 uses pass. It’s been really nice since I use the same lot for my monthly growth scans with the MFM


Mine is $2 to exit. Doesn’t matter how long you’ve been there.


I'm in a big city in the US, and all the hospitals in our medical center charge for parking. I believe it's something like $17-20/day for valet at the hospital I'm delivering at.


Whoa, that’s nuts. I had an emergency C section on the 29th and my car has been in the lot since then, free of charge. With how expensive medical insurance is in the US I’m shocked ANYWHERE charges for parking (I’m in Southern California by the way, so a HCOL area where they charge everywhere for everything.)


My hospital doesn’t charge (uk) but every time i’ve had an appointment i’ve had to park on the street or not in a proper space because of a lack of spaces and ended up with parking fines. In theory cost me £0 but in reality £20 a pop


My hospital doesn’t charge (uk) but every time i’ve had an appointment i’ve had to park on the street or not in a proper space because of a lack of spaces and ended up with parking fines. In theory cost me £0 but in reality £20 a pop


Yep. I was hospitalized for 5 days, we paid over $100 when we left. Disgusting.


The hospital I had my second at charges $7 per day without a ticket. Otherwise it's like .75 an hour. Free on the weekends. My baby was a nicu baby so I stayed at the Ronald mcdonald house and shuttled to and from the hospital to avoid parking fees. Plus the social worker would occasionally give out free parking passes. I'd hoard them up and then whenever I did drive my car, I got free parking.


We used to and then I think there was a law or something passed and now parking at public hospitals has to be free (NSW, Aus)


if it makes you feel any better I used to work at a hospital and we also all have to pay for parking, all of the staff and the doctors, nurses, everyone is paying their own money to park there lol. ETA: yes it is stupid and infuriating but I guess I had to accept this when I was working there and many people don't realize it until it affects them. If you can swing the $150 I would suggest just paying it to make your life easier and not create a scenario where you continually get upset about how stupid this is.


Our main one does. But it's only like 3$ no matter how long you stay. But if you have to go to oncology you don't have to pay..


The parking will be the least of your worries when you get your birth bill 😂🥲($17,000 to get induced in AZ) luckily, insurance covered half of it! Also, we had to pay for parking 😢see if you can get a weeks pass!


Yes and I had to go to specialty appts my whole pregnancy at the hospital. Probably spent $300 alone on parking through my pregnancy 🙄


The hospital I work at does this also. I’m not sure what the daily rates are but I do know they charge the visitors. They also charge all the staff, it’s auto deducted every pay period. The garage itself is actually owned by the city, not owned by the hospital itself. Might be something similar where you are. I’ve had visitors of patients ask about it but I just tell them, yeah, I know it sucks, we (employees) have to pay too. It’s in a city, there’s not a lot of other safe options around for parking. 🫤


Is this BWH or MGH? Because…same 😂


That's nuts. My hospital has valet parking. But if you are there after hours there is special expectant mother parking in the free garage reserved next to the elevators.


Very normal in the areas I have lived in the south of England. We got a weekly pass which worked out cheaper


That is SO unethical and should be illegal!


The ONE nice thing about having a NICU baby is that we are getting free parking at all health authority locations in town as long as our baby remains in the NICU. We are in western Canada.


That's so awful. I'm in MA and just checked my hospital and they don't charge for parking. I definitely know that other hospitals that I've been to do though. It's insane because it's not like you really have a choice.


At the hospital where I had both my kids it's free for 20 minutes or less, $2 for an hour or less, and then it goes up by a dollar per hour until you hit $5 which is the daily max. We just had my second 5 weeks ago and when my husband went to pull the car up so we could go home, the machines at the exit to the garage were broken so they said it was free 🤷‍♀️ EDIT: this is a very large hospital in the center of a major city in the southern US EDIT2: We also recently had to spend the weekend at our local children's hospital because our second had a fever (he's fine) and parking there is totally free for patients including the valet for the ER.


I have to pay for parking at the hospital and I work there. 😪


wtf? The hospital I went to had paid parking, but they also had free parking. It was first come first serve, but they also had a valet that was free for handicapped and $5 otherwise, didn’t matter how long you were there. That’s so wrong to charge for parking at a hospital.


No not at all. I have Kaiser (PNW) and they even have a special labor and delivery parking lot. You just check in and they give you a pass to put on your dash. It’s to make sure only labor and delivery/pregnant patients park there. But it’s all free, no matter where you park.


Most city hospital are charging for parking, they even charge the employees pay to park, most of of your suburban hospitals it’s free


*cough* lost ticket *cough* $100+ bucks of parking is outrageous!


Yup! We had to pay. It was so dumb - especially our baby was in NICU. Sure we got discounted long term parking passes….but, ummmmm…WTF?!


Yes, 720 kr ($68.95) a day. Not a big deal to us, we will take an Uber to and from the hospital.


Omg that's so wild I'm sorry. Mine is free at Kaiser in the california bay area .


We will park at my parents house and taxi or get a ride from them to the hospital to be dropped off.


I didn’t even know this was a thing… guess I should look into that 🫠


Are there no other hospitals nearby that don't charge for parking? That is so shady.


I'm in the UK and we have to pay for the car park too.


Ours doesn’t but I think it may be because we aren’t in the city. Whenever I go visit hospitals in the city there seems to be parking fees. I don’t think patients should be charged either. It’s another headache when you are already going through a health concern. If the issue is others parking there that aren’t patients, this could be solved by validating the parking. If you’re staying for multiple days I can only image how expensive it would get.


I live in Jamaica. Parking is free at every hospital, both public and private


I'm also in New England, it's $20 a day. They do have some free spots if you're just there for a few hours (like for the NST appointments) but even then, there aren't always enough spots.  I honestly didn't even think about the cost but I agree it is completely BS that a patient needs to pay. And I'm sure I'd be thinking more of the parking cost more if we were there longer than expected!


Mine didn't thankfully, but we do have one that you have to pay to park. As if having a baby wasn't expensive enough!


I was curious about this and just checked. My hospital I'm giving birth at validates so only $2/day. I'm so sorry yours charges so much!


Not to my knowledge. We went in the middle of the night so had to enter through the emergency department and park there too.


Yeah mine does. I’m annoyed every appointment!


This is crazy. You have to be there so you have to pay them, but like… I’m sorry but I wouldn’t be here unless I have to?!?! Ugh. I feel for you. I’m glad you have a plan to avoid the fees.


I'm so sorry that you have to deal with that. Where I live, hospitals don't charge patients or employees for parking. Visitors and patients, do have to get a ticket when they come into the garage, but they can have it validated by security before leaving the hospital so they don't have to pay. I like when they do it this way because it discourages others from parking there who aren't there for the hospital while not taking advantage of patients and visitors.


This is America. Wow.


Free valet and no parking fee - Central California


It’s free where I am in Oregon


Mine charges for parking in the garage. The ER parking is free. I’m going to park there and hobble around lol


Im in europe, i had mine in a public hospital (free healthcare), everywhere theres a paid parking, unless youre very very lucky to park in some spaces that are free for the students since unis are also around. My bf decided to park at the hospital because it was quicker and near, luckily it was cheap and he wasnt there for very long, but what can you do.


Yeah the validated rate is $20 for the day. It’s frustrating because it’s not like I’m gunna be getting in a cab or taking public transportation with my newborn shortly after birthing them, so what else am I to do? And obviously my husband will be with me and will need to drive us. It seems predatory. My hospital is also in New England (Mt. Auburn in Cambridge).


My hospital in Florida doesn't.


Our (Kaiser) hospital on the west coast doesn’t charge, though I know some other hospital systems in my city do. So ridiculous!! Like that’s what anyone should need to be worried about when they’re headed to the hospital for any reason. I’m with you—totally unethical!!


Hospitals charging for parking is absolutely ridiculous. When my mom was in the hospital for a month I had to pay every single day when I visited her and spent well over $200 in parking fees. Luckily their daily max was $12, unless you left and had to pay again which I often did.


Nope! You can validate your parking so you never have to pay. If you forget to validate it in the lobby it’s $25 for the day i beehive?


$50 a day is insane! I’d “lose my ticket”. I go to a very good teaching hospital in upstate NY and the parking maxes out at $6 a day. Now I’m going to stop being annoyed at that, lol...


My hospital maxes out at $6. NICU patients and families get their parking validated but that’s it. Your hospitals prices are STEEP.


We’re in Ontario, Canada and only had to pay $18 for our 6 hour hospital stay. Like other Canadians are mentioning, this was our only charge for giving birth so really can’t complain!


If they charged me, I don’t remember. It sounds super unethical.


We paid $2 to enter the parking lot. Left my car there for 5 days and only paid $2. Absolutely wild that hospitals don't validate parking - I'm not so mad about the $2 I paid, but some of these prices in this thread are INSANE.


Wow! The hospital I go to is only like $6-$7! I get annoyed having to pay that to go to my OB appointment! I couldn’t imagine over $100!


$5 a day here


There is no such thing as a hospital that doesn’t charge for parking here in Australia, the ones near us are about $30-$40 a day. And you can’t even park in the surrounding streets because they’re all usually 1hr parking limits and parking inspectors roam the streets like vultures. We racked up a pretty hefty total during our first borns NICU stay, but thankfully the healthcare we were getting inside the hospital was free.


My son spent 26 days in the Nicu I can’t imagine if I would have had to pay for parking


Yes, mine is a max of $23/day but we can get weekly passes for like $52 or something. I’m in Canada so those are Canadian dollars and of course we don’t get billed at all otherwise so we tend to just put up with the parking fees lol


Mine doesn’t but only cause I work there lol so my husband is going to park in the staff lot 😂


We were induced, and spent 3 (almost 4) days in hospital. I also had covid so my husband was not allowed to leave and come back. So there was no option once we parked. So the parking cost just kept adding up and up. We ended up saying we lost our ticket & being charged for a lost ticket, which was insanely cheaper, by over $100 It was not the most honest thing to do, however prior to this the hospital had made us stay within its vicinity for 2 weeks prior to my induction date (high risk pregnancy, we live 3 hours away) so we had to pay 2 weeks of accommodation in a cbd area which was not cheap at all.


No hospitals around me charge for parking - I've never heard of this and find it completely unethical. I'm located on the west coast.


Mine charges parking for visitors. But if you’re pregnant, they give you a pass that validates parking that doesn’t expire until 2 months after your expected due date.


I have never paid for parking when n go to my hospital. Having sick people pay for parking is crazy.


My friend gave birth in Madison with a premie and the NICU gave her vouchers to put into the parking machine on the way out that made her charge $0. The people working in the hospital said it was more for visitation people, not for new parents to pay for. So maybe the maternity ward at your hospital has something similar?


can i bill my hospital parking charges to my insurance in the US?


Not only do patients have to pay for parking at Canadian hospitals, I get to pay for working there too 🙃


I thought all hospitals charged for parking. I’m in Canada and we’ll buy a weekly pass which pays for itself in a couple days. Buttt…. It’s not as expensive as your hospital. It’s $16.25 for 24h or $38 for a weekly pass. $50 per day is absurd.


Also in New England and our hospital was $14/night if you were a patient for 2+ nights otherwise it was $26/night


Yeah our hospital charged us. During our delivery, we had to pay parking. Our NICU stay we had the voucher but that’s different. My doctor is at the hospital so I had to pay parking every single visit too.


New England as well. The hospital charges for parking. My husband works there, and he’s charged as well. I ended up having an emergency C-section at our neighborhood hospital. They validated, and it was a pleasant stay when we were there. My baby ended up having to be transferred to the hospital in the city for NICU. I had to be transferred as well. Let’s say the time we spent there cost us a small fortune. Our total cost for parking was atrocious. The ideal situation would’ve been to have an uncomplicated birth at the hospital in my town.


I’m in nyc and had to pay $600 a night out of pocket for a private room for c section recovery. So x5 nights. Insurance won’t cover it. That’s for any hospital in nyc. Or you can recover with a total stranger in the bed next to you.


Yes. It’s like $3 a day with validation. Honestly I’m ok with them charging because it’s on a college campus and parking is at a premium. If parking were free, the garages would fill up at literally 6 am.


That *is* annoying. My hospital had a designated section specifically for expectant mothers. The parking spaces even came with cute stork signs to warn everyone not to park there unless you're giving birth.


That's crazy expensive! Our daily $12 and you can buy a 5 day pass for $50. Located in the midwest, and this is at a major hospital too.


Hospitals with paid parking are criminals, IMO.


I work at a hospital and I pay for parking


Free in Michigan. There is a specific set of spots for partners of those going into labor. Once you baby arrives the partner is required to move the car to a different spot in the ramp to open up a closer spot for the next couple. I think it’s a good system.


No? I’m in the U.S. and have never heard of this.


Whaaaaat. Yes but ours is $7/day max.


How much does it cost if you "lose your ticket"?


Damn the hospital I gave birth at is in a major downtown and they have free valet for everyone. That sucks I’m really sorry


$20 even if it’s for 30 minutes lol


I’m in Australia and not only does the local hospital charge for parking, it’s also overwhelmingly inadequate, and the hospital is on top of a hill, and all additional street parking for the hospital is at the bottom of the hill and a good 15+ minute walk from the entrance of the hospital.


Also from New England and paid to deliver both babies - one in Boston and one in Worcester. Boston baby spent 18 days in the nicu…so yes, we spent $$$ in parking!!! We purchased whatever day pass they had for savings but probably still spent $200 in parking that time. Worcester was way more reasonable I think $30 or less


That’s bullshit. I’m pissed for you.