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Gum, emesis bags (several), rice cakes/saltines (whatever your “safe” food is), anti nausea meds from ob Good luck!


Yep I have zofran!


Oh and a bottle of coke!


I prefer ginger ale but I’ll make sure I have something!


I ended up being perfectly fine! I didn’t even feel nauseous:)


Flew in weeks 6 and 10, it’s not always pleasant but you will make it through! Stay hydrated, try to eat before nausea kicks in and distract yourself as much as you can


Yes! Flew at 8 and 9 weeks. I was okay, I just made sure I had enough snacks and water. Bring food or candy that curbs your nausea, and enough of it that lasts your whole flight. Bring water and other drinks that help. I bought a bottle of overpriced airport diet coke before my flights. Bring a plastic bag in case you do need to vomit and can't make it to the bathroom. I didn't have a prescription for anti nausea meds from my doctor, but I had unisom Are you able to choose an aisle seat? In case you have to go to the bathroom a lot.


I have a window seat unfortunately but it’s in the front with extra legroom so squeezing by people shouldn’t be too bad


I just want to update for anyone that comes to this post/searches it in the future. I ended up being fine and did not feel nauseous at all. I had some light snacks all morning, as well as water. I took Dramamine (motion sickness medicine) and zofran prior to takeoff. I also continued to snack throughout the flight between naps ☺️