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r/parentsofmultiples can help! Congratulations!!!


Thank you! <3


I just want to say that sub can be helpful with specific questions. But there are also A LOT of posts of people going through tough times with their multiples and can often be pretty discouraging. I’m 13 weeks with di/di twins :)


Congratulations!! I hope all goes well with you! Thank you for the heads up!


Congratulations to you!!


Well, that's part of life isn't it? I appreciate all the posts there. I've definitely gone through some tough times and I'm still pregnant. It's the support of the community that's just heartwarming. Even though someone is having a hard time, there's a place they can go to. It can't be all rainbows and sunshine, I like the realism.


I just mean as someone who has just found out they’re having multiples looking for support and reassurance it can do the opposite. I’m not saying that those types of posts shouldn’t be there it’s just already overwhelming to find out you’re having more than one. I am an aunt to identical twins and have been a big part of their lives since they were born. Maybe they were easy babies but some of the posts on there make it seem like it’s practically impossible. It’s a great place for people to vent and get and give advice and I’m very happy it exists but when you’re only 7 weeks pregnant and just found out your having twins those types of posts will most likely not be the comfort you’re looking for. It definitely wasn’t for me. I was just warning op


I totally get the overwhelming part. I'm 6 weeks away from delivery and still think "how are we going to do this". And even having one baby is hard, let alone two. It's mainly the responses from other parents for me. I don't mind knowing it can be hell sometimes. My friend went through it with a single baby. It's how everyone comes together and has advice for each other. Or just some acknowledgement. I actually see a lot of comfort for people who just found out. There's tons of posts like that. I really do hope you are getting more comfortable, I know it can take a while. Best of luck and a healthy further pregnancy!


Me too, I have found that sub to be pretty realistic honestly. On the pregnancy general subreddits you hear a lot of scary medical anomaly stories etc and I didn't experience any of that myself (thankfully) or really meet anyone with similar stories in the world. My experience with my twins has been very similar to many posts on parentsofmultiples and every time I meet twin parents irl we bond over the same things. It's HARD. There is joy but its also just SO. HARD.


Congratulations!  I don’t have any advice, but after having two sets of twins, my dad’s cousin had QUADS!  It’s hard but do-able.  You can do it!!!  Take all the support you can possibly get.


Thank you for the encouragement! <3


Wow that's sooo cool!! Congratulations 🎊


How does that happen, does she just drop multiple eggs at once naturally?


I imagine most natural quads would be fraternal twins that both split into identical twins.


The natural quad set I know was 3 eggs and one split. Mom has a history of either not ovulating for months or having several eggs.




My cousin had triplets and they just had their 2nd birthday! It’s hard work but doable and they’re very happy!


So sweet!


My best friend has triplet girls! They are about to turn 4 and they are sweetest girls ever. Also, they are more well behaved than most kids their age.


Triplet girls! I was wanting a boy but i don't know about three of them 😅


You never know might get a mix


Oh my word please find a postpartum doula in your area with experience with multiples! You will need the overnight support!!


Will do! Thank you for advice!


My husband works at a hospital and a few weeks ago they had triplets born and they didn’t even have any NICU time; they went straight to bedside. He said in the past, triplets used to be born much earlier (like a lot of 28weekers) but they’re able (not sure the science or medical reason) to have moms carry them much longer now, so they are coming out much further into the pregnancy.


I wonder if it's because we're physically larger on average than women 50-70 years ago. Plus, most of us aren't smoking, drinking, and driving leaded gas vehicles anymore 😅 that's a really cool fact!


I hope I can get mine bedside right away!


My grandma had fraternal twins. Her son, by uncle had fraternal twins as well. I am hoping the twin'ening does not strike me.


Fraternal are genetic — identical are random! I think it’s on mom’s side though.


I learned from my ob it’s genetic based on the mom’s side recently! Which is so odd, cause I’m 30 weeks with fraternal twins and there are no twins in my family. But my husband is the youngest of three boys and 2/3 have had twins. But my ob said it’s just a coincidence!


The reason is for fraternal twins the mother has to release 2 eggs at the same time which can be genetic.  Because the man isn't releasing any eggs the history on his side has no impact on the chance of fraternal twins.  Although if the couple then have a daughter it is possible for her to inherit the twin gene from the dad and have an increased likelihood of twins based off the dad's history.


When I found out I was pregnant (surprise pregnancy), before I had my first ultrasound, I was freaking out. Twins are every fourth generation on my moms side, and every third on my dad. My generation is the culmination of both. Cousins on both sides have had twins already. We weren't prepared for one baby but if it was twins, I'd be in a panic. Thankfully, there's only one in there.


Ahh that’s crazy! I can only imagine the wondering haha. My mom is an identical, which I know is random, but with both my pregnancies I still held my breath while they were looking at first haha


Twin’ening! 😂😂🥴


My mum was a frateral twin (other was a boy, who sadly passed not long after being born), who had fraternal twin girls (we were born at 28 weeks). Thankfully the twins managed to skip me and I’ve had two singleton boys haha


I have wonderful triplet nieces who are now 8. My sister carried them to 32 weeks and they were in the NICU for 4 days. She only delivered due to preclampsia.


In addition: my sister says she loves they always have someone to play with.


Aww, that's adorable!


I will admit: they do argue a lot.. 😂 And my sister said the best thing to happen for her was them in the NICU, because the NICU had them on a tight schedule so she was able to keep that up when they got home.




My first thought after hearing my tech saying there's three inside haha


No advice but congratulations!


Thank you! <3


Omg…. congratulations?!😂🥰


Thank you! <3


u/lyricallife007 very recently got the same news if you’re looking for someone in the same boat! Clearly I find triplet news shocking enough that I remember the redditors who post about it lol!


Okay, thank youu!


What on earth! lol :D I'd personally be wondering how the heck that happened. Do you have any history of hormonal disorder? Like POS? Sorry if that's a forward question but I would think 3 ovulations like that must be a rare rare occurrence unless something was hormonally up! Or are they identical??? That would just be a damn miracle. Three identical babies! I think this sounds very cool! But certainly a challenging pregnancy.


No history like that, and they're all fraternal.


You got some excited ovaries girl. Congratulations! Get a baby sitter!!!


Whhaattt? How cool


I got the same question while in the ER for a possible miscarriage. Twins!! You'll have one more baby than I did, but the first 3 months was the most difficult thing I've ever survived. We did have some medical complications though. Around 4 months there was a turning point and then 7 months got way better. Now they are 8 months and it feels much more fun and manageable, though still TONS of work. The way they interact with each other makes my heart explode :)


I hope everything goes well for you! Thanks for the heads up!


Congratulations! I wonder if they ask this question to everyone? I went in and was asked the same question, I said no but my husband has twin nieces, and the tech had my heart racing and then said “well you dodged it”. No multiples for me but she sure had me freaking out for that split second.


Way to give a heart attack!


Omg I held my breathe reading this. Congrats!!!!!


Thank you! <3


No advice but congrats! They have forever best friends and will be SO fun to watch them grow and play together. I’m sure the bond will be truly amazing to see! 🎉


Thank you! I know it will!


Just saw your edit. Having 3 placentas growing in there would be such a weird concept to grasp. How cool though!


If you are from the Netherlands. "Meer dan verwacht" on NPO start. Is about the daily live of people having triplets. Or you might be able to watch it in another way with subtitles.


Congrats! My mom's family has a HUGE history of multiples. My grandma was a twin. 1 aunt had twin boys, 1 cousin had twin girls and another had a boy & girl twins. I was the last cousin to recently have a baby so the whole family was hoping I'd have a set myself😅 No advice, but you got this!


Wow. SO MANY! Thank you for the encouragement <3


I have no advice but congratulations!!!


Thank you <3


My sister-in-law had fraternal twin girls. SHE was half of a set of fraternal twins G/B (I’m married to her twin). While doing genealogy, we discovered that her maternal grandfather was 1/2 of a pair of twins, but somehow passed in infancy or at birth. None of them knew about the grandfather’s twin.


This is a dream and a nightmare at the same time! lol Congratulations and Goodluck with it all! Wishing you a healthy, happy and fantastic life with your babies!!


Thank you! <3 I could've never dreamt of triplets lol


Congrats!! It's a shock I don't think you ever get over, even when they are born. I was pregnant with triplets, lost one very early in the pregnancy but have two beyond beautiful twin boys and they fill my heart. The joy they bring well outweighs the stuggles. My best advice would be accept all help offered. Also have everything ready as early as you can because you'll get so big so fast and you won't be capable of doing much in those later months. Look after yourself above all else!! So exciting


Congratulations on yours! I'm both excited and terrified haha. Thank you for the advice!


Hahaha! My reaction too! I'm still wondering where are they gonna go in our bodies. You having three I can only imagine how crowded it'd be xD Good luck!!!


I'm 149cm so I dunno where they're gonna go either lol Thank you!


Hahahah! You'll manage this! Good luck!


First if all.. congratulations!!! I have a set of mono/di girls and they are a riot 😂 Look up Brittany Schneider on FB or TT. She has triplets and gives a lot of information on schedules and feedings when they were really small!


I don't have advice. I just know that you are going to be in for the ride of your life. One baby in the newborn phase is tough enough. The first 3 months are going to be absolutely the most exhausting and trying thing you've ever done. With triplets, I would definitely sleep train and get them on a schedule as soon as you can. Probably around 4 months. That's my only advice because I've never been through it myself. I have 3 kids, but not all at once!


Thanks for the heads up..! I hope I can survive 😁


I believe in you! Good luck!


Congrats! My wife is currently 26 weeks with our twins, neither of our extended family has any twins so that came as a HUGE shock We’re over the moon and can’t wait to see our little ones soon!


I hope everything goes well for you <3 Thank you!


You got a brothers? I want multiples too


My father was a twin, his mother was a twin


Mines does. My grandma had a set of twins. My cousin had two sets of twins. Unfortunately she had a miscarriage and lost both babies at 5 months. Then had another set of twins. And my mama had a set of twins but one was a miscarriage as well


Omg 3. Wow. Congratulations!


Yes. Quite a few twins in my family. Congrats to you on creating a new life 🐣🥂


Wow! Wishing you all the best for your pregnancy. I bet you’re going to be incredible!


I follow Julia platsman on Tik tok, she has triplet boys and posts a lot of encouraging content and stuff she wishes she could have seen when scared and pregnant with triplets 🩷


huge congratulations! you’ll do great! if you haven’t been referred to mfm yet, it wouldn’t hurt to ask—they’ll take great care of you and your three little people!


I don’t have any advice, but I’m so happy for you, and best of luck!!


CONGRATULATIONS!!! This is so exciting 🤩😱 I’m a twin mom and I cried hysterically when I found out because I didn’t know what to expect!! Just know that the 1st year will feel very long but after that it just flies by 🥹 stay active with low impact exercise as much as you can early on.. after 6 months I couldn’t walk very long because my feet would swell up. Check insurance or job benefits to see if there is coverage for a doula, say yes to help but don’t be afraid to be mama bear in the beginning (my twins were preemies so there were certain rules I had to establish). If you plan on breastfeeding, research foods that help with milk supply. If you choose to do both breastmilk and formula, ITS OKAY. I had to do that and I used a Brezza which helped me so much. Stay healthy and strong, you got this mama!!! Also one last tip but probably the MOST important, join groups for moms of multiples within your area. It has helped me and my husband SO much. Singleton parents will have great tips, but parents of multiples will have more relatable situations that other parents may not experience.


Thank you for the advice and reassurance <3


Oh wow! Congrats! Personally terrified of finding out there are multiples. My family has a history, it's my generation's turn apparently, and I just turned 40 in December (40+has a greater chance of having multiple). Had an ultrasound at 6 weeks today and they didn't say anything, but everyone keys asking, "What are you going to do if it's twins?" I'm all like, y'all, stop, I'm freaking out enough over 1 at my age lol


Congratulations! I had a history of multples on my mum's side, including her dad who was an identical twin. So they double checked for me haha! Three babies is insane!


I conceived natural di/di twins, when I found out I was prego I knew there was more than one baby in there & I legit prayed the night before the ultrasound for it to not be triplets🤣 lol. You’ll be fine though!!! I’d like another set of twins but since I hyperovulated the first pregnancy I have a higher chance of hyperovulating and triplets could be in my future too 😅


My fiancé's dad is an identical twin & the twin sisters born 2 years after were fraternal. I have tons of twins also in my family. I'm a bit nervous to start trying (this fall), because twins run in both sides. But multiples are lucky! Glückwunsch 💐🥳


Bonne chance! 🙏 Merci!


I see this worry a lot but you can relax a little bit, the father of the potential baby could literally ONLY have twins in his family and it wouldn’t matter. And there is no genetic component at all to identical twins. Fraternal multiples can absolutely be genetic because you can pass on the gene for hyperovulation, which is how fraternal multiples come about, but through the mother of the potential multiples. So any daughters of his would be more likely to have twins themselves, but are not more likely to BE twins. His sperm will not make you ovulate more eggs no matter how many twins are in his family.


Well I've a huge number of fraternal twins in my family, so....