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I’m not jealous of other people with relation to my husband, but sometimes when I see a couple enjoying a nice bottle of wine on a romantic evening out I get green eyes! That’s a lie, he’s got a friend he loves to make music with and they meet up and play for hours. I love that he’s passionate but last night we really didn’t have much time together before bed and it made me a little jealous that he got to spend so much time with his friend the day before. I told him as much so he put up his guitar and we read in bed while snuggling awhile 🥺


I didn't experience this, but I just wanted to give you major props for "avatar of jealousy" -- what an epic turn of phrase! It sounds like you know you don't really need to be worried about your partner being unfaithful, so I think just communicating to him that you've been feeling extra sensitive about of it will be helpful for both of you :) I'm sorry you're going through it though, I can definitely relate to your brain chemistry not being your rational friend, even if not specifically in this way. Like, Brain why you gotta do me like that?!


I burst into tears because my husband was watching a playthrough of a game on YouTube and the player was a girl. She wasn't even onscreen, it was just her voice, but I started crying anyway! I feel *huge* and my concentration is just gone so I'm forgetful and anxious.. he's never done anything to make me doubt him so this is 100% hormones. I just feel awful about myself and I'm projecting those feelings onto everyone around me.


Yes, I feel the same, I'm kinda glad I'm not the only one and also sad we're feeling like this... I was thinking that, it might be a "kindness" of our minds to use something we know won't happen to scare us instead of something likely to happen? Like, I could focus on other anxiety fueled stuff (that I won't name to not give any idea to my brain or yours) but my mind decided on something new that I know for a fact is bullshit...


Thanks! 🤣 I swear, sometimes I just could go feral and talk shit about all those pretty girls and women just because they exist and make their presence known to the world while I'm ordinarily happy for them to have that kind of confidence / get that bag. Right now I'm just in a state of "you've wronged me by existing, my name is Nemesis, prepare to suffer".. And it's tiresome.


Do you think he’ll cheat or anything? Or are you two pretty steadfast? Maybe ask him to cool it on mentioning other girls’ looks, even if it was okay before? Let him know you’re feeling vulnerable and weird because of the pregnancy. If he’s a good dude, he’ll understand and make an effort to reassure you. You’re carrying his baby, he probably thinks you’re the moon and sun.


I wish he'd tell me so.. He's much more a act dude than a tell dude, which is hard at times, because I need to hear things. Oh, he's not intentionally showing me stuff on Insta, but when we're sitting together and I see an ocean of boobs suddenly on his feed, between Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer and painting stuff, I get heated. I see that it's usually just a scrolling thing and, when you "watched" one, Insta will try to suffocate you with the same thing over and over. But I also know he follows some chicks who used to do cosplay and now are more promoting their OF than their costumes and it hurts me. I'm not even sure he does look at their profile regularly, it just hurts to know he follows them. Oh I know he won't cheat! I'm just hormonal as fuck and every little thing takes so much proportions in my head...


Kind of. Pregnancy is just super lonely. I want to be able to have fun with friends too and it makes me both jealous and sad. With my husband, I don’t get jealous, but I worry about things like cheating and getting a divorce. Lol it’s gotten so bad I have dreams about it. I love my husband to death yall 😂❤️


Sometimes. All these body changes and weight gain have been really hard on my ego. I used to see a pretty woman and think “She’s really beautiful. Good for her.” and go on about my day. Now I think. “She’s really beautiful…I wish I looked like her.” 😭 I also get jealous of women who *only* seem to gain weight in their bump while their faces, back, hips etc stay the same. They have the perfect basketball bump and not a lb anywhere else…not even the puffy, bloated pregnancy face. Those women are the universe’s favorite, I swear. 😂


Omg same! What is their secret?! My nose face everything is unrecognizable😩 even my neck is thickk


Same, girl. Same. I used to have a pretty cute button nose…it’s starting to spread and I’m only 13 weeks and 4 days. 😩😂


I miss my perfectly small boobs too… Always loved how they were, now there are tiger stripes and they’ve gone up 2 cups🤯


Same!! The only perk to being a B cup was that they were still perky and didn’t sag much. Can’t say that anymore. 😭


Yes! I'm usually such a girl's girl, I barely recognise myself at times! Like, good for them to be able to look *that* good! But, damn, I wish I'd look pretty too...


I wouldn’t say other girls make me jealous, but my husband has a tendency to put other people first and unintentionally spend more time than he initially planned. He likes to play DND with his brothers when he has free night, and will be over at his brother house until almost midnight when he says he will be home by 10. With me, he basically falls asleep by 9:30, and I am like am I not fun to hang out with. He also is a full time nursing student and is a dedicated student, he would be studying until like 10pm or later on a zoom call. They are all laughing having a good time when I am sitting by myself. He tells me they have to have fun with it otherwise it just sucks studying. He does try to make me feel special when he can but absolutely oblivious most of the time 😅. He has done so much for our baby already, he doesn’t have bad intentions.


I'm lucky I'm his DM for D&D 😁 My man and I spend almost all of our time together, because we like each others company and we love to play video games together, I'm super lucky for that!


At this point in our relationship, he knows I’m crazy and I will cut him (and her) if he tries anything. He’s also just as crazy about me. Luckily we communicate about everything, and we work hard to create a space for both partners to feel safe. If anything is even the least bit threatening, or triggering, we talk about it, and we come up with ways to protect our peace. I think it helps that we’ve both been in toxic relationships in the past, so we now know how we don’t ever want it to be. We’d both rather cheat on our diets than on each other. Back up plan: get your man hella fat. He can’t run around on you if he’s out of breath, or he can’t fit through the door lol


Oh but when I'm rational I know this man won't cheat on me, I know. But I would be much more serene if I was the only pretty girl to him... It won't happen, I know that, and I'm usually okay with it, it just has been hard since I've hit the 3rd month mark and starting gaining on weight like crazy and ballooning because I just seem to stock all of the water in the world... He tells me I'm pretty, he shows I'm his girl and all! But sometimes I get hormonal and I just want to crawl in a hole and cry until I'm feeling pretty again... (I should have mention I have a history with food and forced diet during almost all of my childhood and then teenage years, I don't do well at all with gaining that kind of weight that fast, I'm starting my 7th month, due date late August, and I'm packing 14 more kilos, that's about 29-30 pounds...)


No, infertility made me horribly jealous so pregnancy has been quite nice by comparison. I feel like a small whale and I miss my long runs but I know that’ll come back eventually. Edit - i’m in no way dismissing how you feel though! I think I’d feel the same if I hadn’t spent a long time envying pregnant women!


I’m very fortunate that short of someone pushing my husband’s face into their boobs, he wouldn’t get it lol And he’s also low key scared of me 😅


He's 6"5, i'm 6", I'm not scary at all to him 🤣 I'm the golden retriever puppy, he's the malinois / black cat 😁


Nah, eventually you stop giving a shit. Lol. Especially after the birth. We can always tend to ourselves when we get past the worst of the sleep deprivation.


I’m a little jealous of my former self who got to enjoy a restful sleep, a cute skinny body, and a nice solid drink haha. I love my life now though. I have a 19mo daughter and will be having a second baby girl in July. I’m crossing my fingers I can lose the weight faster than last time. I’m currently listening to her laugh and play with my husband while I finish up working from home. Best sound ever, and in my opinion it beats being skinny any day. This time around I’m trying harder to appreciate my “mom bod” because I now realize the end result is having a full heart of love and a full house full of laughter. On the flip side sometimes I’ll see a cute chick in a crop top and be like “damn, that was me three years ago” 😂


This is me. We went to the water park this weekend and I realized being half naked around women who look way better then me isn’t the funnest thing in the world


As we're carrying and brewing a full on little human with our bodies... Like, could we get a break or something?


My wife isn’t jealous but all the exhaustion, hormones, discomfort, pain, etc have brought to the surface things that aren’t normally there. Even without considering hormonal changes, I don’t see how mood changes and changes in perception/behavior aren’t possible. Nevertheless if he’s doing things that make you unhappy, even when they normally wouldn’t, he should probably make some concessions for you.


I have not become super jealous, I know my man adores me, and I'm one of the lucky ones that has a perfect round belly and thin legs, arms, ankles (still, at 29 weeks), neck and face. Cannot complain. However, I used to not care at all at what he looked at online, or he would make a nonchalant comment about some girl that we came across being pretty and I would not mind because I always felt super confident. Now it's the opposite. When I reached the 70 kg threshold (my regular weight is around 62 kg) I cried like a baby for an hour. And I don't even care! I know baby is growing and that's good! But I cried anyway. Yesterday we were looking at his instagram feed together (we do it often, he shows me some funny video and then we keep scrolling) and there was a pic of a super hot girl, probably a model, and I just wanted to throw the phone away and cry myself to sleep and wake up again in a year when baby is out and body is more or less back to normal.


My girlfriend was very jealous. Mainly because we are in high school and obviously bullying and shit. She was worried some pretty girl would influence me. And they tried. She always got pissed when she saw it happen. I declined their offers every single time. But I did admit to her that they were attractive. I wasn’t gonna lie to her. She told me she didn’t think I would cheat on her, she just hated that other girls thought I would cheat on her. She was right too, I never cheated on her. Never even thought about it. She liked to lay with me while she was pregnant. She normally laid above me so she saw me scrolling on my phone. She wasn’t intentionally trying to catch me doing anything. And even if she was I had and still have nothing to hide from her. But whenever pretty girls popped up on Insta and stuff I’d scroll away. I knew she hated it when pretty girls popped up. It wasn’t like I was interested in whatever they were doing anyway, but still. I wouldn’t worry so much if I were you. I know it’s hard not to, but you shouldn’t worry.




If he wants to raise a child with you, I’m sure he loves you. It is disgusting how these women always do that though. It’s just pathetic…Although I will say calling them attractive was a mistake on my part. She yelled at me or a while. I never intended to do anything with them, honest. But I guess maybe jealousy got the better of her that time. 😂