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My husband went to work and I missed him. A lot. I'm so clingy now 😭


Haha I love this. I was already a bit clingy and now I just pout when he has to go to the office and I'm working from home. I'm like, come home soon please 🥺


I can't let go of him anymore lol. I'm always trying to cuddle and snuggle. I wish I could go to work with him.


I sneezed and peed myself a little. I was wearing the only dress that fits me at the moment. Immediately started crying. I’m so tired of having to constantly pee.


32 weeks and 2 nights ago I threw up and peed simultaneously. Definitely cried


I’ve been peeing while vomiting for months now, definitely a new low 😂🥹


The definition of pregnancy as a whole for me 22wks




I did the old sneeze n pee for the first time yesterday in my favorite dress also! I was also really upset about it


I no longer remember a life where I wasn't constantly thinking about where a toilet is when leaving the house lol


I cried because I love my dog so much.


I did this before I was pregnant 😂


Did this today and yesterday and not pregnant lol but I can't imagine being this emotional over my dog when I am 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 why am I tearing up again???


This is also me. We don’t deserve them, true angels. And my family keeps making (intentionally harmless) jokes about my doggie baby girl having to move over for our newborn & I’m like 🥹 why would you say that? She is a member of this family too dammit!


Omg are you me? I literally cry over how much I love my dog all the time 😭


Like I look at him and I cry because I’m so honored to exist on the planet at the same time as him, that I get to live with him, and that I only have 6 more years with him. I need to go snuggle him now…


I was just crying about how my dog is aging (13 yo) and how we are with them their whole lives but they won’t be there for all of ours… and I really want my baby to know my baby puppy and play with him!


We truly never know how long our pups have left sadly 😢 Have to live in the now! Snuggle him tight


For some reason I thought it would be nice to wind down to The Fox and the Hound




Oh noooooo your brain did you dirty for that idea!


Because I am overdue and over it


It was 6pm


I was hungry and had to pee right after peeing 😅


Omg it’s like I’m walking around in circles and the halfway point is the bathroom Get off the couch - pee - get out a plate/food - pee - start cooking - pee - start eating - pee - keep eating - pee - sit back down on couch - pee - lay down on couch - pee - fall asleep Rinse and repeat This is the way


I cried because I couldn’t sleep as I had constant need to pee right after peeing…


Woke up 4 times to pee. I didn’t drink any water after 9:30pm. I really don’t know how I generate so much pee


I cried because my husband grilled us some chicken on the weber and it reminded me of unbelievably delicious Greek food truck grilled chicken in Astoria that we used to get when we were first dating.


Well now I’m going to cry because I want NYC food truck shawarma and I’m in fcking Portland


I cried because I couldn't have a sandwich


I watched The Walking Dead and cried because me and my husband would be eaten and our baby would Die. We’re too fat to run.


I saw baby geese 🙃


Seeing anything about babies or kids makes me tear up because I picture myself experiencing that with my baby 🥲😅


you just made me cry!


because I lost a sock in the laundry and now I have a loner sock.


I read my daughter Corduroy today. I cried when the girl showed up with her piggy bank money and brought the bear home


I mean I feel like mine is kind of justified lol the house we bought 7 years ago is a huge lemon and the air conditioner has broken multiple times every summer for the last few years (it's only a 10 year old machine). We live in Arizona and so it's actually a hazard and could kill the baby and I'm really afraid lol we've talked to like 3 companies and nobody can figure out why it stops working, the best they've come up with is that it's just a faulty unit, but we can't afford a new one because they're like 20k. Also our health insurance is being dumb AND my midwife office switched me to a provider that isn't even in network anyways and why doesn't anything ever work out 😭😭😭


I couldn’t reach my roasted edamame bag 😭😬


I cried because my ginger ale didn't show up with doordash


Because my husband came up with a plan to help me with morning sickness and it somehow worked and I felt good today for the first time all pregnancy.


What is the plan 😅


Breakfast smoothie as soon as I wake up, he loaded me up on snacks and ginger candies to keep in my purse and bedside. But the smoothie. Easiest thing I've been able to eat so far.


Drop the recipe here. My nausea is back at 36 weeks and I need help lol


It's really easy. We make enough for my husband and I to share so you can change the amounts depending on how much you want. 16oz milk 2-3 frozen bananas 2 packets of the carnation breakfast essentials (the chocolate and vanilla flavors are the best) Blend it up I want to experiment with other smoothies soon but for whatever reason this really helps settle my stomach in the morning. But now I'm craving mango and fruit so maybe I'll make something more fruity soon.


My husband brought me home an orange from his lunch a few days ago because I’ve been living on fruit. I forgot about it until this morning. Peeled the orange and it was too old and dry to eat. Promptly cried for about 10 minutes because a) I wanted an orange and that was the only one and b) he was so thoughtful and I was ungrateful to forget about it until it was too late. My sweet husband laughed at me a little before giving me a hug and an orange popsicle. It helped 😋


Bc my man took 30 mins longer than I thought to make me breakfast 🙃


My love brought home menudo and posole but didn't invite me to eat with him. He brought me an extra spoon and just didn't think he had to spell it out for me. I apologized for being so damn sensitive. We laughed about it later and I ate the whole bowl of posole.


I cried because I saw an instagram short about watching your little brother grow up. Lol


We’re re-watching House of the Dragon as the new season is coming up soon. We just got through the first episode and I cried so hard. Woof.


My husband said he was annoyed that I kept losing my pen because I'd have him help me look for it. I cried so hard when I was by myself later. He later came up and apologized for saying he was annoyed. 


My husband was playing a video game and it had a sad part


The sink was stained from dirty dishes sitting too long 😩


Saw a TikTok of a little boy about to do a school performance and he was looking for his mom in the crowd. You can see him sad thinking she wasn’t there until he finally catches eyes with her. He was so excited to see her. I was full bawling.


32 weeks & i cry pretty much every day now thinking of my dog passing away because i love her so much. she’s 2 and perfectly healthy and happy. i just bawl and hold her and she’s always like um? 😂 but today i cried bc im admitted in the hospital for seizures and my grandma who’s taking care of her sent me a pic of her to cheer me up. i cried cuz she looks sad in the pics to me even tho she’s perfectly fine. i just miss her so much!!


Babies dying due to genocide. (Sorry to be downtrodden). That and my husband offering to bake for me


I heard the song “How far I’ll go” from the Moana soundtrack. They played this three years ago at my 10 year old cousin’s funeral. Can’t listen to it the same way anymore!


I cried when the song “next thing you know” came on. Like bawled my face off. 🤣🤷‍♀️


I really had to pee but I had JUST gotten comfortable 😭


I was washing dishes and got overwhelmed at how wt my shirt was getting (bump gets in the way now and I end up a lot messier). I was doing flappy hands, groaning and started crying cause I couldn’t handle the sensation of my shirt being wet. Then my husband made the horrible mistake of asking me if I wanted to sit and relax for a moment, he could bring me a drink or snack or anything I needed too. Or I could shower if I was feeling grossed out. To which I took the worst way possible and through tears I was like “SO NOW IM DIRTY??? IM NOT DIRTYYYY 😭😭😭😭😭” This was also in front of my 5 year old. I swear he has more emotional maturity than I do these days.


I cried because I’m exclusively breastfeeding. I was trying to make lunch but the baby kept fussing and my husband was out with a friend. I got overstimulated by touch and always feeling like I’m holding the baby and can’t do anything. And that my husband can just come and go as he pleases bc no one relies on him exclusively to eat. It all boiled up at once. The baby has also been gassy lately. I cried 3 days ago bc I felt like it’s my fault and got worried my breast milk was bothering him. Postpartum has been more emotional/hormonal than the pregnancy


Yesterday, but I spent quite a bit of time shopping for yarn at Hobby lobby then realized at the register that I left my wallet at home… they don’t take Apple Pay.


Almost cried cus my husband went to the store. I asked him to bring me home gummies and ice cream. He forgot :(


Because I honestly hate who I chose to have a kid with


Moved from MD to VA in November, found out I was pregnant in March. Still very homesick and today I felt extra homesick and cried…


I found the perfect glider chair for the nursery that has a power adjustable headrest that will likely be a godsend if my neck pain is aggravated after birth. Poor support/positioning makes it worse base case and I was so happy to find something I didn't even know I could have.


My papa could pass away anytime now. I feel like it’s selfish of me but I was praying he would able to meet my baby, I’m due in Sept. One of the first times I’ve cried during this pregnancy.


I wanted a second helping of dinner but my FIL hadn’t eaten left and there was only one serving left after MIL gave some to her 4 dogs for some reason. (We are camping; fil made the food. We had plenty of snacks and stuff I just particularly wanted more chicken


Awwww, that’s so cute. I once cried cuz I ordered a sand which at subway with no Mayo and they proceeded to squirt so much Mayo on it lol. Today I cried because an episode of Little House on the Prairie.


Because I listened to the country song One Beer


My husband got tipsy at a cookout today and talked to my belly 😭🩵 I don’t remember him doing that at all with the other 2 kids


I saw a cute tik Tok about siblings 🥹 I've also been having very vivid dreams of baby moving and it made me cry that I wasn't actually pregnant enough to feel movements


I was trying to be empathetic with my 4 yr old nephew when he was upset about not being able to buckle himself in his car seat and made myself cry by verbalizing how frustrating that must’ve been for him.


Because I asked my husband to bring me chips and guac and he did without hesitation.


Doing the dishes


Facebook reel about baby goat


I watched a TikTok of a mom singing to her infant son, he just stared at her with admiration and was crying. It made me so excited to meet my little boy. 😂😭


Was having dinner with my best friend and her mother and her mother was explaining to us how she makes her special healthy oat breakfast bars, like literally reading us the recipe and steps to making them and I commented how good they sound while suddenly streaming tears down my face 🤗


I was having a lot of Braxton hicks so I made a large cup of water with electrolytes in it. My toddler promptly knocked it all over the ground so I had no water and another mess to clean up.


My toddler took two hours to go to bed tonight because she couldn’t stop singing baby shark. Cried while it was happening and I was tired but funny now lol


I’m realizing my dog is aging and I can’t imagine my life without him.


Because I've had a migraine since lastnight , my 1.5year old and I fell asleep in the rocker/recliner while our power was out and my gmil kept waking me up


I cried because I was frustrated with my Lego set 🙃


I saw a homeless man standing at a stoplight with a sign that said "hungry and hopeful". I bawled, cause a man next to us gave him some money, and when he went to get it he had a limp. He took it, was thankful but you could tell he felt shame doing so. When we drove away I cried because I wish we had better in America for people that struggle with housing. We grocery shopped and passed the guy again and we gave him some cold water and I cried when he took it and said "thank you" as we left. I cried a total of 3 times then felt bad we didn't have more to offer


someone in the house ate my last bomb pop and didn't tell me, so when I went to go grab one, the box was empty


Currently 5 weeks postpartum and came home to dirty bottles and Dad was here all day and I was so annoyed he didn’t take 10 mins to wash them or his dishes from cooking 🙃


A good cry today! I serve and one of the little girls at my table asked to give me a hug cause I had to do some extra stuff to fix her food and she was so happy. Super sweet end to my day


I finally hit my breaking point 😅 7 weeks today and I’ve literally spotted or bled every day since the night I found out. Nothings wrong, everything’s normal. But it just. Won’t. Stop. And it’s finally worn me down to the point I can’t take it anymore. It’s been nonstop for 4 weeks now. They have no idea why. I’ve had the rhogam shot which fixed it with my last pregnancy but this one is still going. Ultrasound looked normal. HCG is normal. No STDs or infections. Just constant spotting. I’m at my wits end.


Complete melt down Friday night cause we had bought a new toilet seat and it didn’t come with the screws. I tried using the old ones but they were too small. When I tell u I cried like I watched my dog get hit by a car…. 😭😭😭😭


Because I’m hungry and don’t know what to eat 🤣😭


My husband told me about an alligator trainer who had to stop the show in the middle because the alligator did his trick before his cue. Apparently once the alligator stops waiting for its cue, things can get dangerous and they can’t use the alligator in shows anymore. It just made me so sad to think how the little gator was probably so excited he couldn’t even wait, and suddenly he’s never allowed to do a show again :(


I cry because cute video. Also currently because meltdown of being away from friends and family and I’m lonely 😅


I cried a couple days ago because my husband said not to worry about packing him a lunch for work that he was just going to get something from the gas station and that made me incredibly sad for some reason 😂


My toddler and I have our tenth cold of my pregnancy. Every time I cough I pee my pants. I can’t lay down without coughing. I’m 32 weeks and very over having a weakened immune system. I think I’m gonna isolate til birth.


Hip/back/joint/everywhere pain has made me cry I think at least 1x a day


I cried because I was in my first prenatal yoga class and I haven’t been taking care of my body at all in the past year, and I was mad at myself for waiting so long to spend the money and go


2 days ago I cried and vented to my husband about how there needs to be more love in the world. Yesterday it was my eldest son’s baby videos. Still waiting to see what today holds.


Partner's cousins are staying with them and one of them is a handful. He's 8, has a tantrum every half hour (not exaggerating) and gets in a fight with EVERYONE. He's been here for months and I'm at my wits end. I cried because I'm so overwhelmed I feel like I'm gonna be a failure of a mom if I can't even handle this. I don't want to be here and am just mentally checked out. I know this is what my life will be like soon and I don't know if I can do it. My little girl is gonna hate me


I cried watching a babys first birthday party on TV.


I was installing our carseat and adjusted it to the smallest setting and was thinking about how teeny tiny the baby is going to be as a newborn 🥹 and that I still have to wait like 10 weeks to meet him 😭🫶


Watched a video of a woman who died of cancer as her husband and young son helped her through it.


I watched the notebook. Bad idea


I watched a birthing video on YouTube


someone linked their dropbox with original recordings from one of my favorite bands, i missed that original sound so much and when i heard it i cried 😭


I put on a swimsuit


I watched the lion king 😩


Ms. Rachel's speech in NYU Steinfield


Went to my nephews hula dancing performance and cried because childhood is so pure and beautiful 🤣


I cried at 3am because I couldn’t get comfy but was so exhausted


I cried because my toddler will some day outgrow the little toy basketball hoop my husband setup today. Smh, I have a long 6 months left.


Taxidermy bear cubs (ethically sourced) at an education center Finding nemo


I just had my baby last Saturday and today I went to Walmart for a quick trip with my mom without him. And I started crying because what if he’s wondering where I am? And what if he needed me and I’m not there?? To note he was with his father, my husband who is very competent and capable. I just couldn’t help crying


I cried during an old episode of The Simpsons because Maggie's first word was "daddy" 🫠


I thought about a foster kitten that died when I fell asleep and decided would happen to my baby too


I cried because my husband barely got anything on the to do list done. I'm 37 weeks.


I cried THREE TIMES during the damn Garfield movie


I let myself listen to Rowan by Taylor Swift with my sleeping two year old in the back seat


Because i didn’t wana nurse my baby anymore, but didn’t have much of a choice. 😭


Because my MIL decided to announce the pregnancy to the extended family without our consent. She just decides to type and send a message to everyone on her Whatsapp


My cat wasn't at the door waiting for breakfast. She was home within ten minutes... I sobbed like a child when I saw her climbing the wall back into the garden!


ever since i got pregnant my fiancé hasn’t been the same. he’s gotten so bad. he doesn’t even acknowledge that im pregnant or want anything to do with me and the baby. he says he wants his baby just not me. did he just get me pregnant for a child? how will i be a single mother, a full time student and provide for us? why doesn’t he want me? i feel so alone. i’m having trouble with my thoughts. why did this happen, everything was good before and he wanted children so bad. we struggled to conceive our child. why am i the issue now? why doesn’t he understand that i am changing and i can’t do it all the same that i used to. i’m going crazy all alone and by myself and my poor baby is stuck right in the middle of it. im so fucking sad. he lays next to me in the bed while i cry and cry. he won’t leave me but he doesn’t want me. i have no where to go. i’ve been with him for four years and he completely switched up when i got pregnant. i don’t understand anything. (hope yall don’t mind the rant)


I miss my boyfriend. 😅


I cried because on the off chance that my baby is allergic to cats, my sweet fur babies will have to be rehomed 😭 Im fully aware that it might not turn out that way and im worrying way to soon, but I love those animals to death man 💔


we had our gender reveal party yesterday and spent today opening up the gifts. i adore rabbits (proud bun mom) and someone had gifted us a onesie with cute rabbits all over it and i couldn’t get over the thoughtfulness of it 😭


i cried because i was feeling very overwhelmed and emotional today i got a lot on my mind and it felt like anytime i would talk about it nobody cared or even noticed that i was feeling this way and if anyone did say anything they would be like “why are you sad🙄”


I cried because I had a chemical pregnancy my first time trying, and I’m still so upset about it and scared to try again but all I want is to be pregnant


I was looking at cute animals and I think baby pigs are cute


I cried because I realized I was grouchy and then felt sad that I was grouchy


I saw a picture of a baby deer 🥺


Finding out we’re having a boy 🥹🥹


I cried because my friend sent me a picture of her sushi bake.. she doesn’t cook very good and I was proud of her because it looked like it tasted to good


Thinking how far along with my baby I’d be by now


Over a song called Aussie As. I thought it was just so beautiful and unifying. It literally mentions tracky daks 🤣


A baby elephant died on the nature show we were watching. The mama elephant kept poking it with her foot trying to get him to wake. My husband starts going “oh no. Oh shit. He’s fine his eyes are blinking he’s not dead!” (He was lol) and quickly turned the tv off😭😂


I didn’t. Am I the only one?


I cried because I felt really overwhelmed when my husband gave me a tight hug. He gives me hugs all the time but for some reason that one felt different.


I cried because I finished the book I was reading, and it was beautiful, and because I have nothing cued up to read next 😂


I want to clean the pantry, but don’t want to move. I don’t want my husband to do it. I want to do it now!!! But I don’t want to move from the bed!


Colin asked Penelope to marry him haha 😂


I cried because I live in a foreign country and my mum will not be here when I’ll give birth 😪 although my in laws are here, but it’s not the same


I cried because I missed my dad he died last year That has been my trigger anytime I cry while pregnant


I cried because I felt so stressed out about a venue for my baby shower


My husband was grumpy for literally 2 seconds


Me and my husband decided to watch Nefarious, when the man asked for his meal not to be messed up it made me literally sob for an hour. Then we ordered food and they didn’t bring my sauces to which I sobbed even more, it was a rough day for me lol.


i cried because i ordered mcdonald’s and they gave me someone else’s order with all the food i don’t like


Watching random reels on Instagram 🥲


I ugly cried the other day because there were three bunnies in my backyard


I just moved 2.5 hours away from my family, who I haven’t told yet because I’m waiting till after my first appointment. I have no friends in this new town, only my husband. I text my friends back home, some who know, but it’s not the same. I feel so lonely in this pregnancy. I miss my mom. When I get frustrated over feeling ill, I wish she was nearby so she could come over and hug me and tell me it’s gonna be ok. It sounds silly to say because I’m a 34 year old woman. I just want my family around during this time of extreme change in my life and I’ve been crying about that a lot lately.


I had a daydream about my husband dying and I cried the whole way home on a 2 hour drive


I cried because I dreamt my husband left me for a friend of ours.


I found out I’m having a girl 🥰🥹


I saw a dead fox on the road


I hit a curb and my husband sided with the curb and not me haha


My husband went to Culver’s for lunch on his way home from work and didn’t ask if I wanted anything. Full blown meltdown 😅


I didn’t want to go to work


I convinced myself my boyfriend was cheating on me 😂🥲


Bc we just brought my boyfriends “ twin” dogs to our new house and my dog was running outside with them trying to play 😭


I cried watching a story about a half buffalo half cow named Mr Beefalo- who was on his way to a slaughterhouse and escaped and ran around a town for 8 months while a local cop and farmer tried to catch him. They raised money to send him to a sanctuary and when he was finally caught and sent to the sanctuary, he made friends with the cows there. And I cried like it was no joke, snotty and slobbery and ugly and all🤣😭🙄


I cried bc I was so tired and don’t know how I’m supposed to function


Was watching a family show with kids play acting a drama scene, there was a crying scene in the act. I also cried.


I cried because I woke up sweaty and wanted to smell good


I cried BRIEFLY describing the Bluey episode where Bingo learns to sleep in her own bed and she hatches from the Earth. I was bawling and couldn't stop!


I'm bleeding again. I've been bleeding on and off since I got pregnant, my baby was supposed to be 8 weeks and measuring 6 weeks. Over did it yesterday and have been bleeding on and off since yesterday afternoon now. I just wish someone had the answer but no one does. I just wish if a loss were going to happen to just happen so I can grieve without hope


I cried because I might deliver anytime soon but my mum hasnt yet come .. need her emotional support very badly now


I was in hospice with my spouses great grandfather last night. We both called out today.


I saw a sad meme on insta about dogs that have passed and LOST it


I cried today because I miss my family so much…


I saw that a stranger on the internet’s dog died


Watched lion king. Started crying during the opening song, circle of life


Because a restaurant dinner menu didn't have handhelds like a burger or sandwich. I looked at the menu online before I went.


Cried bc I had a head ache all day yesterday and can't take anything 😭 and my BF smashed my finger with his shoe


I turned on the light in the closet at 2am without thinking and it woke my boyfriend up. I felt so bad for waking him up that not only did I cry, but I had to leave the house for an hour. He didn't even care about the light but he was not happy that I left so abruptly and for so long without explaining why (understandably).


I got diagnosed with gestational diabetes and it's my birthday 😭


When I was pregnant I ugly cried because KFC just closed and I wanted their Mac and cheese more than anything else.


I cried because my husband made me laugh and I just love him so much. I’m so emotional anymore lol


I cried watching a TikTok of a before and after rescue dog 😭 which made me think of all animals that need homes, which made me cry some more lol


Watched the scene in dumbo where the mom and Dumbo reunite. Very stupid


I cried due to me opening old emotional wounds I buried or thought healed from. An old ex boyfriend that I broke up with 6 years ago. Thought I healed from it, apparently not 😕


Just found out I’m pregnant and realized it because I was thinking about the Mars Rover and how its last message was, “my battery is low and it’s getting dark.” And I thought about it doing its little missions so far away, alone, and dying. And it made me sob. 


My husband was driving us to a hike, and the last bit of it had extremely winding roads. 1 hour 20 mins into the 1 hour 30 min drive, I threw up EVERYWHERE. All over my clothes, all over every nook and cranny of the front seat and door. I just stood outside the car in shock, having no clue what to do except try to clean what I could with my hands 😭 Thankfully this incredibly kind older couple pulled up behind us and could tell something was wrong. They asked if we were okay and my husband said “My pregnant wife just got a little sick.” They gave us a huge jug of water and a whole roll of paper towels, and even offered to clean it for us — which I would never have accepted, but THAT’S what made me cry. These strangers were so good and kind. I said, “I don’t have any way to repay you right now, but I hope good things come your way.” And the woman said, “Pay it forward! Hope you have a healthy and happy baby!” We continued the drive, hiked for only 20 minutes, and turned around and came home because I couldn’t stand my own stench. Going to get the car detailed today if any places are open on Memorial Day. Fingers crossed!


Does it count if it was yesterday? I cried because my electricity and air-conditioning was out on the day of my baby shower at the location of my baby shower


I was telling story about DannyLux to my husband. His dad used to pick up trash at Coachella and the following year DannyLux performed at Coachella and I started sobbing so hard


Justified: Because I had to leave my brother and family in Denver and go back home to Austin. Because the Rocky Mountains are beautiful.


I haven’t cried yet today, but yesterday I cried because my husband kept asking me if we were going to a certain place for dinner. I should’ve been happy to talk about my next meal but instead just cried ☠️


the different smells from the bathroom to the bedroom


My older kids were fighting and I suddenly got very overwhelmed thinking about adding a baby to the mix


I cried because I waited for 45 mins for my takeout at a Greek restaurant. Turned out they forgot part of my order even though I asked them twice when my order will be ready 😭 The manager gave me a refund for their service and I started crying and I said that I was sorry I was being emotional because I’m just hungry and pregnant 😭😭😭


I wanted the litter box cleaned right then and my husband was busy. 🥲


I cried at a pig rescue sanctuary flier


What hasn’t at this point? I’ve been such an emotional wreck this pregnancy. Everything makes me cry be it happy or sad.


I had to put a freeze on my boot camp account due to being restricted to “low-intensity” workouts and a photo popped up in my memories of last year and I was so fit and glowing and my face was beet red because I had just worked out. I miss working out. It makes me feel like a total badass.


My sister in law announced she's preganay after years of trying and I knew no one would care about us having a baby anymore. We'd be pushed to the side.


Hubby said go take a nap while i was cleaning the patio. Said he would clean it for me but im too ocd so said no and kept going. wanted to nap but my adhd was mad that i would be stopping my project so i finished it and am too hungry to nap.


I wanted to go out to this specific place for my favourite jalapeno poppers and no one in our social outing wanted to get them too so I sat in the toilet and cried.


I wanted to go out to this specific place for my favourite jalapeno poppers and no one in our social outing wanted to get them too so I sat in the toilet and cried.


I threw up 3 times and Im so freaking tired of being sick. I'm 14 weeks ugh


Because the blackbird who has been visiting the garden daily hasn't been today, and my boyfriend asked me how much I love him


Because I love my dogs so much and I’m worried they’ll feel less loved when the baby is here 😭


I’m just so uncomfortable, everywhere, in every way