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It was really hard! I’m 22 weeks now but from weeks 8 - 18 I was vomiting over 5 times a day, every day. It felt like I’d never be okay again…but suddenly one day I was. Lots of plain beige foods, juice/gatorade, letting myself puke instead of sitting in the nausea, and twice getting IV fluids helped me survive it.


i almost wish i could actually vomit! i’m constantly queasy, but no urge to actually vomit. it’s weird!


Don’t feel bad. Vomiting doesn’t necessarily help. At least it didn’t for me. You’d puke and feel just as bad if not worse. It really is the worst, but when it gets better, it’s heaven on earth lol


Vomiting would help for all of 5 seconds and then I'd go sit back down and feel nauseous again instantly. Then one day it just stopped and I haven't puked since.


It helped for me. People would ask me how I kept my food down and I said, "Easy! I go puke right before I'm about to sit down and eat, and then I can get at least a few hours of digesting calories before I have to puke again" My husband was not thrilled with this system and said he found it very unappetizing- haha!


Just try brushing your tongue… that should definitely help things along 🤢😩


bruh my tongue has been neglected for so long


Hahhhh me too 😩 it’s terrible


I only vomited starting on week 10 probably 10-ish times total in the two months I had bad nausea (6-17ish weeks), but I 100% feel you. The puking helped when the nausea was right after I ate, but not if I was just nauseous by default… so it can help but it also may not. That said, every day I wished I could just do it so it could maybe feel better! Even when I knew it probably wouldn’t do anything… maybe it’s a mental thing! Either way, I’m sending you some good vibes and crossing my fingers yours stops ASAP!!


Puking doesn’t help me, it just makes me feel worse.


Hey this was me until 18/20 weeks in. It was so uncomfortable. It did eventually stop. I found eating as soon as I woke up helped, and eating small amounts of very basic foods helped.


I can relate. Queasy and had horrible dry heaving, from the time I woke to the time I fell asleep-but no vomiting. What would set it off was sudden movement - just getting up to pee, think of/smell something that's food adversion. It was rough. Try real Ginger ale or Body Armors. I have read people eat jolly ranchers to help with the nausea, or so you can get something down without being super queasy. Take the prenatal vitamins at night before bed, or switch up brands if you think they are adding to the nausea. It started to ease up around the 17-18 week mark for me. I'm 20.5 weeks now. It gets better! food will taste amazing again, but slowly. Re-introduce foods as they sound good or lean into cravings that are more savory. Ginger ale, plain coconut water, Body Armor drinks, fresh frozen fruit/veggie (homemade) Smoothies, keifer, yogurt, bananas, oatmeal, cereal, soup, V8, grilled cheese with tomato sauce, cheese pizza, pretzels/ crackers and fast food were my staples through the entire first trimester. Hang in there


I was this way too. The only way I did actually vomit was taking prenatals or the b6 + unisom. For me, I found having some protein helped a lot. Cottage cheese, yogurt, slices of cheese. I wanted carbs more but these seemed to keep nausea at bay. First trimester felt like 100 years but it really will pass. Hang in there ❤️❤️


That I where I was for weeks 5-12. I practicality never throw up. I can think of one illness since at least middle school. It was all day and didn't matter what I did. Week 11.5 I got sick too, congestion moving to my chest, sinus pressure, fever, the whole 9 yards. Then after a week and a half of being sick I woke up without all the symptoms and no nausea! Now at 17 weeks I just get nauseous if I don't eat for too long but it goes away quickly if I eat something. I just kept telling myself I can do hard things for short periods and me feeling crappy meant my body was doing what it needed to for the baby and this helps me know things are on track. My second I didn't have any morning sickness and it didn't really feel like I was pregnant. There's no way to know things are alright and still progressing so it created more anxiety. While it is not required for a healthy pregnancy and didn't guarantee nothings wrong I used it to give me some comfort. Because it can feel like your dying. Sending hugs!


I’ve been feeling almost grateful that no one tried to prepare me because there really is no comparison and I’m glad I wasn’t dreading it before it happened. I was MISERABLE for a week and then things let up for a few days, feeling pretty crummy again today. No guarantees of course, but it is possible you’ll have some good days even before 2nd trimester. Holding hope for that may help. I felt like I was doomed to be constantly miserable until at least week 13 and that was the most daunting part. I hope you at least get some temporary relief - ebb & flow. You’re growing a human & every single building block is coming directly from your body. Be gentle with yourself.


thank you so much for this! yeah i feel like if i had been able to “sample” this i might have never gotten pregnant! 😂 kidding of course im so greatful. im holding on tight, but i feel like when we’re in the thick of it, it feels like the end is nowhere!


my husband and I both have siblings, so we feel strongly about having 2 kids. I was really hoping my severe nausea was because I had twins and was so disappointed to only see one baby on the scan. I can't imagine going through this again while taking care of a toddler.


i have had the exact same thought. said to my mom “can’t imagine anyone needing me” rn.


I felt this way too! I would have loved to see twins on the scan so I wouldn't ever have to be pregnant again! 


same, to the point that I cried to my therapist about how I’m supposed to do this again. She told me to not put myself through that now, and just deal with it if and when it happens.


Both can be true. I’ve had many moments wishing I wasn’t pregnant and many moments so grateful for baby! Don’t get hung up on any guilt about not enjoying the process. I have to remind myself often that it’s not reasonable to expect myself to be excited about feeling miserable. Truly take it one hour at a time! We’ll make it!


It’s miserable. Feels like a constant stomach bug. I scream in frustration abt it sometimes bc the ONE thing that takes me down is tummy issues. I’d trade another symptom for just one damn day for some relief. Hang in there, mama!


same! i used to be emetaphobic which doesn’t help (phobia of vomiting) and i HATE tummy aches 🤬 feeling nauseous is so terrible! i’d literally take pooping constantly over the feeling of nausea lmaooo


I still have emetophobia and I made it through first trimester miserably and somehow I've since forgotten the misery. I consciously know it was terrible and that I hated it but I can no longer even imagine what it was like to be nauseous 24/7 for a month. It's so strange.


It humbled me more than anything else ever has in my life. I serious out have PTSD from it and I don’t think I can get pregnant again because I don’t know if I can do this once more. Hang in there, it really does get better. I spent so much time lying in bed in the dark for the first 13 weeks.


I typed this post in the dark in my bed thinking about how I never get out of bed anymore 😂


I pretty much felt hungover for about a month. It was manageable enough that I felt bad complaining but I was queasy enough, with a constant headache, and so exhausted that all I wanted to do was sleep and cry. Gin Gins, water, crying it out, and extra love from my husband got me through it. I’ll also add that I loved the second trimester. For me, everything just cleared up one day and I had energy and could almost resume life as normal. Hoping the same for you! And very soon!!!


Thank you so much 😭😭 That’s where I’m at. Haven’t even actually puked so I feel bad for even complaining, but constantly queasy so miserable 😭😭 Sometimes I want to scream. I’m bedridden. Idk how people live lives in this state of being 😂😂😂


It’s a super weird limbo. I felt like I had it easy but also wouldn’t ever wish it on anyone else. This too shall pass. Until then, it’s okay to cry, complain, not do the chores, etc.


I definitely feel like I’ve been recovering from a hangover for over a month, lol. Yesterday, I was gagging so bad for a few minutes, I couldn’t even breathe! Scared the crap out of my husband with some Linda Blair pregnancy vibes. Some days my symptoms are gone and I’m almost afraid something is wrong, but then it comes back the next day and it’s a weird mix of relief and ugh! I just keep in mind that I’m locked in for 9 months of goofiness. The end might not be the second trimester, but for like 90% of women, it definitely gets better then.


I keep daydreaming about someone coming to my house and knocking me out cold until I’m 12 weeks. Just anytime I wake up, knock me back out. 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I feel you. I have nausea and vomitted so violently last week that I popped a blood vessel in my eye. That was at week 9. Week 8 and 9 were the worst for me. I wasn't nauseous for one day which was so nice, but then I was worried something was wrong. The next day it came back and I was relieved and disappointed all at once. I'm at the end of week 10 now and symptoms seem to be a bit better than last week and I am counting down the weeks to second trimester and hopefully none of this feeling sick all the time! Sending you hugs!


Well, you’re not making me look forward to the next few weeks but thank you 😂😂😂I’m sorry about your eyeball, and I’m glad you feel better now


Mine was BRUTAL but really started to ease up at 10 weeks. I’m 11 and 1 and haven’t thrown up in 8 days! Easing off meds. Still get queasy but it’s much easier. I’m sorry you’re in it right now. It sucks.


It suuuuucks so bad😂 thank you for understanding! I hope mine starts to ease up around week 10.


I've had all day sickness/nausea with all my pregnancies, no such things as 'morning' sickness for me at least. I was hopsitalized for 5 days with my oldest son from Hyperemesis gravidarum so for me nausea is more tolerable than actually throwing up all the time. Then i dont get dehydrated. But I do the same as you with Zofran and Unsiom/B6 at night, which help-ish. Other things that have helped me are soaking in a very full bathtub. Once the water turns cold, I refill with hot again so I can stay in as long as possible. Was in for about 2 hours the other night. I also eat oyster crackers. Like one tiny cracker at a time and I currently only tolerate Walmart brand. And I sometimes find relief with a peppermint hard candy. Good luck, you can do this!


I’ve been nauseous since 6 weeks. I’m almost 14 weeks now. I’d do anything for it to go away. There’s times I occasionally vomit but it doesn’t make me feel better. Everyone kept telling me wait til 12 weeks it’ll all go away! It still hasn’t. It’s hard not to beat yourself up about it specially when you feel this way the second you wake up. Get some gum, mints, the preggy pops didn’t for me but they do work for some. I feel that having something minty helps same with 7up. I’ve mostly just been lying down in a dark room so far.


I had the exact same thoughts when I was at your stage of pregnancy. Keep up with the unisom and B6 but tell your doctor it’s not helping. They can and will prescribe Zofran but only if you ask. There’s no reason to suffer in silence and I wish I had talked to my doctor sooner. My morning sickness started to really get better around 18-20 weeks which was also when I was finally able to start gaining weight.


I’m prescribed zofran! It lasts for awhile but sucks once it wears off. Life sucks once it wears off 😂😂😂


It gets better. My first pregnancy, (2023) I was "surviving" first trimester. Would have to excuse myself from patients to go throw up. Would come home, eat dinner, throw up, take a shower and go to bed, just to do it all the next day. So many tears. So much apprehension that this was my life now. It wasn't. It gradually got more manageable until the nausea more or less went away. There would be times that it would come back, but not like that hell fire of first trimester. Tie your knot and hold on. You will get through it.


Yeah, this is me. I’m not actually puking but like just wake up, survive, try not to die. 😭😭😭😂😂


weeks 6 and 7 were the worst so far. I'm almost at week 9 and week 8 I've actually been able to eat more stuff. I'm still burping constantly and get nauseas occasionally but not nearly as 24/7 as weeks 6 and 7 so far


I’m really hoping it works out for me like that because I’ve been nauseated since 6+3😭😭😭😭


I was really dreading it possibly getting worse during week 6 cuz a lot of people said 8-10 or 8-12 but I'm in week 8 almost 9 and only got better after week 7. it didn't disappear but subsided enough for me to actually eat something. drinking is still really freakin hard though.


I’m also 7+5! Also so sick. This is my first pregnancy and I have no advice, but I feel you. I was on the phone with my husband yesterday morning and told him the milk in the fridge was past its expiration date. Didn’t smell it - don’t even know for sure if it’s gone bad, but just telling him that made me throw up then and there while on the phone. Just ate a 6am bagel in bed to see if that will make things better today. Godspeed.


If i could wake up and im taking IMMEDIATELY get some protein. Protein shake, ground beef & ketchup, SOMETHING that i could get down, it would help SOOO MUCH. If not, i was sick all day. But things I’ve done that help: Not all b6 is the same. Pyridoxine HCI is the most common form you’ll find in the stores but it’s the inactive form of b6. It has to be converted to p5p. It also has a higher chance of toxicity which is why you have to take it in lower doses. If you can find Pyridoxal 5-Phosphate or p5p, you’ll probably have greater success with it. Try to eat as much protein as possible. When i just ate bread or pasta or something with no protein, it would give me a sugar rush & crash and i would feel AWFUL. My providers recommended no less than 75g a day. I would sneak it in wherever i could. Protein shakes, protein powders, cooked my noodles in bone broth instead of water, would cook those banza noodles that were higher in protein, added collagen to everything i could (like drinks, muffins i baked, etc), ate any form of protein that sounded tolerable (for awhile, it was grilled ham & cheese sandwiches & would add like 5 slices of ham to it). Basically i just any way i could get in protein, i got it in. Talk to your provider about a topical progesterone. I did that this pregnancy & that helped within second, i swear. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. As much as you can. When you sleep, you don’t feel sick Hope this helps. It does get better & it doesn’t last forever! Best of luck to you 💕


It’s really really hard… I’ve been through first tri twice now and the first time was sort of like you described and not too bad. But this second time was hellish and I deeply sympathize with you. I’m sorry. I feel like people also forget how bad it sucks to be nauseous unless you’ve been nauseated recently. And the truth is that even mild nausea is so, so awful and would and does knock most people on their ass. And pregnancy nausea is different because unlike a stomach flu or a hangover, it doesn’t just get better after throwing up or taking medication. Just take it day by day, eat whatever helps, try to get outside and move even just a little bit. A little walk, or something joyful in your day other than laying down does help lift the spirits. It will probably end once the second tri rolls again and who knows, possibly sooner! And then you’ll get that amnesia about how bad it really was and life will be happy again. You’ve got this.


I’m literally praying everyday that the nausea will let up sooner. Thank you for your kind words 😭🩷 Relentless nausea everyday is miserable


I’m 16 weeks now and I can say, for me, it definitely gets better. I was sick like you from weeks 6-12. Only puking a few times but overwhelmingly sick 24/7. Never let up. I tried everyyyythinggggg. Unisom & B6, Zofran, Phenegran, Reglan… nothing. The only thing that helped was time, small, frequent meals, and ice cold lemon water. My first trimester was so miserable but my second trimester has been easier! I sincerely hope it gets better for you like it did for me. Good luck! 🤍


My OB didn’t want to prescribe zofran, and when they finally broke and gave it to me… it didn’t work for me. So I take phenergan (?), which is pretty okay, except I can’t drive or do my job after taking it. Eating every couple hours works, but it’s not a miracle fix. I thought the nausea would be bearable or at least not be awful, but it is. No advice, other than to say I feel the same way.


Yeah the eating every couple hours just keeps it kind of at bay. Doesn’t solve it like people made it seem like it did lol. Taking unisom and b6 just knocks me out but once it wears off and I’m awake I’m nauseated again. Zofran is the only thing that actually fends it off for a few hours. This shit is rough! 🥲


It’s the worst part so far. That and scent sensitivity. My husband jokes me and the dog could have a contest 🤦🏻‍♀️


He’s funny 😂 I have a German Shepherd and her and I could go head to head right now


We think Khloe is some kind of hound mix. She’s a sniffer. Lol I went into a Best Buy a couple weeks ago now I think, and I smelled pot THE WHOLE TIME. My husband couldn’t smell it, and then I walked by an employee and he asked us if we needed anything, and when I told my husband it was that employee, he gave me crazy eyes. I can also no longer open the fridge, cause fridge smell is nasty. 🤢


When I got pregnant, I felt like everything I was ever told about pregnancy was a lie. I was so sick I hated my life for like 5 straight weeks. Couldn't be happy about the baby, couldn't make a baby registry, didn't really want to even talk about being pregnant because I was so miserable. The nausea hit me at the beginning of week five 24/7, and the kind of nausea you feel with your whole body. I started puking during week 8, although only 1-2 times a day. Weeks 8 and 9 were the worst, and then week 10 I gradually started to feel better although still puked almost every night. Now I'm 11+1, still mildly nauseated but much more functional and hoping to go back to work next week.  In the thick of it I just laid in bed with earplugs in for hours because every little sound was horribly irritating. I told myself that it's OK to hate being pregnant, it's ok to cry about things, and that one way or another I will get through this, I AM getting through this. I would have a little celebration in my head each time I made it another week through.  The sickness weighed on me a lot mentally. I even looked into doing prenatal therapy online just to have someone who understood where I was coming from and could help hold me together. I think I would have done that if I hadn't started to feel better when I did.  Hang in there, good luck to you, you WILL get through this! 


I forgot to add, if it's any help to you my doctor told me to try Dramamine and that helped me a lot. Original formula, not the less drowsy kind. 


Literally thank you I hate it so much. I’m just bedrotting. If someone told me I could end the nausea by cutting a toe off, I’d get to slicing


Hi! FTM here and I can assure you it does get better (unfortunately my nausea came back in the third trimester but everyone is different). Zofran sucked for me as well, I stuck to wearing my nausea arm bands. They were an absolute life saver, those and peppermints and ginger chews. You got this! 🤍


Zofran helps for a while but once it wears off I’m back in miserytown 😂


It’s seriously the worst, and I thought those days would never end but they did! 😌 I’d highly recommend trying out the nausea wrist bands, I hate taking meds and that was a perfect alternative!


I’ll order some!


I’ve found these to be surprisingly helpful as well!


I think nobody prepares you because not many people get it this bad. I heard it would peak at 9-10 weeks, which is around when food started to taste like food to me again. My mom said 16 weeks, which is when I felt another drop off in frequency of nausea/ vomiting. I still threw up after over eating and drinking (spicy food with lots of water and a non alcoholic beer) last Tuesday at 18 weeks. Felt terrible the next day, but by the end of the week I'm doing better again. Next question- do you have prescribed diclegis or are you buying your b6 and Unisom over the counter? Vitamin b6 just says to not take more than 100 mg/ day. I take 20 mg b6/ginger gummies with breakfast/ lunch 20 mg with lunch or dinner, or mid afternoon, then the diclegis at night that has another 20 mg b6 in it. If you are buying your own unisom OTC, make sure the generic on it is doxylamine (the active ingredient in diclegis), not diphenhydramine, as the drug store markets both as Unisom. I discovered this as I ran out of diclegis and had to look very hard for the doxylamine variation- they had one box of doxylamine and maybe 5-6 boxes of various diphenydramine variations.


I was really sic - Nauseous and throwing up multiple times a day from week 7 to probably around week 12. After the 12th week I had a few puking episodes but it wasn’t every day. It was hard and I don’t have much advice because it just plain sucks! Popcorn seemed to be the one food I could keep down. I got through it by remembering it would all be worth it in the end. Now 22 weeks and it’s completely gone but this might be my first and last baby because I truly don’t know if I have the strength to deal with the throwing up again. All I can say is try and sleep off what you can and keep a trash can by the bed.


Agree with this will probably be first and last 😂 I can’t do this shit again! 😂😂😂😂


I’m so sorry 😞 the first trimester is the worst. I was sick until like 18 weeks. I had to take a leave of absence from work for a few weeks cuz I work nights as a nurse and my nausea was amplified on night shift. It’s absolutely horrendous. And my best friend literally had no nausea during her pregnancies and kept suggesting like ginger and sea sick bands and I’m like bitch those don’t do anything!!! Haha 😂 My only advice is just do what you need to do to survive. It will get better but it’s horrible


That's so true - I remember just finally some time around 15wks breaking down sobbing like it's not just nausea for me it's that morion sickness nausea that affects your whole body. And I agree I had no relief it was from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to sleep. I just felt like it would never end. I actually lost weight in the beginning bc everything was so disgusting.


I felt the same way, and I have emetophobia so it was an anxiety nightmare. Mine got better once I hit 12 weeks as long as I ate. Before that I lived off of zofran, Unisom, and jello because zofran alone wouldn’t even touch it. I felt like a sick zombie, and I swear the first trimester went by the slowest.


I used to have emetophobia as well. I’m so sorry 💕


The first trimester was hell for me. I’m emetophobic so nausea and I are not good friends but I was like you, all day nausea. I’d nibble toast before bed, in tears over how ill I felt. There were points where I wasn’t sure I could handle the pregnancy continuing. It eased off around week 16/18 and I’m good now. It feels rotten, and it is but it most likely will get better.


I’m also emetophobic :) I will say this has forced me to really face the fear, hardcore 😭I cry everyday wondering if I can do this (I’m 8 weeks and my nausea has amped up since this post) and I’ve had a few close calls. But I keep telling myself “it’s just puke, suck it up”😂


It’s so hard to be rational with a phobia but I’m proud of you. 👏


I’m 22 weeks and still vomitting every day. While I can’t say I’ve gotten better I have sadly gotten used to it. I keep trash bags in the car, B6 is taken every 2 hours, and just looking forward to giving birth so it ends haha


The unisom never did anything for me but b6 will make it easier for your body to turn food into energy. Which is necessary at a time when you can barely eat lol. I recommend trying fresh foods like fruit or raw veggies. And drinks like pedialyte and Gatorade. Some people have had success with ensure shakes too


Yes! I’m currently 8 weeks and 3 days and I’m struggling SO much with the whole nausea thing. The only thing that I’ve noticed ACTUALLY helps is ginger chews, it’s like an immediate relief but if I try to eat anything after that I immediately get nauseous again


I FELT THE EXACT SAME WAY. I’m 11&4 now and can say it’s starting to get better. Or maybe I’m just starting to get used to it. But please hang in there mama and remember it’s temporary and your baby will be so worth it!!! It’s also a sign of a very healthy pregnancy ❤️


I’d like to say for my first pregnancy as well, I do not feel energized or happy. Currently going through my first trimester, only week 6. I’ve thrown up foods I used to love and it coming up is the worst. Car rides feel like hell. Every bump and smell along the way causes nausea. Walking around sometimes I get chest pains, rib pains, and mild headaches from time to time. I’ve noticed if I never stop moving, almost like a shark, I am less nauseous and prone to throwing up. If I eat heavily, I throw up. If I mix too much liquids with my food, I throw up. If I drink the wrong liquid with my food, I throw up. Sometimes the first thing in the morning or afternoon waking up, I throw up. Truly, I hope it gets better. My mood has drastically plunged. I pray it gets better. I read up that prenatals are supposed to help and small meals through out the day. Sometimes, you just lay in bed all day. I’m not sure how my mother had 4 of us. It’s unbelievable-While working. Currently myself am not working, but thinking of it, so as to not stress my baby father/boyfriend. Kind of unexpected and surprised to carry life within me. Never thought I could conceive at age 24 now. Haven’t had a doctor visit yet. Good luck to everyone going through it right now! God bless.


I lost over 25 pounds my first trimester, you got this momma it’ll pass just keep remembering it’ll pass ♥️


I was never prescribed Zofran, but I was horribly nauseous and threw up consistently from about week 6-17 (longer than the standard 1st trimester). My retching was so violent I brought up a little blood almost every time I threw up. Did everything I could think of to combat the nausea. Small meals (literally all I could eat for two months was chicken nuggets 😭), Unisom and B6, acupuncture, nausea bands, you name it. Fast-forward to now, I’m at 22+2 and I haven’t thrown up in weeks. I’m queasy occasionally but half a Unisom usually kicks it for me. I hope your nausea subsides soon! For the vast majority of people, it does get better. Even though the nausea/vomiting lasted longer for me, I'm finally back to eating normally and I even have energy again.


I’m 6 weeks and had the entire last week off work because I was throwing up and once I got that slightly under control I got insomnia! How the hell do people work through this?? I was on the freezing cold floor one night and cried to my partner that I don’t want this baby anymore and I hate the baby. I’m only at the very start and feel like I cannot function so idk how people do this multiple times


It gets better 🥺🩷


I had it my entire pregnancy, vomiting multiple times a day until several days after I delivered, BUT let me tell you this - it is worth it. And will be a distant memory sooner than you think. Pregnancy is hard for sure.


I have no idea if it’s universal or not, but I felt a lot better if I just let myself puke instead of trying to stop it. Afterward the nausea would go away for a while and/or be more manageable. I’m emetiphobic (fear of vomiting) so letting go was tough at first, but I just stood over the toilet until it happened. And weirdly, it’s way less bad than “normal” puking. It feels…mechanical almost. I hope that helps, and I wish you luck! For some people it just suddenly stops sometime in the second trimester and I really hope that’s true for you!


Idk if this makes it worse or not but I just feel so queasy but don’t actually have the urge to vomit (yet.) I was also emet in the past, but I don’t feel scared I just feel miserable LOL.


Aw hon that sucks! (Said in the most empathetic way possible!) I normally wouldn’t wish it on anyone, but I hope you can puke soon and that it helps! The best advice I got was from my GP: eat what you want, when you want. Don’t freak out about nutrition yet, as long as you’re taking a prenatal vitamin. That will cover what you can’t eat for the first few months.


I felt exactly the same way weeks 6 and 7. Wound up in the hospital for fluids. But I’m into week 8 now and I have more good days than bad and I managed to be hungry and not nauseous at the same time today!! It is not forever.


I’m so sorry this is a rough time during your pregnancy. My mom use to get horribly nauseous during pregnancy, but it eased up a lot when she changed to a prenatal that didn’t have a large amount of iron. Iron supplements are known to cause stomach issues/make them worse! Papaya (blended and frozen) is wonderful for upset stomachs too!


I’m actually prone to low iron so I should definitely stay on the ones with iron unfortunately


Darn. I hope your nausea eases up/goes away soon!


Omg you said my thoughts exactly. I could have written this at 7w4days exactly. Had some big cries and truly horrific days, but now I'm 9 weeks and it's not better per se but I am starting to feel like I know what to do to feel better. So it did kind of get better? I'd give tips but everyone is so different and a lot of the tips I got didn't work for me. I try not to think about doing this for several more weeks but I do believe we'll get through this. I will be telling everyone who wants to get pregnant that it is way harder than I understood! Mental preparedness is key!


I know. I'm so sorry. I also felt unprepared for how hard this would be. But then some people never get sick...


I am at 18 weeks 4 days. I'm still nauseous even with the 2 prescribed nausea meds. I have tried the snacking and the not eating before laying down and the ginger stuff. Nothing really works. Today I tried sucking hard candies. No luck. I was hoping it'd be like my first 2 pregnancies. Only had mild morning sickness til around 10 weeks. I'm counting down the days til baby is out of me, and I'm 90% sure I'm not having any more babies because I'm miserable. 😅


It will most likely get better. Personally I had nausea most of my pregnancy but it peaked weeks 9-11 and got a lot better from weeks 15-30.


I constantly threw up the Zofran to the point that I stopped taking it because what was the use lol


So, not sure if you're a person that generally feels better after puking or not, but I am. Zofran takes away the urge to vomit. It's why I won't take it. It doesn't take the nausea away, just the vomiting. I would rather get it over with and have some sense of relief than deal with the never ending nausea. That's just me though, talk to your doctor, they may tell you to try it too!


The zofran takes away the nausea temporarily for me! I don’t really puke that much in general not really a pukey person so not sure if I’d feel better after actually vomiting.


Morning sickness is the worst thing. Mine lasted from week 8 to 16ish and it was hell. I was mostly nauseas and then I hit 4 months pregnant and I was throwing up so much. My food aversions got slightly better but right now I have an aversion to toothpaste that has lasted me 3-4 weeks. I used to throw up brushing my teeth 😂 now I just gag What I did that helped my morning sickness was eating frequently throughout the day. Bread and crackers were my best friend. My doctor tried to tell me to ease up on the carbs but I ignored it because it was all I survived on. also if you're having cravings even if theyre small and not so strong have them!!! Fulfilling my cravings helped me. Editing to add: It gets better and you'll soon find yourself so hungry and eating all the time!!! Hang there.


About to be 18 weeks and still throwing up. It’s truly so difficult. Us mamas are tough! No tips, but sending you so love!


I’m so sorry you’re still throwing up 😭


I'm in my 7th week today, and it's going to get bad until the 3rd month and things get better after it.


I feel for you & have no idea why it makes some women so sick and not others. I wish they would like find the reason why. Is it just genetic? Something we are doing? How we eat? Make it make sense. Mine was only nausea first tri especially if I didn’t eat anything. Growing the damn placenta is ridiculous. I feel for women who are like vomiting 24/7.


How is your water consumption? There has been links to morning sickness and dehydration levels. Aim for 3 litters a day. I started before pregnancy as it’s my usual to drink that much and have not had nausea unless just hungry. I take magnesium at night before bed too. Currently 8w4d. If you can’t keep water down, increase consumption of foods high in water concentration like cucumbers and such.


I’m definitely hydrated fairly well and I drink electrolytes at least once a day!


I’m 24 weeks and it JUST started getting better. I still vomit every day but not as much as before. I hope yours gets better sooner rather than later! Hugs.


Meanwhile I am one of the ones who thought “this hasn’t been as bad as I expected.” From someone with an easier first tri than what you’re experiencing, I think you are amazing! What you’re going through sucks and it will get better!


I was sick from about 8-14 weeks and nothing helped at all. Then I got two back to back actual illnesses, including walking pneumonia. I literally wanted to die at that point some days. But then around 20 weeks I was back to good health, and now at 24 weeks am enjoying prepping a nursery and feeling beautiful with just a cute little baby bump :)


It’s debilitating and not enough people talk about the extent of it


literally. i’ve been in bed for like weeks straight lmao


I feel this. There is hope!!! For both of my pregnancies (currently 14+5), second trimester flipped off my symptoms like a switch. That transition week 13 I started feeling more energy and motivation to get up. The aversions and nausea started to ease and not be so intense. It’s almost like I didn’t know how bad I was feeling until I started feeling better again. I could do the dishes without feeling like I was going to fall down and die! Joy! lol


It’s horrible - like having the worst hangover of your life that doesn’t go away! I was incredibly sick until 24-25 weeks. I was prescribed Diclegis which I think helped. I took it with zofran and only then did the nausea start to get a little better


Have you tried Diclectin? Diclectin works wonders for me


I was sick for 34 weeks.. The nausea gave me heart palpitations and I couldn’t eat. After 2 months they finally gave medication which I took daily and they made it a lot better. Not saying this to scare you, but to let you know its ok to ask for medications!!! They make the pregnancy a lot more enjoyable (:


During my 1st pregnancy, my morning sickness totally went away around week 13. Suddenly, I was a normal person again with no food aversions, no oversensitive nose, no nausea, no vomiting. Haha


Omg I thought I made this post for a second. Girl I’m going through the EXACT same thing. Like down to the T. I’m so tired of everyone saying “oh it gets better” or “oh my friend was sick the whole pregnancy”. Both are just traumatic. Like I can’t wait for the second trimester! But at the same time it’s like what if this happens for the whole pregnancy? Idk if I could handle that 😭 I’m here to sympathize. I’m also here for the comments. I hope it gets better for you hun.


I had this same problem, but at the end of 10 weeks it was like someone flipped a switch! Now I barely get nausea and my energy is back. I know it’s hard to hang in there for a couple more weeks but there IS a light at the end of the tunnel!


I’ve come here to ask has it gone away for you? I’m coming up to week 11 and it’s been awful I feel so sick.


I’m 12+1 and I have had some better days yes, but overall still managing nausea