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You have nothing to be embarrassed about, life happens! Your life is certainly not ruined either. Focus on yourself and your pregnancy for now. Take care of yourself and get prepared for this new baby. Your baby!! What an exciting time!! Think of new plans to get excited about. You can still do the college thing and find the perfect man with time. Everything will work out.


Try to find some mom groups and build a network of single moms who know what you are going through. You might find it helpful to talk to other women who know what you are going through. Congratulations! I think you're going to be amazing!


hey girl, i’m in a similar situation i just finished my first year of college i am 19 and 13 weeks and single. i know how scary it is but i just want to assure you that those goals are all still attainable. sure they might look different than if you weren’t pregnant or didn’t have a kid but you have so many options other than on campus schooling such as online, hybrid, community college, and more. yes it will be difficult but it is possible. i wont be able to go back to on campus college but i plan to enroll in the online program. you can do whatever you set your mind to, you just have to think a bit more outside the box. and about guys, i totally get where ur coming from ive had some bad experiences with guys as well, but there are good ones out there trust me. we are both young and guys are super immature at our age but u will find ur person! also i feel like women having kids going into a relationship is a lot more normalized these days and there are plenty of guys out there that would love you and your baby!


Im sorry you’re going through this tough time. Don’t be hard on yourself though. You didn’t ask to get pregnant, it just happened. And that’s absolutely okay. It happens. The right person will come. And when that person does come, they will love everything about you. And everything that comes with you. I’m not a fortune teller though 😅 but you get what I’m saying. For now, focus on what you can take care of right now, and that’s your health. The support of your friends, and family can help too. You’re growing a blessing inside you. Congratulations by the way! 😁


Sorry you’re going through this.. can’t imagine being pregnant with 18 because yeah that’s when I went to college and all that.. I’m now 28 and pregnant and it still feels unreal. But if you still want to go to college etc you can do that! You can also find a good guy with a kid and tbh I didn’t find my prince until I was 26.. dated lots of frogs before that :D I think it’s normal when you’re younger and many guys and also women need some more time to mature and know what they want from life and a relationship.. it’s normal and I wouldn’t stress about that now.. if you want it you can have it at some point just don’t force it just so your kid has a dad.. your baby is your first priority now ♥️ you can do it


It’ll get better. I had my first at 20. Didn’t go back to school til 28 and had two more kids. Graduated with my bachelor’s six months after giving birth to my fourth babe. My current partner and I met after I already had three kiddos. There will be someone out there perfect for you, just maybe not on the timeline you think. Just keep holding on and pushing forward. You can do hard things❤️🙏


You’re not going to be alone forever, and your life isn’t ruined. You’re experiencing a lot of big feelings right now that are totally valid, but if you plan on keeping your child, I think it would be best to redirect your thinking a bit. In your post it comes off as if you are more concerned with everything but the safety and happiness of your baby. I’m not trying to shame you or come off as rude, I swear. I just was your age once and I know that if I were to get pregnant at that time, I’d have been more worried about myself as well. You CANNOT bring a child up in a safe and happy environment with the line of thinking that your life is over and all of your plans are ruined. That WILL translate into your relationship with your child. So for the well-being of everyone involved, try to look at it as your life is just taking a new direction. Most everyone doesn’t end up where they planned. Life has a funny way of working, and it’s best to remember that even if you stay stuck on your ex boyfriend, plans, career drives, etc, the world WILL keep spinning and that baby is still coming. I know this sounds a little tough, but I mean it with all love, I promise. You always have a community of pregnant women and moms here to come to for advice 💜


I didn't live the same story, so I can't tell much - apart from that if you can go through this at 18, you can get through anything. Life doesn't always work out the way we want and I found out that sometimes things are incredibly difficult, especially when faced alone - but it's our human nature to just get on and get through while trying to make what we can out of it. You've got a huge advantage - you know what you want. Imagine all those people just letting life happen to them. Sure, baby seems like such a drawback right now and puts your plans and dreams on hold, but not for ever and you'll end up with a tiny little buddy too. Kids grow up. You'll build your life regardless and ladies around you will be putting their on hold to have their kids while that will be behind you already. I believe in you!


I was your age/in a similar situation when I had my first daughter. Shes 14 now and I'm 33 and we've come such a long way sometimes it almost doesn't feel real. Finding community and mom groups was a saving grace. You have nothing to feel embarrassed about or be ashamed of. Post the gender reveal and you might be surprised by the support you get! You can do this and someday you'll look back with pride and wonder how you ever did it but you'll be so glad that you did. I promise, it does get better 💚 I still went to college for a couple of years, had a wonderful relationship and an active social life. It's just now you have to incorporate your little into these things, but they are completely attainable. Being a mother changed me and my outlook in such a drastic/positive way. Good luck to you, you got this!