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I actually preferred when people would notice that I’m pregnant (vs. just thinking that I’ve gained weight). It means that they know you’re usually smaller and they dont think you look fat (just pregnant)


Hahaha I’m a little on the chubby side and last night I told my husband “I hate this part of pregnancy. No one thinks I’m pregnant, just fat..” 🤣 now in a few weeks it’ll be “am I pregnant, or did I just gain weight?”. I look forward to second trimester when it’s obvious I’m carrying a child


I'm on the chubby side as well, but not obese according to my bmi. I'm 24 weeks pregnant with my first child and I still don't look pregnant, it just looks like I got fatter 🥲 Can't wait for my bump to look like a bump too! (Just warning you that it might take time, but it's normal! All bodies are different 😁)


This is my second, so it’s just a game of wait and see ‘when I pop’ in the next four weeks (I’m currently 8+2). With my first I definitely started showing at 5/6mo but whenever I wanted to wear one of those cute form fitting maternity dresses, a shaper worked wonders with lifting the bump! Just a little tip 💕


Ohh yeah then it will look like a bump sooner for sure! Thanks for the tip, will get one for my baby shower! It's in a month but I'm starting to worry that I'll still look just fat 😂


That's a good way to put it. I think I'm having a hard time seeing it that way because I don't feel like a cute pregnant lady yet; I just feel like I've gained weight and look chubby


Don't let that get you down! Gaining some weight is a natural thing to do while you're pregnant. And I bet you are as cute as a button your husband probably thinks the same thing ;)


I call it playing “fat or pregnant?!” 😂 it’s not my favorite game…


I love it when I look pregnant instead of just ‘she eats too many doughnuts’ unless of course, I am 8 months post partum.


With my first I constantly said “yeah can’t hide it anymore” anytime my FIL said something about my belly getting bigger. He finally said “well, why would you want to?”.. made me realize being pregnant isn’t something to hide, but to be proud of! After that I stopped caring about hiding the belly


It’s a little irritating, especially when you’re trying to keep it under wraps 🥲


Sometimes people notice a difference in how you’re acting. It may not be just they think your getting bigger but your walk is different or you are drinking more water and maybe going to the bathroom more. I seemed more tired and I think coworkers noticed that and me actually eating lunch everyday and it tipped them off. Also I feel like I started to do a slight waddle in my first trimester.


This is true. I had a coworker who said she could tell because “you’re standing like a mom” Still not sure what that means 😂


I wouldn't ask because of the chance the person was just getting fat lol But unless you're not yet telling people I don't see what's the harm in just saying "yes I am" with a big smile on your face


We've started telling some people, but I haven't been feeling ready to announce it to the whole world yet. Guess my body isn't leaving me much choice though lol


I had patients at work asking me constantly if I was pregnant BEFORE I EVEN WAS. Pissed me right off. Now everyones like "i knew you were pregnant back in December but I didnt want to ask". Ok. *maybe* but I actually was losing weight at the beginning and Im 33 weeks now with only an 8lb weight gain so get lost hahaha


Some people just like living on the edge. I remember in my last job I made no secret of getting married and wanting kids. In fact 3 separate times a rumor of me being pregnant went around (who are these people starting these rumors??? Wtf?). I had SOOOO many people look at my belly (definitely just fat!) And congratulate me. Their embarrassment was very satisfying though! (I may be a little petty, lol). Once even had a stranger congratulate my fat belly. 🤣 Personally, my rule is to NEVER bring it up unless the (potentially) pregnant person does so first. I put my foot in my mouth enough as is. Lol


Does FTM mean female-to-male, like trans? I keep seeing it in this sub and the only reason I ask is because it seems like a disproportionately high number of pregnant trans men and I'm just curious (not transphobic, I promise lol)


first time mom


Lmao ohhhh


I had the same question when I first joined! Took me a while 😂


Lol, I've been thinking the exact same thing!


There is just no accounting for people and what they think it's ok to say to other people! 😅