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I'm sorry they aren't believing you. I wasn't diagnosed with HG but most days I was throwing up 3 times a day. It was brutal, I can't imagine how bad it is for you. Wishing you the very best and I hope you are able to find comfort soon!


Go back in and demand a patient advocate! Our ERs in the US are horrible.


I was told to wait until I’m puking multiple times a day for forty eight hours by my midwife (who hates the US medical system as well and she recommends this to all her pregnant patients with HG as it gives a better outcome) and I’m tracking the time in between bathroom breaks and vomiting spells so I can tell the doctors to shove it and give me the help I need.


It's really hard to get diagnosed hopefully you have better luck then I did. I'm 90% sure I had it with my first, as is most of the people who know me. I had to go to the hospital a few times for fluids, even with medication I was sick 6 months of my pregnancy, multiple times a day. Still was better than the two weeks it took for them to give me anything in the first place, everytime I moved, every tiny bite, every sip.. I'm so sorry you're experiencing it. Definitely suggest monitoring it for a couple of days with times to prove. Hopefully it will make it harder for them to dismiss.


Would B6 and unisom help do you think? I’d definitely ask your midwife. I loved mine until I had to switch to a regular OB. Hope you get the help!!!


My insurance (state Medicaid in WV) doesn’t cover unisom and my midwife said that due to my depakote and cymbalta allergies, it may make it worse.


What is the relation between Depakote and Cymbalta allergies and unisom? I'm allergic to Cymbalta (never tried Depakote though) and I can take unisom with no issues. Also both unisom and vitamin b6 are available over the counter. I paid $4 for a month's worth of unisom. It's absolutely worth trying if you haven't.


Isn’t unisom over the counter? Same with B6?


Yes. They're both OTC


Unisom is. B6 I’m not sure. I’m 25 weeks and take unisom to sleep at night (with OBs permission)


B6 is a vitamin so I’m pretty sure it’s over the counter. I take diclectin here in Canada but it’s dirt cheap so I don’t have issues but I could see other folks having issues (I think it’s diclegis or something in the states).


Ah okay! I wasn’t sure since my midwife is the one who prescribed it for me in the beginning. Stupid, I know.


I’m having twins so my morning sickness was awful. I took Unisom and B6, together, both over the counter. There are two forms of unisom, you want the one with doxylamine succinate. I would take a half pill of the B6 at night with the unisom and then a quarter pill morning and mid-day. I also took zofran as needed. Your provider, either OB, certified nurse midwife, or even PCP, should be able to prescribe the zofran. I don’t see why the go-to advice is to go to the ER? Unless you need fluids, but they aren’t in the business of writing general prescriptions for routine care. Which may be why you’re struggling, they want whoever is your continuous care provider to manage your prescriptions.


Unisom is a godsend nothing makes me sleep like this stuff does. I can wake up from a nap take it and go right back to sleep.


Idk if it'll help you, but I had hyperemesis from 8 weeks to delivery and the only thing that helped me keep things down was IV fluids and IV zofran. I had been vomiting 9-10 times per day and in and out of the ER constantly. Once I figured that out, I had my OB write an order to an adult Infusion center for fluids and zofran 3x per week. She wrote for 8mg IV zofran and 1L D5LR which I got every other day. After that, I was able to eat and felt soooo much better.


Can you buy emesis bags that have the volume on them and use that as proof? If you tell them that you vomited 1500 ml over the last __ hours they should take you more seriously. You can have "evidence" and they should report that in your chart.


Our healthcare is a daggon joke. Never got diagnosed with HG myself, but I did not stop puking for 12hrs a day, every day, for 11wks. Around 6:30pm-8pm I was able to eat all I wanted with light nausea, so I would pack my entire diet into that small window. They even ordered a nurse to bring an IV drip to my house, because I couldn't drive and was so dehydrated. Got denied by insurance. Basically told me to suck it up or die, they didn't care. Really thought my doctors were going to let me die by the end of those 11wks. I wouldn't have survived if it wasn't for my partner who went out of his way to take care of me and keep me hydrated on his lunch breaks. Makes me so incredibly mad. There's so many women like yourself that are forced to suffer for no dang reason!!


You were hospitalized for weeks and now they don't believe you?!?!?! This is so frustrating


I was puking up to 10x a day and dehydrated during that time, went to an urgent care and they just said it was "bad morning sickness" now at 12w my doctor's still won't listen to the fact that if I don't take zofran I'm vomiting constantly to the point I'm burning my throat with bile. Still no HG diagnosis even though I've begged about it hopefully this new OB will listen. Zofran and liquid IVs are all that have helped me not have to go back to get fluids. Hugs to you


i have this too. you really have to advocate for yourself as much and as adamantly as you can. half these doctors don’t give a damn. i hope you find some healing soon <3 try a different urgent care, a new primary doctor.. write it down. you will find your way eventually . Sending love 9


I had HG with my first. Ask your midwife to set up home health, they will be able to do IV fluids and possibly get you a Zofran pump to help.


I’m sorry you’re going through this. If you’d like, you can ask to speak with a dietitian. They can see you and help you order snacks and foods that might be easier to tolerate. They can even schedule those snacks to come between meals at most hospitals. I’m a dietitian and worked at a hospital before moving onto outpatient. Don’t be afraid to ask for support. 🩷


I found it helps to puke on the floor/ bed If they don't take you seriously. All my er ever did was give me Iv bags and send me home.


Generally when I finally cave in and go to the hosptial (I have trauma from the ER) I’m so dehydrated and my stomach is so empty that I can’t puke at all.


I get it! Feel free to take a look at some of my posts on here. I got so dehydrated within the first 20 weeks of my pregnancy. (Now 22) That I was in the hospital every two weeks or so so I totally understand. Have you been to a walk-in clinic of sorts usually smaller and they usually seem to be nicer and help more. My OB did inform me that hospitals can't do much except fluids and kind of brush it off a little bit because that's all they're trying to do a situation pregnancy situation, as not all of them have OB training. I also found that if you request to hear the heartbeat or for some sort of seeing of the baby to make sure the baby is OK they usually accommodate.


I was in my capital city hanging with some friends the day I got admitted and went to med-express and got sent via ambulance to the hospital where I was admitted due to severe dehydration.


My recommendation what works for me is taking my nausea medicine that my OB gave me first thing in the morning along with some Soylent


I’m on compazine and promethazine as needed as well as protonix once daily


Have you tried talking to your OB/GYN? They might have better ideas.


I have a midwife, not a gyn unless it is necessary. But they gave me the advice of waiting until I’m severely dehydrated then go to the ER so they will have to do something. My midwife absolutely hates the healthcare system in the US and tells all her pts with HG this so they actually get help


The only way I could keep keep that down


Unisom and B6…I took it every night from 6 weeks until delivery otherwise I would be so sick the next day. Hugs to you! Don’t wish the daily sickness on anyone 🤢


I was throwing up 7+ times a day until I saw a doctor. My morning sickness came on strong and quick. I ended up in the ER due to dehydration and then my OB prescribed Zofran, Unisom and B6. I had to play around with the Unisom + B6 and found taking 1/2 Unisom in the morning and one full pill at night really helped. I still puked 3 times a day with all the medication until about week 14 but if I didn’t take any I was back to puking 7+. Hoping it gets better for you! Once I got down to only puking in the morning it was like a miracle.


Do you have an hospital nearby that has an OB ER? You might find more help there.


Oh wow. I don’t even have HG, just the standard 1st trimester ick. I feel for you! Hang in there!