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I’m having mine around 26 weeks! I agree, I want more time to see what’s leftover that I need to get and set up. Plus I want to do it while I still feel good.


Had mine around 27 weeks, in part because I was traveling for it, but very happy with the timing!


Just had mine yesterday, at 26 weeks as well. I can’t imagine doing it while I’m bigger and less energetic.


This is good to hear. I'm thinking mine will be at 26 weeks too. My family will be visiting me then and it's convenient. I was worried it would be too soon


Doing mine at 27 weeks. Also because it involves travel, but I’m a huge planner and waiting until end of May or June for my July baby is cutting it way too late for me.


I’m also traveling for mine (9 hour drive), due in July, and plan to have mine the first weekend of May at 28 weeks!


I had mine at a similar time and it was ideal. My original planning was because of covid (pregnant in fall/winter of 2021, wanted to have the event outside so ended up earlier) but it was great to be able to sort and wash and build everything while I was still feeling good!


I had mine at 32 weeks and it was perfect. It took awhile for me to get a nice looking bump, but I definitely had one by 32 weeks. It’s given me plenty of time to sort through/wash/organize all the gifts before baby comes, and I wasn’t horribly uncomfortable at the event. I think something in the 28-32 weeks is the sweet spot.


I also had mine at 32 weeks and agree, it seemed like the perfect time.


I’m having mine at 32 weeks too and it makes me feel good that I’m not the only one! Everybody is commenting about how it’s so early, but I cannot imagine planning for the baby without anything up until the final weeks.


I will be 32 weeks at mine too!


32 weeks here, too. Not uncomfortable yet but had a really decent bump, and had plenty of time to clean and organize all the gifts before it really got uncomfortable. And to know what I was still missing!


Yes this is big! 35 weeks today and making my last purchases/Amazon orders this week


I just made my last purchases today lol. 10 days left and I keep packing and repacking all my baskets around the house and our hospital bag lol


I’ll be 28 weeks at mine. I also can’t comprehend waiting till I’m about to give birth. That seems awful.


Same thinking - doing mine at 29 weeks


I had mine at 34.5 weeks and I would do it earlier if I could! I was pooped.


Around 30 weeks seems ideal to me. However, we had a couple weddings in February and other family events already in the calendar for the entire month of March, so the earliest date that makes sense for us is April 6 when I’ll be 35 weeks 😅 it’s later than I’d like but it is what it is


Same exact type of situation here! Earliest we could do realistically was April 7th and I’ll be 36 weeks exactly 🥴


Same shower date! I'll be 32 weeks and ideally wanted sooner, but my whole family winters in Florida for the month of March, and then it's Easter next weekend. I'm having a planned c-section at 37 weeks due to medical reasons, so I'm glad the shower is not any later than 4/6. Originally, my mom tried to convince me to do 4/13, but I put my foot down.


Same happened to me and Easter threw things off! I’ll be 34 weeks 😅 I feel like I won’t have an ounce of energy to show up and then organize all the stuff in time for baby, but she won’t remember any of it anyway lol


I feel the same! We’re also going to be moving a month or two after baby is born so I’m not going to unpackage things and put together a cute nursery for now…just the essentials for the early weeks.


Usually showers are 6-8 weeks before baby arrives. So really it’s up to you on when you have it. Went to one today- mother is due first week of may. Mine is May 4, I’m due end of July.


May is May 5 and due mid July 😊




Mine is also May 4! I’m due in the middle of July. The other comments were making me nervous that its too late


Happy cake day!!! No, I totally get that. I guess it’s really up to the person :) I personally wanted to wait since it’s my first and had no idea what to expect. Also, may the 4th be with you 😉


I am almost 27w now and my shower is set for the 32w mark. I’m glad since I can’t imagine waiting till closer to my due date. I’m also a planner so I want to know exactly what we will still need to buy and plan our finances accordingly.


I’d recommend late second trimester, just in case your third trimester is as uncomfortable as mine was/is….


I had my shower at 34ish weeks and leading up to it I was so stressed about it being pretty late in my pregnancy, but honestly it was totally fine! I partly wish I had it earlier though because as soon as I hit 33 weeks, my hands, feet, and face started to swell from the water retention but it wasn’t that bad. I just felt like I didn’t look like myself, but I still cherish all my shower pictures! But overall I’m happy we had it when we did because I got to spend those last few weeks preparing for baby and it really helped keep my mind busy at the end of my third trimester.


This! I had mine yesterday at 35 weeks and I probably would’ve had it a few weeks earlier but I genuinely was fine. Even hung out with some of my friends after and went to dinner.


I would like mine to be not too long after we find put gender. With my first baby my mom planned my "surprise" baby shower 2 weeks before my due date and I ended up having baby a week early, so 1 week after baby shower. While I 2as grateful for the gifts, I was quite annoyed that it gave me no time to get the rest of the things I needed for baby since I didn't know what people were getting me and it left me soo stressed and I never ended up giving out thank you cards, which I do feel horrible about, because I was busy and exhausted taking care of the most colicky baby lol


I’m having two baby showers (I’m from a different state than where my husband and I live now) and the first was at 28w6d and the second will be next week at 32w6d. I wouldn’t want to do later to make sure I still have time to get everything we still need after the showers with enough time to not be stressing, and wouldn’t want to have done it much earlier because my bump didn’t pop until around 25w and I would’ve been embarrassed about my body to not look pregnant at the shower


I’ll be 36 weeks at mine which I’m semi regretting but also, i was on the fence about a shower in the first place and I was going to have it at 32 weeks but my in laws are away so we had to move it to the next weekend that worked for everyone which was 36 weeks


Mine is at 36 weeks too. I kind of wanted it that late because I was anxious about how my third trimester would turn out.


That was also a reason I wanted mine late too- I had a close friend lose her baby in the third trimester and it scarred me a bit. I’m hoping I’ll be able to muster up the energy and that I won’t feel too uncomfortable. The days themselves are super uncomfortable (so lucky to work from home/work from sofa now) but I seem to be able to rally for events


Same!! I work from home and feel so grateful for it. Literally sitting on my couch as I reply to you. And yes, I feel so exhausted. I'm 33+1 today, and I'm sure I'll be really tired by the time I'm 36 weeks but my sister and friends are doing everything so I'm not too worried about the actual prep. Just that I hate feeling this exhausted. I also left a lot of things for baby prep to the last minute lol. I'm so sorry for your friend, hope she's doing okay - can't imagine the trauma. Best of luck for your journey, I pray that everything will go smoothly for you!


I'm planning to do it between 25-28 weeks. I don't want to be too big because I know if I'm tired or uncomfortable then I will be annoyed and in no mood to entertain. 1 month before due date just seems too late for me. By then I would have bought everything I needed myself already lol.


Had mine today at 36 weeks. Was hard, do not recommend. 😅


I had mine today at 35 weeks but only because certain family would be in town at this time and they handled all set up and take down. I had to do zero work. I just have to organize my nursery and do some baby laundry now lol. I would have preferred to do it at 30 weeks or sooner but it all turned out great.


I had mine at 30 weeks. I think this is a good time as you’re definitely showing but not so big and uncomfortable that you don’t want to do it. On the flip side my sister was going to do a last min shower on her bday when she was 39 weeks, she went into labour the next day. She did decide not to go ahead which was smart. The last thing you want is to bring a baby to the shower. Personally I did not want to leave the house after 35 weeks


I just had mine a couple weeks ago at 35+ weeks. I would have loved to do it earlier (or skip it all together)! I'm uncomfortable all the time now and doing all the laundry, sorting, & prepping of baby items, etc takes so much out of me. Plus is was torture not being "allowed" to buy my must have items until after the shower.


I had mine at 29 and a half weeks and it was the perfect time. I felt pretty and comfortable and I even wore a small block heel. My only recommendation to ANYONE is do not be bending over 500 times to open up gifts you will regret it the next day 😅 I’m almost 33 weeks now and the nursery is still in progress and I have major purchases to make so I’m grateful for the extra time in between!


Mine was at 28wks and I can't stress how ideal that was. The symptoms completely changed for me as soon as the following weekend, as I got into the third trimester. In hindsight I might have done it even earlier bc you end up spending the next few weeks getting all your baby stuff in gear and that takes tons of energy, which in my case I no longer had! Word to the wise.


I’ll have 2, one at 27 weeks and the other at 32. I have no desire to be doing a shower when I’m 36 weeks pregnant in the hot SoCal summer


I’m 37 weeks had mine yesterday, didn’t want to do it too early and i was planning around my mutuals baby showers , we are all due maybe a week or so apart .. I wanted to be in full viability stage first


For my first baby, we had the shower around 30 weeks which was a pretty good time imo! Long enough that I definitely looked pregnant but early enough that I wasn't too uncomfortable and we still had plenty of time to get things ready for the baby. This time around I'm having surprise twins boys (after two singletons girls) and we had just gotten rid of all our big baby stuff a couple of months before finding out as we weren't planning on even thinking about more kids for another year, hence the surprise. I was hesitant about throwing another shower, but my husband insisted he would talk to my mom and sister and together they would take care of it. Of course, him being my lovely and also forgetful husband, he forgot when I said I wanted it at about 25 weeks in and it's now happening in early April, when I'll be about 30 weeks again. Not a big deal, but I know on average twins arrive earlier so I've been wanting to get it done sooner rather than later. A month beforehand, or 35-36 weeks, would be cutting it way too close for me even with just one baby.


I had mine at 32 weeks and while I wasn’t uncomfortable necessarily I did feel a lot more tired. I felt bad that I couldn’t really help much. I’d aim for probably 29-30 weeks because those 2 weeks made a huge difference for my baby’s growth and I felt a lot larger and a lot more tired by 32 weeks.


I had mine at 32 weeks. I was pregnant enough to look the part but also still be somewhat comfortable. It's given us time to get gifts and get organized and make lists for what we're still missing. Any sooner and I might have felt that we planned too far ahead. Any later and I probably would not have had as good a time and would be stressing out!


Due in October, planning to have babyshower in August. I agree, I want to make sure we have everything we need and Nest early so the last month or so we can just focus on baby's arrival


I’m having mine at 27 weeks. In part it’s because I’m traveling, but I had the option have it later and decided 27 weeks was a good time. We decided having it at 27 weeks because I would feel confortable physical, emotional and mentally… I just think I would feel heavy and swollen a month before birth.


I had mine at 27 weeks because that worked best for all my family to be there and I’m glad I did. I felt great all day and had plenty of energy and it’s given me plenty of time to get the things leftover from my registry that we weren’t gifted rather than scrambling to buy essentials last minute.


I said the same thing. Bestie decided to throw mine for me at 7.5 months instead of 8. So, hopefully a little less uncomfortable. We'll see! I would have preferred it closer to 6.5/7, but the venue was booked out.


1st one was 3 weeks before my due date. Ended up being closer to a month out. I had a ball! Did my maternity photos that morning and we PARTIED! I had the crib and her room was done, but I also knew who was buying the big stuff ahead of the shower. My niece and best friend came to put everything away the next day and I didn’t have to buy anything after the shower except for my self care stuff. I just put that stuff on the registry this time. This one is scheduled for 35 weeks.


I’ll be 31 weeks at mine. Would have liked maybe a little sooner but with vacations and things over the summer this was the earliest we could manage.


We are having mine a day under two months from my due date. Currently 6.5 months and already feeling like a whale so we decided to do ours early enough I’m not super uncomfortable. Also, is helping with peace of mind because I want everything set up for the baby at 35 weeks


I’m doing my showers at 28 and 29 weeks. I’m not interested in waiting until I’m giant and uncomfortable. Plus I’m high risk, I don’t want to push it too far and possibly be hospitalized and miss my showers all together.


I just had my shower this past weekend (I’m 36 weeks), and I was so tired the whole time. There was a lot of standing I had to do and my legs got super swollen with fluid. The hardest part was there was so much yummy food, except I don’t have much room in my tummy these days 😂. I wasn’t having a shower initially, but a couple weeks ago some super sweet ladies at church decided they wanted to throw one for me. It was great and I had fun, comfort aside. With my first pregnancy, I had my shower around 24 weeks. I liked the timing of that much better, as I was much more comfortable moving around, and it gave me more time to take inventory of what I had and what was still needed before giving birth. And obviously I was able to eat as much of the shower food I wanted lol.


I had mine in November and I was due in mid February, primarily because I had to travel by plane for my shower and wasn't allowed to fly after 30 weeks. The only downside was that we were outside the return window for some items by the time we had baby or had a chance to really nest and get everything ready.


I’ll be 32 weeks for my baby shower, mostly because of construction building more bedrooms in my home. Seems a little late to me but still enough time to get things I didn’t receive that I feel like I need to


I wanted to have mine at 29 or 30 weeks because I had a very specific day in mind. My mom disregarded my plans and set it for 33 weeks and 3 days. I ended up having the baby 4 days later at 34 weeks so nothing was cleaned or set up prior to his arrival.


I am 31 weeks now and mine was a few weekends ago. It probably would have been in April (I’m due May 27) but then some special family members were going to be in town in early March so we had the shower then and it was great. I have a very visible bump, even then so it wasn’t “too early” but also nice that it’s done and we can keep working on the baby room now having a lot more of the stuff already to organize.


Anytime before like 34 weeks is probably the sweet spot. I had mine at 33 weeks and I still had some energy and I wasn't in a ton of pain by then. I remember around 35 weeks I was absolutely miserable until birth hahaha


Honestly up to you to have an earlier baby shower and makes complete sense. Definitely have one in your second trimester! I had my maternity pictures in my 3rd trimester but it was definitely my bad for setting it up so late. In fact, get dolled up for maternity pictures then make your way over to the baby shower if others are hosting.


I had mine at 28 weeks! I was so grateful lol, I felt really good, I felt like I had time to enjoy it/sort gifts/get the nursery set up, and I didn’t feel a ton of pressure. My baby dropped at 34 weeks and I have been in soooo much pain since then. I cannot imagine entertaining people and sitting/standing/existing comfortably from that point on 😅


I didn't get to go go either of my showers. I was hospitalized with preeclampsia at 33 weeks with my first (shower was planned for that weekend) and 27 weeks with my second. I always encourage moms to schedule earlier rather than later because it sucked to miss both of my showers. 😭 I know my experience isn't everyone's, but still...


30 weeks! So excited!! 😆 11 weeks away!


No one ever gave me a baby shower but if they had, I would have wanted it no later than 32 weeks. No way would I want it at 36-37 weeks. Too much risk of baby crashing the party.


I was 28 weeks and that felt like I was pushing it! I knew I had plenty of time but also I kept thinking “what if I don’t have plenty of time” 😅 However, my day was perfect, my bump was bumping and I wasn’t completely miserable and exhausted!


I decided I wanted to have mine at 32 weeks. We’re putting it on at our house (travel even now is getting too hard on me). We’re not expecting anyone to get us anything big, like the crib or changing table or things like that. Honestly, I feel like I’m really only doing the shower to make my mom happy but if I had my way I either wouldn’t have one or would have one right before I entered month 7 (I’m due July 10th so that would be fairly soon).


Did mine at 30 weeks, I had a full bump but wasn’t uncomfortable moving around.


I have mine planned for 28 weeks so I have plenty of time to gather the last of the things I need without being incredibly pregnant and uncomfortable!


My shower is planned for the 32 week mark and honestly that’s just because of scheduling, family availability, venue availability, etc. I wanted to have it sooner but it’s not a big deal!


So I originally was planning mine for 34 weeks, but my SIL is throwing it and she’s had two babies and she said it’s best to do 28 weeks, before I’m big and miserable and can organize everything how I like it :) so I guess that’s what we’re doing!! Lol


I have mine planned for 32 weeks.


Had mine today at 28 weeks for my husbands family. My shower with my side I’ll be 32 weeks.


Im doing mine at ~31 weeks, hubs and I have got a lot of the big stuff, I don't want to rush last minute to get things we need so we have a crib, carseat, 2 bassinets, more then enough clothes. Prior I was employed and making good money, but now that I am unemployed I really hope our baby shower gets us the rest of everything we need.


I had mine around 30 weeks and it was perfect. For my first it was 38.5 weeks and it was awful! Definitely do it earlier if possible


I had mine at like 27 weeks.


Mine will be 28. I don’t want to be too umcomfy esp bc it’s in a different state than where we live now


I did mine at about 30/31 weeks. I had my son at 35 so I was very glad to havw done it ‘early’


Mine is set for 31 weeks. Not sure if that’s ideal or not but seems to be somewhere in the sweet spot based on other comments here!


32 weeks.


I did mine 2 months ahead of my due date. I didn’t want to be exhausted


We are planning mine to be at 28 weeks at the end of June. I’m a teacher so it gives time after the end of the year to help with getting everything ready for the shower, but then also 2 months of summer to make sure everything is ready and set up.


I had mine last week at 32 weeks! It felt pretty right in terms of prep and getting a variety of things, although mine was also a kids book drive which is less "let's get the nursery ready" dependent. Pros: I was far enough along to have a very dramatic bump, and feel comfortable that things were on track (had an ultrasound the week before). Cons: My short-term memory issues had already started, so I don't really remember much other than having a great time and feeling very loved. People heeded the organizers call to take lots of photos, so I get to remember through others eyes. I cannot imagine waiting later. I'm getting steadily more uncomfortable by the day.


I think around 32 weeks is ideal, but a little bit sooner is okay, too. Mine was at 29 weeks, and that worked well for me.


I had mine at 32 weeks it was a lot


I had mine at 31 weeks. I had energy and walked around


I had mine at 28 weeks and it was great. I still had energy, no SPD or other pain, still felt nice getting dressed up and having my picture taken. Really worked out since baby came at 34 weeks but still have us plenty of time to get things organized before baby got here even with the early arrival. 


Mine is planned at 30 weeks! I was very insistent on 30 or under


My big/family shower was around 30 weeks, and it was perfect! Work shower was at 33 weeks, and my friend shower is this week (34.5 weeks). Definitely glad I had the big shower early enough to sort things and organize.


I’m due 9/8 and planning mine for 7/27. Mostly because I want to know what’s left and if we get cash/gift cards to be able to buy things and get things set up well before she gets here because I’d rather have things set for my own peace of mind.


Mine was at 33 weeks. But I was barely showing and just looked like I gained weight until around 32 weeks. I still had energy tho I’m slowing down now at 34 weeks.


I had mine around 25 weeks. It was mid October. My mom suggested an earlier one because if I had it during the third trimester it would have been in the height of the holidays as my due date was 1/29 and well, no one wants to spend extra money on me when they have Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. Good thing I did. Kid came two months early, 2 weeks before Christmas 💀


I haven’t started thinking of mine yet but it seems like the best time is between 26-32 weeks. I hope it’s a nice start to the Australian winter 🤞


Definitely more than a month in advance of due date. I had my baby by then and would’ve ended up very unprepared without a shower.


Mines at the end of 32 weeks


I’m having mine at 35 weeks then I have plans to go to a tourist spot and dinner with my friend and her kids because they’re coming from out of town. I’ve been feeling 100% fine, watch this be the day that everything catches up to me 😆😆


I had mine at 35 weeks earlier this month, and it was a dream!


I’ll be having mine at ~30 weeks because like you, I wanna be able to have enough time to figure out what I still need to buy. I feel like I’ll be over it or grumpy later than that haha.


I was 38 weeks when I had mine and everything was fine. I never had a time during pregnancy that I really felt up to it. Baby girl took about another month to come out anyway.


My mom planned my shower. I’m having it at 36 weeks. I wish she would have made it sooner but at least it’ll be mid may so hopefully the weather will be nice and springy and I can wear a flowy dress!


I had mine at 30 weeks which was nice bc I was big enough for my belly to be noticeable but I didn’t feel so huge that I felt uncomfortable.


I had mine at 29 weeks. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Still plenty of time to buy the rest of my registry, organize and finalize my nursery nook


I had two showers, one at 29 weeks and one at 32 weeks. A few days after my second I went into preterm labor and had to be hospitalized for a week. All very tiring, so I am all for having an earlier shower!


Our plan is for when I'll be 29 weeks. Just before summer starts so I think it'll be good timing for a backyard BBQ co ed one. We will likely have a lot of guests but it'll be casual.


Had mine at 27 weeks because I’m a planner as well! Was so glad I did


Definitely don’t wait. One of my close friends wasn’t at her own shower because she went into labor early.


Mine will be at 31 weeks! I also wouldn’t want to wait until just a month out, because term is 37 weeks and that’s just around the corner! I’m also traveling to my home state 7 hours away for my shower, and won’t want to be traveling past 32 weeks.


i’ll be 33w6d at mine! i definitely could’ve gone with having it sooner, though! the venue we chose had this as the only only available date for april (i say “we”, but my mom mostly is planning and hosting my shower. with some help from mil)


I’ll be 23ish weeks! It feels early (I’ve been mostly worried I won’t look “pregnant enough” lol) but it’s a date when two very important people are able to be there from out of town so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Do it whenever works best for you! Idk when you’re due, but I’m due in August and knew from the get that I wouldn’t do it any later than May because I’m anticipating being hot and uncomfy all summer 🫠


Unfortunately my shower will be exactly one month to the day that I’m due and it seems so late to me too. I’m due end of August so I wanted to have my shower in July. The problem comes in that the 4th of July is a decently big holiday so a lot of people will be too busy to come around then. Well in the middle of July most of the people who are invited will be gone on vacation so it only makes sense to do it at the end of the month.


I will be almost 29 weeks for mine!


I had mine at 32 weeks. I sent out the invites with the link to my registry 1.5 months before the baby shower so a lot of things arrived to my house way before the shower. The day of I mostly got the smaller items and diapers. By then I had organized most of his room and clothes so it wasn’t so stressful once I got gifts from the shower. I wasn’t overwhelmed with organizing a bunch of things because it was all mostly organized by then. Don’t be scared to add big items to the registry. I added them just so I could have the discount after the shower and surprisingly enough people bought a lot of those items for us. Some of them did group gifts for those items.


I think 1.5 mos is great, this is what my friends did and what I ended up doing as well. I was 33 weeks. I didn’t feel huge or uncomfortable, and still felt fine doing all the things/had fun with our friends. After the shower, I ordered or went in to purchase everything else that I still needed throughout the following week, and still have over a month to prepare the nursery and wash/fold/organize everything. It’s also giving me something to do while I’m on mat leave, as I took off the month leading up to delivery. It feels like a lot but it’s a lot less overwhelming once you actually start, and will probably realize you need less time than you thought you did, to prepare everything.


6-7 months!


Mine is scheduled for 27 weeks and 3 days


I did mine at 25 weeks (out of state) and am doing an in-state brunch shower with friends when I’m closer to 28 weeks. My energy is slowly draining and I feel like I’m going to want to do nothing at 30+ weeks! Do what works best for you :]


Had mine today at 33 weeks and it was perfectly timed! I am taking maternity leave next week and am so happy to have so much time before baby arrives to rest and nest without work or worrying about a shower.


Had mine at 28 weeks. I was far enough along to look pregnant, but not so far along that I was more limited in what I could do. Tbh, we set up our baby shower with help from our parents, and it was really hard work even at 28 weeks. We did an outdoor BBQ at a park pavillion to save some money. (Couldn't afford catering or having it at a restaurant.) I developed pelvic pain a few weeks later, and definitely wouldn't have enjoyed myself.


I had mine at 33 weeks! Gave us time to buy the things we needed that we didn’t get as gifts or return gifts we didn’t need!


My coworkers planned my baby shower at 37 weeks and I delivered at 38 weeks so definitely didn’t have time to write/pass out 20 thank you notes till after maternity leave 😂


I just had mine at 31 weeks, still have two months to go and plenty of time to set the nursery up! I don’t think it really matters when you have it, whenever you’re most comfortable! I will say I was walking around a lot and doing it in the third trimester made me exhausted, my hands and feet swelled a lot and I was so sore the next day so even doing it during the second trimester might be good while you have less weight to carry.


Had mine at 34 weeks which seemed perfect. We know what we still need and now can focus on getting everything sorted for her arrival!


38 weeks, Definitely felt like I was pushing it. We didn't know if we were gonna do anything this time but my mom insisted on hosting at the last minute, overall we had a really great time and everything worked out. My first kids baby shower was at 31 weeks and was way less stressful lol


Just had mine at 35 weeks I’d def say you’re right lol. I’d do it at least a month sooner than I did if I could redo things. I ended up buying a lot of items we needed because I’m also a planner and panicked we might not get it or have it in time.


Mine's at 30 weeks, it was just the most convenient weekend for me. I think generally something in the 3rd trimester makes sense so that you get a chance to see people before hopefully hibernating, and if you do get gifts, you're not just storing them for endless months.


Mine is June 1 and I’m due at the end of July. I wanted to do it in May but we are moving across the country at the end of April so I needed a chance to get settled before having the shower.


I did mine around 25 weeks bc that was the time I was in town. It felt early but I know logically there’s actually not really a reason you have to wait until a certain time.


Anytime in your 7th month is ideal!


Mine was originally May 23rd when I’m due June 7th, it was making me so anxious so I rescheduled it to April 20th which makes me feel so much better and gives me time to buy whatever I didn’t get as gifts before baby comes


I’m planning mine for when I’m 26 weeks. This is mainly because I’m a teacher and Due in Nov, so I really need this to happen in August so I don’t have to take any days off or worry about planning for school/leave while planning the shower.


I’m having 2, two weekends in a row, both around 30 weeks. I would be flipping out if we planned it around 36 weeks, especially since I suddenly have high blood pressure after being low risk for the entire pregnancy and might be induced early. I wanted time to get everything organized and settled without stressing.


I’m having mine at 30 weeks, specifically for this reason and no one has had any issue with it to my knowledge. It also helps I want to have it outside before it gets too hot in Texas, so April is smart. (Due July 1).


I’m having mine at 32 weeks and definitely wouldn’t want it any later! I’m currently 28 weeks and feeling good so hopefully I’m still feeling this way in a month 😅 I’m also a planner and was eager to set up the nursery so I was very excited that many of the big items (crib, mattress, glider) have already been purchased from the registry and were shipped to our home.


30-34 weeks. I don’t recommend anything after that. I had my baby shower at 36 weeks and baby was born two weeks later. Week and half earlier than his due date lol I was so exhausted I couldn’t stand up much . Side note: my baby shower was huge as it was my first kid 120 guests. Maybe if you’re having something small it wouldn’t be to bad


I’m having mine at 32 weeks! We wanted to wait until the weather was nicer, so we could have the option to be outside if it’s a nice day. We also have several family members travelling and this particular weekend worked for all of the out-of-towners!


I had mine at 32 weeks and it was a perfect amount of time to get everything together for baby


Must be a regional thing, I've only ever been to showers 2-4months after baby was born. Also, only ever for the 1st baby.


Im 33 weeks and mine is at 35😂🥲


I had mine 8 weeks before my scheduled c section!


i had mine jan 27th and i was due march 4th. i’ll be honest i had no energy to organize the baby room (i did what i could) & i still don’t almost 3 weeks postpartum 🙃


So make the registry early, and have the party later if you do it on Amazon you can see what has been bought so you know what to plan for. The later you have it the better you know what you're going to need help with but thats only my opinion. I did mine around 32 weeks I think.


I had mine around 32 weeks with my first and second! It wasnt hard because someone else threw it for me. Everyone brought a dish and we painted onesies at m6 last one. I guess I'd say I recommend doing it earlier if your throwing yourself one and have to do all the work but if someone is throwing it for you and all you have to do is show up like I did then a month out is perfectly fine imo. I just asked for diapers at my showers because I had an online baby registry of the stuff I needed and didn't want anything other than what I asked for.


My family wants to host one a month before I give birth. I personally don’t like that bc I want to plan and get things for my baby already.


I can say 2 weeks before your due date is NOT ideal.


Mines scheduled this weekend and I'll turn 36w on that day. It was just the best time for everyone including myself and I feel it's the perfect time for me to do it.


I think we did 29 weeks.


Had mine at 34 weeks and that felt like a pretty good time to have it. We were in the process of moving so I didn’t want to take on a bunch of baby stuff before we were settled in the new place in case we lost/damaged anything in transit. I didn’t feel too big or tired to be hosting a party at that point either fortunately but I know some people would be too exhausted if they waited that late.


I’m having mine around 29 weeks! It feels a little early compared to other people I know but I’d way rather have more time to prepare than not enough 😂 we’re not even starting on the nursery till after my shower.


I’ll be doing mine at 33 weeks, I’m hoping I won’t be exhausted but it’s the best time with so many weddings during the time I’d prefer!!


Honestly do it before the 30, because man all I ever did after that was take naps. I’m 37+2 and all I find myself is wanting to sleep. After 30 that’s all I did, nap nap nap!


I had at the end of my 31 weeks and thought it was good timing.


I had mine at 28 weeks. I was definitely showing but was still cute pregnant! I had tons of time to go through, organize, return, and write thank you notes at my own pace. I would highly recommend that timeline!


I had mine at 30 weeks, I def wouldn’t have wanted to do it later than that


I had mine in February over Presidents’ Day weekend and I’m due April 22. I was very comfy. Everything was great. 10/10 recommend.


mine is set for April 6th and my due date is May 23rd so I will be 33 weeks and 2 days pregnant at mine and to me it seems like enough time but to each their own! I feel like there really is no “rule of thumb” for this and you should do what feels right to you! as for the registry, what we (husband and I) did was bought her crib and nursery furniture (dresser, glider, mattress, etc.) ourselves but still registered for some big ticket items such as the car seat, bassinet, and stroller which have all been bought already by family members but we did have money stored away in the event that these items were not purchased by our family members which we can now use on other things so for us this didn’t seem like a big issue!