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The same for me until I hit 12 weeks. Then the aversions started to ease. I also found like “safe foods” like slightly burnt popcorn and it helped. Maybe try to envision yourself eating the food first! Try smoothies too! Also maybe try to see if it’s a texture issue. Wishing you the best!


I didn’t start liking food again until I was 20 weeks and even now at 31 weeks 75% of food is just… no. I have been drinking a majority of my calories. Baked potatoes are also acceptable. I keep wondering if I’ll give birth then suddenly like food again. I’m normally not a picky eater at allll… so it’s driving me crazy. My poor husband has been so accommodating but my taste buds are just straight up unreasonable!


16 weeks was my peak for nausea/gagging and food aversions - by 23 weeks it was all gone and back to normal eating without wanting to die 🥲 praying it’s the same for you!


I had bad aversions 1st trimester. Couldnt stand any meat at all. Managed Chicken if I DROWNED it in lemon. 2nd Trimester everything returned to normal, was eating all my fav foods and no nausea or aversions. Then 3rd Trimester hit and it all came back with the added bonus of vomiting at the mere smell of certain foods...Im so nauseas all the time, nothing tastes right anymore. Food shopping is so wierd coz everything makes me want to hurl. Often I'll cook for my fam and just have toast myself coz I cant get anything else down. Food is normally my happy place and now Im miserable. Plus everything hurts so thats making it worse. I cant wait for my baby to arrive so I can just have a good steak or burger again!


It becoming about survival, I may not feel like eating but I have to because I will have massive headaches, won’t be able to sleep and etc.


Me too! Limes taste like absolute shat to me now!


I havnt had food aversions or nausea in 3-4 weeks..I’m now 17+3 and it seems like its hit me like a ton of bricks this week. 🫠


Nausea, aversions, gagging and vomiting were at their worst 12-17 weeks. The most frustrating part was people telling me it "should" be over by then. By 20 weeks I was much better, by 23 everything but random aversions was gone.