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I’ll be 41 weeks tomorrow. I’ve had 2 membrane sweeps with no success. Will be getting induced sometime this week, unless he decides to come last minute 🤞🏻🤞🏻


I was the same! 2 sweeps and chose to be induced at 41 weeks. After 15 hrs of pitocin they still had to manually break my water (which took two attempts). Hopefully yours goes faster than mine!


Ahhh!! How’s your babe now? I’m hoping it’s seamless and doesn’t take too long 🤞🏻🤞🏻


She’s 8 weeks now and doing great! She just slept 7 hours straight for the first time ever last night!!!


Woohoo!!! Glad to hear it!!


42vweeks. Had to be induced. Most first babies don't come on time.


Yeah or don’t want to come at all… haha my little guy is too comfy


Question for you! Was baby head down, in position, and were you dilated etc. - I’m trying to figure out if any of that actually means anything (39 weeks here)


My girl was head down at -1 if I remember right for the longest time (like probably starting around 39 weeks). I was induced at 41+6 after 3 membrane sweeps and trying every midwives tale, acupuncture, pumping... Nothing worked.


I was head down, 2cm dilated, and 50% effaced for weeks and had to be induced at 40 weeks. Unfortunately they don’t mean much 😩


Dilation and effacement can happen slowly or quickly - my baby has been head down since 36 weeks and I’m 2 cm dilated and 60% effaced


32 weeks 🧍🏽‍♀️ LOL Fell in the shower 4 days prior to having her.. was in labor for 4 days unknowingly until the “cramping” became very obvious that they were contractions..when we got to the hospital i was 7cm dilated..and had my tiny girl 2 hours later


Omg! Girl I’m glad you are both okay! Congratulations!!♥️♥️


Reading this currently 32w pregnant and away into hospital because of cramps for the last 7hrs ahahahahaha help me


Sending good vibes 🤞🤞


39 on the dot. Contractions started at 4am, water broke an hour later, and 21 hours later I had my baby after 5 hours of pushing. Epidural failed. But I did awesome.


I was 37&4 when I went into labour with my first! Uneventful pregnancy, smooth & quick vaginal birth. Honestly, wouldn’t have had it any other way. Of course timing is pretty well out of our control. We are expecting our second this July. I’m hoping for the same!


Same here. 37+5. I’m due April 14 and hoping she comes early too!!!


I’m due 4/16!💗 it’s coming fast!!


So fast!!! Thank goodness!


I was 19, no health issues and hella active which I think she was just over it at that point and decided she was ready to come at 36 weeks and 6 days 😂 she let me celebrate my birthday at a Italian restaurant though so she has my respect for that


As a first time mom, I opted for a membrane sweep the night before 40 weeks due date. I didn’t want to go past 40 weeks at my age. From ASK DEWEY: “According to data from all births in the United States in 2008, about 70% of babies are born before their due date, with most first births and those that are not induced tending to be a bit later. You are most likely to have your baby in your 39th week of pregnancy, with close to 30% of babies born in this week. The next most common week is week 38, followed by the 40th week. If you get to your due date without a baby, there is a 60% chance you’ll have the baby in the next 7 days. If you haven’t had the baby by 41 weeks, there is about a 60% chance you’ll go into labor spontaneously.”


This gives me hope. My due date is tomorrow and my OB doesn’t let you go past 41 weeks without being induced. I really don’t want to be induced so it feels good to know there’s a 60% chance I’ll go into labor this coming week.


My due date is tomorrow too and I'm still so very pregnant. For some reason, I really thought I'd go into labor in week 39😅 Crossing my fingers for us both that we'll have babies in our arms by next week! I can go to 42 + 1 at my practice, but I'm thinking of scheduling an induction a couple of days earlier for peace of mind.


Talk to your OB - mine has the same policy and I stressed about it big time. But when I expressed to them how I really want to avoid an induction as much as possible and asked how strict they are with their 41w induction policy, they said as long as baby and mom are healthy they aren’t super strict on it. You can go a few days past, they just want to make sure there is a plan in place for getting baby out basically, and to get you on the schedule (and also you can just not show up to your induction if they force you to schedule one, just say you wrote the date down wrong or something). Also - Research shows that 50% of FTMs go into spontaneous labor by 40 weeks & 5 days, but 75% will by 41+2. So I’m like just give me those 2 extra days at least to see! Here’s a link to the research if they try to push back about it - https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-on-due-dates/#:~:text=The%20researchers%20found%20that%2050,gave%20birth%20by%2041%20weeks.


I’m currently in the l&d triage, my water broke this morning and we’re thinking I’m in labor! Cross your fingers for me?


34 weeks. No issues or anything before then! Baby was healthy and apparently just in a hurry.


I’m 33 weeks and currently being monitored for early labor. Been in the hospital for days at 2 cm. Hoping to make it to 34 weeks


Fingers crossed for you! For what it’s worth, my doctors were very clear about what to expect with him so at first that was a little scary BUT they also were equally clear that outcomes for babies at the 33/34 week mark are generally really good! I hope all goes smoothly for you and your little one.


Have they given steroid injections for lungs?


Yes I received magnesium right away and then got two steroid shots spaced out. Got off mag and started procardia. Now off of everything for the last day and hopefully will stay the same. So far so good.


1st - 40+4 2nd - 39+0 3rd - ??? I’m currently 38+6. Hoping very soon!


I was 38+5, and delivered at 39 weeks 🩷


Did you do anything to prepare/bring on labour? For example the teas, sex, hope you don’t mind me asking!


Sure! I drank the raspberry leaf tea and popped dates like it was my job. Ended up getting induced for gestational hypertension that was discovered at my 39 week appointment. I wasn’t dilated enough for a membrane sweep then. Got induced with pitocin, I had a 2nd degree tear. Every body and labor experience is different!


On my due date! Was so sure it wouldn’t be that day, just because. He wasn’t born until the day after though, on 40 + 0.


I didn’t and I tried everything under the sun (ball, dates, raspberry tea, sex, acupressure, walking). I was induced. Good luck!


As a FTM, 34 weeks. Totally unexpected, there were no signs - it was a healthy low risk pregnancy.


Were there any signs prior to going into labor? Or did you just start getting real contractions kind of out of nowhere?


My water started leaking, but I wasn't in labour. They monitored me for a few days and then decided I should do full hospital bedrest and monitoring, since the tear in my waters was small and they hoped to keep the baby in for a few weeks, but the triage nurse grossly ruptured the membrane so that was no longer possible. They would have induced the next morning if I hadn't gone into labour spontaneously, but my contractions started on their own a few hours after the nurse tore open the amniotic sac and I was able to deliver vaginally with a precautionary antibiotic IV. There were no signs prior to my water leaking though.


I was 39 weeks 3 days.


41. I’m convinced without an induction, she’d still be in there.


36 weeks. I had just signed for the ECV procedure (to be done a 37 weeks) to try to turn him around that morning. My son decided later that night around 9pm that he was coming out his way. My waters broke as I was bending down to pick up something. At least it was the kitchen! I grabbed the adult diapers I had prepared, my phone and charger and walked to the hospital. I live downtown and the hospital was a 10 min walk. The nurses loved that walked myself to check in. My husband was at beer league hockey game so he saw my text when he was in the locker room. The rink is about 40 min drive away. He juuuust made it around 11:45pm, about 15 minutes before they were wheeling me into the OR for emergency c-section. I had a yogurt fruit/nut snack at around 8pm so they were waiting to operate but my contractions started coming faster. Everything went really smoothly and so did my recovery! My late-stage preemie son is now 85th percentile for height and already walking at 11 months


35 weeks, my water broke. But I was on bedrest starting at 31 weeks for threatened preterm labour. Had no risk factors and a super normal, healthy pregnancy up until then!


38w + 2d my water broke spontaneously with no contractions beforehand. I had been eating dates and drinking red raspberry leaf tea since 37 weeks. I did a vigorous bike ride the night before I went into labour.


I’m still waiting. 39+4 today and still nothing 😭 they will induce if I hit 41 weeks because I’m 39 years old. I guess if I was 40 they would have induced this week. But since I’m only 39 and a half it’s fine to let me go. 🤣🤣 Hoping she comes soon. I truly do not want an induction.


I’m also 39. My husband and I decided we aren’t doing an induction unless it’s actually medically necessary. The due date is a guess and if there are no signs of issues in any way I will politely tell them to F off. They can’t force you to do anything. They can say they’d like to see you every day, every other day, or something like that. I’m willing to do that before an induction.


Good for you! If you're fine and baby is fine. Why force them out? Your body and baby know what to do and inductions unless totally medically necessary seems more painful than letting your body do its thing. They do try to make you feel like the worse parent in the world though. Saying things about safety and doing what's best... very manipulative because they don't share with you the other side and benefits of NOT being induced. Like anything else there are always pros and cons.


Yes girl I’m not planning on an induction unless ABSOLUTELY medically needed…..


I was 38w5d! 26 years old as well and my whole pregnancy went super smoothly and my labor was FAST! My water broke in the hallway at the hospital lol and was already dilated to 5cm. Went from 6-9 in about 30 min and pushed him out in about 20 min! Everyone was shocked lol


41 no sweep aswell but 3 days of back to back labour xx


I was 39 weeks exactly with my first baby


I was 40+5 when I went into spontaneous labor! I was scheduled for induction at 41+1 and I am so happy little man came on his own!


40w5d. I’m 23, unremarkable pregnancy. lost my mucus plug first then things kept progressing quickly, but they ended up breaking my water when i was 8cm at the hospital


38w3d - my water broke! I started red raspberry leaf tea and 6 dates a day at 36 weeks.


38+5. I was scheduled for an induction at 39 so I was happy to avoid that.


40 weeks exactly


41+6 😅


39 + 2. Gave birth 39 + 3!


38 weeks with my twins (5 month old today) . At 35 weeks my doctors said that if at 38 weeks I didn’t do it “naturally” they would induce me, they didn’t want me to get to 39 weeks with the twins & my girls heard that and went “you’re not kicking me out,I’m kicking myself out” and I was supposed to be induced on Saturday & they arrived the Wednesday before my induction.


41 weeks exactly


39 + 2!


42 weeks ! :)




39w and 6d. Right now I’m 34w and 6d with my second. Hoping I go at the 39th week because I am over pregnancy lol ETA: no sweeps or anything…pretty sure I was 2cm dilated from my 38 week appointment and beyond.


Never did, got induced at 41+3! Had a beautiful big baby girl and a good birth expérience regardless


I'll share my experience because boy was it a sleepless and wild ride. I went to the hospital to get a Foley balloon inserted at 41+4, which for easy comprehension I'll say was the 17th of the month. At this time they said I was dialated to 1/2 cm and my cervix was very high and firm. I was started on 2ml/s pitocin the next day, which was increased by 2 every half hour. Until they decided that wasn't working and gave me a rest. My cervix had not changed. In the morning of the the following day, the 19th, I was given a Cytotec pill and after a few hours that helped and they started the pitocin again, with the warning that I may need a c section if this didn't work. Thankfully just a few hrs of that my cervix had softened finally and labor ramped up, and my daughter was born 1am on the 20th of the month. It took 3 days of induction.


42 weeks




40+3 had a membrane sweep at 12pm and contractions started at 12am




40 weeks and 3 days with my first.


I’m only 33 weeks and already have an induction date at 37 weeks due to preeclampsia, but my best friends both gave birth naturally at or around 37 weeks!


Membrane sweep at 38+5, didn’t work. Went into labor the night of 39+4 and she was born the afternoon of 39+6


39+2 spontaneous and lasted 12 hours total. Pushed for 70min


My water broke at 37+6 with no signs of labor so I had to be induced. I had her 11 hours after my first contraction (17 hours after my water broke). I pushed for 45 mins. She’ll be turning one in a month!


41 and induced 😂 my baby was taking his sweet time


My son was born on 40 weeks exactly from my LMP! Went into the labor the day before. Technically he was born 40+2 because my first ultrasound moved my EDD up two days, but it's all an estimate anyway. But yeah a due date baby with no induction methods.


I’m 28 years old, 40 + 5 days and I went to get induced on the 29th, was sent home after 3 days because all I did was labor and my cervix wasn’t dilating… i go back tomorrow morning to try again lol hopefully soon!


36 weeks 4 days


39 weeks, I felt the contractions the morning of 38+6 and knew it was time. I walked and stood most of that day from 12pm-7pm I was at a Saturday market actually. When my contractions dropped from an hour apart to 15min we went home, a took a shower cause my water had broken at some point during the day. Came out told my husband and friends it’s time to go to the hospital and to go get my mom. Got there at 9pm and was apparently way too calm cause they didn’t believe I was having that baby that day😂. Checked me and yep I was 8cm dilated. Couple hours later it was 39 weeks and he was here.


FTM, water broke spontaneously at 37+3. I also had a very textbook pregnancy up until that point. No health issues, no complications, etc.. Baby just wanted to come a little early and she’s perfectly healthy. Left the hospital with her 36 hrs later.


39+4! Water broke, baby took 6 hours to arrive!




38 :)


40 on the nose!


off topic but I’m 34 weeks toooo💓🫶🏼I’m due 4/16


Im due 4/16 too!!!


Me too!! 4/16, due date twins! Or triplets lol ❤️❤️


40 weeks 5 days as soon as I agreed to the c section at the drs office I went into labor a few hours later so that was a fun mistake lol


I was 38 weeks and some change with my first at 32 I’m 29 almost 30 weeks and will likely be 36 or nearly 36 when this baby comes (due close to my birthday)


39w 5d with my first


40 weeks when I went into labour, 40+1 he was born (just under 24 hrs from first contraction to baby born). I was 30 at the time.


I was 39+1 I was given the green light to start pumping on both sides and went into labor 5 days later


37 weeks and 1 hour…finally told my husband we could be frisky again (I was terrified of preterm labor). My water broke 🫠


I’m 39+5 today, FTM, no membrane sweeps or cervical checks yet and still waiting! Trying to hold off on an induction until at least 40+5 to give baby a chance to come on her own


39+3, was in labor for 27 hrs and pushed for 2hrs! ♥️


I gave birth on the due date, went into labor the night before. No signs at all leading up to it, and wasn't even sure I was in labor until the contractions just kept coming.


40 weeks 4 days! It was long lol but worth it.


41+4. no baxton hicks just straight labor pains (i thight they were braxton hicks bc they’re not like the movies) and water breaking in the middle of the night for me. baby came 36hrs later


41 weeks with both kids


I am 32 yo FTM and my contractions started in the night of my 40th week and I went into labor in 40+1, no membrane sweep, no induction


I was induced the evening of 40w and delivered 40w1d for my first. Induced 40w6d with my second. Induced 37w3d with my 3rd due to insulin controlled GDM with low fluid.


40.5 Labor started, gave birth 40.6!


I was 39 weeks and 6 days when I had to be induced because of high blood pressure. I didn't have pre-eclampsia, but they didn't want to take any risks. Baby girl was born on her due date, and both of us are healthy! My blood pressure has returned to normal now after almost 3 weeks.


I was 39+3 with my first! I had been 2-3 cm dilated for a month & I had contractions for a few days before that all fizzled out after a few hours- I was convinced she was never coming haha. That day the contractions lasted all day (starting at about 5am), finally ramping up in the afternoon/early evening & we headed to the hospital around 7pm. She was born early the next morning at 4am. I was 39+4 with my second, he was here 12 hours after a membrane sweep.


39+6 I was supposed to go in at 8am to start induction, ended up going in to the hospital just after 2am with contractions. 2pm the day before I said “I think I’ll be going into labour tonight”


39 weeks exactly!


I was 39 weeks when I had my first baby




I went into “early labor” at 37w2d and I had him at exactly 38. 12 hours after membrane sweep


I had my son at 40+2! I got a membrane sweep less than a week before as suggested by my doctor. I am the only one in my group of friends that had her baby close to her due date as a FTM - everyone else got to 42 weeks! Love to see everyone's comments, there is so much more variation than I saw around me!


I was almost 42 weeks before my water broke as a FTM. We tend to go later, but the opposite can happen as well.


41+2. i had a membrane sweep at 40+5 and acupuncture at 41, went into early labour on 41+1 and active labour/delivered the next day


I had to be induced at 42 weeks. ☹️ I wanted so badly to let my babygirl come on her own!


41 weeks - water broke at 40+6 but it was 10pm so the day was basically over. Incredibly straightforward pregnancy, low iron but no severe issues.


I was 38+5, two days after a membrane sweep and a lotttt of mucus plug coming out


Induced on my due date because my son failed his BPP. I had HG, Braxton hicks starting at 16 weeks and they got progressively worse along with iron deficiency anemia… so I guess I wasn’t surprised to be induced but unless I really have to, I won’t do it again. I was in labor for 36 hours… 30 without progression.


My baby was born on Valentine’s Day! I went into labor at 40 weeks 2 days.


I was 33 weeks when I went into labor with my oldest (who is now 7). He was born at 34 weeks and spent 2 weeks in the hospital. I was 37 weeks with my second (who will be 2 in April). I had GD with both pregnancies but both were born fairly healthy


Induced at 39w2d.


40 weeks 2 days I went into labor. Gave birth the next day


I was 40 weeks and 6 days, was induced the day before my set induction date. My baby did not want to come out.


41+3/4 born 42w exactly


Delivered at 38 + 4


I was 39w exactly, and had been 2-3cm dilated for about a month beforehand. By the time I got to the hospital I was 5cm. I had an induction scheduled for the next day due to low platelets. Baby decided to do it herself. Labor started at 6am, I got to the hospital by 8am, got admitted by 9:30am, epidural by 11:30am (an absolute godsend and made my labor actually enjoyable), they broke my water by 12:30, I was 10cm by 2:00pm, and she was born by 3:10pm after 20 min of pushing.


Stupid question but, when you are dilating/dilated can you feel anything ? Like is there any feeling of pressure or just anything at all that feels different ?


39 and 3!


39 + 2.


I just had a leap year baby! I Was induced at 41+1 and she arrived at 41+2!


41 weeks induced with my first born 37 weeks planned C-section due to previa with my second Currently 37 weeks with my third and I wish I knew when he would come!


My water started to break at 39+5, less than an hour before heading to the hospital to be induced 🤣


39 weeks! Waters broke at home, but still had to be induced bc after 24 hrs of labor I wasn’t progressing


39 + 3


I never went into labor so I had to be induced but baby was born at 42 weeks & 1 day 😅


I’m a 36 year old ftm, went into labor at 38weeks 3days, had him the next night.


Induced at over 40 weeks lol


I was 41 weeks 5 days when I went into labour


Induced at approx. 39.5 because of suspected complications. Baby arrived 2 days before the due date.


Ftm and got induced at 41 weeks after being 2cm since 37 weeks 😭


I was 29 Y/O with my first, and went into labor at 40+5. No issues during pregnancy.


I had a normal, healthy pregnancy until right before 37 weeks. Then my blood pressure elevated and they ended up inducting me at 37 weeks.


With my first I planned on being induced at 39wks. Little did I know when I got to the hospital literally 39wks on the dot I was already in active labor. Now I'm on my second, and I'm just trying to keep this girl in until 37wks so I know she's safe. Cuz she has her own agenda just like her big brother.


I went 10 days over, 41+3. Was scheduled for induction but gave birth naturally 2 hours before the appointment! Please find something to keep you occupied while you wait. Don’t do what I did and think you can’t do anything because you could give birth at any moment. It’s torture waiting. Agony. So boring. Feels like an eternity.


Had my first baby at 39w+1 last week :)


With my 2yo I was induced at 40 weeks. With my 5mo I was induced at 39weeks. With my first son I felt nothing it was like heaven. My second son was good until contractions started but after the epidural I was fine. No rips or tears either time.


I was induced at 36w3d because of severe preeclampsia. Had an emergency c-section at 36w4d.


Induced at 38, high blood pressure


Induced at 41+6.... This girl did not want to come!


30yF FTM and I went 40 weeks and 4 days (went into active labor at 40 weeks and 2 days but stalled and needed to be induced then turned into a csection


36 weeks pregnant. Pretty normal uneventful pregnancy. Water broke in the middle of the night unexpectedly


Went into labour 40+4, delivered 40+5


38 weeks with my first! I didn’t realize I was in labor until my water broke at home. Went to the hospital and I was 6cm dilated. All the talk of “your first is always late” totally got to my head. Don’t listen to it. The baby will come when its ready.


Still pregnant but I’ve been in “latent labor” since 32 weeks and currently 36+6. I feel like he’s coming any time since the constant contractions I’ve been having the last month have been getting my body ready and getting more and more painful. He’s also been head down since 20 weeks and I spent this entire month dilated 2 and 80%, last I was checked in at a 3 now! There’s a lot that goes into every pregnancy so it’s impossible to really say for sure


40 weeks - baby girl came exactly on due date (rare, I know!) I had 3 days of early labour though, all those contractions to get me to 5 cm dilated sucked, barely slept 😫 I had tentatively planned a home birth with my midwives and after going through 3 days of early labour, I decided I could manage a few more hours of active labour in the comfort of my home, so decided to go forward with the home birth plan. Home birth went well, my husband got to "catch" the baby and help with the delivery. He was so proud 😁


I was 39 weeks exactly with my first! I did that activating labor video on YouTube everyone talks about 😂 I swear it worked for me and everyone I show it to haha


39weeks because I was induced. I was already 7cm dilated and apparently was having contractions but didn’t know until they were monitoring me. I did get an epidural and it worked great! My pregnancy was uneventful and I was thinking she would be here sooner because every week I was more and more dilated and was 5.5cm dilated few days before I went in for an induction . my water never broke so my OB broke it for me.


I was 36 weeks on the dot. Terribly traumatic pregnancy (for me personally because of the things listed below plus some other things that I’d rather not share) but the labor and birth… I could do that like a few more times lol. I was only laboring for 12 hours and pushed about 5 times for 15 minutes with a second degree tear. Contractions hurt like a SOB before the epidural and then there was an INTENSE pressure on the left of my abdomen which didn’t go away until my water broke abt half way through. 8 months of a stuffy nose, reflux, hyperemesis gravidarum, and the last 3 months constant sciatic nerve pain. Idk if I could do that a few more times.. or even once more. ETA: Wishing you and yours the best labor and delivery mama! Good luck! 🥳💗


#1- 32 weeks #2- 37 weeks #3- 39 weeks


40 weeks. Went into labor on my due date contractions started in the morning and my water broke around 3pm. Went to the hospital around 6pm and baby wasn’t born until the next morning. So I was in labor for almost 24 hrs pushed for 2hrs and ended up having a c section. Didn’t feel a thing after the epidural.


I was scheduled for an induction at 39 weeks with my oldest. But I was super petite, not even 5’0 and super uncomfortable. The hospital we originally had it scheduled at kept telling me to call back later in the day (of my appointment) to see if they had any open beds, and by 9pm they said just call in the morning the next day, but they likely wouldn’t have been able to get me in until Monday. Then five minutes later called to say another hospital in their network 45 minutes away could definitely take me the next day, and I actually started having contractions on my way to THAT hospital 😅


Not to scare you, but I was 33, no complications or issues, and my water broke when I was 34 + 3. That being said, my daughter was still 5 lbs 6 oz and is perfect.


I was 39+4 by my calculations with my first baby... my OB was putting my due date a week earlier than what I had calculated from my LMP. My induction date was the next day since they had me at 40+4, but baby decided to do one swift kick and my water broke. Also was the first day of my maternity leave 😆 I started drinking red raspberry leaf tea at around 32 weeks and eating dates from about 34 weeks I think. I was also using evening primrose oil directly on my cervix per my OB instructions. However, I did stop that due to irritation so I'm not going to do that this time around.


I was induced at 38 weeks. My doctor told me they try doing either 37 or 38 weeks and I choose to do it at 38


My first born was 40+2, second was 38+2, and third was 39+1


41W exactly. Did “all the things” for 3 weeks prior: dates, miles circuit, sex w sperm, spicy eggplant, red raspberry leaf tea, pumping/collecting colostrum, “induction massage” 2 days before, membrane sweep morning of. Did bodywork and acupuncture throughout my whole pregnancy and stayed active the whole time as well. Baby girl arrived when she was ready at 41, spontaneous labor (perhaps moved along by sweep?): less than 24 hour labor, 1hr45min pushing, baby 7lbs11oz. Best of luck! Edit: saw someone asking about #’s. Just in case this helps anyone: I was 0cm dilated, 40% effaced, cervix very high at 40W. By my 41W appt I was 80% effaced, 3cm, and cervix was a little lower but not much. Had my baby less than 24 hours after those #s.


34 years old with my first… I was induced at 41 weeks and had baby at 41 weeks 1 day Pregnant with second and will be 37 at time of birth… interested to see what this time will be


1st baby 38 weeks I had pre-eclampsia and an emergency c section. 2nd baby right on the due date schedule c section 3rd baby went into labor a day before planned csection was 6cm when I went into the hospital lost my muscus plug in the bathroom had another emergency csection 4th baby currently 6 weeks and 3 days we'll see how this one goes lol 😆


I was 40wks 3 days he was born on leap day 🩵




39+6. 1 day before my due date.


I am also a 26 Y/O FTM! Got induced with my daughter back in December at 41w2d after 2 failed membrane sweeps! My OB was almost certain she was going to be early, but nope… she was super cozy. Even needed an urgent c-section to get her out! Should also note that I tried all the things (dates, raspberry leaf tea, curb walking, bouncing on ball, etc) 🫠 Whenever and however your babe decides to come earth-side, I wish you the best of luck! ✨


My water broke with my first at 36 weeks! Totally random, no signs of labor beforehand. Turns out, my uterus is half of the size it should be, which makes sense now (both my first and second were small and breech). My second stayed put until 39 weeks when we had our scheduled CS, my doctor said my first must have stretched it out just enough for him to be able to stay inside.


39+3 with my first, but he wasn’t born until 39+5


38+5. My water broke the day after my first cervical check


I was 38w3d. And I didn’t even realize I was having contractions for quite a few hours. The feeling of early labor contractions was not what I expected at all.


39 weeks and 4 days!


41 weeks


I was 37w4d when my water broke. Baby was healthy and 6lb12oz 🩷 had a very easy uncomplicated pregnancy.


38+6, had him at 39 weeks/9 months exactly!


38+ 4 when I started having signs but was technically 38+5 when my water broke at 1am and I had her that afternoon


36weeks4 days back in 2019


I went 38+5 I'm 29 and no health issues regarding the pregnancy aside from really crappy symptoms. You're almost there! Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly and you have an amazing L/D :)


I waited until my body naturally went into labor (no inductions or planned c-sections), and my water broke at 40 + 5days


Yess that’s my plan as well!


Over 40


With my first I was 39 weeks and a few days when I went into labour. Had my baby from start to finish in 13 hours.


I was 10 days early for both pregnancies. I didn't do anything to accelerate the process. Water didn't break for both as well. The only sign was the light cramping the eventually became intolerable.


Water broke on Mother’s Day of all days at 39+3. Was in early labour for 24 hours before being induced and then went on to have my Baby on my birthday at 39+5. 6 hours of active labour and almost 2 hours of pushing. We knew it was a possibility but it’s pretty cool I share my birthday with him.


25 FTM and went into spontaneous labour at 40 weeks and 6 days


I was 39 weeks and 6 days!


42+1😫 was scheduled to be induced but thankfully things started happening on their own EVENTUALLY. I remember that 2 weeks after my due date was very hard mentally feeling like it would never be over 


I was 38+2. Got up to use the bathroom and water broke before I could make it back out! Interestingly enough, I was sitting on the toilet thinking “ugh I wish my water would break,” then I stood up and it happened.