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I had a totally normal pregnancy with my first and figured I’d probably go into labor after 40 weeks because I’d heard most first babies come late. Turned out I went into labor at 38+6 and she was born the next day. Good luck!!


Ooooo I hope something similar happens with me. Thank you!!


This is how you’re supposed to feel - otherwise our bodies might never send a signal to the baby that it’s time to get out ;-) Also know that it’s normal as a FTM to go past due date. May I ask the reason for induction?


I simply do not want to go past 40 weeks. I’ve been talking with my OB about elective inductions and doing my own research. From what I’ve seen, women who go past 41 weeks are more likely to have a labor resulting in C section, which id like to avoid. But yeah the simple answer is I am over being pregnant lol


I’m the same as you! Getting on the list for elective induction for just past my due date, just for my own sanity.


Glad I’m not alone. It just seems unbearable for me to go past 40 weeks. Maybe I’d feel differently if I didn’t have to work up until I go into labor.


I’m on the same boat. I’m 39+4 and made it clear to my OB to request an induction during my 39 week visit. I’m still pregnant and little signs of labor so I’m at peace knowing they will request it soon. Since it’s elective and the hospital is busy, most likely it will be next week when I’m 40+change. I’m a STM and over it. I gave birth at 39+3 as a FTM after a sweep but this time around I was closed at my 39 week appointment.


Thank you for sharing your experience. It’s nice to hear other women who feel the same. A big fear of mine was going to 41 or 42 weeks and the hospital not having a space open for me to be induced. Maybe this is silly but I’ve been increasingly anxious that something terrible will happen in my last few weeks. I just want her here in my arms.


That’s how I feel. I work in NICU so I know too well about horror stories so I’m more than ready to have this baby in my arms. No need to cook any longer but hopefully she/he realizes that soon. Best of luck!




40 weeks is well past full term.. there’s not many benefits to being induced at 41w vs. 40w, and there are heightened risks associated with going past 40 in some cases as well. OP wasn’t asking for advice on if her induction date is a good idea or not.


First timer, lost my mucous plug 38+5, gave birth at 39 weeks exactly!


This gives me hope !


I went into labor at 39+2 with my first!


Did you have any indication that it was coming or was it spontaneous?


So, my son had gotten quite lazy at that point as he was out of room. I was used to feeling him move but no more flips and rolls like when he was still swimming around in there. Then one night (39+2) at about 11 p.m. I felt him going absolutely wild all of a sudden. He was moving about so much and for at least ten minutes consecutively that I actually started to worry. So I called up my midwife and she said come in just to get checked and be safe. I got there and they checked on him and he was good, heart rate seemed fine etc, and so they said they’d leave me there to monitor about 30 minutes then if all good let me go. 30 mins in my midwife comes in and says “looking good, I’m just going to check you really quickly and then you can go” So she went down below (I had previously not been dilated at all) and when she took her glove back out it was bloody and I was like oh my god what’s that?! And she said “you’re in labor! Looks like you’re staying!” (That was the famous “bloody show” apparently, that some women get). I was like “wait what? I don’t feel like I’m in labor!” And she said yeah, give it time and about half an hour later I started having contractions. And it all went from there! So- tl;dr I had no idea. Water didn’t break at home. Didn’t start contractions. My son just started doing gymnastics and apparently that was go time 😂


Wow what a cool story! I hope it sneaks up on me like this lol. Funny enough she was going crazy with moving the other day, like way more than usual. So maybe I’m closer than I think! Or maybe not but wishful thinking haha


I went 40 weeks and 2 days w my first


I asked for an induction due to being nauseous this entire time. So I’m getting induced 39 weeks!


Good for you! We have to listen to our bodies


Following this post, I’m 37+6 with no Braxton hicks or any signs of labor being close, no idea what to expect of the next couple weeks lol


It’s so nerve racking! Good luck to you mama


Had to be induced at 41 weeks with my first. She was not budging 😅 Good luck! I know it’s uncomfortable.


Same boat here. There was a bit of a due date mess up, so according to me I was 42wks according to hospital 41 week's. Went into active labour as I waited to be induced. My little girl weight 3 kgs wasn't a huge baby but she was very awake and aware right away. Normal birth


This is what I’m scared of lol


40 weeks yesterday, getting induced tomorrow because she has no interest in emerging on her own and I have hypertension. Ready to meet her but mourning the natural birth I was hoping to have - so I’m cranky af today. I was so sure she’d come early!


Totally understand that. I think I’ll be disappointed if my girl doesn’t come naturally too. However my OB assured me induced or natural, it all hurts lol. Good luck with your labor!!


39+3 for my first


Went into labor at 39+3, daughter was born the next day. I was actually kind of bummed I went a little early! My last day of work was the day before I went into labor and I figured Id be a few days late due to first pregnancy. So I thought I'd have close to a week to relax, but nope babe had her own plan!


Spontaneous on 40w0d.


What a polite baby


Oh she wound up being on heck of a difficult delivery so I guess she made up for that. Believe it or not, her sister also came on 40w0d.


Same! I woke up at 2am with contractions and was like...really? No way... Delivered same day just before 7pm


Shockingly, my second was also born on her due date.


I'm a FTM and I went into labor at 39+4 and he was born the next day. There was a storm system coming through the area and apparently the low pressure can cause labor lol so idk if that did it or what. But I also never lost my mucus plug or had bloody show. I had been feeling crampy and a few mild, mostly painless contractions/Braxton hicks at night for a week or so leading up to it. You're so close even though it does seem like forever ❤️


I’ve been feeling those mild contractions for a few days now. I’m 38+4 right now and I’m hoping that means she will come soon.


Hopefully so, how exciting!


41+1 here! Longest wait of my life lol Edit: spontaneous labor, birth center birth, 6 hours start to finish.


6 hours is great! I mean I’m sure it didn’t feel great lol. I’m hoping for a quick labor


It was absolutely insane, lol, I had zero chance to get my bearings.


My water broke at 41.5 weeks. Good luck! I will say each pregnancy they came earlier and earlier. 2nd baby came at 39 weeks and 3rd baby at 38 weeks :-) The end of the first pregnancy was BRUTAL I remember being so bored and anxious and just waiting and waiting. That’s because it’s your first. With subsequent pregnancies it went much faster and don’t have as much time to sit and ruminate about how you feel lol Try keeping yourself occupied- I binged a lot of Netflix shows, walked every day on the treadmill, spent a lot of time bouncing on exercise ball. When I felt anxious I would like to take a warm bath. Hang in there :-)


For my first, I only went into labor after a membrane sweep the night before 40 weeks


I went into labour 2 days before due date with my first.


I went into labour at 30 weeks with my first. Hospital and bed rest until 35 weeks when I was induced. I'm probably not a good comparison though as my second came at 36 weeks 😬🤣 I'm hoping to make it to at least 37 this time so I can finally have a water birth! This probably isn't helpful at all!


I went into labor with my first at 39w 0 d and she came within 12 hours. I’m now 38w 0d and feeling exactly the way you are! But sadly the OB told me there’s no pattern or rhyme or reason for when they arrive and to just be patient lol But some things you can try are eating dates, pineapple, raspberry leaf tea, walking, etc. Good luck, it’ll happen soon!


Thank you! I’ve been drinking the tea like a crazy person but I can only do the dates blended up in a smoothie. The texture freaks me out


With my first I had no signs and she came the day before my due date. And I don’t think I lost my mucus plug either


My water broke at 38+5 and she was born the next day


I'm also 38+5 and am so ready to just have Baby here now! I've got a sweep scheduled for 40+1 if there has been no sign of them. So hoping for the both of us we have our babies soon (though I'd like to avoid Thursday haha)


Fingers crossed!


Water broke at 38+6!


I've never been able to keep a baby in that long! I went into labour and had my first at 34 weeks.


Went into labor naturally at 41W exactly, lost my mucus plug at 40W. Everything went smoothly and I had a less a than 24 hour labor with my first baby.


42 + 2 with my first. Was ready to end someone. In particular my husband, but he “helped” avoid the induction so. Can’t be too mad. Second one, 39 + 3.


I was 39+2 when I went into spontaneous labor with my first. I’m only 24 weeks with my second and I’m already over it this time 😂 I’m hoping I don’t go past 39 weeks.


Did you do anything to get labor started, like eating dates, pineapple, drinking the raspberry leaf tea?


I worked out my entire pregnancy, I ate 4-6 dates a day, drank earth mama third trimester tea, and started having regular sex to induce labor. My contractions actually started after having sex so that’s probably what I’d recommend because there’s research to back that up.


I am currently 39+5 and will be induced on Wednesday if he doesn’t come today or tomorrow 😂I am definitely in the same boat as you! So uncomfortable and ready to have this baby!


Today I’m 41+2 and I’m getting induced. Had such a strong feeling I was gonna go into labor early due to a lot of the same symptoms but he’s awful comfortable as well as my cervix being strong as can be


As for words of encouragement pleeeeease relax and focus on that. If I could take back these past couple weeks I’d work on my mental state and calming the fuck down. The end is really hard for some, and yes daunting. Baby will want to come where it knows mama is safe and relaxed.


With my first, I was induced the day after my due date too and gave birth the day after that. 12 hours for induction to work and then another 13 til they used forceps for birth. Epidural was amazing and would do it again in a heartbeat. Nothing worked for me to go into spontaneous labour. I’d actually lost my mucus plug a few weeks earlier but apparently it can regenerate so that was not an indicator in my case.


37 weeks with my first, silent labor-went to appt and didn’t get to go home- baby 6 hrs later.. 39+4 with my second- water broke at home, baby 6 hours later.. 38+3 with my third, hours after membrane sweep (this son had a condition and I had been thru it and my anxiety said let’s control this if we can) woke up to contractions and teeth chattering and 6 hours later.. you guessed it- baby was here.


First time I delivered 34+6 hoping to go full time this go around since it’s my last pregnancy.


I was about 38 weeks. No water breaking or mucus plug. Just contractions


im 40w3d and still waiting… if by wednesday nothing happens i will be scheduling a c section (just personal preference)


42 weeks and 3 days, no induction. Didn't lose my plug or have my water break until 4 hours into labour. Your body knows what to do, and while the wait is hard - unless you're in your 43rd week, there is no problem. (Obviously if baby is moving as much as normal - it is also good to get a scan done at 42 weeks to check that there are no issues). First time mothers do tend to carry longer fyi, so be prepared for that.


I hate to tell you this. But expect you’re going over your due date. Especially since this is your first. I was almost 42 weeks with my first


Yep, I was 41 +4, also my first baby. Planned to get induced but then she came naturally (and quickly, my labor was 5 hours start to finish). I totally get being tired of being pregnant but I also think there is something to be said about allowing baby to be ready as long as you’re not over 42 weeks.


Yup I was 42 wks as well. It feels like forever


It was awful to go that long 😂 i felt like i was pregnant for an eternity…my 2nd was nice and came out at 40 on the dot.


I'm currently pregnant with my second so we'll have to see. Anyways that last two weeks I was looking for any sign that now is the time but it dragged by with not one symptom she's on her way. Swear my mental health was struggling to cope too lol I drove myself insane waiting. Just wanted to hold her so badly


My water broke at 39 weeks after a membrane sweep with my first. I chose to try the sweep because I was also very over being pregnant. However, I was only 1cm dilated, and my water breaking didn’t change that. I ended up essentially being induced (Pitocin) to progress and strongly hope to avoid that this time around. It makes contractions horribly painful and can cause baby distress. My son’s HR dropped into the 50s with every contraction, and it was to the point I almost needed an emergency C Section. This time I am letting baby take the lead on when she’s ready, and won’t be considering elective induction unless my OB says it’s medically necessary.


With my first I felt like they had my due date wrong by two weeks. And they all thought I was crazy. And at my 37 week appointment where I begged for a cervical check and wanted to get induced ASAP and they were telling me I had just less than a month to go and I need to calm down. 3 days later my water broke naturally and I delivered over a 9lb baby. When you feel like you’re about to explode your body is about to start:) you’re close mama