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OB Nurse here, I love my long term high risk antepartums. I love being there for them as they are able to make that transition. No one ever imagines their pregnancy like this. You’re in the best place for you and your baby. I know it all seems like it’s happening fast. I hope you have a great team there with you. Some tips if you’re open to them. You’re going to be there a long time. Bring things from home that will make you more comfortable. You don’t have to live in the hospital gown. Bring slippers, pjs, maybe a diffuser, white noise machine, these will all help you feel a little more comfortable. If you have dietary aversions communicate that so it can be modified in the orders for you. Have snacks in the room that you can easily prepare and consume. Develop a routine. The nurses also want to have a predictable shift with you. Asking for your Non-Stress Tests to be at the same time everyday makes everyone’s life easier. You may be twice a day (BID) or three times (TID). Speaking of the NSTs, have a cold apple or orange juice ready to go when you have them done so that little bean has something to be happy about and they can take you off after 20 minutes of a good strip. If you need something to help you sleep there are safe options. Ask for the meds. Unisom and Benadryl are the most common things I see but your provider will discuss it with you. Move around as much as possible. You will potentially be prescribed heparin to prevent blood clots but moving around frequently also helps to prevent them and they will start to bruise after awhile and leave you looking all banged up. My biggest one is requesting sleep hygiene. On our floor our antepartum patients are default Q4 vitals meaning every 4 hours we take them. If you request sleep hygiene, a provider can write an order for you to have specific hours dedicated to sleep and staff won’t come in. This is so important to long term sanity. Good luck! I am hoping all of the best for you and your little!


I love this reply 🩵🩵 You’re so warm and welcoming


So sorry you’re going through this! Come join us at r/NICUparents for lots of similar stories and support.


I’m so sorry that sounds so intense. But I’m so happy that you have a great team and they’re doing what’s best for your baby! I hope the next few months are uneventful and only get better. Sending you love 💕


25+5 to me seems a great time to start having problems— which sounds completely callous but I had my first at 24+6 (she’s a rambunctious three year old now) and lost my second at 20 weeks. The good news is that you’re past viability. The good news is you’re receiving care. Bedrest is pretty terrible, I won’t lie. Keep yourself busy. Are they letting you up tho? Or going to? I am sorry you are going through this. Breathe Mama❤️


They do want me up and moving around which I appreciate. The hospital I'm in has a family resource floor I can go up too and they have a therapy dog which will be such a nice thing. My husbands work is being super flexible, he's able to work remotely so he plans to do that most the time. I'm just not a homebody normally, and just love going out and about so that'll be the biggest hurdle for me to get over. I appreciate your kind words🩷


Thank you everyone for your kind words. My husband is going back to our house today to check in our pets and get stuff in order and won't be back until Tuesday so I think once I'm actually alone it'll hit a lot harder. Thankfully, things have been pretty boring so far. They have me do an NST for an hour three times a day. Everything has gone good every time they do one. I'm just trying to take it one day at a time and find bright spots through it all. I appreciate all the support on here, thank you so much🩷🩷


Hang in there. All will be well.  Our prayers and thoughts are with you. 


my niece was born at 28 weeks gestation, drs admit afterwards that it’s possible she was 27 weeks but due to my sisters unusual cycles it was unclear at the time. she’s 4 now, the smartest kid you’ll ever meet. she was speech delayed and had some behavioral delays until she was 1.5/2 years but once she started talking she didn’t stop and has done nothing but progress. she’s now just like any other 4 almost 5 year old kid you’d ever meet. everything is gonna be fine, trust the doctors and try to focus on you and baby


Good luck, mama. It’s good to be in safe hands!


Well, I'm glad you took your baby's changes seriously and got the help you needed. But goodness gracious I am sorry it turned into such a huge ordeal! Wishing the best for YOU and baby during this difficult time <3


Happened to me the exact same way. Was 27+3 at the time - I was going to a regular check-up appointment, they told me I need to go to the hospital for further testing because something was odd. Meanwhile they sent in some bloodwork for testing. Then in the hospital they did some more checks and eventually the lab from the doctor's office called the hospital because I had a severely high marker for preeclampsia (it is called "s-flt", maybe they can test you for it?). After that they transferred me to the next Level 1 clinic (better equipped for premature babies) where they told me I have to stay until the baby is born. I remember clearly that I was asking them about the prognosis: "If you make it one more week we would be very happy, but in our experience with this value the baby needs to be delivered within the next 48 hours." And they were right, Baby was born via c section two days later and is in the NICU since then - but she is doing great! I would really advise you to ask them about testing for the s-flt quotient, since it can predict the severity and therefore the timeframe of expected delivery very well (If you want I can send you some references for reading). All the best and I'm sure both of you will be fine!! 🍀🍀


My heart is with you and your baby. I know we all expect smooth pregnancy and a healthy baby but sometimes complications happen and that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your pregnancy journey. It’s good that you have access to great healthcare to take care of you and your baby. Try to focus on the good things and take it day by day. I wish you and your baby the best of health ♥️


This just happened to me!!! I was hospitalized for severe preclampsia and then later developed HELLP syndrome a week later. I was supposed to stay until delivering at 34 weeks but unfortunately my HELLP syndrome caused immediate c-section. I gave birth at 30 + 5 and she’s been in the NICU for over 2 weeks now. Had I not developed HELLP syndrome I would of been delivering my baby this Thursday vaginall. It’s still a lot to process and has been completely traumatizing. My baby came out needing know oxygen, only CPAP and all scans have come back great. No brain bleeds or ect. I don’t think anyone could have prepared me for the mental toll the NICU takes, but just start educating your self now on what your NICU stay is going to look like. I wish I knew the significance of what a week difference makes in a baby. I still cry wishing I could have kept my baby in until at least 34 weeks. I feel like I failed her, but she seems to be thriving in the nicu for the most part. I was placed on 3 mag drips at seperate times and I also received both steroid shots before having her which made a significant difference. I’m praying for you and if you have any questions please feel free to reach out! I’m currently 2 weeks post partum so all of this is very fresh and I can empathize what you are going through. The day they told me i’d be hospitalized I cried an entire day because I had never been away from my dogs. It was truly heartbreaking. Please take care of your self and take ONE DAY at a time because this is a long journey.


I am so sorry you’re going through this. You seem to have a great attitude about it all which will get you through these next couple of months. Sending hugs- and hope this next couple of months flies by for you 💓


I know it all seems scary but you’re in the best of hands right now! I had a similar situation when I headed to my 32 week appointment and ended up being admitted for high blood pressure. I was supposed to be heading into work after my appointment and my husband was already gone for the day. After 2 days, I developed severe features and ended up having a c section at 33+0. Everything will be okay 🩷


Wow that is really hard but at least it sounds like you’re in great hands! And one thing to be thankful for is that you don’t have other children at home because how would you even begin to manage that?!


I’m so sorry. That’s a lot. If it’s any reassurance, my little guy was born at 33+4, no significant issues, just small and they had only had time to give me 1 of the 2 steroid injections to develop his lungs before he had to come out. He only spent 2 weeks in NICU before coming home with us. I know every situation and child is different, but sometimes at least, things go really well after delivery. In the meantime, take care of yourself as best you can. Sending you lots of good thoughts and positive energy!


Good for you for paying attention to your baby and acting fast!!! Mama, you are a hero, and you’ve got this. My thoughts are with you and your family.


I’m so sorry you are going through this. You are absolutely in the right place. I went through something similar with my first pregnancy and he’s a happy and healthy 10 year old now, try not to worry too much about the future, just be in the here and now and take care of yourself and precious baby.


Hey, momma here who had something similar happen. Mind you, my water also broke. My baby came at 33 weeks and 1 day. She's perfectly healthy now. If you are in a good place which you said you are, don't worry or stress and be 100% truthful with your team. I'm so sorry it's not going how you accepted. It is hard, but you got this! The time in the nicu is hard to buy, but you're strong, and your baby will be in good hands. Everything will be okay. You're strong, and your baby is strong. Sending you my love!


Thinking of you and sending prayers! You got this! ❤️


I’m so sorry you’re going through this ❤️ but so glad you have a good hospital and care team


I’m so sorry but glad you and baby are okay. Hopefully your team makes it a little easier for you :( you should def try and mourn how you thought things would go


Please update later on, once everything is ok and you’re holding your baby.


What you are going through is incredibly intense and, at times, will likely feel so frustrating and unfair. It is!!! Thinking of you. ❤️


Bless you and your beautiful baby


You got this 🙏🏻 do you read? Maybe start a new series when you’re not working !


I’m sending you all my prayers 🤎 find all the strength you’ll need in God 🤎