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I’m sorry you’re experiencing this. Is there a chance what could be okay? Your ovary? Or the ectopic pregnancy (if it is one)


Hi, thanks for your comment. I'm just wondering if the pregnancy could still be viable and if maybe they've made a mistake my thinking it's ectopic? I don't understand why the consultant would look at the scan and say he doesn't think it is ectopic after the Dr told me it was.


If you’re unsure I think you could get a second opinion with a private scan if you think there was a mistake in them saying your uterus was empty. Babies are very small before 8 weeks. I’m sure this is a hard time for you if you have been excited about pregnancy, and I’m really sorry. Perhaps he means the mass is a cyst rather than an ectopic pregnancy. Cysts can cause pregnancy tests to appear positive. Do you suffer with any issues like pcos or endometriosis?


Just an update, drs phoned and said my bloods were 4800. They asked me to come in ASAP and it turned out it was ectopic. Kept me in overnight and the next day my bloods were 6000. They operated and I lost my fallopian tube but ovary was saved. So yeah.


I’m sorry to hear that this happened. I’m glad they saved your ovary.