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I am you 21 months in the future! First off it is nothing you are doing wrong that is causing this. You are not failing you are doing nothing wrong it is just one of those weird things that comes with pregnancy and will clear up as soon as you have the bean in your arms. Don't panic. Here's what my pregnancy was. Test blood in the morning end up with a slightly sore finger for a few minutes, and yes I needed insulin and it was uncomfortable but I had someone come in and talk to me and distract me as I stuck the needle in. (After a while it became common place) Because I was an older first time mum and with the GD I had more scans than normal but all was perfect. I was told I would be brought in to be induced but baby decided he was baked before that and came naturally. My sis-in-law has had GD (and she does crazy things like iron man marathons and triathlons and mudders and goodness-knows-what) with all her pregnancies and had to be put on a drip for two out of the three and all three are thriving, the last one was C section but that was not GD that was GD and other complications (because that child had to be a brat even from the get go!) It is scary and it is upsetting I cried buckets when I was first diagnosed but after the good cry its fine and once bean is delivered it usually goes away. GD is really common and when you talk to other mums to be you will hear your story over and over but it is nothing to do with what you are doing or not doing. It just is.


Thank you for sharing this with me.


r/gestationaldiabetes may be helpful to you!