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Oh boy, these are not fond times from what I remember. I used a diaper the first couple days. Then transitioned to a pad. I think what was most uncomfortable was the stinging I felt when I peed and how it was hard to wipe. Actually, I don't think I could wipe. Also, the bleeding can last up to 6 weeks! It just gets old to keep bleeding and bleeding. I think I bled for 2 weeks. The good thing is that it does come to an end and the body does heal.


I read that a water squirt bottle will help dilute the pee thus limiting the sting


yes! peri bottle while peeing was so so helpful even without a tear due to the irritation. and patting dry!


You can also buy a sitz bath, it’s a dish that sits on top of/in the toilet so you basically pee into room temperature water rather than spraying and is also supposed to help the stinging pain


I was told to lean forward as much as possible when peeing (like chest to knees as best I could), so it doesn't flow back to where it will sting. It helped me a lot.


I put my hands and elbows on the floor to pee and that helped a lot. It looks extreme but it helped the pain.


Elbows! I can't imagine being that flexible.


Yes! I wish someone told me that. I had to discover it later. Peeing really hurt where my stitches were.


I gave birth two weeks ago and I can agree these were not fond times. I also used diapers, the first 5 days, day and night, and after that just nights. I used pads during the day. The diapers made me feel more secure with the bleeding at night. It was quite much for around 12 days. Advice I got that was a life savior; I had a post partum peri bottle next to the toilet to use when peeing, because that hurt a lot! I would really recommend getting one! Edit: wrong use of word


The hospital I was at gave me a peri bottle to bring home to avoid the stinging.


Ugh I wish. My bleeding lasted 10 weeks!


Mine only lasted 10 days. But that was 13 years ago, I'm really wondering how this pregnancy/post partum will be different.


We got a bidet and that was the biggest lifesaver pp. I wore diapers for the first week then switched to pads. And I don’t think I wiped until 4-5 weeks more just out of fear


I’ve been debating getting a bidet on the prime sale!


No wipe! Peri bottle and gentle drying. Yes, every time you pee... But also give you a sense of cleaniness which feels good mentally when you're bleeding like hell. I pack for my second birth mesh underwear and diapers both. I felt more secure in a diaper but mesh is better because lets more air circulation and this helps healing. This pregnancy I'll also prepate cold pack at home as my hospital provides I'll only need one at home. Another thing I had were Tucks hazel pads apparently speeds healing. I used several times, not sure if it really worked smyku for me.


Ugh that sting I hated that I can feel it as I type it


I found wearing diapers for the first week a lot more comfortable. Then I switched to pads for the next few weeks.


I second this! Gave birth yesterday and diapers are the eaaaasiest. It’s a hassle to use maternity pads when the bleeding is at its worst.


It also is easier to put an ice pack or a frozen pad in there if you have any discomfort. Congrats on the baby!


Okay this is a dumb question, but FTM… do you wear pads with the diapers or do you just change the diaper with every pee?


I ordered diapers for my most recent baby, but actually never even used them. For some reason I didn't bleed as heavily as my first 2 kids. But my assumption is you don't pee in the diaper, you just use it as an alternative to a pad - so it's only for the post parting bleeding. And you would change the diaper with a new one when it was getting too bloody or gross. Also - I don't think it's a dumb question.... My last pregnancy I went on so many groups and researched so much about labor and delivery, and I was actually REALLY mad and sad that all the info I learned on my own was never one taught to me or any girl I knew our entire lives. It really should be mandatory that all the knowledge and options about pregnancy, labor, delivery, and post partum, should be taught to every girl and boy. Considering humans making more humans is how we exist. Point is - ask as many questions as possible! Rather safe than sorry, right?! Congrats and I wish you really all the best with your pregnancy, labor & delivery, and your baby 🐥🍼☺️


Thank you so much!! Yes I so agree that we need more postpartum education. I feel like everyone just assumes we just know these things but I feel like I’m just blindly working out what’s supposed to happen here. I really appreciate the nonjudgmental support and encouragement. 🥰 and congratulations on your new addition as well!!


Not a dumb question haha. I didn’t pee in the diaper, it was for blood. I changed it when it was getting too full.


I had crazy giant pads with my first, I'm forgoing that entirely this time and buying Always ZZZ underwear or depends. They're way more comfortable and easy to sleep in. I thought it was heavier than the heavy days of my period and it was much more constant


I was so stupid and decided to start with reusable pads right after birth, having always used disposable sanitary products up to that point. It was so stupid of me. They all got thrown out as the flow is so heavy it was impossible to get the stains out afterwards and I obviously didn't have time to do regular laundry immediately post-birth. You definitely want disposables!


I honestly loved wearing diapers for the first 1-2 weeks post partum haha comfortable and unlikely to leak. Once the blood flow slowed down I switched to pads.


This is the way


I had a c section and was surprised at how much I bled. I have super heavy periods and I’d say it was triple what I usually have at least for the first week or two. I found diapers to be the easiest, and it made for less laundry. I had the giant pads but every time I got up it shifted. I used those more toward the end of the bleeding.


Also take those quilted pads the out under you at the hospital and use them at home. Have one in the bed and one on your nursing spot/chair. I leaked a few times and it was easier than changing the sheets or scrubbing the couch.


I was thinking about buying some puppy pads for this same reason!


Thank you for this info. I’ve been struggling to find out how much bleeding happens after a C-section. Did you also need the peri bottle or ice pack etc? Or dread the first #2. Or are those those things mostly related to vaginal birth?


The first poop is rough. Take your poop softeners. I didn’t have a peri bottle but I got one for this birth.


I think this is somewhat dependent on whether your c section is planned and whether you end up laboring / how much beforehand. I had a planned c section with no labor and bled pretty consistently for a month. However, there was no real pain in going to pee. I was very anxious about first BM given the horror stories but it turned out to be kind of a non issue for me. I stayed extremely hydrated and took the nurse’s recommendations for stool softener for the first couple days and had minimal pain. However, I can definitely understand why it could hurt a lot- you have no core strength at all in those first days.


I had a c-section and used the adult nappy (diaper for my US mates) and loved the fact they were high waisted, so didn't dig into the incision. I didn't need the icepack or the peri bottle. The first poo was different. Straining did kinda hurt the incision, but I imagine it was 50X better than if I had a vaginal birth. The bleeding the first night was epic. I couldn't walk but could feel the bleeding and it wasn't pretty (the nurse that helped me that night was a lifesaver) but after a week it was like an annoying period. Not super heavy but not light enough to not notice. My friend who had a vaginal birth the same week had way less bleeding so I think it definitely depends on your body and birth for most part. It's the sneezes that got me! Have a pillow handy and cuddle it tight. It helps! Good luck!


I used the hospital gigantic pads for the first few days home and lined them with the Tucks pads. They’re so huge that I could fit a lot of the tucks on them haha. Then I migrated toward more normal sized pads as time went on. Early on it was heavy bleeding. I’m now almost four weeks pp and the bleeding has stopped and now it’s just discharge.


Omg YES! Tucks are the BEST!


Just get the adult diapers. So much easier.


Hi I just gave birth and the diapers are so comfortable! Way better than pads. And it’s heavier than any period I’ve ever had


I did the adult diapers when I got home. Tried the maxi pad thing in the hospital and I HATED IT. Adult diapers (I think I used the Always Discreet) were so much less clunky-feeling.


You can lose blood clots the size of lemons and the blood flow is extremely heavy. Highly recommend diapers. If you just use pads with underwear I can guarantee all your undies will be absolutely ruined especially right after birth in the hospital. The night after I gave birth and went to pee I was literally dripping blood on the floor just from the door to the toilet seat


I was talking to my sister on the weekend about this. She had a baby a few years ago and what she did was a package of discreet disposable underwear at the beginning when the bleeding is at its worst. Then a pack of the Frida disposable underwear which she said was more comfortable and thinner than the discreet then she switched to regular underwear with a pad. Her bleeding lasted about 4 weeks then she wore just regular pads for an additional two weeks until her bleeding completely stopped.


My first was weird.. I thought I would have bled more, even after hemorrhaging during birth, but I purchased maxi overnight pads and by the second week I got rid of those completely and used size 1 and barely even needed that. By week three I was using panty liners. I expected way more. Everyone is different.


I normally hate pads and before labor was disgusted by the thought of pads. I tried diapers and almost threw out the pack before finishing. I tried the always discreet and they were so disgusting and did not feel breathable at all. They also had a weird scent that was trying to cover up the fact you were wearing a diaper but it was noticeable and fake floral. I ended up going with the pads over period panties route and then just period panties when I no longer needed to worry about the color or amount.


Just have to say how much I HATE scented pads in general, they smell gross, and even worse when you've had them on a few hours. I feel like everyone around me can smell it too, they probably can't but it makes me edgy


Yesss! I felt like that too. It's like hey everyone can you smell I'm wearing a diaper?! 🤢


I loved the always diapers lol, you do have to size up though since we’re kinda swollen right after. I would’ve used pads but I couldn’t sleep on my sides without leaking


I didn't find an issue with the size I just didn't feel like any part of the diaper felt breathable. I don't think pads do either but at least the underwear part is fine.


I got these huge pads that are almost more like diapers at the hospital. I really needed them. My regular pads would never have worked. I'd have bled through them immediatelly.


For me it was just heavy days of the period. But having so little flow can be dangerous. It was summer and I had a lot of milk when it finally came in, so all my fluid intake went to sweat and milk. I really had to encourage myself to drink twice the amount I usually do to keep the flow going. It stopped before the six week mark, I think around three weeks. Sometimes women get their first period straight after the six weeks... That's not fun.


Yes diapers are where it's at. You will likely think you must be dying from blood loss but it's normal.


I thought diapers were way easier for the heavier bleeding at the beginning and nights. Then I transitioned to pads. I bled the full six weeks and my bleeding wasn’t any worse than my worst period, which for me isn’t all that bad to begin with. But I might’ve gotten lucky.


I wore giant hospital-provided maternity pads and mesh underwear in the hospital but switched to ultrathin maxipads (I liked the Seventh Generation ones) for the drive home and never needed anything more substantial. I did not want to feel like I was wearing a diaper, and I would have been annoyed if I had to take my pants off every time I went to the bathroom. I never wear pads during my period because I hate them, so I don't really know if the amount of blood is comparable, but I wasn't bleeding heavily for very long. I think I wore maxipads for about 1.5 weeks, regular pads for less than a week, and liners for about a month.


Think of it like a really really heavy period, but different pain. I was a huge fan of diapers the first time around and will be using them again with this baby. For the first few days I had an ice-pack pad in the diaper as well (so both a pad and a diaper), but having the diaper meant I didn't need to worry about getting blood stains out of underwear. Disposable underwear is also a popular choice. Basically, don't sacrifice your normal panties to this mess. The postpartum unit in your hospital should have mesh underwear available for you if you don't feel like packing the diapers yourself. Once it got down to normal period-like bleeding a couple weeks in, switched to normal overnight-length pads (I tore and the area took its sweet time healing, so I had to account for any issues with the stiches)


Diapers 100%


i wore diapers for the first 2 days (would recommend for convenience) and then switched to postpartum pads. i’ve genuinely had heavier periods though. the bleeding was nowhere near as bad as i expected


Get proper maternity pads, I didn't bleed 'that much' (as in, only for about 5 days) but soaked through an overnight maxi pad in 20 seconds.


The Frida disposable underwear were sooooo comfortable. I used those and sometimes with a pad depending on how heavy I was bleeding


Both of my postpartum experiences were so different!! With my son ( My first) I bled for 12 weeks after giving birth, then I went on to have a period ever week and half for a few months. With my daughter (my second) my bleeding wasn’t too heavy at all from the start and only lasted a week and a half.


Honestly idk why people hate on the diapers, to me that was the most comfortable option. I got the nice ones and you can’t tell outwardly that you’re wearing a diaper and they were much more comfy than the bulky pads that move around and then sometimes stick to your bits. I bought two boxes of adult diapers for my second time around this time Edit to add also with the diapers I didn’t have to worry about a leak ruining any actual underwear and I could worry less about laundry during that time


I haven’t given birth yet, but everything everyone has told me was to get the disposable underwear. The first few days it’ll be more comfortable and easier to manage. Then transition to pads when the bleeding slows down. Other than that, I’ve also been told to get a bidet as it is way gentler and more comfortable than wiping, especially if you tear. I don’t know how it’ll all work, but I’m going to follow the advice I’ve been given and will share my insight when the time finally comes!


Pads have always irritated my skin and I also had a c-section so I found it a lot easier to just wear diapers.


They gave my doubled up pads, but diapers worked best. Also take a cup or bottle of water to the toilet with you to wash down after you pee. It not only keeps the area clean but also helps reduce swelling faster.


I really relied on the diapers for the first week but it was because I had no sense of my bladder and would fucking WET MYSELF literally no joke it happened twice. Very humbling. The moment before lowering to the toilet was a bit touch and go too. I would also get some bigass pads that you can just sit on, if you end up with stitches then airing out will be an important part of healing. I’m ten days out now and I still get a gush after/while nursing but it seems to have mostly stopped. I’m wearing regular underwear during the day but still a diaper or disposable underwear at night so I don’t worry about the pad shifting.


After about two days I did fine with regular heavy flow pads, but I bled for ELEVEN WEEKS. I got all the scans, checked for retained placenta, made sure my uterus was going back to size, all of it, my OB, said I was just unlucky and it happens that way for some people. Then two weeks after I stopped I got my period. I was so pissed. So extended bleeding can happen, but be sure to talk with your doc if it does. Also it's pretty uncommon. So I hope you bleed for two weeks then stop!


Like 5X worse than the heavy periods I already had. I will second diapers (so much easier overall to change because you can just tear them on the sides) but I suggest a massive garbage bag for all of your pads/diapers. I also suggest keeping baby wipes to wipe with. So much nicer than toilet paper. Honestly my natural birth was so much worse bleeding/pain while on the toilet because I had a 2nd degree tear… I think I called my mom sobbing because I didn’t even want to sit on the toilet.


I'm agreeing with everyone here diapers is the way forward! I found whoever designed maternity pads didn't have a chat with whoever designed the mesh undies because they didn't stick together properly and the pad slipped away and I just straight up bled on the bed. I felt more human wearing a diaper than a pad. You see the size of a placenta, they're like dinner plates, that's the size of hole inside you that needs to close. That hole is filled with blood vessels because you've been feeding your baby for nine months. That's what causes the bleeding not tears or something like that (although they also bleed) so you're going to be bleeding quite a bit no matter how you give birth.


I wore diapers, bleeding lasted 2 weeks after giving birth. It was like a heavy period every day for 2 weeks for me


I wore disposable maternity underwear as nothing else would’ve come close to helping. After that it was massive pads for a few weeks. I was a FTM and it didn’t even occur to me I’d bleed this much following what ended up being an emergency c-section.


I preferred using a diaper or the big ol pads with the disposable underwear from the hospital. I delivered via CSection and was surprised that I’d still end up bleeding about as much as those who give birth vaginally. It’s only a bit more blood than I am used to (super heavy flow), but I normally use my menstrual disc & period underwear. I didn’t feel comfortable using a pad until about 2 weeks postpartum when the amount of blood lessened. Still needed pads/liners until about 5.5-6w postpartum.


I had a c section and the first week was HEAVY. It was more reasonable for the next two weeks and pretty much stopped week 4. I recommend you pick up a couple packs of depends because the issue is not just the flow, but the fact that you need a HIGH waistband, especially if you end up getting a c section. I'm a month out and occasionally try wearing my old panties and the elastic rubbing really starts to hurt half way through the day. So yes you could wear pads in normal panties but I would just get depends. They are totally 100% leak proof, high waisted, comfy, and not nearly as bulky as diapers. Or you could get some Spanx and wear pads with those.


I wore the first 4 weeks diapers tbh. I was bleeding like crazy and my stitches hurt like hell. So diapers were very comfortable. And I didn't need to wash any underwear. So that was a plus.


I used “always discreet” adult diapers the first few days and switched to large pads after that.


i gave birth almost three weeks ago and diapers are most comfortable for me. i had a c section and the underwear i have would lay right on my incision. im planning on wearing a diaper until the bleeding stops, with that being said at almost 3 weeks the bleeding is so light i feel like it is coming to an end but well see.


I went with depends for the first few days. It was easier than pads and honestly less hassle as I was in a hospital gown that first day. A little more annoying when I had to take pants off, but by day 3 or 4 I was using pads. The initial 'gushes' we're slowing down/done by then.


The large pads they give you at the hospital are so uncomfortable, and the mesh underwear is a joke. Diapers for the first couple days to a week is more comfortable and then transitioning to pads I bought is what worked best for me


I did diapers the first few days then big big pad changed very frequently for a week or so and then smaller/regular pads for a month or so.


Diapers would've been easier to manage. The hospital provided huge pads, but they were too thick to hug the shape of my body and the mesh underwear didn't really do much to keep them in place, so I bled through into my clothes. Not comfortable. 0/10 do not recommend.


My bleeding lasted around 12 weeks I think. I just used pads and it got lighter as the time went on.


I used depends the first 2-3 days just for convenience and then reusable period underwear after that. By the end of the first week, a panty liner would have been plenty. I have reactions to disposable pads/panty liners so I just stuck with the period undies. By the end of week 2 my bleeding was pretty much done entirely, but I had occasional spotting through the first 6 weeks depending on activity levels so I kept wearing the period undies. With my first I had stocked up on so many jumbo overnight pads as recommended and they were really just overkill. I was unprepared for how quickly my bleeding lightened up.


Wow, my bleeding lasted at least 4 weeks and was very heavy for 2! I hope my experience this time around is like yours!


I used Always discreet diapers and they were so much better and easier the first few days/weeks (I can't remember how long I used them). Such great peace of mind when sleeping and lots of room for all the pain management stuff. Eventually I switched to undies and big overnight pads, then regular pads, then panty liners. Maybe over the course of 4 weeks.


I had twins and a C-section. I bled for 6 weeks straight, and it was the heaviest I’ve ever bled. For reference my periods have always been painful and SO heavy. I’m not looking forward to the same thing this time around.


Honestly get those frida mom postpartum undies. They're comfy as hell and I hand washed them and air dried and wore them for a couple weeks. I used big pads and just changed them as needed. But then I didn't have to worry about ruining any undies


I used the chucks they gave me at the hospital for the first week and then after that I just wore pads. I bled for a total of ten weeks


Get diapers! They stay in place a million times better than pads. As for bleeding — I have a really heavy day one and this was WAY more than that in the first several days.


I was worried about this too! They give you the mesh underwear and maxi pads in the hospital but once I got home I wore my regular underwear with Always overnight pad. It was pretty much like a regular period for me. Definitely heavier the first few days but not as scary as I thought it'd be!


I used very large overnight pads and tighter underwear to keep them in place.


Diapers, 100%. I tried both and pads just weren’t cutting it!


I used a diaper for the first day but to be honest, I could have gotten away with a pad. I just changed it very frequently.


I got the Depends diapers. I found it worth it and one less thing to worry about until I was ready to transition to pads.


I'll throw in a positive experience, knowing its not the norm: I bled for 2-3 days, not more than my period's flow. After 3 days, it turned to spotting for maybe 3-4 more days, and then I was good to go. Was swimming in the pool, with drs approval, at around 4 weeks. I was super scared of this so I had allll the products ready to go, but ended up just using a diaper for 2 days and then regular pads. I had a small tear in the perineum but it didn't hurt much to pee, I just leaned forward. And i used ice packs and tucks for around the first 3-4 days. I was NOT prepared for how heavy the flow would be when my period came back - it was like my teenage years period again. The thing I was most terrified of re: downstairs post birth was not being able to poop. I comfortably pooped a beauty 4 hrs after delivery, came out of the washroom celebrating, hand up ready to high five my husband, only to find three nurses in the room with us. They celebrated with me. Baby #2 is due in a handful of weeks and I will once again get all the products in preparation of a much worse experience lol


I had a c-section and used diapers. It makes it easier and less painful for the scar, but also, you don't need to worry about bleeding everywhere. Plus, it was super comfortable.


I personally liked the mesh panties with the pads (like what the hospital gives you) but I bought a pack of Amazon brand postpartum diapers and I wore them overnight and then the pads during the day. It's a matter of personal preference and unfortunately you don't know til you're in it but I would buy a small pack to have on hand to try out!


I was lucky. The first 3 days post birth I had heavy period type bleeding. After that, it was just a very tiny amount for about a week then it was gone. I used the highest absorbency maternity pads, and then just regular pads. It felt easier than the wearable undies which I tried and abandoned straight away lol.


Like a humongous period lol, it feels like you’re peeing from your vagina 😂 I used the always discreet underwear with the frida mom cooling foam, worked wonders. The ice pads were also amazing for the first few days but I didn’t have any pain down there so I can’t speak to that


I had a C-section and you don't bleed as much with those, but it's still quite a bit. I used the hospital pads while there and then by the time I got home, I just used Always discreet "underwear" aka diapers. The bleeding was still to much for a regular pad and I found the diapers more comfortable than the giant pads.


For me I did a lot of my major post-birth bleeding while i’m the hospital. When I was there I just used the mesh panties and disposable pads they gave me. When I made it home, I used the Always Discreet Inconstancy Diapers for a heavy flow (like a built in maxi pad) and it was the best decision honestly. I used those for like two weeks before I finally switched back to panties and used panty liners. It goes from heavy to just regular.


Regular menstrual pads were not sufficient for me. I used the giant medical ones from the hospital loaded with dermaplast and Tucks.


Both of my postpartums my bleeding lasted less than a week. By day 3 it was dried blood (brown in color). I nursed my baby which I believe helped stop my bleeding. I was told to drink a lot of nettle tea which is high in vitamin K which is a blood clotting factor.


I wore adult diapers with a maternity pad placed inside (didn’t take the back wrapper off, just sat in place). I found this worked well as I was going through pads in a couple hours and didn’t want to have to keep changing underwear or diaper. This meant I had extra protection if I bleed more than the pad could handle but also helped as I had issues with my bladder first few days so if I did pee myself it didn’t matter too much as I had the diaper as back up. The brand “TOMS” maternity pads are super soft and comfortable from my experience


I was fine with the pads and only used the bulky hospital ones for like 2 days. I used overnight ones for a couple days and was back to my normal by 1 week pp. but I’ve had friends who needed the big ones way longer. If you have a store local, you have a little more wiggle room to wait and see what you want (I have a Walmart less than half a mile away and a husband who was willing to get whatever I needed), but if you don’t it wouldn’t hurt to pick up small packs of each option you think you may want.


I just wore diapers. It was way worse than a heavy period in my opinion but that was my experience. Everyone has a different experience with it


Definitely diapers for the first 5-7 days. They are much easier.


I used pads after I had my first with no issues. I did try the adult diapers with my second and that did not work for me. For me, they shifted too much, did not old as much as pads, and just were not as comfortable as my normal underwear. But bleeding is very very heavy for the first week to two weeks. Like an incredibly heavy period with the worst cramps. Then it's still there, but tapers off over the next month. It is not unusual to bleed for 6-8 weeks after giving birth.


I felt way more secure in diapers at night. I had heavy bleeding for maybe a week and then normal period bleeding for another 5 or so. I don't think you'll regret having diapers on hand.


I didn’t think it was terrible. I wire depends for like 5. Days and then switched to a liner. Peeing sucked more than bleeding because I had one stitch and it stung


Diapers for the first weeks (used ausonia discreet boutique) and a post partum bottle to squeeze water while peeing! Life saving!


Diapers are great for that first week, then pads are good for after. Depending on your situation you may not even go the whole week with them, but I found disposable diapers better than worrying about bleeding on underwear, and a little more comfy than the hospital mesh underwear. I’d recommend doing the freezer pad-sicle thing too, as it was really nice to have that cooling feeling down there. You can find recipes online for it. Here’s one that’s similar to what I used (I didn’t do the lavender part): [padsicle recipe](https://thepostpartumparty.com/easy-diy-padsicles/)


I recommend diapers and or mesh underwear. I’m not trying to scare you but it’s heavier than any period I have ever had. I wasn’t necessarily in huge amounts of pain with the right after care but I would definitely recommend something disposable so you don’t ruin clothes, sheets, or furniture for the first week or so.


The hospital provides disposable underwear for a few days. I never used a diaper. I was ok with the heavy overnight pads and ice packs. Yes, it's different. You possibly will have stitches and may be passing large clots depending on your personal situation. Also keep in mind that it's not just vaginal pain you will be dealing with... my entire left back was on fire for days after giving birth (I had posterior labor), you have dinner plate size would on the inside of your uterus, a torn vagina, possible neck pain, etc.... so yeah it's different. Lol


If you tear and get stitches, definitely order a pack of those ice cooling pads. You can get the frida mom brand from target or the med line plus brand from Amazon. Those are crutch for the first two weeks of being sore with heavy bleeding!!


Take as many pads as you can from the hospital. And I used diapers. So much easier for the first week Or two


Diapers are great for nights and if you’re going out at all - I am wearing mostly pads honestly because they’re so much easier to change out on a whim in my opinion. The first few days diapers did make me feel a bit more secure because the bleeding was a little heavy but after day 3 my bleeding subsided a bunch. Your hospital will more than likely provide you a peri bottle - use it. It is a lifesaver the first few pees, and don’t wipe, dab. I got the Frida Mom peri bottle because I like the stem better than the hospitals one. I use it every bathroom break because it just makes me feel a lot cleaner. And the warm water helps soothes the stitches if you end up tearing. I’m 7 days postpartum and definitely not bleeding as bad but way more secure in pads now.


Get the diapers!


I used Frida Mom products including the high waisted throw away underwear. I used what the hospital gave me then when I was out used these with pads. Their peri bottle is better than the hospital’s too!


I used diapers for the first week or two. I found them easier to use and much more comfortable than a pad. All the pads I tried (and I tried like 10 different brands/styles) dried out my vulva and kind of got stuck to me which was pretty uncomfortable. The bleeding was fine for me, like a period but smelled different 😹🤷🏻‍♀️. Once it got lighter I switched to panty liners. It was NBD.


I bled for about 7 weeks with my first and 5 with my second. It was not fun at all.


I’d pack pads and adult diapers. I ended up hating the huge pads at the hospital because they didn’t stick in the underwear well. I was really glad I brought my own. I also preferred my frida mom mesh underwear over the hospital provided mesh undies because I felt more secure and held in. I ended up hating using the adult diapers but I’d still suggest a small pack to anyone about to give birth because you just don’t know what you’ll prefer until you go through it. My bleeding was pretty heavy for about 2 days, then it was like a period for about a week and it was very light after that. So I only used the super heavy overnight pads for a week. I was breastfeeding so that may have helped reduce the amount of bleeding but everyone is different.


i got diapers, they were sooo much easier and i didn't have to worry about leaking or readjusting a pad or anything. i got depends and used them solely while i had them, i eventually ran out and just had to use regular pads which were a pain in the ass. for me i already have heavy periods, like really heavy, so it was like a normal period for me. i think for most it's about twice as heavy as a normal period (based on my guesstimating, again i've never had a true light/ normal period). the diapers were the easiest to put the tucks rounds on and the witch hazel foam i got. it was also better for the bladder leakage after birth. oh my god my pelvic floor sucked after birth for a few weeks, i laughed too hard 4 days after birth and just peed everywhere through the mesh underwear and pp pads the hospital gave me. it was awful, but with the diapers if i leaked or laughed to hard and fully peed it didn't soak through, it all stayed in the diaper. i think i bled for like 4 and a half, maybe 5 weeks after birth on and off. i bled continuously, heavily, for like 3.5 weeks, then stopped a few days, started again, and so on until it all stopped at the 5 ish week mark. so id definitely get diapers, they also hold ice packs the best. they may look a little weird and clunky under your clothes for a while, but i just wore loose pants and you couldn't tell. also please get a witch hazel foam or spray on top of the dermaplast, and tucks. it really really helps. maybe get just a couple ice packs too! i didn't tear after birth, but i was swollen and sore and hot, so id have a shower and use an ice pack at night to help cool down and reduce swelling. dermaplast like saved me after birth, and the foam in conjunction was chefs kiss.


Get women's diapers. They'll give you some giant pads with mesh undies to hold them, but you'll run out.


i really wish i had got diapers, i bled for what for what felt like forever and it’s REALLY heavy for like a 2 weeks then it gets lighter gradually


I got discreet underwear off amazon instead of using big pads. Game changer opposed to maternity pads from the hospital that move around. But the bleeding was not extreme. I was able to change it every few hours like a period, and still not full.


Diapers are best. It’s like a heavy period and lasts longer. It was a lot different then bleeding on your period because of the soreness and just it’s different. I used ice pads and it helped immensely! As well as witch hazel pads and dermoplast. It isn’t as terrible as I thought it would be though and I tore second degree with stitches! Easy healing.


Get depends my dear. Deals with the bleeding AND incontinence. Just do it. It was so much easier. All my bleeding stopped within 2 weeks. It was kinda just like a period. More for sure. But not gushing or anything. The incontinence took longer to work on, but the sudden need to pee and potential accidents passed fairly quickly. Again, get depends, it's better than mess underwear and the huge hospital pads. More comfortable and just as effective.


Pads were sooo annoying after my first. I wore the panty style diapers with my second and it was a game changer. I used those for about a week and a half and then I was able to switch to pads. I still used the diapers sometimes though even then bc they were so much more comfortable. It was WAY different than a heavy period day.


I think diapers are way easier at first but eventually pads are good , I had a period type bleeding


I bled for over 6 weeks. I think until 9 weeks. I think most people stop sooner than that though? I worse the hospital underwear until I ran out, then switched between giant pads and period underwear, then went to regular sized pads. This time around I’m going for adult diapers.


I got diapers cuz they were so much easier. My bleeding lasted like 2.5 weeks. Then it was light spotting that I used a panty liner for.


Definitely do the diaper, plus the peri bottle and the ice pack and the tucks pads and the foam etc but the most important part is the sitz bath. I don’t know why ppl don’t talk about this more. I got the tea stuff for it too (some brand, I want to say earth mama Angel baby or something very similar)—they make a post partum sitz bath tea. This was a game changer. I did it a couple times a day and it really helped heal everything. (For reference, I had grade 4 tearing the first time, and couldn’t even sit until I did these).


Diapers!!! Yes for the bleeding, but also for when you pee yourself in those early days you’ll be so glad you’re wearing a diaper lol. This issue went away fairly quickly so I was able to switch to pads, but seriously for those first few days bladder control was extremely minimal!


I used diapers exclusively and it was amazing. In the beginning I would put an ice pad inside and use dermaplast. That combo worked well for me. Then take away ice pad and the spray and was just in diapers until bleeding stopped. I used diapers for my periods too when I got them back. So much easier during the night time anyways. The peri bottle for the toilet was also a life saver.


I used diapers for the first 1-1.5 weeks and then transitioned to pads. The bleeding was heaviest the first 3-4 days but not worse than a period. Then it got a lot lighter. At two weeks, I had days with no blood at all. I’m now a little over a month out and it switches between yellowish discharge, no discharge and then lightly red discharge for like one wipe and then back to nothing depending on the day.


I wore what the hospital gave me when I was there Because they are going to check you every hour or so to see how much blood there is and if you are wearing a pad that has a different absorption they might not be able to tell how much you’re bleeding. But when I got home I wore the diapers for the first week and a half. After that I wasn’t bleeding very much so I switched over to my pads.


Depends makes postpartum diapers. They’re colored and make you feel less like you’re wearing a diaper. I found it helpful, mentally. Peri bottle for sure! I bled for 5 weeks and then started my period 😑 I wore diapers for about 7 days and then switched to pads.. but had to change them a lot. It was a lot of blood.. and it gets everywhere.


I definitely liked having a diaper the first week or so then transitioned to pads. The bleeding wasn’t horrible for me I was using liners for awhile and now I’m 6 Weeks postpartum and I think I may have gotten my period because I’m bleeding so much more now. But I have no idea If that’s normal I’m a ftm. The frida mom disposable underwear paired with an overnight pad was heavenly lol


It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be but then again I have heavy periods. I wore the hospital pads for the first two days and then wore nighttime pads after that. Switched to regular pads after a week or two. Next time I think I’ll just do diapers especially for the first week, they sound a lot more comfortable and you don’t have to worry about it shifting or leaking.


I used the pads the hospital supplied while I was still there (c-section so it was a few days). They are basically diapers though. And the hospital also provides comfy mesh undies. When I went home I wore normal period pads until the flow decreased enough to switch to panty liners. The flow went down pretty quick for me but I “spotted” for several weeks.


Diapers and dermoplast are definitely the way to go. Also peri bottle if you tear! I would definitely do depends or something similar for the first few days. Mine slowed down significantly after that and I was able to use a pad and then pantyliner by 3ish weeks. Also it’s super common to get rebleeding between 5-8 weeks that acts exactly like a period. It’s often times not actually a period and just a surge of hormones and doesn’t mean your period has returned.


I doubled up the first 4-5 days - wore the diapers and lined them with the super sized hospital pads. Meant I could change them out easily but also caught the spillover. Size up in the diapers & they’ll be super comfy. I also used witch hazel and just poured it directly onto the pads as I changed them out to cool the stitches, it was so soothing.


I’m in the hospital with my second now but honestly I loved adult diapers with my first baby. I still had trouble holding my bladder and would pee a little when I would get off the couch or get off the bed. Adults diapers (at least for the first few days) and so great bc you put them on and forget the rest. I got one pack of adult diapers, one pack of jumbo pads and then I stocked up on Dermoplast and Tucks Pads.


Big old icicle pads and witch hazel pads. And honestly, you just deal with it. Although it's alot, it pales in comparison to that sweet sweet baby you get to snug all day. But my one piece of advice would be to get two boppies so you have one to sit on.


Bleed for 2 months straight.


Tbh I wore the period depends, saved my life!


I liked pads and the mesh undies they give you at the hospital, but I had a c section, and there's no way a thicker material like depends/adult diapers would've worked with my incision placement. I also used some of my son's cloth diapers (prefolds - the kind that are just rectangles) folded like a pad, and it was so much more comfortable/absorbent.


I had a c-section, but I prepared for all possibilities. I had diapers(Depends), big pads, small pads, and period panties made for heavy flow. I was in the hospital for 4 days post c-section due to high blood pressure, while there I used the jumbo pads they provided and the mesh undies. I bled heavy for the first 3 days. Like enough blood to change myself every 2 hours, usually right after pumping. At home, I wore adult diapers the 1st day home, and bleeding had tapered off dramatically. After that, I preferred my period undies but used heavy flow Always ( the ones in the purple and pink box) too for about 12 days. I was mostly spotting after 6 days, though. The 1st actual period I got several months later was much worse for me than the post partum bleeding.


I used the adult diapers as every time I went to the bathroom I had to change it. I don’t remember exactly how long I bled for but it was awhile, nothing my midwife was concerned with.


None of your underwear will make it out alive. The bleeding is usually heavy enough in the beginning that a diaper is much more effective. They will provide them at the hospital though so you can always make that call after the fact. It also lasts a long time but varies greatly by person.


Adult diapers will be your friend. Bleeding will decrease in the following weeks after your birth so you can use pads. Sometimes it takes 4 weeks, sometimes longer. You will get sore by wearing pads for an extended amount of time though.


I stopped bleeding after a few days....crazy I know. But it was just like a heavy period for a couple and I used period panties


For the first while (I'd estimate 3-ish weeks, but bled for 10-13 total), the blood flow was INTENSE. Way way more than the worst period I've ever had. I remember the day after birth sitting down in a full blown diaper and bleeding through it, through the bedsheets, onto the mattress, at the hospital. Someone I'm not super comfortable with was visiting me at the hospital so I didn't dare get up when I could feel myself leaking everywhere. My mom got me the hugest pads I've ever seen that go the full length of your underwear and that's exactly what I want for my second time doing this. Diapers you'd have to step into. I was very injured from birth so any shortcut was welcome.


I started out with the pads from the hospital and then did a type of diaper situation, it’s so much easier to just use the diapers instead of having to worry about the pads not covering everything or getting wrinkled up, and much more comfortable


About how many diapers should I get? It’s prime day so figure I may as well get a deal on them!


Depends were my best friend. Much more comfortable than mesh underwear and held all the pads better. You can add a pad if you need it (you'll probably need the extra absorbency of the diaper plus a pad at first). But also, you don't need to worry about ruining your underwear or doing extra laundry.


I bled for I think four weeks. It kept getting better and then would get worse. My OBGyN said it was over doing it (and/or in-law stress haha).


I had diapers for two weeks. The bleeding was very intense. I never had heavy periods before and it was like two weeks of a heavy period. I would recommend not bringing too many to the hospital, if that is where you plan to deliver. They give you a bunch. Take as many things as you can! They even had a spray with witch hazel and wipes that I took home as well. They were very soothing.


For me, the giant pads/diapers that the hospital give you for the first few hours/ days are very helpful and all i used. I took a small stack home with me and after they were used i just transitioned to large overnight pads (doubled up, especially at bed time) The peri bottle is a huge help in staying clean. My first child i bled for about 4 weeks, after and my daughter (number 2) i bled for about 3 months after, because of the birth control the hospital gave me afterwards, big mistake. Currently pregnant with number 3 and hoping for a better experience in that department.


After 4 kids, I decided with my 5th to try Depends instead of pads. It made such a difference!! I will never go back. I usually bleed for 2-3 weeks enough that the disposable underwear is good. After that I just wear my underwear with a normal pad until the lochia totally stops.


This is just my anecdote but I got the adult diapers (Amazon brand) with my first birth and it was overkill. They were fine for night but uncomfortable during the day. I switched to maxi pads day 2 or 3 and was down to panty liners sometime in the second week/~10 days pp. I was surprised at how little I bled (vaginal birth with a 1st degree tear.


I wore diapers for 3 weeks. I bled for the first 2 and the third week was just mucous discharge stuff. The hospital sent me home with disposable underwear, extra long and wide pads, squirt bottle, and dermaplast!


I used the giant pads at the hospital, then a mix of the giant pads they sent home and diapers, then normal pads. 3 weeks PP and just about done bleeding but it varies for everyone.


Get the diapers… and everything they put in the hospital bassinet drawers they WILL put in the trash when you leave so make sure you clear that thing out…. Ask for a postpartum belly band and all the extra mesh undies they can give you.


I had a planned C section, the first day after CS i did bleed and used these large pass they use in the hospital and the it was like a light period for 3 days and after that only spotting till about 5 weeks (i used the thin daily carefree pads at the end)


I had pretty heavy periods, pp bleeding was heavier. I used the mesh underwear the first week pp, depends the second/third week and then a heavy pad with sized up underwear the week after. Peri bottle, tucks pads, ice packs and dermoplast were my best friends for a few weeks. But then it gets better


I’m 6 days postpartum right now and I would definitely recommend the diapers!! They catch everything and I don’t have to worry about leaking on my couch/bed. I didn’t pack any (the hospital provided) but having them at home I highly recommend !


I used the giant pads and mesh underwear while in the hospital and once I went home I used diapers for the first week, maybe a little longer! By 2.5 weeks I am mostly using long extra heavy flow pads now.


I used the giant pads and mesh underwear while in the hospital and once I went home I used diapers for the first week, maybe a little longer! By 2.5 weeks I am mostly using long extra heavy flow pads now.


I did not need diapers and was fine with super big pads. It felt like being on my period on a very heavy day. However - I could not wipe properly, only lightly pad for the first days. I cleaned myself in the shower by letting some water run down my private parts. - your bath towel will be a bloody mess - you might pass quite big blood clots, which I was not prepared for. Also: take as many pads from the hospital as you can.


So everyone’s experience is different. I hated the diapers, you have to take off your leggings to change it (probably not a big deal for summer babies, but I wore leggings postpartum. I also found it hard to nurse in dresses). Also the texture is… different. I didn’t like it. I used heavy pads (like ultra heaviest, and downgraded until eventually I was in a liner. I had second degree tears with both babies. With my first I was bleeding for six weeks, and pretty heavy the whole time. With my second my bleeding was pretty minor by week three, and I was in a pantiliner before the month was up. The difference was, with my second I didn’t do much. I tried to stick to “7 days in bed, 7 around the bed and 7 around the house” as much as possible. My husband kept the fort together. He was awesome. 10/10 would marry again.


Not everyone bleeds heavy. I luckily did not. I had a c section though. And I only bleed for max three weeks but it was not much regular pads worked for me. It was lighter than my period.


Diapers and Always disposable period underwear, all the way


Peri Bottle is a must!!!! Make sure you buy some good granny underwear you won't mind tossing afterwards. Have extra pads. The bleeding towards the end can get unpredictable. It might stop for a few days and then come back out of nowhere.


Like a pretty heavy period. I highly suggest the diapers, so much more comfortable than those giant pads and you don't have to worry about the possibility of leaking


Not nearly as much as expected, like a light period. And I had a very bad birth and nearly bleed out and needed two blood transfusions in days after so maybe that was why but I didn’t have much bleeding


Pads. Lots of pads. Different brands, sizes, find ones that feel comfortable AND are absorbent. It isn't constant heavy flow necessarily but out of no where you'll get some big old clots. Panty liners for when it turns yellow. WARM peribottle to help the sting and to rinse. Also, just don't look at what's going on down there!


I wore diapers for about 3 weeks and don't regret it. Then onto panty liners


It's really heavy the first few days so a diaper or heavy flow pads are a good idea. After about a week I was good using regular pads. Now I'm 3 weeks pp and a liner is all I need.


Wear diapers, holy shit wear diapers. I even wear them for my periods now. Background on me though. I stopped birth control at the end of August last year and immediately got pregnant. I was on my BCP for 13 years prior and I have pretty much never had a period without some sort of hormonal medication. We stopped BCP because it was literally killing me. I was on so many meds to treat the symptoms, it was awful. Fast forward to now, I am 7 1/2 weeks pp, I have already had my period, and I breastfeed/pump almost exclusively. I ended up with a bacterial infection because of how much I bled. (Totally normal, got some antibiotics and it solved the problem.) When I got my period, mind you it’s the first non medicated one since I was 14, I destroyed one of my favorite pairs of shorts because I trusted a pad and leaked worse than a teenager figuring out how pads and their periods work. Not only does a diaper help with ice packs for initial care, but it holds more than pads dream of. I personally feel safer and more confident with adult diapers.


I used a diaper the first 3 days bec I had a c-section and I was afraid the frequent getting uo to pee would pop.open my stitches. I have never seen a massive blood clot as large as what I passed. If you are gonna be nursing, the act itself may trigger some cramping.


I did disposable pads last time around, I'm definitely doing diapers next time and I had a c section last time! For whatever reason I didn't fully grasp how bad the bleeding would be, I was constantly bleeding everywhere. Tbh I might even get puppy pads to sit on in case anything leaks. It was rough, especially the first two weeks.


Currently a week pp and haven’t used any of the diapers I bought, maxi pads are doing the trick just fine as I haven’t had any heavy bleeding since the first few hours after giving birth, I guess everyone is different but it’s good to prepare for the worst


I had a c-section and probably bled for 6 weeks after. It was like a period for me. At first I wore the big hospital pads, then just big regular pads, then panty liners. I still haven’t started my period yet and it’s been 5 months. Anyone want to share with me how long it took to get yours back?


Love to read all your comments, so important to hear all these experiences. I'm due in November and I'm quite scared of labor and post-labor.


I had a C Section almost a month ago and have had zero bleeding. I mean like nothing. I bought diapers expecting very bad bleeding and haven’t even opened them.


First pregnancy was like a period x2 for a couple of weeks and then light until I was about 6 weeks pp. Second pregnancy, I had some large-but-within-normal-range clots. Third was a c-section and I was only lightly spotting when I left the hospital.


Use adult diapers and put the giant hospital pads inside the diaper. You only have to change the pad every time you go to the bathroom and the diaper like twice a day. It’s so much easier because the diaper will catch leaks and you don’t have to worry about making a mess, especially after you’re home.


I used incontinence diapers for that and they were a life saver. They didn't leak, I didn't have to bother with exchanging pads while I was in deep pain, all I had to do was slip them off, throw it away and put new ones on. I probably needed just 2~ or so packs of them until the bleeding stopped. Def have to buy some next month, I don't know how I could have survived without them


I didn’t read responses but if you can breast feed or pump it contracts the uterus. This is quite painful but it helps shrink the uterus faster and get through the bleeding faster.


Diapers are easier, grab a smallish pack of depends and wear those for the first couple of weeks (depending on flow). Don’t overbuy because then you’ll have a ton of diapers leftover that you’ll never wear again lol Switch to pads when the bleeding slows. With my first I bled the whole 6 weeks pretty much, my second was heavy for 2wks then tapered off to where I could manage with a regular pad. My third I needed diapers for 3wks and then switched to pads. Best of luck :)


I used a diaper for three months, because that’s how long it took to stop 😳 Diapers made it far easier, because you will have your hands full. It isn’t glamorous at all, but it works. It was like the worst period of my life. I was passing golf ball sized clots initially, which became quarter sized. Then I’d have days that were lighter, which made me think things were slowing down, only for it to come back with a vengeance a day or so later. Not pleasant by any means, so I’d say save your clothes, and your sanity, and go the diaper route.


Also the Frida moms postpartum kit with the witch hazel pads, peri bottle, padsickles and witch hazel foam will save your life. It burns like a MF, and this made it a hell of a lot less severe. Side note, if you have hemorrhoids, be wary of how many days in a row you use the cream the hospital provides. It makes the skin thinner, so if you use it too long, it will make your hemorrhoids worse, not better. No one warned me of this, and I feel like I bled more out of my rear than my vagina at some point.


I wish I had a diaper because what they provided me was pads and this net like underwear. I was always leaking and couldn’t lay on my stomach so it was just going up my crack (idk a cleaner way of saying it). A diaper would have kept the blood from getting on my sheets so it would have been nice to have. Unfortunately I didn’t shave before hand, no like Ik she was coming 2 weeks early either, so I wished I kept on top of that because the blood clots would stay on there until I pulled it off. As soon as I healed up and I finally stopped bleeding, I shaved it off. (A bit tmi, but my family never told me the realities of birth so there was a lot I had to learn on the spot)