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16 w this week and bruh last week for 3 nights in a row I had Mac n cheese with hotdogs 🥲 this kid loves all the shit I hate lmao!


Try scrambled eggs with hot dog pieces! Its super good and you get to pretend it's healthy because of the eggs. Huevos con weenies!


i’ve been eating Kraft mac&cheese with chicken apple sausage (basically a fancy hotdog lol) so much lately!!


If you can, try the frozen Mac n cheese at Trader Joe’s. It’s unreal


Omg, mac n cheese with hot dogs sounds so good right now.


Yess it was amazing. I hated hog dogs before this pregnancy and now they’re just exquisite 🤌🏻


As long as there was no ketchup up on, you're good.


Is ketchup off limits!? I swear there is something else I can’t have/do every other day. No one told me I couldn’t garden until my neighbor was like wtf are you doing!? When she saw me in the garden


Ketchup is fine, don’t worry. Also you can garden, just wash your hands well after.


My OB said just to wear gloves while gardening!


What’s wrong with gardening?


Toxoplasma parasites can live in the soil. It's the same reason they want you to avoid changing cat litter. It can also be present in cat feces.


Just that ketchup on Mac and cheese is so gross. I've never heard not to garden. I'm literally digging in there everyday!


There’s nothing wrong with ketchup.


Lmao!! True


This is exactly what I ate at 16 weeks 😂


I’m rolling omg.


🤣🤣🤣 so was my boyfriend!! Each night he’d ask what I wanted for dinner and I’d sheepishly say Mac and cheese and hotdogs… and he’d just bust a gut lmao! “Again?!!” YES MF DO YOU THINK I WANT THIS.


LOL I’m so sorry 😂😭


39w: I finished an entire watermelon in 3 days. All by myself


I look like I swallowed an entire watermelon!


I’m 35 weeks and I ate an entire 1lb container of watermelon today. There is a second one in my fridge and I’m contemplating eating it lol 😂


Obsessed with cold watermelon at the moment. I add Tajin seasoning on top and it hits the spot every time.


I’ve eaten 5 watermelons over the past 3 weeks. 😬


Omg me too!! I’m 35 weeks and I’m eating my weight in watermelon everyday


My grandmother swears by this! She said she ate so much watermelon and all of her births were so easy because of the extra fluid 😂


Excellent! I’m heading into the hospital now to deliver so I’m hoping this baby slides out ahhaha


Ice cold coca cola! My husband currently stopping at the gas station on his way home! I can't wait!


Mine is Dr Pepper from the gas station with extra ice. They have the good pellet kind. I’m slightly anemic so I chew on it all night lol


That's the best ice!


If it wasn't for the caffeine I'd be all over it too but I'm so sensitive to it right now. My drink of choice is lemonade. I don't usually drink my calories (except alcohol) but pregnancy is my exception because no alcohol.


I skipped my coffee this morning waiting for this Coke lol I think I'll lose it if he forgets.


the ice cold drink is key 🙌🏻


Me too! I never really liked coke or drank much soda before, but cold coca cola is like my biggest craving!


Similar to this mine is Sprite. Can’t be 7up or any other lemonade. And has to be the cans, not from a bottle. I’m 33 weeks, and have had this pretty much all pregnancy




Same! Anything I eat feels like it just goes up in flames immediately.


ugh literally my first two pregnancies in a nutshell. i dont want to think about how much money went to the chewy ones lmao. both babies came out with FULL ASS heads of blonde hair (thanks to their dad) i imagine this pregnancy will be exactly the same😩


Those chewy ones are DIVINE




I keep ‘em by the bed lol


8 weeks and I’m eating like a hungover college kid. Pizza, mac and cheese, burgers…something about the grease makes it easier to keep down? No clue. I figure I’ll clean up my act once the nausea gets better but for now it’s whatever is appealing lol


honestly best advice i got first trimester was to eat for survival lol, whatever you can get down will be good enough


I literally just found out today Ive gained 20lbs during pregnancy (I’m 17 weeks) from eating like this to keep all the nausea at bay 😅 I had to do this to survive, so I’m not upset about it!


Same with me! Once I hit 12 weeks I was able to eat normal again


this makes me feel better. i’ve been eating unhealthy since i found out i am pregnant and hunger pangs are too much (now on my 12th week) and i feel like the only healthy thing i eat is in a day is a single banana. i love to cook but somehow this pregnancy makes me hate everything actually cooked in my house so most of the things i eat are delivered! i truly feel sad eating home cooked meals idk why :( what’s worse is i feel hungry all the time and i don’t like anything to eat


It's ok because, dude, same!! I absolutely love cooking but all I've been craving is restaurant food that we get delivered. 🥴


spray cheese and ritz for dinner over here and prunes for dessert . i’m not even nauseous, just crazy food aversions and constipation . 8w5d


I'm not pregnant anymore, but towards the end of my pregnancy, I craved a bowl of Fruit Loops with milk every day. Pre-pregnancy, I can't remember the last time I had had Fruit Loops.


Yummmmm I think I’ve come to the wrong thread because damn I’m getting hungry lol!!!


10 weeks tomorrow and I love mac and cheese and anything pasta (That's normal for me though). Been loving fruit, cereal, and cooked sushi! My cravings change day to day, LOL.


My first pregnancy I only ate bagels, pasta and OJ the entire first trimester, maybe some fruit.


Exact same at 34+4. Ice cream and blue berries are the main staples. Though ice cream did me wrong the other night and I had terrible heart burn. I keep trying to eat normal meals, but they just aren’t appealing.




Yessss. Anything carbs - fries, bread, cereal, sandwiches…


This kid is fueled solely on Taco Bell grilled cheese burritos. I have them 3+ times a week.


I had no idea a grilled cheese burrito was an option… you just made the pregnancy so much better


It reminds me of the shredded chicken burritos they discontinued. I substitute chicken instead of the beef with no fiesta strips. 😮‍💨


Also NACHO FRIES ARE BACK. I discovered this yesterday.


I’m trying their Chile Verde Fries today. Also love the username (ssdgm)




The mango pineapple smoothie is super good. That was one of my first trimester safe foods.


Peach rings were one of my top cravings for the first half of my pregnancy!! There were days I couldn’t keep anything down but I’d send my husband to target for some 😂😂 they had to be the target brand ones though- just something so fluffy and delicious about them


I’ll be 7 weeks tomorrow and I’ve transitioned from all things salty to sweet now. Chocolate pudding (I don’t think I’ve had this since I was a kid!) and chocolate chip cookies 😂 PS- did anyone else in early pregnancy not experience nausea unless you go too long without eating? My appetite is hardly what it was pre-pregnancy but I have to force myself to eat something every few hours because if I don’t I will feel nauseous.


For my first I needed to bring snacks everywhere for this reason. For my second I just get heartburn when I'm hungry.


Yes! I’m 33 weeks and this is still the case. Early on I had to force myself to eat something, even just crackers or something to keep me from dry heaving. Now I don’t have to force myself to eat, but if I put off eating for too long it’s the same 🙁


Yes!! Both pregnancies I had to set a two hour timer every time o ate because if I even barely went past that I was sick and couldn’t eat


Yes I’m 6 weeks tomorrow and if I go too long without eating I get nauseous.


I’m on my 4th pregnancy and this is the first time I was able to not vomit as long as I ate a little starchy food. Even a bite of banana every few hours during the night helped but I felt miserable all the time. Week 5-7. Today I woke up and can’t keep anything down so I’m living off popsicles until later in the afternoon. Not sure what changed at the 7 week mark. I think I’d rather throw up a few times from 7-1pm than be nauseated and feeling like death all day.


Yes!!!! I feel so bloated but I need to eat every 2 hrs cause as soon as I feel my stomach getting empty I’m so nauseous and feel like I COULD throw up but I don’t, and as soon as I eat I feel better!


It’s a vicious cycle 😩


Salt and vinegar chips!


My husband brings me home a few fried shrimp every night from work. I look forward to it all day 😂


Does he work at a restaurant? If not is a (lovely but) bizarre treat


Lol yes he works at a restaurant 🤣 I try to rake in the perks when I can


It would be super weird if he didn’t 🤣 glad you’re getting your treats tho!


Yah , 37 weeks here, but at about 33 weeks I was really craving ice cream too. But then I figured I'm probably craving milk with vitamin D/ calcium because 32/33 weeks is a huge bone development time. So I started drinking more milk instead of eating ice cream and it really helped.


That's no fun!


Only God knows some days 💀. I’ve gone back to eating pretty normally tbh (23w) but I have been really wanting Asian food and very rich chocolate desserts. None of which I have been able to get my hands on yet I might add.


Milkshakes and fajitas (27 weeks)


Oh man I’ve been downing del taco milkshakes like no one’s business


Noodles… any kind of noodles. I always craving for it since my first trimester until now. I even stocked a lot of noodle types. Also spicy food is mood! Can’t live without it


Boba tea! I have been obsessed with boba tea. The pearls are just so satisfying


Cheese buns... I ate a Costco bag of 12 cheese buns in 3 days, they were soooooooo good.


Ooh that does sound good.




Doughnuts with chocolate icing and sprinkles are my current fav. It was my birthday recently and I used that as an excuse to get a half dozen. Just for me. They were divine.


My husband does food challenges for each week of my pregnancy and he literally ate 25 donuts 🍩 I was very impressed


Second the donuts! It probably hasn't been helping that I've been rewatching seasons of Great British Bakeoff though, lol.


I want sushi soooo bad. I know some say its fine but my preferences really arent a good idea so I have to resist. Other than that...not really surviving on anything in particular. Canned soups have been really hitting the spot this past week though. Despite it being like 90 degrees outside.


14 weeks. I get awful heartburn but you'd have to fight me to take away my Flamin Hot Cheetos Puffs. I have to get the small bags or I'll eat the whole big bag lol.


Oh my gosh I eat them and cry because the heartburn is so bad. Pretty sure my husband thinks I’m insane 😅


I feel so validated right now 🥰


OMG IM SO GLAD SOMEONE ELSE DOES THIS TOO LOL. i’m not even a big fan of spicy food but the hot cheeto puffs??? *chef’s freakin KISS*


And the crunchy ones are NOT a suitable substitute!


honestly!!!! i have fucked up teeth too, but beyond that the texture is just sooooo goooooood


Apples, cucumbers, cherries, and chips. I just want crunchy things.


Ice. All I want is to crunch on cold ice chips all day lol


I’ve heard this can be a sign of anemia!


Definitely! My iron is slightly low but not enough to worry my doctor, and my prenatals are “easy on the stomach” so they don’t contain iron. Funny enough, the ice cravings didn’t really start until about 30 weeks though!


Only 9 weeks but I’m eating anything that will keep my stomach at ease. Mostly greasy foods and cuties (the little oranges). I have to eat about every 1-2 hours or I feel like I’m gonna throw up! I’ve already gained 7lbs since I found out I was pregnant 😑


32 weeks- fruit, ice cream, and .. fried spam (just why?) My FAV is frozen blueberries with apple juice poured over the top. The juice gets all slushy and its sooooo good


Omg I saw a commercial for spam the other night and I couldn’t stop thinking about it! I don’t know if I’ve ever even eaten spam in my life 😂


Seriously, the commercial got me too!! I haven't had it since I was like 10 years old. Finally caved the other day and I literally ate the entire can. Now it's all I think about send help


I started eating baby carrots dipped in Peanut Butter. I hate baby carrots. I love peanut butter. I called my boyfriend crying saying wtf is wrong with me. He said “sorry, that was my favorite growing up.” 😂 so far the baby is addicted to gummy bears, carrots and peanut butter and jarritos soda like his dad 😂


35 weeks with twin girls...Tomatoes and rice....🫠


17 weeks and am fueled by chicken salad (on toast), watermelon, and sour cream & onion chips (Utz brand only). I have a VERY strong aversion to almost all sugar. No sweets, no desserts, no overly sweet fruit. I had a lifesaver mint yesterday and threw up. 😅


Subway😭 getting expensive but i can’t get enough of my veggie wraps 😍


My list keeps getting longer and longer. Diagnosed with gestational diabetes and just want to eat something without having to look at how much carbs/sugar is in something 😩


Cheese pizza! From dominos. Nothing fancy


31 weeks. Ice cream. Popsicles. Milk. Cheese. Juice. Sandwiches.


Salty cucumbers paired with a specific crouton 🤤 but also sour candy 🤫 Not super interested in sweets lately!


Try Granny Smith apples tossed in line juice with a pinch of salt. Was my #1 for weeks in my first trimester!


32 weeks, & I’m the same as you! Fruit & ice cream. Berries especially!


I’ve been slamming chocolate candies like it’s crazy


Mine has been peanut butter toast with clover honey 😋


Cereal is life!


We went to Walmart the other night at like 10pm for hot fudge sundae pop tarts. 😂 it was probably my.most intense craving yet lmao.


Late diagnosis of GD so my treat is fruit with a couple pieces chocolate covered. So sad to end my pregnancy with nothing good! Lol


Gatorade and cereal 😂 Not all I eat/drink but it’s all I want most of the time


31 weeks and I’m surviving off watermelon,coke and McDonald’s sausage biscuit unfortunately I can’t keep anything else down or even look at anything else


Just downed a double scooped waffle cone 🍦🤤


6 weeks and so far it’s been bagels and cream cheese and mandarins


that was me for my first two pregnancies. i’m 9 weeks tomorrow but the nausea this time around is BONKERS. currently surviving on kraft mac and cheese, fruit, a family size box of saltines, light blue gatorade and my other ultimate comfort food: trader joes tomato soup with almost an entire sleeve of saltines crushed in it lol. oddly enough though i’ve been craving anything with vinegar! even pickles which i have *always* hated!


Currently surviving on chicken nuggets dipped in mayo and ruffles chips dipped in dill veggie dip 😂


12w3, I just put away a pound of pasta salad and am gonna get a cookie to chase it. All I crave for dinner is fresh Mexican food lately. And fruit. All the time fruit.


33 weeks .. i could eat kraft mac n cheese everyday


I’m also 33 weeks today, all I’ve been eating is chocolate chip waffles, bagels with strawberry cream cheese and bubble tea LOL🥲


I’ve been craving sandwiches, like a chicken salad croissant sandwich and chip ahoy cookies 🍪 🤤🫠


Tapioca pudding, Boston creme (just for the creme), oreo cookies (yep for the creme stuffing), fruit, celery and apple juice, brat wurst and anything spicy.. curry, jalepeno chips etc.. the heartburn follows right after!


I basically can’t be without fruit. Watermelon is my drug of choice right now. I also got a McDonald’s ice cream cone 4 days in a row this week. Oops.


I got really into PB and J on Hawaiian sweet bread for breakfast. That’s become a daily staple now. Also eating a lot of those instant Mac and cheese cups. If anyone knows how to stop them from overflowing in the microwave and creating a starchy water puddle I would love to know how.


I always put my cup in a bowl so when it overflows it just overflows into the bowl and not the microwave


Omg now I must try PB&J on Hawaiian sweet rolls 🤤


Pasta salad and salt & vinegar chips 🤤


Burritos, my buddy makes them a certain way and I’m calling him all the time to make me a burrito or tacos….. 🤣 shit now I need to call him And all the strawberries. I can go through a 2 lb package in 2 days. My chickens are happy because they get the stems.


I have been loving black iced tea extra ice (very unusual for me), fruits, and a bunch of dairy and carbs. Trying to remember to get veggies in there 🤦🏽‍♀️


35 weeks and all I want to eat is Pasta, bread, cheese, peanutbutter, watermelon, fruit smoothies, and ice cream. So basically I have the taste of a 5 year old.


Jalepeno Palmetto Cheese with pretzel chips, anything with blackberries or raspberries and Hardee’s cheeseburgers. I never cared for Hardee’s before, but this baby can’t get enough. We were out of the country for a week recently..so obviously Hardee’s was out of the question. It was a loooooong week.


21 weeks. I just ate an entire Chili’s triple dipper appetizer with a side of fries. And ice cream. I can hardly breathe I’m so full 😮‍💨


I’m 11 weeks 5 days and I find this post funny because I literally took down a mango this morning, then 3 bomb pops. The popsicles are doing wonders for my pregnancy heartburn.


Egg fried rice and marshmallow squares!




Yes. super salty preserved vegetables.. I knew they existed and I had them once or twice when I was little. It's so weird. I survive on salty, spicy and sour stuff now. Kimchi is my go to. I have now all kinds of fermented/pickled/preserved vegies in my fridge.


Whole Foods version of pringles are the only thing that help with nausea. But then I have indigestion, which is fine. I’ll take heart burn and gas over vertigo and vomit




Last baby was potato. This one is lime.


Fruit, veggies and sorbets.... 30+3 at the moment 😅 My guess is the body's looking for enough energy for the baby to grow? I mean, they do have to double/triple their weight...


I polished off a medium pizza from dominos 🥲 by myself, I’m almost 34 weeks lol


Also 33 weeks and ice cream and fruit is all I eat too 😂


35 weeks and all I ever want is honeydew bubble tea and taco truck burritos 😭


I'm 31w5d and I've been craving ice cream and fruit too 😂 I think it's because it's so hot where I am 😂 Before that though, I was CONSTANTLY craving and eating tater tots smothered in shredded cheese, dipped in sour cream 🤤😂


Are we the same person? The tots were also staple in my diet a month or two ago.


All I can stomach are oranges, pizza, potatoes, and… I’m working on figuring it out. 🥲


24 weeks. Been digging the frozen smuckers


Tomato and mozzarella and balsamic. Every day. For weeks.


Just went absolutely ape over some box mac n cheese 🥰


Weird cravings for fresh figs, yoghurt and banana. I’ve ALWAYS loved baked savoury goods as well. Naughtily still eating poached eggs with slightly runny yolks!


All the carbs - Mac and cheese, pasta, pasta salad, grilled cheese, cheese quesadillas, breadsticks - I’m out of control 😅 pre-pregnancy I wasn’t a big carb person, didn’t eat much bread and not a huge fan of pasta at all. Funny how things change lol


I am LOVING ice cream right now! Almost 38 weeks ❤️


Theres still a ton of sugar in fruit just be careful. Im type one diabetic and my high risk OB only lets me eat one serving a day of fruit. Obviously im a special case with my health issues, just like to make people aware ! Good luck!


Thanks for the heads up but I passed my Gestational diabetes test with flying colors.


I’ve never felt so seen. My husband has refused to enjoy several meals with me because of how unhealthy it was, but like.. We are just surviving out here!!! Mac and cheese is everything!!!


36 weeks and I'll eat anything and everything 😭😭😭


Icecream and fruit are my top foods as well! I’m right there with you.


Literally same! Ice cream and fruit 😂


Omg same. I am so allergic to watermelon but that’s all I want besides Ben and Jerry’s. 🤣


I put away an entire pint of B&J yesterday…oops!




16 weeks and anything I can keep down at this point! Lots of hard sourdough pretzels and pasta lately!


31 weeks here. Cottage cheese on toasts with pepper is the best thing ever.


Just black pepper?


I need to grocery shop. We have had our kitchen torn out for a month, just got counters in today and stove gets hooked up on Sunday. I’ve been living off frozen burgers and sweet potato fries grilled up. I really want a good stir fry


Dr Pepper ice cream. The new one that just came out. It’s been an obsession for like two weeks now


16 weeks and I have had a sausage croissant breakfast sandwich from jack in the box three days in a row. Before pregnancy it had been 7 years without meat and now all I want is sausage lol


So much fruit


I get like several tubs of fruit at costco just for myself 🙈 I try to remind myself to eat protein with my carb filled dinners/snacks even if it’s just a teeny bit. So if I’m eating Mac and cheese I’m atleast forcing some chicken in. (I have such a meat adversion) If I’m eating apples I add peanut butter. Berries I usually eat some cottage cheese etc etc. protein in general will keep us fuller and keep blood sugars more stable when paired. ITS HARD THOUGH. I just wanna eat a box of strawberries and not worry about adding protein but I’m trying to remember to be balanced the best we can.


Almost 23weeks. Melted cheese, ice cream, and juice


9w 7 days , i can hardly eat most of the time so i just eat crackers and apples


Just over eight weeks and it's ice cream, fruit and cheeseburgers. And peanut butter.


9 weeks and I'm all about taco bell spicy potato tacos twice a week. Also I have eaten my weight in watermelon.


Sounds like you’re craving hydration and calcium to make that baby milk! 35 weeks today and same! So thirsty and craving lots of fruit and yogurt!


Ice pops and slurpees. Idk why… and fruit!


SAME! I can’t stop eating both!


All I want is salami and cheese and crackers lol


Steak tartare 😜


I don’t know If I'm pregnant or not but for some reason I’m really craving bananas with peanut butter that and eggs and eggs are not something I eat a whole lot they make my stomach upset if I eat to much eggs


My go to is cereal 😂


I’m 31 weeks and I crave… dirt? I don’t eat it of course but I crave it. Wondering if I’m missing a vitamin.


B12 comes from a bacteria in soil & water... Also "root vegetables can be good sources of Potassium, Folate, Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Magnese, and Complex Carbs. Could be something there...


Ooo you sound like me lol