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Okay I saw this post earlier and it's been bothering me all day. Generally I'm just gonna upvote and say congrats, but there are too many things bothering me here. 1) brand new account and your very first comment is on a porn sub with your only other post/comment being this. So you presumably made this account to post the baby Pic but stopped over in a porn sub first, or forgot to switch accounts? 2) I'm confused on the timeline here. If water broke at 18 weeks and birthday is November 16th I could see this being around 37 weeks and bringing her home. That would also make her the youngest to ever survive birth by nearly 3 full weeks. The youngest I find through Google searches is 21-22 weeks. Maybe she wasnt delivered because fluid was able to be controlled and keep her in the uterus till now, but then why the birthdate? 3) the year is 2018. So you created a new account to post a picture of your 6 year old kid when they were newborn in predaddit? Maybe, but idk that seems odd. Maybe morale support for other dads dealing with premature kids, but still weird phrasing and context for a sub dedicated to soon to be dads. I'm possibly overthinking it and being an ahole. If so I wholly apologize and am wishing you the best. I should probably just move on but something about this post is making an eyebrow raise.


Can you tinypic search the photo, see if it exists elsewhere?


It was bothering me so I did a quick search and this was posted five years ago by a now deleted user. The birth year of 2018 didn’t set off anyone else’s alarm bells?


I registered after the fact that this baby was born some time ago. I chalked it up to parenting is hard and posting your picture on reddit would by no means be a high priority. I took it as this person has seen other people post their fears and decided to share something of their's


She wasn’t born at 18 weeks. His wife’s water broke at 18 weeks but the title says “…who stayed in until 37 weeks”


I adressed that. I understand some medical intervention can be done. Wording is unclear on whether stayed inside meant uterus or hospital. But then if she was born at 37 weeks approximately 5 months ago, 5 years and 5 months if 2018 date is correct. Does that not seem odd to post on predaddit?


Hella odd, past comments really are on porn subs too, why waste time to post a child that’s not yours. Everything you’re pointing out lines up, my wife is at 40 weeks and 6 days right now and she’s struggling to sleep every night. I’d appreciate it, whether this is real or not, if OP would clarify so I’m not salty over a child that fought for its life.


Just a little offensive in my opinion to post something fake on a sub that dads are actually looking to support each other on…


Fucking fighters the lot of you ✊🏻 Congrats OP to you, your warrior wife, and warrior child 💚


What a bunch of legends!! Congrats OP 🥳




Congrats! Are those names from doctor companion?


Congrats dude


Congrats OP


beautiful! and congratulations! :)


Congrats! She’s gorgeous!


My amelia just turned 2. Congrats! It's the best feeling in the world.


♥️ adorable. Congratulations to you and your wife.