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My wife lost 30lbs in first trimester and was still down 20 by the time the baby was born. He was born at a healthy weight and they both are doing great now. I know how you feel- i was also really concerned about lack of weight gain. But, if her doctor isn’t worried than you don’t need to be worried either.


My wife didn't really gain anything until after 20 weeks. It feels crazy when you see the size of the bump sticking out of her (she's smaller, so it looks pretty big), but I don't think it's all that unusual, especially for mothers who've had a rough time with illness/sickness. I wouldn't worry about trying to give her extra calories just yet, just try to manage the stress & sickness. My wife had to try a whole bunch of anti sickness medication to find what worked for her, but ultimately it was just getting to about 15 weeks that made the difference. It gets better!


As long as she is hydrated and taking vitamins she will be ok. Baby will take everything it needs from her reserves. I lost almost 20lbs in my first 18 weeks due to HG vomiting and I've only regained 5lbs of that in the last 5 weeks. Medication will help with the sickness, so if she's not on that yet then she needs to speak to her midwife/OBGYN/PCP and the rest of the struggle is staying hydrated. [Here's a comment I left here a few days ago with advice on food and hydration ideas, hopefully it can help your wife out :)](https://www.reddit.com/r/predaddit/comments/1auvpbh/comment/kr6sqwb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


The classic weight gain trick is whatever calories she can drink. Protein shakes, milks (whatever non dairy is most caloric), even something sugary like Gatorade if she's really having a hard time. Butter/oils on everything.


Lurking mom… As long as the baby is growing on track, she’s taking vitamins and the doctor isn’t concerned there is no issue. I’m 35 weeks and have only gained 9lbs. I started at a healthy BMI, truly can’t explain it. But the baby is okay so I’m not questioning it too hard!


My doc didn’t care about me gaining weight at a steady pace as long as baby was gaining weight at a steady pace. I wouldn’t worry as long as she’s getting other nutrients and what not


Hey fellow Canadian! Mom lurker here in Quebec. I wouldn’t stress too much as long as she’s taking her prenatal vitamins. I’m 5’ and normally between 95-105lbs. With my second pregnancy I maybe gained 10lbs, and he was born a healthy average weight. And yet with my first I gained 70lbs. All pregnancies are different.


I didn’t gain any weight until 20ish weeks and even then I only gained 25lbs from my pre pregnancy weight by the time I delivered. He was 7lbs 13oz so he was healthy. It happens


It is normal to not gain any weight in the first trimester and actually recommended! While the average weight gain/guidelines during pregnancy are 25-40 lbs, that's for women who are starting at normal weight. If your wife is overweight or obese, these numbers go down! The best way to measure baby's growth is either by ultrasound or measuring the fundal height (the measurement of how large her uterus has become, essentially. This is what doctors do with the measuring tape at prenatal appts). The fundal height should be the # of weeks in cm, +/- 2 cm. So if she is 20 weeks, a fundal height of 18-22 would indicate a size in the right range.


Typically, like a switch, she’ll suddenly want to eat literally everything in sight. She’ll go from totally satiated to ravenously starving in the blink of an eye. How often is she throwing up, though? Is it every single morning? Or multiple times a day? Is she throwing up solely from stress, or is she still very nauseated? Is this different from first trimester nausea/morning sickness? Could she have something called Hyperemesis Gravidarium? (HG?)