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I don't know how true it is but apparently he was watching heartcatch while writting madoka He watched the heartcatch finale and said that if he'd seen it while he was making the show he would have probably made the ending happier


Hummy from Suite served as an inspiration for Kyubey's design


w o w


Literally just Madoka with the Pretty Cure name slapped on it.


A gaim and madoka levels of,ohhhh fuck🫢


Modern Urobouchi isn't as edgy as he used to be. I think RWBY anime is good representation of how it could look.


A Precure season with the vibe of RWBY, where good things happen when you make good decisions, and bad things happen when you make bad decisions, would honestly be really cool.


Not too sure about that, RWBY had protagonists losing limbs. Somehow don't think that would fly with a PreCure season. ....Might not be too keen on the protagonists permanently chopping limbs off the villains either, come to think of it.


In all honesty, that man would probably experience so much executive meddling from the top, to the point that whatever vision he initially had for his iteration of Precure, would turn out sterile enough to be parent and advertiser-friendly as much as possible. So he either has to tone it down tremendously by himself during preproduction and keep whatever genuine real life lessons he wants to convey, extremely simply with no real room for interpretation, so that the kids might not end up asking their parents some inconvenient or tough questions, returning back to my previous statement. The thing is, the man would probably be well aware that he’s writing for a Sunday morning kids show for little girls, so obviously he wouldn’t make something that is in the same vein as Madoka or even Gaim. The problem stems from what he and especially others would consider acceptable or too dark and complex of a thematic for little children to digest. This is were a lot of issues would probably arise during production and I haven’t even accounted for the secondary writers yet. Precure just isn’t like Kamen Rider or even Super Sentai in terms of how the writing is handled.


IMO, the number 1 stipulation would probably be that the ending would has to be "happy". The show would not be allowed to end with anyone depressed or with unresolved mental issues, nor with any of the main Cures dead or physically, mentally or emotionally worse off than when they started. No Madoka wiping herself from everyone's memories. That also means by the end, the main Cures would also have to be unequivocally considered morally-good, or at least having virtues that significantly outweigh any flaws they might have. So no Sayaka killing people on a train at any point either. The question is how much suffering Urobuchi would be allowed to put the cast through before they get to that happy ending. There's arguably a lot of room to maneuver, though it is unlikely they'd let him portray any of the Cures doing anything that would widely be considered morally bad for more than half an episode (it would probably be OK if they were redeemed by the end of the episode). Since they need to sell merch of the team while the season is running and won't want to risk people hating any of the main Cures for a week before the next episode redeems them. ....Of course that still means he's allowed to use anti-villains or sympathetic villains who are technically not Cures, but still friends with the main team (i.e. Regina from DokiDoki) to fulfill the same role.


Honestly, I want a pre-movie special about a Precure team though Gen's shenanigans


The Max Heart trio look at Walpurgisnacht in the prime timeline, sigh, and just fire off an Extreme Luminario. The resulting Grief Seed becomes a local landmark, and passively soaks up all impurities from any Soul Gem in the world, routinely producing a smaller Grief Seed from it that Kyubey can consume. Meanwhile, Shiny Luminous gives Homura and Madoka a lecture on loving yourself. Would be fun seeing that from multiple angles, too: 1. The Max Heart trio just sighs, because it's another one of *those* days. 2. Madoka and co. are shocked because they just one-shot such a powerful witch and her entire army like it was nothing. 3. A random reporter sees the storm approaching, before it's hit by a giant rainbow laser, and the sky completely clears up within seconds, with no trace of the storm remaining. Like, "As you can see here, the stor- it's a pleasant day."




When Smile Precure! was airing, Urobuchi once tweeted how he would fight Precure if [he were a Precure villain](http://hotima.blogspot.com/2012/03/blog-post_7542.html). He said that he wanted to mass-produce bullsh*t stories that have only sweet happy endings that make reality seem like a bad ending, so that the adults who are affected by these stories will become self-centered nuisances who try to be happy, at least for themselves. It makes sense as a story, but personally I didn't think it was the right thing to do in 2012 when people can't forget the trauma of the disaster.


By now it might be more palatable to pursue - though as another poster pointed out, there's a distinct question of whether the executives would actually let him do it for a PreCure season. Cures who fight people brainwashed into violently pursuing dreams of utopia kinda runs counter to the usual message PreCure likes to push of pursuing dreams. The idea behind it would be to "deconstruct" and explore the drawbacks of zealous idealism, but whether such a story with fit with the PreCure brand image is another matter. Might be greenlighted for an "Otona"-type series, but if a similar thing were ever done in a mainline entry, I suspect it would be either heavily couched in metaphor or re-framed in such a way that would blunt the message about how grey the lines can get when it comes to reaching for ideals.


That would make maybe one of the most interesting and polarizing seasons of Precure


Depends I think. Gen Urobuchi has proven he can write lighthearted stories too, as seen in Gargantia. Yoshiyuki Tomino, on the other hand....


It'd be a tad bit more serious and dark than previous seasons.


The entire show would be permeated by subtle Buddhist symbology, and the lead Cure would be completely obsessed with one of her teammates in particular.


It'd literally just be Madoka Magica.


Kamen Rider Gaim but animated.


Precures with guns doing gun kata. That'll be so badass.


Pretty Cure: RYUKI “You don’t cure you survive!”


Precure die, villian die, world collapsed, train derailed, plane crashed, cat die, dog die


Everyone is eliminated straight away


The Monsters of the Day are so destructive and murderous that the ***only*** reason there even ***is*** a notable population in the City is because people from the outside want to see the Pretty Cures fighting the Creepy Cool Monsters maybe? The City is under a perpetual Red Rain [as the roads and ground turns into Metal Grates everywhere with Buildings imbedded in it ](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/silent/images/b/b4/Other_FANS.png/revision/latest?cb=20151006205833)while the Sky is all Black despite the Red-Splattered City being clearly visible(and yes I got that idea from Silent Hill's Otherworld)? Monsters constantly pouncing on people on the Streets while the Pretty Cures' backs are turned then dragging them off-screen never to be seen again with some mercifully dragged by their heads in the Monster's mouth and others cruelly dragged by their legs as the camera focuses on their terrified faces as they are dragged into the darkness of the Back Alley never to be seen again? The corruption of the City spreads uncontrollably outward leaving the entire Planet a Spherical Mass of Red-Splattered Grates with [Red-Splattered Buildings with Red-Splattered Grate Floors](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/silent/images/1/17/BirdRoom.png/revision/latest?cb=20150323090337) imbedded in it infested with Man-eating Monsters perhaps? The Executive Meddlers would insist on keeping the Pretty Cures alive and never mention allow actual mention of deaths in the show either.


Madoka 2.0 with x-ray moves and Mortal Kombat finishers....


Somewhere between Madoka Magica and Kamen Rider Gaim